- 先將深淺色衣物分開裝入適當尺寸洗衣袋,等洗衣粉(精)完全溶於水中後,分別放入洗衣機洗滌,防止染色、褪色或變形。
- 視衣物汙穢程度浸泡15分至30分鐘。但切勿浸泡過久,以免纖維回收污水,反而更不易洗淨。
- 一般純棉衣物盡量選用低轉速;另外,可拆洗的棉質椅套最好同一組椅套一起清洗,避免產生色差。
- 有使用漂白劑之純棉衣物,必須確保在洗滌時漂白劑有完全沖淨,以免變黃。
- 可添加柔軟劑,使衣物觸感更柔軟。
- 應避免高速脫水或用力扭絞,並在洗濯後盡快抖鬆拉平,晾曬於通風處。
- 花色衣物應內面外翻,避免直接曝曬於烈日下,以免褪色。
- 領子、肩袖、衣襟及褲腳部位須拉平並平放或掛在衣架上,避免發皺。
- 如果需要立即烘乾時,洗衣機脫水後不可直接熱烘,要待衣物已自然乾七、八成,才可放入烘乾機,並以低溫烘乾,避免縮水變形。
- 使用烘乾機烘衣時,可用除靜電紙以防靜電,烘乾末段冷風冷卻後取出衣物。
- 有上過柔軟劑的衣物,在烘乾過程,會產生化學異味,因此避免在密閉空間熱烘太久(約20至30分鐘即可),如果需要長時間烘乾,記得將窗戶打開通風。
How to care for Cotton Clothes

Care Instructions for Cotton Clothes:
- Hand wash your cotton clothes. For most busy people, hand washing seems not an option, but the best way to prevent cotton shrinkage is hand washing.
- Pre-treat stains on your cotton clothing before washing. Most common stains, such as sweat, coffee and oil, will respond to a laundry detergent. Rinse or soak protein stains, such as blood, in cold water before pre-treating.
- Turn colored clothes and inside out to reduce fading.
- Wash cotton clothes with like colors in cold water with a laundry detergent. Whether it be in a machine or by hand, always wash cotton in cold water. It is easier both on the shrinkage and the cloth overall.
- Give your clothes a stretch when the come out of the wash. This will counter any shrinkage while the clothes are still pliable.
- Avoid drying cotton clothes completely. Cotton fabric not only wrinkles but also shrinks when left in the dryer for an extended period or heated temperature. Remove cotton clothes from the dryer when they are slightly damp, or just simply hang them to air dry.
- Cotton clothes can be iron with high heat, but turn your clothes inside out before doing it. Do not iron one place on the cotton fabric for more than a few seconds.
- To prevent cotton shirts and pants wrinkles, line dry your clothes. The heat and rapid drying of an electric or gas clothes drier might be convenient, but it also has a very big chance to shrink your cotton clothing.
編排整理 Edited: ACOTEX Fabric Talks 布料指南