
壓縮衣、緊身衣與塑身衣 | Compression Garments

ACOTEX服裝布料知識網 - 壓縮衣、緊身衣與塑身衣 | Compression Garments


壓縮服裝與塑身服裝是施加壓力於人體特定部位的緊身服裝,絕大多數以聚酯與彈性纖維或尼龍與彈性纖維混紡的細支紗製作。這類成衣除了提供壓力,還具備機能特色,包括抗菌、 抗靜電、透氣性、耐磨性、濕度管理、易去汙、恆溫、抗紫外線防曬等。

壓縮服裝與塑身服裝長久以來一直被當做緊身馬甲穿著,用以治療醫療狀況。但過去二十年 來,它們已在活動服裝、運動服裝、甚至休閒服裝上占有一席之地。

運動服廠商聲稱壓縮衣可以賦予運動選手競爭優勢,改善運動機能,降低受傷風險,在運動時及運動後加速復原。不過支持這些說法的證據並不具決定性,許多科學家也持懷疑態度。儘管如此,壓縮服裝在 運動員及從事休閒性運動的人們之間已非常普遍。這主要歸因於大量的商業宣傳,加上人們對維持健康生活方式的意識日增。

壓縮服裝與塑身服裝的日益普遍反映在銷售的強烈成長上,尤其自 2000 年代初期以後。有鑒於需求增加,加上創新產品的推出,這股成長趨勢在可見的未來勢必持續。


壓縮衣(compression garment)亦稱壓力衣(pressure garment),是緊貼式服裝,能對 身體特定的部位施以溫和的壓力。

這類服裝被用在醫療方面已超過五十年,主要在預防與治療循環問題,以及協助病人從外科 手術中恢復。一直以來女性也為美體目的穿著,因為它們有助於讓身材變好。

在運動方面使用壓縮衣強化運動表現則是較為新近的現象,直到 1990 年代才建立穩定的基礎。最初僅限於用在跑步及游泳上,但很快就延伸到其他項目,包括:棒球、籃球、自行車、足球、高爾夫球、體操、橄欖球、滑雪、網球、舉重、摔角等。

同時業餘的運動員也開始使用,很多人是受到英國長跑選手 Paula Radcliffe 的啟發,她於 2003 年時穿著壓力襪創下女子馬拉松世界紀錄。



2012 年美國運動壓縮服裝市場價值達十億美元,約占整個運動成衣市場的 6%,僅兩個品牌 Under Armour 與 Nike 就掌控九成的市場。Under Armour 壓縮服裝(緊身衣)的市占率據稱現已下跌相當幅度,部分原因是其他成衣公司亟欲擴大產品內容、接觸到新的消費群、並迎合市場對此類產品的需求力道,因而打入這個市場。從美國消費市場研究公司 Leisure rendsGroup 的報告數據看來,這股力道相當明顯。

美國壓縮服裝在跑步專賣店的銷售,於 2008至 2010 年間成長 170%,其中成衣部分成長 78%,襪類暴漲 600%,袖套及腿套則成長超過 750%。這份報告的結論之一是,壓縮衣提供成衣零售業者拉抬業績與利潤的絕佳機會,這類服裝的頂級價格只是原因之一。



根據美國市調公司 Frost & Sullivan 的調查,壓縮治療裝備的市場享有穩定的成長。這樣的成長要歸因於循環不良人口的增加,這又是國家人口老化與生活方式相關疾病如糖尿病人口增加的結果。Frost & Sullivan 公司預測,在 2010 與 2017 年間,西歐壓縮治療裝備的市場會以複合年成長率 7.8%的速度,從 7.713 億美元成長到 13.069 億美元推動這個成長的力量主要來自對壓縮襪(註:俗稱彈性襪)的接受與需求,治療用壓縮襪在同期間的複合年成長率是 8.8%,從 3.664 億美元成長到 6.594 億美元。


塑身服裝也稱為塑身內衣、身材控制成衣、調整型內衣及瘦身衣。塑身服裝的存在已有數個世紀,只是式樣不同。十六世紀時,許多歐洲女性視緊身馬甲是不可或缺之物。但是在上一個世紀,對這類服裝的需求呈現不穩。例如,1950 年代到 1990 年代末期,市場需求幾無成長,因為許多人認為緊身馬甲與束腹之類的成衣束縛又不舒服。但是之後的市場需求開始升高,單在美國,2010 年時的市場就超過 8.5 億美元。


  • 消費者對女性身體線條看法的改變,目前偏好沙漏形狀
  • 高調名人的背書,譬如脫口秀節目主持人歐普拉、歌手女神卡卡及蕾哈娜
  • 一些電視節目的受歡迎,在這些節目中演員顯然穿著塑身衣,例如《慾望師奶》、 時代劇《廣告狂人》



  • 漸進式壓縮(註:有時稱做漸升式壓縮)
  • 局部壓縮(註:有時稱做區位壓縮)


  • 預防及治療醫療狀況
  • 提供受傷或外科手術後的治療
  • 紓解身體不適
  • 強化運動表現
  • 鼓舞心理

  • 將暖空氣圍裹在緊貼肌膚之處,提供肌肉更多溫暖
  • 有助傳輸汗水離開肌膚
ACODRY Pro快速吸濕排汗科技彈性布料
》前往了解ACODRY Pro快速吸濕排汗布料


  • 深層靜脈栓塞(註:DVT,是在靜脈深層的血塊,多半在腿部,會引起疼痛及腫脹,導致潛在致命併發症)
  • 淋巴系統疾病
  • 與懷孕相關的循環失調
  • 靜脈功能不全

1950 年代後,壓縮衣是靜脈功能不全的主要治療方法,靜脈功能不全係指血液經由靜脈迴流至心臟的情況不順,而壓縮衣能有效促進血流。當血流加快,肌肉比較快獲得營養,就能



  • 減輕腫脹
  • 促進皮膚康復
  • 促進手術部位的血液循環
  • 縮小瘀傷
  • 減輕突然動作引起的不適,例如咳嗽或噴嚏
  • 降低血栓風險
  • 降低一般術後併發症的風險
  • 加速康復過程
  • 紓解身體不適

