紫外線 (Ultraviolet Radiation,UVR),也可簡稱UV。紫外線對於人體才會有殺傷力,所以防曬最大的敵人就是紫外線。所以單就顏色分類而言,白色只能反射可見光,卻無法有效遮蔽紫外線。比起淺色或是粉色系的顏色,深色最能有效吸收紫外線,所以預防紫外線的效果是最好的。而除了深色之外,越鮮豔的顏色也越能吸收紫外線,如鮮紅色等。這是因為紅色等鮮豔顏色的光波較長,可大量吸收日光中的紫外線,而其他顏色就相對較弱,所以夏天穿鮮紅色衣服能阻止紫外線,防止皮膚被曬傷。
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編排整理 Edited by: ACOTEX®服裝布料知識網
What is Sun-Safe color for clothing?
What’s the best way to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays (UVR), given that we need to work, travel, and sometimes play outside? Clothing is the most basic and generally the best means of sun protection. Not all clothing is equal, however, and some of it isn’t actually very good at protecting us. So, what makes a piece of clothing sun-safe?
Color Comparisons
Most of our clothing is dyed attractive or functional colors. Many dyes absorb UV, which helps reduce exposure. Darker colors tend to absorb more UV than lighter colors, including whites and pastels, but bright colors such as red can also substantially absorb UV rays. The more vivid the color, the greater the protection; a bright yellow shirt is more protective than a pale one. But even a pale fabric can offer good protection if the weave, material, weight, etc. are effective at keeping out UV. And many white fabrics have “optical whitening agents,” chemical compounds that strongly absorb UVR, especially UVA.
Fabric Factors
Of course, you can have clothing over every square inch of your body, but if the sun goes right through it, it’s not much use. Fabrics are made of tiny fibers woven or knitted together. Under a microscope, we can see lots of spaces between the fibers; UV can pass directly through these holes to reach the skin. The tighter the knit or weave, the smaller the holes and the less UV can get through. Twill, used to make tweeds or denim, is an example of a tightly woven fabric. Open weave fabrics provide much less protection.
Fabrics can be made from many types of fibers, including cotton, wool, and nylon. Most fibers naturally absorb some UV radiation, and some have elastic threads that pull the fibers tightly together, reducing the spaces between the holes. Synthetic fibers such as polyester, lycra, nylon, and acrylic are more protective than bleached cottons, and shiny or lustrous semi-synthetic fabrics like rayon reflect more UV than do matte ones, such as linen, which tend to absorb rather than reflect UV. Finally, consider the fabric’s weight and density — light, sheer silk gauze will provide far less UV protection than heavy cotton denim.
Source: Skin Caner Foundation