ACOTEX® Lite 極輕巧及易於攜帶的布料,讓您無須再為了空間的不足而傷腦筋。ACOTEX® Lite 布料就如同羽毛般輕巧且容易壓縮,減輕了約15%的重量,並增加了30%的可壓縮性,讓您能更方便收納於小空間。ACOTEX® Lite 保護層表面採用了防油污薄膜保護層,所以可以不另加內裡布,2-layer的設計因而減輕重量,令衣服更加小巧輕盈,同時兼具其防水及防風的特性。相比其他 ACOTEX® 系列的產品更容易攜帶,在需要減輕背包重量及空間的活動時發揮最大的用途。
ACOTEX® Lite shells are especially lighter shells and smaller to pack away. ACOTEX® Lite products are designed for activities when weight and space are critical, but protection and comfort are still important. ACOTEX® Lite shells use an innovative membrane with a protective layer made of an oil-hating substance. So no separate lining is required. This makes ACOTEX® Lite products approximately 15% lighter and 30% more compressible. The lightest and most packable outerwear, still providing durably waterproof with breathable and windproof protection.
ACOTEX® Lite shells are especially lighter shells and smaller to pack away. ACOTEX® Lite products are designed for activities when weight and space are critical, but protection and comfort are still important. ACOTEX® Lite shells use an innovative membrane with a protective layer made of an oil-hating substance. So no separate lining is required. This makes ACOTEX® Lite products approximately 15% lighter and 30% more compressible. The lightest and most packable outerwear, still providing durably waterproof with breathable and windproof protection.