  • 關節炎
  • 背痛
  • 慢性疲勞症候群



  • 加強暖身及全身循環
  • 強化本體感覺(註:本體感覺係指身體感覺到肌肉位置及壓力改變的能力。這樣的能力可以改善動作的正確性及效率,降低受傷風險至最小)
  • 降低肌肉振動
  • 減少阻力
  • 降低乳酸堆積
  • 促進復原
  • 緩和疲勞
  • 減少傷害
  • 降低重複拉傷風險












  • 抗菌作用以預防臭味
  • 防靜電作用,因為壓縮衣是穿在其他衣服的裡面,因此防靜電很重要
  • 透氣性
  • 濕度控制
  • 恆溫性
  • 纖維的混紡
  • 紗的細度
  • 布料結構
  • 合身性



為了達到大小恰當的壓力,壓縮衣的彈性纖維含量比例通常是 8~25%,比一般伸縮性成衣使用的含量比例為高,一般有伸縮性的傳統內衣或襪子的含量比例是 5~8%;緊身馬甲與束腰的彈性纖維含量比例可能超過 30%。為了讓壓縮衣的壓縮性持久耐穿,布料使用的彈性紗品質要高。劣質彈性紗製成的衣服穿過幾次就會失去壓縮性,當然也就降低穿著的益處。

運動用壓縮服裝最廣泛使用的高品質彈性紗之一是 Lycra Sport,這種紗是專為運動研發,結合透氣性、輕量及支撐肌肉的特性。研究顯示使用 Lycra Sport 布料製成的成衣讓穿者的動作自由度明顯地改善。








  • 正確的版型設計
  • 正確的尺碼
  • 使用腰帶及抽繩以便微調合身度


這些裁片的形狀因應不同的身體部位而不同。譬如,H 形的布片嵌入一件壓縮短褲的背面可以強化下腹內肌肉的效率。有些壓縮衣透過加入高度伸縮性的薄膜及膠帶來加強對特定肌肉群的施壓。




  • 有助運動員在運動時保持力量,抗拒疲勞
  • 有助運動員的肌肉在運動後的復原

  • 擠壓血管以協助將氧氣輸送至肌肉
  • 穩固肌肉部位防止振動
  • 協助消除代謝產生的廢物

過去運動員會抱怨壓縮衣太緊不適,感覺不自在。拜布料科技與衣服設計進步之賜,今日的壓縮衣舒適多了,並且與 1990 年代市場萌牙之初相較,可以提供更大的功能優點。


  • 短袖上衣,壓縮軀幹與上臂
  • 長袖上衣,壓縮軀幹、上臂與前臂
  • 無袖上衣,壓縮軀幹
  • 連身緊身衣,壓縮上半部與下半部軀體
  • 短褲,壓縮臀部與大腿
  • 緊身褲,壓縮臀部、大腿與小腿
  • 短襪,壓縮小腿與腳踝
  • 袖套,壓縮上臂與前臂
  • 腿套,壓縮全部或部分腿部

有不同種類的壓縮衣供不同的運動穿著,視運動使力最多的肌肉部位或肌肉群而定。例如,鐵人三項選手因為游泳、騎自行車及跑步會用到幾乎所有的肌肉,所以適合穿著連身緊身衣;英式橄欖球員使用到上半身、臀部與大腿的肌肉,所以適穿著短袖 T 恤及短褲。






Techfit Powerweb 系列讓你不止表現,還超越表現
Body Science
Body Science 壓縮衣讓你走得更久
Skins 自然地強化你的表現
Under Armour
Under Armour 給你的肌肉額外一挺…讓你覺得近乎所向無敵
Zensah 提供運動員更好的表現、更大的舒適感與活動力

為了證實所言並宣傳品牌,包括 adidas、Body Science 及 Skins 等一些重要業者都強調壓縮衣的科學原理,並公布實驗測試結果以證明他們使用的技術有效。

不過,雖然測試結果讓人印象深刻,卻尚未能平息有關壓縮衣是否真能加強運動員表現的爭 議。


在壓縮技術是否真能強化運動表現方面,曾有過許多研究。1990 年代杜邦贊助的一項研究顯示壓縮衣可以提振運動員產生體力 12%,並明顯降低疲倦感,還能增加運動員動作的精確性。從杜邦的研究發表後,類似評估壓縮衣對運動益處的研究穩定地增加。譬如,在2004 至 2009 年之間,估計這類的研究報告數目增加超過五倍。

不過,這類題目的研究結果相當固定。有一些提供不能算是定論的證據,證明穿著壓縮衣可以降低肌肉振動,在劇烈運動後加快復原,其他的研究結果則顯示並沒有什麼優點。套用澳洲雪梨科技大學專攻運動科學的一位學者的話:「從運動與練習的觀點來看,極少證據能證明運動時穿著壓縮衣能改善表現。」他的觀點有許多共鳴。美國德州西南大學醫學中心的一名博士後研究學者說:「壓縮袖套的作用看起來不大。」2010 年一位學者的研究顯示壓縮衣的優點可能只是心理層面的。



Compression Garments

Compression garments are pieces of clothing, such as socks, pantyhose, sleeves, etc., that provide support that is especially useful for people who have to stand for long periods, or people with poor circulation. The garments can come in varying degrees of compression. The higher degrees require a doctor's prescription. Compression garments worn on the legs can help prevent deep vein thrombosis and reduce swelling, especially while traveling.

Compression sportswear is also worn by some athletes during exercise to prevent chafing and rashes, and post-exercise to ease muscle stiffness and quicken recovery time.


Through testing repeat-sprint and throwing performance in cricket players, it was found that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) by way of higher mean skin temperature, lower 24 hour post exercise CK values and lower 24 hour post exercise ratings of muscle soreness when wearing compression garments.

In materials testing, the compressive garment provided increased flexion and extension, which could help reduce hamstring injuries. They also reduced impact by 27% compared to American football pants alone.


