
認識寶特瓶環保纖維 | What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?

認識寶特瓶環保纖維 | What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?









§ 環保再生織品也因為必須經過特殊的處理,價格上要比傳統布料的製成品要來得高。
  在保特瓶碎片融化成塑膠粒前,為取得保特瓶碎片的過程不可忽略,投注下去的成本也相當高。 §


  •    ‧除了用保特瓶回收處理的人造纖維製成衣服外,其他的再生環保纖維原料用途相當廣泛。
  •    ‧可分成填充纖維、單絲類、薄片類、衛浴類方式運用到日常生活中。
  •    ‧可以製作睡袋、枕頭、雪衣、填充玩具等內層填充物,可說是目前國內保特瓶再生原料的主要市場。
  •    ‧單絲類可以用來製造工程用塑膠、假髮及拉鍊。
  •    ‧薄片類則可以製作蛋盒、文件夾以及彩色筆盒。
  •    ‧浴巾、清潔布以及垃圾濾網則歸為衛浴類的運用。


  • 引發目前生態危機的保特瓶,會造成迅速發展,主要是拜石化工業的科技所賜。當我們在享受保特瓶容器的方便性同時,相對地也要付出環保上的代價。
  • 製造保特瓶的材料是聚乙烯對苯二甲酸酯(簡稱PET樹脂)。隨著石化工業的發展,在1955年間被使用在纖維及膜材上。
  • 首先運用在飲料容器上的是美國百事可樂公司,在1975年時大量用來填裝可樂行銷。日本在1977年的時候,用來裝醬油販售。
  • PET樹脂製成的保特瓶,跟一般鐵或玻璃罐的容器比較起來,空氣阻隔力強很多,又有質輕、不易破裂的優點。
  • 美、日等經濟大國,所產製的保特瓶數量相當驚人,而且每年所產出的數量更是持續增加中。
  • 由於廢棄的保特瓶不容易腐化分解,而且體積蓬鬆占空間,減短垃圾掩埋場的壽命,成為生態上最大的殺手。


  • 日本倉敷公司已將纖維製品的回收再利用商品化,利用寶特瓶再生纖維製成衣料服飾。
  • Gunze公司的寶特瓶再生衣料「Repet」,可製作套裝、夾克、西服等服飾,並掛有綠色(回收利用)的標籤。
  • 美國有家地毯公司專門回收寶特瓶來做地毯,工廠每分鐘可以處理1萬4000個
  • 2007台北紡織展中的「環保風」圖騰。/新台灣
  • 南台灣紡織研發聯盟-寶特瓶回收,做成鞋面


    1. 用寶特瓶回收抽絲的「RePet」系列產品
    2. 強調製程節能、減廢及具高色牢度的「Ecoya」原抽色紗。 
 ‧利用回收的寶特瓶,去除商標瓶蓋洗淨後,經過碎片、乾燥、聚合等過程,以環保製程重製為 PET粒


    與一般紡織品相較, Ecoya的製程可明顯減少二氧化碳排放、水與化學品用量、能源消耗量及廢水中的化學需氧量。

  1. 國人大多不曉得寶特瓶可以再利用製成其他商品、或不能接受利用寶特瓶再生的產品。因此,透過宣導報導,讓消費者了解商品的回收與再製的可行性及可性度,增加消費者購買的意願。
  2. 可先由大型集團開始做起,例如7-11可以以回收的寶特瓶來製成制服,除了可以有效的再回收利用,讓大眾了解寶特瓶再生的意義,也提升了企業的形象,更是回收工作的最佳示範。
  3. 環保的概念要從每個人開始,一人一點也能夠累積成很大的力量,政府應多宣導民眾正確的觀念,並鼓勵廠商製作綠色商品,激勵民眾多選擇使用綠色商品。


What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?

The process of recycling is always equated with cost reduction and with lessening if not eliminating the wastes that go to landfills. Polyester fibers from recycled bottles are now used to cut down on manufacturing costs for textiles. Naturally, this will also mean cheap clothes for consumers.

A Brief Background About Polyester Fibers and PET Bottles

The development of polyester fiber from recycled bottles is actually a matter of re-channeling the use of the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate” which is also the chemical ingredient in PET bottles. Both polyester and PET bottles are basically made from the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate”. It was proven to be more cost efficient if polyester fabrics were manufactured by just recycling PET bottles, since there will be less heating and energy required in processing the polymer ingredient.

Half of the processing required by the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate” to reach the desirable consistency of a viscose liquid will be eliminated. Only the other half of the process, which starts from breaking down the PET plastic into chips up to applying finishing on the textile product, will be required in manufacturing polyester fabric from recycled plastic bottles. Hence, the recycling process is more cost efficient as well as eco-friendly since it provides another destination for PET bottle wastes instead of sending them to landfills.

In fact, PET is the acronym for Poly Ethylene Terephthalate and was used to distinguish plastic bottles from those that were made from the hazardous clear plastic bottles made from polycarbonate. Polycarbonate bottles have been found to leach even at room temperature. However, PET bottles for drinking water are recommended for single use only instead of being recycled through reuse.

How is Polyester Fiber from Recycled Bottles Made?

Bales of plastic bottle wastes will be supplied by recycle collectors. Workers of the yarn manufacturer will have to separate the colored bottles from the clear ones while every bottle will be inspected if free from any foreign materials including the labels and the caps.

The sorted PET bottles will be sterilized clean, dried and crushed into small chips still separating the clear PET bottle chips from colored PET bottle chips.

Once the chips are ready they will go through heating that will enable them to pass to the spinneret until they end up being wound up like yarn threads in spools. The fibers are drawn into smooth strings, and then go through a crimping machine which will give the polyester yarns the fluffy wooly texture. The crimped polyester yarns will be dried and baled and will have to pass quality control before they are considered fit for selling.

Textile manufacturers will buy the polyester yarns from the yarn makers. The white yarns will be bleached or dyed then fed to a circular knitting machine after the bleach or color has dried. The finished product is now the polyester fabric from recycled bottles.

However, in order to achieve different textures, the polyester fabric will go through a napper machine. Here, the polyester fabric will pass through mechanized bristles that will give the fabric texture by raising the fabric’s surface and shearing the raised threads with a yarn to even out the surface. The polyester fabrics from plastic bottles will become textiles like fleece wool, corduroy, velvet and other similar textiles with piled textures.

Environmental Impact of Polyester Fabrics Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles
The manufacture of polyester fabrics made from recycled plastic bottles is more energy efficient compared to the manufacture of virgin polyester fabrics since the latter has to start with the processing and heating of the chemical “polyethylene terephthalate” to achieve the required consistency .

An extra-large T-shirt is equivalent to 14 PET bottles while a sweater is equivalent to 63 PET bottles. A square foot of carpet uses up about 14 PET bottles while a sleeping bag is made of about 83 PET bottles. A ski jacket is equivalent to 20 PET bottles. If more and more people are into buying garments made of polyester fabrics from recycled plastic bottles, then fewer of the plastic bottles used by consumers will go into landfills. To date, it is said that at least 75% of plastic bottles manufactured during the year still end up in landfills.

Nevertheless, several PET recycled garment companies are now introducing business suits and trousers for both men and women. The suits are not only more economical but are easier to care for as well. The business suits can be machine washed, eliminating the need for dry-cleaning.


Present day recycling technologies have come up with waste management solutions for recycling discards we find hard to recycle on our own. Absorbent hygienic products, old carpets, PEP bottles and other nylon resins are now being recycled in the most environmentally productive ways.

Source: brighthub

