Ralph Lauren推出智慧衫結合生物識別技術
美國成衣巨擘Ralph Lauren推出突破性的新型智慧衫,該款結合先進的成衣和數位健身技術為一體所開發的成衣,具有即時的生物識別技術,能夠幫助人們更瞭解自己的身體和健康狀況。該款令人耳目一新的智慧衫擁有訓練應用程式,使用詳細數據來制定個人培訓計畫。以銀纖維直接編織而成的布料,可即時偵測讀取最準確的統計數據,包括人體的心跳變化、呼吸頻率、壓力程度及卡路里消耗等資料。
全球廣告行銷及企業溝通執行副總裁David Lauren稱,「Ralph Lauren智慧衫(PoloTech Shirt) 將改變人們看待時尚服飾的方式。可使人們獲得知識,並可用它來過更好的生活,是綜合科技、健身和風格,促進健康和福祉的橋樑」。
與Ralph Lauren合作開發該款智慧衫的Omsignal執行長Stéphane Marceau表示,「PoloTech Shirt指出下一代運動服的發展,超越今日健身平臺只提供數位體驗,是第一個將先進成衣技術和數位化健身技術結合為智慧型的產品」。
該款智慧衫已於本(2015)年8月27日在Polo Ralph Lauren公司紐約市全球旗艦、網站以及美國門市發售。定價約295美元。
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Ralph Lauren's Futuristic Fashion: The PoloTech Smart Shirt
After testing out the technology on ball boys at the 2014 United States Open, Ralph Lauren is selling a PoloTech™ smart shirt for men that is embedded with sensors to track vital signs like breathing and heart rates, stress levels and calories burned. The shirt streams that information to an app that will generate customized workout programs.
Conductive threads woven into the black nylon compression shirt and a lightweight module that snaps into the shirt around the left rib cage relay information to a Bluetooth-connected smartphone. The readings track a range of stats, including heart rate and variability, breathing depth and recovery, intensity of movement, energy output and stress levels, steps taken and calories burned. The free app, available through iTunes, offers live fitness monitoring, reporting and a “push rate,” which measures exertion, power and effort.
From all this data, the shirt will, essentially, tell you how to exercise.
The United States Army has used similar technology for years, followed by sports performance companies, like Zephyr, that equip professional athletes and athletic apparel lines that appeal to consumer fitness. Ralph Lauren marks a milestone in luxury fashion brands entering the market with devises that are wearable and clothes that do more than accessories.
PoloTech is at the heart of a planned relaunch of Ralph Lauren’s Polo Sport line, which started in 1992 and was closed in 2000. It was developed in partnership with proprietary technology from Canadian-based OMSignal, whose team includes experts in neuroscience, sports medicine and engineering. NCAA singles champion Marcos Giron wore prototypes during his practice sessions for the 2014 U.S. Open. Now, the shirt is flaunted in Ralph Lauren’s flagship store on 5th Avenue at a price of $295.
“People are just information addicts today,” says Salvatore Giardina, an adjuct professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology. “My gut feeling is it will do well because it’s not just something that looks nice, it gives you information.”
“What seems science fiction now may be the norm in 10 years,” Giardina points out.
If a shirt can instruct a workout, perhaps someday soon it will wash and fold itself too.
Original Article: ForbesLife