ACOTEX® Pro 布料不但具有持久防水、透氣功能,同時增加了柔軟度和靈活度。不論是滑雪、登山、攀岩或探險,當需要進行敏捷迅速的活動時,ACOTEX® Pro 產品不會有厚重材質束縛的阻礙,大大提升了穿著者的靈活度,可以將表現發揮到最好。當您準備要激發出最佳的表現時,拋開那笨重的外套,帶上一件 ACOTEX® Pro 讓您超越巔峰,創造佳績。
ACOTEX® Pro is developed to be expandable and suitable for activities which stretch and flexibility are needed the most. ACOTEX® Pro products maximize protection against all the worst weather conditions and delivers abrasion resistance, comfort and stretch for wearers to enhance outdoor activities experiences.
ACOTEX® Pro is developed to be expandable and suitable for activities which stretch and flexibility are needed the most. ACOTEX® Pro products maximize protection against all the worst weather conditions and delivers abrasion resistance, comfort and stretch for wearers to enhance outdoor activities experiences.