


該生產模型機器人稱為Kindred Sort,據說已在田納西州Gap倉庫的試行計畫中開始運作,並計劃擴大機器人隊伍,以協助零售商打造完整的自動生產線。



已成立三年的Kindred在試行計畫上取得了一些進展,近期中國大陸媒體及網路巨擘騰訊更對其投資2,800萬美元,目前Kindred共募集了4,400萬美元的投資總額。先前的參與投資的Eclipse Ventures與First Round Capital亦參與了新一輪的投資。


Eclipse Ventures合作夥伴Pierre Lamond表示:「說到展示公司獨特的AI方法時,Kindred Sort只是個開始。他們的技術正助力新機器人的學習,遠遠超過傳統工業機器人所能及。這些智慧機器人能彌補人力工作者的不足,以滿足現代電子商務物流中心更高的效率、靈活性及產出需求」。

Gap盼藉由Kindred Sort緩解零售業及物流業面臨的巨大壓力,包括:明顯的線上銷售成長、勞動力短缺,以及先進技術的不足。

Kindred共同創辦人暨產品負責人George Babu補充道:「儘管工業機器人在現代製造設施的控制環境中具有準確性和精確性,但卻無法良好適應較不受控制的環境;在這些環境中,物品是可以隨機放置或幾乎是不同的尺寸、形狀與重量。Kindred Sort利用我們先進的人工智慧(AI)並應用於物理系統,加上我們以獨特方式讓機器人具有人工智慧,這可以協助解決現代物流中心所面臨的能力問題」。

新的試行計畫及投資突顯出Amazon與Target等公司使用機器人進行庫存與追蹤管理的意圖。2012年,Amazon投資7.75億美元收購機器人製造商Kiva Systems,部分分析師認為,這是汽車與工業以外領域的企業採用機器人的轉折點。

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Kindred Robots Are Learning to Grab and Sort Clothing in a Warehouse for the Gap

Next time you shop online for jeans or T-shirts from the Gap, you may have artificial intelligence to thank when the correct items arrive on your doorstep. Kindred AI, one of our 50 Smartest Companies of 2017, has been testing Kindred Sort, its first production model robot, for the past six weeks at a warehouse as part of a new collaboration with the clothing company.

By pairing AI with remote human operators, the Kindred trial is using the operators’ skills to further train the machines, while also allowing  a small team of people to run operations around the world. For the Gap partnership, six human pilots located in Toronto are assisting robots based in Tennessee.

Kindred has made a pivot since we talked to cofounder and CEO Geordie Rose in March, removing the virtual-reality component from the human controller’s arsenal. Instead, the human members of the team are using a 3-D mouse paired with a standard keyboard to perform tasks that are currently too cumbersome for the robot to perform alone.

In this case, that task is grasping clothing, shoes, and accessories of varying shapes in the company’s warehouse. The robots are using deep learning and reinforcement learning to figure out how much pressure they should use when grasping and how best to grab the various items in inventory.

Kindred is charging Gap for the partnership, but not for the individual machines. Instead, the fee is for the robots’ time. As George Babu, Kindred’s chief product officer, told The Verge, “It’s pay-per-intelligent action. We’re not selling the robots, and it’s not a monthly lease either. We’re trying to create the AI, so we price the use of the AI, and the hardware price is baked into that.”

Original Article: MIT Technology Review

