
智慧穿戴 名牌壓縮衣吸睛

美聯社報導,穿戴式裝置風氣正盛,吸引越來越多時尚品牌和科技業合作開發健身科技服飾與配件,例如Ralph Lauren即將推出的智慧型壓縮衣,以及惠普與美式學院風設計師麥可‧巴斯提安(Michael Bastian)共同設計的智慧型手錶。

早在今年1月消費電子大展(CES)時,英特爾業務開發副總裁伊爾丹尼斯(Ayse Ildeniz)就曾將時尚界喻為穿戴式科技的「領航員」。果不其然,近日各大時尚品牌已醞釀推出相關產品。

Ralph Lauren周一在美國網球公開賽開場時,發表公司最新研發的高性能智慧型壓縮衣Polo Tech,預計明年春季開賣。


惠普聯手巴斯提安及線上零售商Gilt共同開發的高設計感智慧型手錶也將在今年秋季上市,號稱支援Android及iOS系統,能發出郵件、簡訊及來電提示。紐約時尚品牌Tory Burch也和運動手環開發商Fitbit合作,開發健身品牌Flex專屬黃銅墜飾與手鍊。

伊爾丹尼斯也在1月CES展表示,英特爾已和紐約時尚品牌Opening Ceremony、美國時尚設計師協會,以及高級百貨公司Barneys展開合作,而他們即將推出的首款產品是奢華智慧型手鍊,將由Barneys銷售。

Opening Ceremony創辦人里昂(Humberto Leon)表示:「這次合作打破穿戴式科技原有的框



新聞來源: 中時電子報

相關新聞: 「衣服」未來接受度最高穿戴產品!

Ralph Lauren Polo Tech shirt reads wearer's biological and physiological info

Ralph Lauren clothing has been helping people look slick since 1967, but in the future it may also help you to keep fit. The company has announced a new Polo Tech shirt that monitors biological and physiological information of its wearer. It will be tested out at this year's US Open.

Lots of people use mobile apps to help track and improve their fitness, but fewer will be familiar the concept of T-shirts that can do the same. The Hexoskin shirt is one such garment that analyzes movement, breathing and heart activity. Smart T-shirts have also been developed to monitor people's health remotely.

Ralph Lauren says the Polo Tech tracks biometrics and psychometrics to provide insights into the wearer's sporting performance and to help improve future performance. It features an electrocardiogram, a breathing sensor, a gyroscope and an accelerometer. Proprietary algorithms are said to help interpret the data collected, which includes stress levels, energy output, heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate, breathing depth, activity intensity, steps and calories burned. The shirt, designed in partnership with tech clothing manufacturer OMsignal, has sensors knitted into it. These use Bluetooth to send the data that they capture to a "black box," which then relays it into the cloud where the algorithms are applied. The data can then be accessed by the user through an accompanying mobile app, which can be used to provide real-time training feedback.

The Polo Tech is of the elasticated skin-hugging kind of top, which are known as compression shirts. The pressure exerted by compression shirts is said to stimulate blood flow and help muscle recovery.

Number one US Intercollegiate Tennis Association singles player Marcos Giron will wear the Polo Tech during his practice sessions at this year's US Open. Some ball boys will also wear it during the tournament.

The video below provides an introduction to the Polo Tech shirt.

Source: Ralph Lauren

