
Altra IQ智慧鞋可提供即時的跑步狀態分析


名為Altra IQ 智慧跑鞋搭載iFit配有一個極其微薄的多重傳感器,內置於每隻鞋的中底延伸至整隻鞋,用以追踪一系列跑步的資料,如足部觸擊區。該項技術不會影響足部的感覺,並且被設計成隱形的,跑步時完全感覺不到。

Altra IQ鞋會將數據傳送到iFit應用程式或使用低功耗(BLE)技術藍芽的iFit追蹤腕錶,以提供了個人跑步的分析和即時指導。

Altra的銷售副總裁、聯合創辦人以及超跑選手 Brian Beckstead 表示:「長久以來,”多遠?””多快?”用來分析跑步的指標。Altra IQ收集整個跑步過程的生物力學的資料。例如,在跑步過程中,你將會立即學習,如果你是側重在一隻腳上,這很容易導致你膝蓋疼痛。然後從你的跑步方式來收集個人數據,Altra IQ會針對個人每次的跑步提供建議,就像一個教練。以改善你跑步的整個狀況”。

Altra的創始人Golden Harper補充說,”許多跑步傷害是可以透過有效率的學習、低影響性的跑步的形式而加以預防。 然而,對自己的跑步做分析是真的很困難。這款鞋的目的是幫助新手運動員在跑步時避免因為技術不佳而受傷,也幫助有經驗的跑步者更有效率”。

iFit腕表和iFit app螢幕將會顯示收集到的各種指數。可以透過智慧型手機以聲音或是視覺方式提供改善跑步而做的個別建議,手機與iFit GPS手錶,則會單獨出售。

跑者在跑步過程中不需要另外攜帶手機或是腕表也可以收集數據 – 跑鞋實際上就可以儲存資料。一個由跑步專家、教練和運動生理學家組成的專責團隊會分析數據並回饋意見。

Harper 表示,市場上一些設備也可以檢測這些指標數據,但是卻不會給選手建議,像是:”你跨步太大。盡量把你的胳膊向後伸展,而不是讓他們向前盪過去你的臀部”。 Altra IQ 智慧鞋就是一個教練,會觀察跑步的形式,分析並提出實時改正,以幫助跑者修改跑步的方式“。


此外Under Armour公司還推出了據稱是首款最尖端的智慧鞋,能追踪和存儲數據,作為Connected Fitness的產品組合之一。


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Altra IQ smart shoes give you feedback, tips to improve your running form

This running shoe and smartphone app combo hopes to become your virtual running coach.

A traditional fitness tracker will keep track of all sorts of things—how many steps you've taken in a given day, how far you've walked or ran, your heart rate, and so on. With the Altra IQ, Altra Running and iFit want to go beyond general fitness metrics and provide more specific information to runners.

The Altra IQ is a pair of Bluetooth-equipped running shoes with sensors embedded in the soles to track all sorts of metrics specific to running. The Altra IQ will keep tabs on your running distance, pace, time, and splits, but that's not all. These "smart shoes" will also track your running cadence, how long your foot touches the ground on each stride, whether you favor one foot over the other, and which part of your foot hits the ground as you step.

A companion smartphone app analyzes the sensor data and provides feedback and suggestions along the way to help you become a better runner. It'll give you this feedback in real-time, too, so you can make adjustments during your run.

The sensors can hold up to rain and puddles, according to Altra IQ's makers, and are powered by a lightweight battery pack powered by commonly available "coin" batteries. Also, you don't have to bring your phone with you to record your data: The shoes will store the information they collected until you're ready for it.

The Altra IQ shoes will be available this spring through Altra's website and select retailers, and cost around $200.

Original Article: PC World

