
Nike盛讚的環保科技 桃園看得見 | Toward Greener Apparel: Sustainable Dye & Recovered Yarns

Nike盛讚的環保科技 桃園看得見










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Toward Greener Apparel: Sustainable Dye & Recovered Yarns

“The textile dyeing industry has made the cloth beautiful, but turned the clean water black.”

So said Sunyun Yao, an official in Shaoxing County, China, back in 2010. There wasn’t much exaggeration in the statement: China’s textile industry has reportedly discharged 2.5 trillion liters of wastewater into its rivers annually, according to a 2012 report from the non-profit Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs.

Sunyun’s observation and the wastewater figures highlight an inescapable fact about the apparel business, to which everyone in the promotional products industry is connected. And that’s this: The traditional process of making fabrics can have a detrimental impact on the environment, devouring water and polluting.

But in recent years, pioneers in the apparel industry have been working to revolutionize the fabric creation process, making it more sustainable. We recently highlighted Spinnova, a start-up in Finland that makes eco-friendly yarns from wood fibers. In doing research for an upcoming Counselor feature article, we also discovered two other companies, DyeCoo and Hilaturas Ferre S.A., whose efforts could help create a greener – and even more profitable – apparel industry in the decades ahead.

DyeCoo is a Dutch company that uses reclaimed CO₂ instead of water in a patented process to dye textiles. With DyeCoo’s method, no process chemicals, water or wastewater is required, which means wastewater treatment isn’t needed. Rather, the Dutch innovators employ CO2 reclaimed from existing industrial processes as part of a closed loop system to infuse vibrant colors into textiles using 100% pure dyes. “Short batch cycles, efficient dye use, (and) no wastewater treatment all contribute to significantly reduced operating costs,” DyeCoo says.

Apparently, the company is on to something: Nike, Adidas and Peak Performance have products featuring DyeCoo technology. “We are convinced that this trend will continue as more and more brands will increase their demand,” the company says.

In Spain, Hilaturas Ferre S.A. is upcycling textile waste into recycled yarns. The company cuts the waste into consistent smaller pieces and then shreds it to reclaim the longest possible fibers. From there, a “colorblend” process enables consistent color-matching of cotton fibers without the use of dyes. A finishing process involving the infusion of carrier fibers and spinning results in high-quality, color-correct yarns that are used to make apparel, accessories and home textiles. Through its “Recover” process, Ferre saved 42.3 billion liters of water, 6.8 million pounds of pollutants, and 130 million pounds of CO2 emissions in 2016 – numbers verified by Universitat de València and UNESCO. (Yowzers!)

While such sustainable products and processes are not yet the standard, apparel industry insiders expect them to become more pervasive. One day, promo apparel suppliers say, sustainable apparel could become a strong selling point in the branded merchandise industry, which has already experienced a rise in eco-friendly items, such as shirts made from recycled plastic bottles. “The emphasis on sustainability is going to grow,” says Andrea Lara Routzahn, senior VP of portfolio and supplier management at Top 40 supplier alphabroder (asi/34063). “Millennials are gaining greater buying power, and they’re not walking away from sustainability.”

Original Article: ASI





近年來,運動風氣盛行,依據全國賽會網站上登記之路跑賽事,上半年統計賽事高達242件;全省健身房及運動中心也設立超過百間,連鎖帶動運動服飾的購買風潮;其中一款機能緊身褲,透過明星、部落客的分享,搭上業者「腹部加壓包覆設計 纖細下半身曲線」、「提高代謝燃燒、告別小腹象腿」的廣告標語,使該品牌在去年的台灣市場就賣出超過八萬件,創下了破億的營業額!




    標準檢驗局表示,購樣係依據國家標準CNS 15290「紡織品安全規範(一般要求)」規定檢測之3項「品質項目」,包括:(1)游離甲醛」:與皮膚直接接觸之紡織品類需低於75 ppm;(2)禁用之偶氮色料:含量不得超過30 mg/kg;(3)有機錫:與皮膚直接(非直接)接觸之紡織品類三丁基錫(TBT)限量值1mg/kg以下、三苯基錫(TPT)限量值1mg/kg以下,檢測結果12件樣品皆全數符合國家標準規定。

    另,依據「服飾標示基準」查核樣品之「中文標示」,發現編號1「HILL+ PLUS運動路跑壓縮褲」、編號8「NEOTEX HOT SPA爆汗美體褲-長褲」、編號9「SANTO美國懶人救星美腿塑身爆汗褲」、編號11「Seraphic SLIM SHAPERS爆汗美體褲」、編號12「EXR運動褲」這5款皆不符規定。包括纖維成分名稱未以中文學名標示;未標示進口商、生產國別等資訊;本體與外包裝標示不一致(纖維成分名稱及洗燙處理圖示)等(詳附件一);中文標示不符合服飾標示基準之處,恐影響消費者權益之虞,標準檢驗局已移請經濟部中部辦公室依「商品標示法」處置。





