
Google、EA Sport 與 Adidas 合作開發「Jacquard」智慧運動服

科技巨頭Google, 遊戲廠商EA Sports和ADIDAS的足球部門正在秘密籌畫合作中!

還記得之前Google與Levi's合作過的智慧夾克,或是與Yves Saint Laurent合作開發的智慧背包。這次也將與這款觸摸感應布料有關,由 Google 高級技術項目(ATAP)skunkworks 小組所開發的提花布紡織植入技術材料將觸控感應整合到服飾中,加上「Jacquard」藍牙模組,將其連接到手機上,讓你可以透過觸摸衣服來控制像是音樂播放、使電話靜音等操作。

在預告Twitter推文中的簡短GIF中,ADIDAS、FIFA Mobile和Jacquard的LOGO均與“「Play Connected」標語一起出現,讓人好奇如果使用者在踢足球時穿著這款服裝,說不定會以某種方式與 FIFA Mobile 在虛擬中連動,從而在遊戲中提供使用者更棒的虛擬體驗。

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Google is teaming up with Adidas and EA for a new Jacquard product

Google, EA Sports’ FIFA Mobile brand, and Adidas’ soccer arm are teasing some kind of collaboration involving Google’s touch-sensitive fabric, which is made under the Jacquard name (via 9to5Google).

In the short GIF in the teaser tweet, the Adidas, FIFA Mobile, and Jacquard logos all appear along with a “Play Connected” tagline and March 10th, which is presumably when more details about the new collaboration will be announced.

Jacquard, which is made out of Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) skunkworks group, incorporates touch-sensitive fabric into clothes and accessories. That fabric is linked to a tiny computer that can connect to your phone, and you can touch the fabric to do things like control music and silence your phone.

Right now, Jacquard is only available on certain Levi’s jackets and a Yves Saint Laurent backpack, but this new teaser suggests the announcement of the first athletic apparel that incorporates the Jacquard technology. Perhaps the apparel will connect to FIFA Mobile in some way to give users an in-game bonus if they wear it while playing soccer or while exercising.

Original Article: The Verge

