ACOTEX Fabric & Garment (ACOTEX) 成立於1989年,以防水透濕機能性布料塗布、貼合等技術的創新研發與布料檢驗技術在台灣布料產業佔有一席之地。並與台灣多家紡織印染家工業企業、出口貿易公司和服裝製造商擁有良好的合作與技術交互配合下,分別開發出 ACOTEX® Shelter 和 ACODRY® Skin 機能性布料技術,以符合現代戶外運動愛好者對於不同層面的需求。
在2008年之後 ACOTEX 開始佈局運動成衣製造市場,在南台灣與中國相繼設立成衣生產據點,產品主要以針織四面拉伸高彈性和四針六線車縫技術為主,如緊身衣、緊身褲、壓縮衣等彈性運動服飾,符合瑜珈、健身、跑步和高爾夫等各種不同運動項目。ACOTEX Garment 以追求高品質成衣製作工藝,搭配高科技機能布料,幫助客戶追求高質感的品牌形象。
Founded in 1989, ACOTEX Fabric & Garment (ACOTEX) is a privately-held Taiwan based company specializes in waterproof and breathable fabrics. For more than 20 years, ACOTEX has served a variety of markets in Asia-pacific, Europe and South America. Our team works closely with customers to better understand their challenges and provide better solutions.
After the year of 2008, ACOTEX start to establish garment factories in south Taiwan and China. Focusing on baselayer and compression for yoga, running cross-fit, and golf, ACOTEX is using the knowledge in functional advanced fabric technology with high quality workmanship and high-tech 6-thread flatlock technique , to meet all the requirements needed for producing high quality activewears.
At ACOTEX, we work with passion and perseverance. We believe our success is a result from the values of our strong relationship with customers which ensures that customers profit optimally of the service we provide. We are dedicated to offer a flexible choice of products to fulfill all the needs for our customers for the best satisfaction experience, and we wish to bring this to a global range.