The benefits of wearing compression garments are:

Helps relieve pain from muscle stiffness and soreness. Reducing the time taken for muscles to repair themselves When the right amount of compression is used (will vary depending on body area, typically in the range of 10 to 25 mmHg), improved venous return and oxygenation to working muscles.

Compression stockings

Compression stockings are specialized hosiery designed to help prevent the occurrence of and guard against further progression of various medical disorders.


Compression sportswear is usually worn by athletes. They may be shirts, shorts, tights or underwear. They are form-fitting garments often made from a spandex-type material.

The main benefits of compression sportswear is that it keeps the muscles warm to prevent muscle strain and fatigue, and wick sweat away from the body to prevent chafing and rashes. In addition, there is some evidence that compression shorts may enhance athletic performance. Compression sportswear also helps to keep undergarments in place, and for certain sports, like baseball and softball, come with padding at the hips to protect players from injuries due to sliding.

There are many types of compression garments that serve a similar function, such as compression T-shirts, socks, sleeves, and tights.

Shorts and tights

Compression shorts and tights are undergarments usually worn by athletes. They are form-fitting garments and when worn cover the athlete's waist to mid or lower thigh, similar to cycling shorts. Two major differences between compression and cycling shorts, however, are that cycling shorts have seat padding typically made of chamois, and compression shorts have paneling to add a higher degree of pressure to the thigh and hamstring.

More recently, jockstraps have declined in popularity with young male athletes, and garments such as compression shorts have seen an increase in popularity, arguably because of their comparable function and less embarrassing looks. Many are available with a "cup pocket", a sewn-in pocket that can hold a protective cup. It is arguable that compression shorts do not keep cups in the proper position, tight to the body and not moving, like a jockstrap can. Some players wear the compression shorts over the traditional jockstrap.

Compression shorts are also popular among female athletes, especially among those who wear skirts or kilts during games. In those situations, athletes wear compression shorts under the skirt so if they fall over and their skirts ride up, their underwear will not be exposed. This is seen particularly in women's lacrosse and field hockey (both being no-contact sports in which players often wear skirts). In this situation, compression shorts are colloquially identified as spandex shorts. Women also wear compression shorts in tennis, where, most recently, compression shorts have been produced with ball pockets for convenience. There are also women's compression shorts for use before, during and after pregnancy. Pregnancy compression shorts supports upper and lower abdominal muscles, Caesarean wounds and perineal stitches.



李寧與小米合作,正式進軍智慧運動領域 ACOTEX






“運動 + 科技”這條路已經被Nike證明是可行的,2006年他們就率先發布了 Nike+,透過和 iPod 的合作,將晶片植入鞋底的凹槽內,收集用戶在跑動中產生的速度、路線、鞋底壓力和卡路里資料,並支援上傳到 Nike+社區。2010年,Nike+又擴展到只需依靠手機感測器的App上。Nike還發表了Fuelbrand運動手環等配套智慧硬體。

雖然李寧的專業實驗室過去也對跑步的使用者行為資料進行長期研究,但是相較於 Nike,他們缺乏觸及更多消費者的入口。因此和華米的合作就顯得非常必要,後者去(2014)年在大陸賣出超過100萬個手環,並且還在為小米設計開發下一代小米手環和小米手錶。





ACODRY® Thermal

ACODRY® Thermal

ACODRY® Thermal

ACODRY®Thermal 採兩種不同類型的紗線 (圓形+中空) 搭配特殊織法,在人體間形成 一道保溫層。加上纖維特殊的中空斷面技術,高達20%以上的中空率,可輕易的將 溫度保留住,同時達到蓄熱保暖的功能。讓您既使處在酷寒的氣候中,也可感受到 溫暖舒適。

ACODRY® Thermal provides warmth and comfortable environment to the wearers. With high-performance fiber technology, ACODRY® Thermal creates a micro insulation layer to lock-in warmth and help managing your body temperature. This high-performance fiber technology will not be obstructed even after fabric is washed.

ACODRY® 布料特點:
  • 吸濕排汗效果
  • 輕量、中空材質,達到保暖效果
  • 形成溫度調節層,增加舒適感
  • 容易清洗保養

ACODRY® Technical Highlights
  • Moisture wicking action
  • Insulation layer
  • Thermal feeling
  • Highly breathable
  • Machine washable


Under Armour 深入可穿戴裝置市場

Under Armour深入可穿戴裝置市場

Under Armour深入可穿戴裝置市場


近年來,美國兩大運動服飾品牌Nike及Under Armour都在可穿戴裝置上採取相當積極的策略和行動。Nike的Nike+運動系列硬體和應用程式(App)推出已近十年,而Under Armour則進行數個App相關的購併,兩大品牌商都視可穿戴裝置市場是未來利基所在。

Under Armour於今(2015)年2月初以5.6億美元購併Endomondo及MyFitnessPal兩家健康追蹤記錄相關服務商,早在2013年12月,Under Armour已取得MapMyFitness,加上新的兩家建立了全球最大數位健康和健身社群。Under Armour主管於2014年7月表示,從可穿戴裝置上取得的數據,可以讓該公司有機會在其行動App上開創新經驗,並得以協助品牌合作夥伴加入可穿戴裝置市場。

目前,Under Armour發展出來的可穿戴裝置,包括2013年3月推出的Armour39--圍套在胸部的運動監測帶,可量測心跳速率並透過藍芽同步儲存16小時的數據於行動裝置或智慧手錶上,配合的App可即時呈現心跳速率,並估算出熱量消耗值和運動的強度等資訊。

Forbes雜誌指出,Under Armour的發展行動隱藏潛在風險,運動服飾商藉由可穿戴裝置和App,從目標顧客群取得健康和健身數據看似很完美,但使用者對個人數據公開交給品牌業者的反應則尚難預料。


