ACOTEX® Extreme
ACOTEX® Extreme 擁有最高水準的持久性防水、防風、透氣表現,特別針對最嚴峻的戶外活動而設計,給您最周詳的保護。適合專業極地探險及熱愛戶外活動的人士,如身處零下、長途馬拉松賽跑,或需要數天的極地考察團。ACOTEX® Extreme 產品給予這些專業運動員最舒適、透氣、持久防水防風的保護,並在最艱難惡劣的環境仍能維持高水準的功能和表現,幫助他們邁向巔峰。一件高機能的外套可能是發揮完美表現的關鍵。
The most abrasion resistance, most breathable and most waterproof fabric, ACOTEX® Extreme are built for extreme and extended outdoor activities garments. Ideal for skiing, snowboarding, fishing, watersports, hunting, climbing, motorcycling, mountaineering, 3-Layer ACOTEX® Extreme products meet all the demands of professional outdoor activities and serious enthusiasts. With 2-Layer, 2.5-Layer and 3-Layer construction options, a special high performance membrane, bonded together to a tough outer material, resulting an extremely rugged and durable laminate that provides longer life under extreme, tough conditions.
The most abrasion resistance, most breathable and most waterproof fabric, ACOTEX® Extreme are built for extreme and extended outdoor activities garments. Ideal for skiing, snowboarding, fishing, watersports, hunting, climbing, motorcycling, mountaineering, 3-Layer ACOTEX® Extreme products meet all the demands of professional outdoor activities and serious enthusiasts. With 2-Layer, 2.5-Layer and 3-Layer construction options, a special high performance membrane, bonded together to a tough outer material, resulting an extremely rugged and durable laminate that provides longer life under extreme, tough conditions.