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100% Softwood 布料 |
Spinnova的執行長兼聯合創辦人Janne Poranen說道「我們的用水量極少!」,Janne Poranen是Fast Company 2019年實驗類世界變革思想獎的得獎者(2019 World Changing Ideas Award)。該新創公司計算出這種生產方式耗費的水資源遠要比棉花少99%以上,主要是因為它使用的樹木在生長時不需特別灌溉。該過程也不需使用有害化學物質。
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This tech can make fabric from old clothing, agricultural waste–and even trees
Your future T-shirts might be made from potato peels, wheat straw, trees, or even former T-shirts instead of virgin cotton. In Finland, a startup has developed new technology that can transform cellulosic fiber into fiber for the textile industry–without the environmental challenges of older materials.
Spinnova, based in Jyväskylä, Finland, finished building a pilot factory in late 2018. Inside, patented machines grind up wood pulp and agricultural waste into tiny fibers that can be spun into wool and then made into fabric for clothing. The process has advantages over cotton, which requires large amounts of water to grow–often in water-stressed regions–and also uses large amounts of pesticides.
“Our water usage is minimal,” says Janne Poranen, CEO and cofounder of Spinnova, the winner of Fast Company’s 2019 World Changing Ideas Award in the Experimental category. The startup has calculated that it uses more than 99% less water than cotton, largely because it’s using trees that don’t need irrigation as they grow. The process also doesn’t use harmful chemicals. Unlike some other materials that can be made from trees, such as viscose, it doesn’t use chemicals to break down tough fibers. The process is mechanical. “We’re able to produce continuous filament, which is basically all-natural,” says Poranen. “That is unique.” The material also avoids the problems of synthetic fabrics like polyester, which are typically made from fossil fuels and can contribute to plastic waste in the ocean when tiny fibers break off of clothing in washing machines and flow down drains into waterways.
Original Article: Fast Company