Rocket Fuel市調指出,不論是可穿戴或不可穿戴、採用App或採用網路的健康和健身追蹤記錄器,女性的使用率比男性多,而25歲至44歲的使用者占58%。

就在Under Armour正欲大展鴻圖之際,德國知名運動用品服飾商adidas於今年2月4日向聯邦法庭提出控訴,指出Under Armour的Armour39手錶和胸帶,以及MapMyFitness App侵犯adidas在運動時監測心跳、熱量消耗和其他指標的10 項行動App技術專利。Under Armour聲稱,MapMyFitness早已被公認為該領域的先鋒,該公司將審慎瞭解adidas的控訴後採取對應行動。



穿戴式科技展,展出最新紡織品應用 | Wearable Technology Show 2015

穿戴式科技展,展出最新紡織品應用 | Wearable Technology Show 2015



第二屆一年一度的「穿戴式科技展(Wearable Technology Show)」號稱是全球最大的專業穿戴科技展覽,包含有關創新、智慧型紡織品與流行時尚,以及運動與健身等9場相關議題的研討會。


研討會講師有:智慧型紡織品系統供應商Interactivewear執行長Andreas Roepert、AIQ服裝公司行銷總監Nadia Kang及Beecham Research流行科技分析師Claire Duke-Woolley等。


穿戴式科技市場至2024年前,預估將從目前預測的140億美元提升至700億美元,以Evolve營運長John Weir說:「這樣的流行趨勢絕非曇花一現」。



Wearable Technology Show 2015: That was the show that was

We round up the most interesting products from London's wearables expo

OPINION:The Wearable Tech Show was held this week in London. Offering a fascinating glimpse into the augmented reality and wearable device market, the show played host to a range of product launches and demonstrations.

Spanning the whole spectrum from consumer products to B2B services, there was a huge diversity of industries covered. Healthcare tech, in particular, had a strong presence – even more noteworthy given the recent announcements surrounding Apple's ResearchKit.

For those that couldn't make it to this year's show, we've rounded up some of the best and most interesting highlights.


One of the most interesting displays was a wireless charging area, run by Aircharge. Users visiting the tables and benches equipped with small black plates, could charge their devices, either with built-in wireless charging capabilities, or by using one of Aircharge's dongles.

Using the Wireless Power Consortium's Qi standard (pronounced 'chee'), Aircharge hopes to become the leader in public-space wireless charging, much in the way that The Cloud has with public Wi-Fi. The former also recently released an app to guide users to the nearest of the 3,000-plus Qi-based charging points around the world.

One of the most common complaints about modern devices is an ever-shortening battery life. While Apple has touted the new MacBook as having an 'all-day' charge, if used as expected it might only lasting nine hours. That being the case, public wireless charging points are a miracle of convenience. Indeed, if the technology catches on in the way that Aircharge hopes it will, power problems could be a thing of the past.


Specialising in B2B development and integration, Bainisha makes wearable sensors that promise to track muscle movements with minute accuracy. Placed directly onto the skin, the stretchable, adhesive sensor patches come in various shapes and sizes designed to measure different muscle groups and functions.

Bainisha is one of a growing number of tech start-ups developing wearables specifically for medical markets, and is aiming to track the progress of degenerative muscle diseases. However, while the sensors capture medical-grade levels of detail, the technology also has applications outside of healthcare.

Integration with skin-tight fabrics would still capture enough data to accurately track muscle strain and development for the purpose of workout tracking, according to the firm. The low price-point of the components also mean that a partnership with sportswear firms like Nike or Adidas could provide serious competition to the existing fitness tracker market.

Epson Moverio BT-200 

Epson demonstrated an updated version of its Moverio augmented reality smartglasses. Running on an Android-based operating system, the headset delivers impressively sharp visuals, along with spot-on head tracking and stereoscopic 3D. Another point of note for some users is that it fits over existing glasses, whereas other smartglasses may not be so compatible with spectacles.

The device is both powered and controlled by an external pack, which is not dissimilar to the size of a circa-2009 smartphone. While this is a little unwieldy compared to rivals' control methods, it does give the Moverio a battery life of around 6 hours. Considering that most of the competition is still stuck at under two hours for power-users, this is not to be sniffed at.

While the Moverio has applications as a consumer device, Epson was quick to point out its B2B capabilities. The company already has partners across various industries using the Moverio as an enterprise tool, most commonly by relaying real-time, step-by-step instructions from off-site experts to workers on the ground vie first-person video link.

Osterhout Design Group (ODG)  

While not technically exhibiting at the show, representatives from the ODG were in attendance participating in various panels focused on augmented reality. We managed to get a hands-on demonstration of its smartglass technology, including the R-7 model the company debuted at CES.

Both the R-7 and the earlier R-6 come packed with incredible displays – 720p per eye, which makes the visuals absolutely gorgeous, and the 80 per cent screen transparency means that with the AR content turned off, you'd never know the glasses were smart. It's also built on an Android operating system, and is automatically compatible with any tablet-optimised app.

ODG has a rich pedigree in developing AR technology for government and military contracts and this experience is being put to good use. The company is currently exploring the B2B potential - for example, multiple enterprise applications, including tele-presence uses for medicine and repair - of its product, according to Tony Sanchez, ODG director of special projects.

News Source: ITPRO


全新改版ACODRY系列 | Introducing the New Designed ACODRY Skin Series


2015全新改版推出ACODRY Skin系列,帶給您全新感受。ACODRY Skin系列功能性科技布料,獨一無二的科技布料更持久、更輕盈、更舒適。無論是追求運動的激烈還是舒適,這款系列布料絕對是理想之選。

Introducing the New Designed ACODRY Skin Series

ACODRY Skin Series feature an advanced durable technology that wicks moisture from the skin all day long. Keeping athletes cool, dry, light and comfortable. Ideal use for all around sport apparels.


認識寶特瓶環保纖維 | What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?

認識寶特瓶環保纖維 | What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?









