ACOTEX® Fabrics 機能性布料集結了持久防水、防風和高度透溼透氣的完美組合。因應各種活動環境,開發出了多種 ACOTEX® Fabrics機能性布料,不論是滑雪、登山或是水上活動,都能符合穿著者的需求。您知道哪一種 ACOTEX® Fabrics最適合您嗎?

 ACOTEX® Fabrics are durably waterproof and windproof combined with optimized breathability. Different ACOTEX® Fabrics are developed and especially ideal for various activities like skiing, mountaineering or water-sports. Which ACOTEX® is for you?

ACOTEX® Fabrics 機能性布料列表:

  ACODRY® 系列機能性紡織布料是屬於持久吸濕排汗、透氣,加上輕薄、柔軟、舒適的質地的完美組合。ACODRY® 系列的特殊設計,讓運動員不管是在進行比賽、訓練、健身或是戶外活動時,都能持續感受到乾爽、舒適、輕盈。

 ACODRY® Skin Series are technically advanced textile with durably fast moisture wicking technology and exceptional breathability combining light weight, softness and comfort. ACODRY® Skin Series are developed to keep athletes cool, dry and light throughout the course of a game, practice, workout or outdoor activity.

ACO-DRY™ Fabrics 機能性布料列表:

