


Manz集團執行長暨創辦人Dieter Manz表示:「我們『新興業務』創新實驗室的工程師為這項技術完成了前端的開發工作。而列為我們最優先的開發順序是協助我們的客戶能在地生產及生產彈性化。我很高興Manz能與adidas合作,提供他們生產製程中所需要的支援。這種自動化生產線,可以依據終端消費者的需求做到客製化的設計及生產,為我們的客戶開啟全面革新且創新的經營模式。從設計到最終產品的生產,持續的製程數位化便是說明Manz能將工業4.0實作到生產解決方案之中的最佳範例。此外,與 adidas的合作更是我們在附加生產技術領域所踏出的第一步。終端產品的客製化製程日益增多,這項未來導向的技術就顯得越來越重要。我認為Manz在這個領域有很好的發展潛力。」

未來透過「Speedfactory」在地生產運動鞋,adidas將能直接在消費者所在地區生產運動鞋,實現客製化,並將資源有效地運用以具備成本效益的方式生產運動鞋。adidas集團全球品牌董事Eric Liedtke表示:「速度對每項運動來說都是致勝關鍵,速度在我們這一行也等同於競爭優勢。因此,我們很期望與 Manz集團針對『Speedfactory』計劃緊密合作,讓我們的生產能更貼近消費者。」

直至 2020 年,Manz將依個別客戶對區域目標市場的要求,循序漸進將自動化生產發展到全球。這次的合作案將為Manz集團接下來的收益帶來相對應的助力,且其成效將隨專案的進展而提升。此外,合作案可幫助Manz持續多元發展本身的經營模式,包括在客戶、產業及地區等方面,使公司跨出重要的一步,同時也展現公司在各市場區隔與目標產業發展上的獨立性。


Manz And Adidas Sign Cooperation Deal

Manz AG (MANZF.PK) said that it has signed a cooperation agreement with adidas AG in connection with the adidas "Speedfactory" initiative.

In connection with the partnership, the technology will be implemented in so-called "Speedfactories," first in Germany and the USA, and ultimately worldwide. In these "Speedfactories", shoes will be produced locally in the target markets in the future. This collaboration with a leading company in the sporting goods industry and the transition of a newly developed technology from pilot production to series production underscores Manz AG's capability to develop innovative solutions for demanding customers from a wide variety of industries.

In the future local shoe production in "Speedfactories" will enable adidas to manufacture shoes at the consumer's location, in a customized, resource-friendly and cost-effective way.

The global development of automated production according to individual customer requests in the regional target markets is to be implemented in several steps by 2020. The collaboration will have the relevant effects on the revenue and earnings position of Manz AG starting in the coming fiscal year - effects that will increase as the project progresses.

Original Article: RTT News