§ 環保再生織品也因為必須經過特殊的處理,價格上要比傳統布料的製成品要來得高。
  在保特瓶碎片融化成塑膠粒前,為取得保特瓶碎片的過程不可忽略,投注下去的成本也相當高。 §


  •    ‧除了用保特瓶回收處理的人造纖維製成衣服外,其他的再生環保纖維原料用途相當廣泛。
  •    ‧可分成填充纖維、單絲類、薄片類、衛浴類方式運用到日常生活中。
  •    ‧可以製作睡袋、枕頭、雪衣、填充玩具等內層填充物,可說是目前國內保特瓶再生原料的主要市場。
  •    ‧單絲類可以用來製造工程用塑膠、假髮及拉鍊。
  •    ‧薄片類則可以製作蛋盒、文件夾以及彩色筆盒。
  •    ‧浴巾、清潔布以及垃圾濾網則歸為衛浴類的運用。


  • 引發目前生態危機的保特瓶,會造成迅速發展,主要是拜石化工業的科技所賜。當我們在享受保特瓶容器的方便性同時,相對地也要付出環保上的代價。
  • 製造保特瓶的材料是聚乙烯對苯二甲酸酯(簡稱PET樹脂)。隨著石化工業的發展,在1955年間被使用在纖維及膜材上。
  • 首先運用在飲料容器上的是美國百事可樂公司,在1975年時大量用來填裝可樂行銷。日本在1977年的時候,用來裝醬油販售。
  • PET樹脂製成的保特瓶,跟一般鐵或玻璃罐的容器比較起來,空氣阻隔力強很多,又有質輕、不易破裂的優點。
  • 美、日等經濟大國,所產製的保特瓶數量相當驚人,而且每年所產出的數量更是持續增加中。
  • 由於廢棄的保特瓶不容易腐化分解,而且體積蓬鬆占空間,減短垃圾掩埋場的壽命,成為生態上最大的殺手。


  • 日本倉敷公司已將纖維製品的回收再利用商品化,利用寶特瓶再生纖維製成衣料服飾。
  • Gunze公司的寶特瓶再生衣料「Repet」,可製作套裝、夾克、西服等服飾,並掛有綠色(回收利用)的標籤。
  • 美國有家地毯公司專門回收寶特瓶來做地毯,工廠每分鐘可以處理1萬4000個
  • 2007台北紡織展中的「環保風」圖騰。/新台灣
  • 南台灣紡織研發聯盟-寶特瓶回收,做成鞋面


    1. 用寶特瓶回收抽絲的「RePet」系列產品
    2. 強調製程節能、減廢及具高色牢度的「Ecoya」原抽色紗。 
 ‧利用回收的寶特瓶,去除商標瓶蓋洗淨後,經過碎片、乾燥、聚合等過程,以環保製程重製為 PET粒


    與一般紡織品相較, Ecoya的製程可明顯減少二氧化碳排放、水與化學品用量、能源消耗量及廢水中的化學需氧量。

  1. 國人大多不曉得寶特瓶可以再利用製成其他商品、或不能接受利用寶特瓶再生的產品。因此,透過宣導報導,讓消費者了解商品的回收與再製的可行性及可性度,增加消費者購買的意願。
  2. 可先由大型集團開始做起,例如7-11可以以回收的寶特瓶來製成制服,除了可以有效的再回收利用,讓大眾了解寶特瓶再生的意義,也提升了企業的形象,更是回收工作的最佳示範。
  3. 環保的概念要從每個人開始,一人一點也能夠累積成很大的力量,政府應多宣導民眾正確的觀念,並鼓勵廠商製作綠色商品,激勵民眾多選擇使用綠色商品。


What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?

The process of recycling is always equated with cost reduction and with lessening if not eliminating the wastes that go to landfills. Polyester fibers from recycled bottles are now used to cut down on manufacturing costs for textiles. Naturally, this will also mean cheap clothes for consumers.

A Brief Background About Polyester Fibers and PET Bottles

The development of polyester fiber from recycled bottles is actually a matter of re-channeling the use of the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate” which is also the chemical ingredient in PET bottles. Both polyester and PET bottles are basically made from the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate”. It was proven to be more cost efficient if polyester fabrics were manufactured by just recycling PET bottles, since there will be less heating and energy required in processing the polymer ingredient.

Half of the processing required by the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate” to reach the desirable consistency of a viscose liquid will be eliminated. Only the other half of the process, which starts from breaking down the PET plastic into chips up to applying finishing on the textile product, will be required in manufacturing polyester fabric from recycled plastic bottles. Hence, the recycling process is more cost efficient as well as eco-friendly since it provides another destination for PET bottle wastes instead of sending them to landfills.

In fact, PET is the acronym for Poly Ethylene Terephthalate and was used to distinguish plastic bottles from those that were made from the hazardous clear plastic bottles made from polycarbonate. Polycarbonate bottles have been found to leach even at room temperature. However, PET bottles for drinking water are recommended for single use only instead of being recycled through reuse.

How is Polyester Fiber from Recycled Bottles Made?

Bales of plastic bottle wastes will be supplied by recycle collectors. Workers of the yarn manufacturer will have to separate the colored bottles from the clear ones while every bottle will be inspected if free from any foreign materials including the labels and the caps.

The sorted PET bottles will be sterilized clean, dried and crushed into small chips still separating the clear PET bottle chips from colored PET bottle chips.

Once the chips are ready they will go through heating that will enable them to pass to the spinneret until they end up being wound up like yarn threads in spools. The fibers are drawn into smooth strings, and then go through a crimping machine which will give the polyester yarns the fluffy wooly texture. The crimped polyester yarns will be dried and baled and will have to pass quality control before they are considered fit for selling.

Textile manufacturers will buy the polyester yarns from the yarn makers. The white yarns will be bleached or dyed then fed to a circular knitting machine after the bleach or color has dried. The finished product is now the polyester fabric from recycled bottles.

However, in order to achieve different textures, the polyester fabric will go through a napper machine. Here, the polyester fabric will pass through mechanized bristles that will give the fabric texture by raising the fabric’s surface and shearing the raised threads with a yarn to even out the surface. The polyester fabrics from plastic bottles will become textiles like fleece wool, corduroy, velvet and other similar textiles with piled textures.

Environmental Impact of Polyester Fabrics Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles
The manufacture of polyester fabrics made from recycled plastic bottles is more energy efficient compared to the manufacture of virgin polyester fabrics since the latter has to start with the processing and heating of the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate” to achieve the required consistency .

An extra-large T-shirt is equivalent to 14 PET bottles while a sweater is equivalent to 63 PET bottles. A square foot of carpet uses up about 14 PET bottles while a sleeping bag is made of about 83 PET bottles. A ski jacket is equivalent to 20 PET bottles. If more and more people are into buying garments made of polyester fabrics from recycled plastic bottles, then fewer of the plastic bottles used by consumers will go into landfills. To date, it is said that at least 75% of plastic bottles manufactured during the year still end up in landfills.

Nevertheless, several PET recycled garment companies are now introducing business suits and trousers for both men and women. The suits are not only more economical but are easier to care for as well. The business suits can be machine washed, eliminating the need for dry-cleaning.


Present day recycling technologies have come up with waste management solutions for recycling discards we find hard to recycle on our own. Absorbent hygienic products, old carpets, PEP bottles and other nylon resins are now being recycled in the most environmentally productive ways.

Source: brighthub




考慮許久才買下的衣服、衣櫃裡最喜歡的一件單品,絕對沒人希望因為自己不知道該如何保存、清潔不同的布料,而讓寶貝衣服毀於一旦!知名服飾品牌執行長Chip Bergh曾發表過不要洗牛仔褲的言論,雖然聽起來有點極端,不過許多衣料的照料方式可能真的跟你的想像有落差,以下提供多款常見衣料的清潔保存建議,給寶貝衣服正確的愛和呵護吧!

  • 清洗:針織衫的材質可細分為許多種,像是合成纖維、壓克力與純棉針織等,一般來說可以正常水洗,不過盡量以冷水清洗較理想;羊毛材質或混毛針織衫則有縮水疑慮,普遍來說以手洗為佳,最保險的方式是參考洗標上的清潔說明。
  • 保存:把針織衫折好擺在衣櫃抽屜中最為理想,用衣架掛起來容易導致變形(例如讓肩線變寬)。

  • 清洗:如果你非得清洗你的牛仔褲不可,請把牛仔褲的內層向外翻再清洗,並且把洗衣機調到較溫和的清潔模式用冷水洗,利用吊掛的方式曬乾;不同顏色的牛仔褲盡量分開洗以免染色。另外提供一個有趣的清潔建議,當牛仔褲開始出現味道時,直接把它冰到冷凍庫去就能有效去味!如果牛仔褲上出現汙漬,可以將2杯冷水混合一茶匙洗碗精,讓它在汙漬處停留15分鐘,然後再用牙刷輕輕刷掉。
  • 保存:丹寧布料需要透氣,建議以吊掛方式保存。

  • 清洗:盡量不要跟毛巾等布料纖維短、容易起毛、脫毛的布料一起洗,也不要跟有拉鍊的服飾或丹寧布料一起洗。此外,要維持運動束褲及瑜珈褲的吸濕排汗力,就不要加入衣物柔軟精!如果你的束褲顏色較淺,盡量避免與其他顏色鮮豔的衣物一起洗以免染色!自然風乾或機器烘乾皆可,不過許多運動束褲在清洗後都會略微縮水,請先做好心理準備。
  • 保存:吊掛或折疊收納。

  • 清洗:別急著把髒T-shirt丟進洗衣機,請記得先把內裡翻到外面來,讓衣服上的圖案或裝飾不容易被洗壞。一般棉T在清洗時,請確保深淺色系分開洗,並且利用冷水洗,洗前最好也詳讀衣物洗標。
  • 保存:T-shirt折好、平放於衣櫃抽屜中即可。

  • 清洗:記得把襯衫的每顆鈕扣都先解開,避免在清洗過程中勾到其他衣物。如果衣服上有汙漬,請先使用去漬商品清除,例如Tide去漬筆或是洗碗肥皂。接下來視衣料材質特性(例如厚薄度、絲質、棉質或毛呢)選擇適當的清洗模式,細緻的絲質襯衫以冷水手洗為佳。
  • 保存:布料材質可清洗、烘乾的襯衫盡量在從烘衣機拿出後立刻吊掛起來,以避免皺褶產生。

  • 清洗:真皮材質請以溫和肥皂搭配手洗,利用吊掛方式晾乾,並以皮革保養油幫皮革維持亮麗色澤與質感。人造皮革在丟入洗衣機前也請先詳讀洗標,部分材質可能會產生脫落掉皮,洗後也同樣吊掛晾乾,以免皮質產生皺褶。
  • 保存:以吊掛方式存放,除了注意保留足夠空間讓皮革呼吸透氣外,也可以防塵袋套在皮衣外,避免濕氣損壞皮革。如果是皮衣外套,盡量以較寬的衣架吊掛,可有效避免產生摺痕。


Google 讓你運動流汗也是香的!| Google wants you to SMELL nicer

擺脫運動臭汗 Google研究香氣釋放裝置


英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,一項專利顯示科技大廠谷歌的數位除臭計畫,這項裝置含有可穿戴感應器,能偵測身體活動,以自動釋放香氣。






Google wants you to SMELL nicer: Patent reveals sensor that detects when you're sweaty to waft perfume around you

  • The patent was filed by Google in August 2012 and awarded this week
  • It details a sensor that detects physical activity and emits odours
  • A built-in spray would activate and a fan would direct the fragrance
  • This could be used to counteract the smell of sweat, for example
  • Wearable sensor can also provide directions to avoid friends that could be ‘offended’ by any odour emitted
  • And users would be able to change the fragrance, or stop it being released
Fitness trackers are designed to make you more active, but if all this extra exercise leaves you smelling less than fresh, Google has a solution.

A patent reveals the tech giant’s proposal for a digital deodorant which comprises a wearable sensor that detects physical movements to automatically emit a pleasant fragrance.

