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Google X Levi's聯名智慧牛仔衣 |
Google X Levi's聯名智慧牛仔衣確定秋天上市
以「高科技」形象深植人心的全球搜尋引擎龍頭《谷歌》(Google),和牛仔褲經典品牌Levi's,這兩個讓人完全無法聯想再一起的品牌,即將像傳說中的「瀨尿牛丸」一樣,創造出一件非常得體的聯名作品。事實上,Google早在2016年的I/O Conference中,就宣佈將與Levi's合作,以Project Jacquard為名,開發一件能控制到智慧手機的「智慧牛仔衣」,並在2017年面世。果然Google與Levi's沒有食言,稍早宣佈這件智慧牛仔衣將在今年秋天上市,並且有完整的男、女裝剪裁,每件定價350美元(約台幣10842元),和其設計原型Levi's Commuter Truck Jacket的定價148美元(約台幣4584元)相比,貴了一倍不止。
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Google and Levi’s $350 smart jacket lets you control your phone with your sleeve
Wearable technology is set for its most literal incarnation with a new partnership between Google and clothing line Levi's.From this fall, technology lovers will quite literally be able to wear their hearts on their sleeves, donning a new smart jacket which allows them to control their mobile device at the swipe of a cuff.
Users will be able to skip songs, use Google maps and make phone calls by brushing their sleeve.
The denim jacket, which will retail at $350, is the first of its kind and makes use of 'Project Jacquard' technology, which has been under development by Google since 2015.
The technology combines thin, metallic alloys with natural and synthetic yarns to create touch-sensitive interactive fabrics.
These conductive yarns can then be connected to a tiny circuit, no larger than a button, creating data which can be wirelessly transmitted to mobile phones and other electronic devices.
The smart fibres are washable and the button circuit has a two-day battery life.
According to the Project Jacquard website, the technology can be incorporated into a variety of fabrics, suggesting further wearable technologies could be on the horizon should the smart jacket be well-received by consumers.
"Jacquard is a blank canvas for the fashion industry. Designers can use it as they would any fabric, adding new layers of functionality to their designs, without having to learn about electronics.
"Developers will be able to connect existing apps and services to Jacquard-enabled clothes and create new features specifically for the platform."
Original Article: CNBC