These sensors would also detect a rise in temperature and moisture, suggesting increased sweat levels and body odour.

The built-in spray dispenser – described in the files as a ‘fragrance emission device’ – would be activated and a fan would ‘waft’ the smell out of the wearable’s casing.

A warning would also be sent to the user before the smell is emitted, giving them the chance to disable the feature if they don’t want to release the odour - for example, in a busy gym or confined space.

‘The user may confirm the fragrance emission as planned, or may override the planned emission,’ explained the patent.

An alternative device, however, is currently raising money on Kickstarter.

The Smart Spray accessory is a smartphone case fitted with a small vial designed to hold any liquid of the owner's choice.

This could include perfume, suntan lotion, insect repellent, fresh breath spray or more.

The nozzle protrudes from the rear of the case and can be tucked away when not in use.

‘In one instance, the user may be planning on taking the rest of the day off after the walk, after which the user will go home and shower.’

Google also described the sensor as having ‘a communication and route suggesting portion.’

The device would be web-enabled to connect to social networks and determine the proximity of friends, for example.

The ‘route’ portion would then ‘provide an alternate route to travel such that the predicted odour may not offend others that are socially connected to the user and that travel the same routes as the user.’

As with all patents, the filing doesn't mean Google is planning to release the product any time soon, or at all.

MailOnline has contacted Google for more information.

An alternative device, however, is currently raising money on Kickstarter.

The Smart Spray accessory is a smartphone case fitted with a small vial designed to hold any liquid of the owner's choice.

News Source: Daily Mail UK


Under Armour 進入電子運動時代 | Under Armour Turns Ambitions to Electronic Apparel, Monitoring Apps

Under Armour 布局電子運動服

華爾街日報報導,美國運動服飾品牌Under Armour(UA)近年搭上健身應用程式熱潮,但該公司目標不僅止於發展運動軟體,而是利用特殊纖維開發出能直接收集使用者健身資料的電子運動服飾。

Under Armour執行長普蘭克(Kevin Plank)近日向投資人表示:「假設大家認為未來我們將靠運動褲口袋裡的玻璃或塑膠裝置追蹤健身資料,那就大錯特錯了,因為這些資料將直接由運動服飾追蹤。」

過去1年多來,Under Armour投資了7.1億美元,先後收購MapMyFitness、MyFitnessPal及Endomondo等3家健身應用程式開發商,並透過這些程式掌握1.2億名用戶的卡路里消耗量、健走步數及跑步里程等健身數據。

Under Armour的下一個目標是將這些數據轉換成實質營收,而該公司將希望寄託在研發當中的電子運動服飾。

普蘭克在求購上述應用程式開發商時,曾向業者展示過一段宣傳Under Armour願景的廣告影片。影片中的運動服能隨使用者的瑜珈動作改變形狀與顏色,還能直接追蹤使用者的跑步數據。普蘭克近日向投資人表示:「這段廣告如今更貼近真實。」

然而,Under Armour過去開發高科技運動裝置的過程並不順利。去年該公司投資近100萬美元為美國競速滑冰奧運代表隊開發高科技競賽隊服,但因漏洞百出而遭到淘汰。2011年該公司也曾立志開發電子運動上衣,但最終只開發出追蹤心跳的裝置,且因製造過程繁複而停賣。

儘管Under Armour後來放棄開發硬體裝置,但至今未放棄電子運動服飾的遠大目標。現任Under Armour數位健身部門資深副總裁的MapMyFitness創辦人特斯頓(Robin Thurston)表示:「我無法透露研發中的產品細節,但我們深信未來所有產品都是『智慧型』。」

Under Armour深知公司欠缺軟體工程經驗,因此打算透過企業購併來擴充相關人力。該公司預計今年底前數位研發團隊人力規模將達到500人,較2年前增加7倍以上。


Under Armour Turns Ambitions to Electronic Apparel, Monitoring Apps

Under Armour Inc. has some out-there ideas for your clothes.

The athletic gear company has been spending big to buy developers of apps to monitor personal fitness, aiming in the short term to sell more shirts and shoes. Longer term, Chief Executive Kevin Plank envisions a time when clothes themselves become the means to track movement and biorhythms.

“If we believe that our future is going to be defined by these hard pieces of glass or plastic that sit in our back pockets, you’re crazy,” Mr. Plank recently told investors. “It is going to convert into apparel.”

Under Armour sees its acquisition of fitness apps, including two deals announced this year, as establishing a beachhead within a community of people who want to be measured—a relationship that could pay dividends if connected clothing were to become a reality.

Futuristic gear has long appealed to Under Armour, though its track record is spotty. The company spent nearly $1 million developing high-tech racing suits for the 2014 U.S. Olympic speedskating team, but the garb was criticized and ultimately discarded by the skaters.

A 2011 project to develop an electronic shirt that monitored biometrics evolved into just a heart-rate strap. The company then phased out the strap because production, which involved 13 different parties on five continents, was too difficult, Mr. Plank said.

From that experience, Under Armour has dropped any ambitions to develop hardware but it hasn’t given up on electronic clothes. “I can’t speak to the specifics of products we’re developing, but we strongly believe that in the future, all products will be ‘smart,’” said Robin Thurston, Under Armour’s senior vice president of connected fitness and co-founder of MapMyFitness.

Meanwhile, Under Armour has turned to fitness apps, tagging $710 million to buy three companies in a little more than a year, including MapMyFitness and MyFitnessPal, its biggest acquisition ever. With what Under Armour calls the largest online fitness community of over 120 million users, the company hopes to convert the millions of casual athletes who count calories, steps and miles into buyers of its shirts and shoes.

It also faces formidable competitors. Sportswear rival Nike Inc., having dropped out of hardware, is also focusing on software, recently updating its Nike+ Fuel app to allow users to track their fitness on newest editions of the iPhone.

Apple Inc. is developing health apps for its latest iPhone and coming smartwatch, though it has scaled back some planned health-monitoring features after encountering difficulties, people familiar with the matter have said.

There are other challenges. Online communities aren’t necessarily receptive to sales pitches. And the companies Under Armour is acquiring appeal to three disparate groups: MapMyFitness, largely a U.S.-based group of runners and bikers; MyFitnessPal, a calorie-counting app; and Endomondo, a largely European group of athletes.

“Data for the sake of data, that’s fine, but you have to take that data to an experience,” said Richard Ting, chief experience officer at digital advertising agency R/GA, which counts Nike as a client. “All roads hopefully eventually lead to commerce.”

To that end, Under Armour has teamed up with e-commerce shoe retailer Zappos to send users a pop-up notification when their sneakers are nearing the end of their life, based on workout data logged in MapMyFitness apps. So far, about 300,000 members use the feature, from which they can purchase shoes on the Zappos site.

“If we could get everybody on the planet to work out just one more day a week, we’ll be in really good shape for our business,” Mr. Thurston said.

The digital investments won’t change its long-term profit forecasts, the company says, but they will add between $25 million and $30 million in revenue this year, largely from advertising and subscriptions.

Under Armour’s strength has been in apparel. Within 19 years, it rose to become the No. 2 sports-gear maker in the U.S. by introducing moisture-wicking fabric for workout clothes while dropping the heavy cotton T-shirts of previous generations. The company now generates nearly three-quarters of its $3 billion in annual revenue from apparel.

Like its primary competitors Nike and Adidas AG , Under Armour distributes its products to retailers, meaning that for the most part it doesn’t have a direct relationship with its consumers. By building its fitness app community, Under Armour is trying to position itself to interact frequently with customers.

“Every company is trying to get a piece of our attention, and this is another way of Under Armour being on my mind a little longer,” said Camilo Lyon, managing director of equity research at Canaccord Genuity.

Looking ahead, futuristic fibers could very well be in the mix. Mr. Plank helped woo founders of the apps he has purchased by showing them an advertisement dubbed “Future Girl.” It depicts a woman donning a garment that changes shape and color at the touch of a finger, analyzes her yoga poses and lights up with sensors to track her morning run.

One version of that commercial ends with a voice-over that says: this product isn’t available yet, but is being built at Under Armour right now. “And it’s never been more true than today,” Mr. Plank told investors in February.

Source: WSJ


微軟開發出可監測情緒的智慧圍巾 | Microsoft shows off smart scarf prototype, updates Band

微軟開發出可監測情緒的圍巾 Microsoft shows off smart scarf prototype, updates Band





微軟公司表示“使用於情緒測量(使用像心跳速率,排汗信號)的設備正變得更便宜、更可靠,像是智慧手錶類的新興產品已經開始整合心跳速率監測(諸如Samsung Galaxy Fit系列),未來幾年之內,穿戴式監測器,如多用途智慧手錶或特殊設備(像Spire)將會像今日的健身帶般的無處不在。”


Microsoft報告指出: 由於某些殘疾的影響,許多人有情感識別的障礙,不管是自己的還是別人的,像是自閉症(ASD)一樣。



這條智慧圍巾是由微軟研發團隊所開發,該團隊由畢業自馬里蘭大學的Michele Williams所領導。

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Microsoft shows off smart scarf prototype, updates Band

Microsoft is increasingly moving into the world of wearables, both through conceptual moonshots like the smart scarf recently presented by Microsoft Research and through a hefty update, released last week, to the fitness tracking functionality of the Microsoft Band smartwatch.

According to MIT Technology Review, the scarf was the brainchild of University of Maryland graduate student Michelle Williams, who led the project while she was an intern at Microsoft Research. Officially called SWARM (Sensing Whether Affect Requires Mediation), the vision for the scarf would be a gadget to help people with disabilities obtain additional information about others’ emotional states as well as respond to the user’s own emotions.

A Bluetooth app can cause the scarf to vibrate or heat up by sending signals to modules within the wearable that can be configured depending on the user’s preferences. The final version would send these signals directly in response to the readouts from sensors detecting emotional biomarkers like heart rate.

“We designed SWARM as a scarf for several reasons,” Williams and her co-authors wrote in the paper. “Firstly, we were inspired by weighted vests used in [autism spectrum disorder] therapy. While there is some controversy over its usefulness, many people with autism use pressure as a means of helping to focus and relieve the stress of sensory overload. A scarf could be wrapped around the wearer in a vestlike manner if such comfort were desired. Secondly, as mentioned, previous work presented a promising modular and versatile scarf design that appeared viable for housing several different actuations in one garment. The vast number of ways in which a scarf can be folded further motivated using this style of garment. Lastly, scarfs are currently fashionable and worn as an everyday garment, addressing our desire for a discreet design that does not draw unwanted attention as an assistive device.”

In the study, a panel of users with visual and hearing disorders as well as one user with autism tried out the scarf and told researchers about their own needs in terms of assessing and reacting to their own emotional states, as well as transmitting those states to others. Potential improvements could add cooling as well as heating, or add a music player or LED lights to the scarf.

Microsoft scarf swarm 2“People already use technology to regulate their emotions – our participants mentioned listening to music, driving, and calling others when experiencing emotions from stressed to excited,” the authors wrote in their conclusion. “Thus, envisioning explicitly combining emotional reactions into one device is not inconceivable. As indicated by our participants, one’s emotional state is not necessarily something people want broadcast, but more personal awareness (as in the Quantified Self movement) was desired. We propose systems for reflecting on and increasing awareness of one’s own and others’ emotional states as a future area of accessibility research that might be also useful for everyone as we move towards a smarter, sensor filled world that knows how people are feeling and can help people address this context.”

Since Williams is no longer with Microsoft Research, the future of the project is uncertain, researchers told MIT technology review.

Meanwhile, last week Microsoft released the first firmware update to its Microsoft Band smartwatch, adding a dozen new guided workouts to the connected Microsoft Health app, notably including a set of workouts from fitness author Mark Rippetoe. Although the workouts are stored in the phone, users can download them into the band to get workout feedback right on their wrists.

Source: Mobihealthnews