    審視此次檢測的5款爆汗褲廣告標語,除了齊聲標榜的「提升身體循環」、「排出四倍汗量」外,更有許多聽來驚人的效果,像是編號8「NEOTEX HOT SPA爆汗美體褲」宣稱「穿爆汗褲走路10分鐘=一般褲子一小時」、編號9「SANTO美國懶人救星美腿塑身爆汗褲」直指他們的商品是「史上最輕鬆的瘦法」、編號11「Seraphic SLIM SHAPERS爆汗美體褲」指稱只要穿上就能「躺著也爆汗」;這樣的商品廣告宣稱,皆涉及誇大(虛偽)不實、易生誤解,或引人錯誤之表示。




















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監控機師的疲勞度,智慧科技布料即將實現 | This Smart Textile Could Monitor Pilot Stress Levels in the Future



諾丁漢特倫特大學(Nottingham Trent University)的先進紡織品研究小組(Advanced Textile Research Group)正在探索如何在飛行員制服上和駕駛艙座位上將智能感測紡織品嵌入,以便在飛行過程中即時監控及發現焦慮,達到防止災難發生。

由諾丁漢特倫特大學藝術與設計學院的Tilak Dias教授指導策劃,該小組正在開發一種先進的濕度感測紗線(moisture sensing yarn)監測人體出現的壓力指標,包括心率變化、體溫和排汗等等。搭配心電圖(ECG)傳感器系統、熱敏反應電阻和溫度檢測器(RTD)等設備,紗線將可以分辨機師是否正在疲勞駕駛、靈敏度下降或是注意力無法集中等狀況。


配合由西班牙SerTec工程公司主導的主動模擬駕駛增強計畫(ASCENT),其中包括希臘Paragon SA和諾丁漢特倫特大學作為共同調查人員進行更廣泛的研究計劃。這項價值140萬的項目由歐盟委員會資助,力圖在未來幾年加入駕駛艙模擬器中。

諾丁漢特倫特大學高級講師和研究員威廉·赫利(William Hurley)說:「通過智能紡織技術收集的數據對於機師的培訓和開發將是無價的,並幫助新技術更快地融入駕駛艙。」「通過在模擬器中測試任何新技術來監控飛行員的精神狀態,可以更好地了解如何將這些技術集成到駕駛艙中。」


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This Smart Textile Could Monitor Pilot Stress Levels in the Future

What if textile technology could prevent stress for working wearers, like pilots? A team of European researchers is making this possible with its latest fabric innovation.

Nottingham Trent University’s Advanced Textile Research Group is exploring how smart textiles embedded in pilot uniforms and cockpit seats can detect anxiety during flights.

Led by professor Tilak Dias of NTU’s School of Art & Design, the group is developing an advanced moisture sensing yarn that could potentially monitor stress indicators, including variable heart rate, body temperature and perspiration. With an electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor system, thermistors, and resistance temperature detector (RTD) chips, the yarn may also be able to tell if pilots are experiencing fatigue or becoming less alert.

“By using smart textiles we’re able to provide new prognostic and diagnostic techniques for pilot monitoring in a completely non-intrusive way,” Dias said. “This will enable the collection of data which will indicate the psychological experiences a pilot goes through while navigating a plane, potentially through unknown situations.”

Dubbed Active Simulator Cockpit Enhancement (ASCENT), the project is part of a broader research initiative led by SerTec Engineering in Spain with Greece-based Paragon SA and Nottingham Trent University as co-investigators. The $1.4 million project is funded by the European Commission and seeks to enhance cockpit simulators in the coming years.

“The data collected via the smart textiles technology will be invaluable for the training and development of pilots and help pave the way for new technologies to be integrated into the cockpit quicker,” Nottingham Trent University senior lecturer and researcher William Hurley said. “By monitoring a pilot’s mental state while testing any new technologies in a simulator, a better understanding can be developed of how these technologies can be integrated into a cockpit.”

The idea here is that smart textiles could start to serve functions beyond tracking the wearer’s fitness statistics and develop to a point where they start to ensure greater safety in instances like air travel.

Original Article: Sourcing Journal


Nike 創新推出 Flyknit 運動內衣 | Your New Favorite Sports Bra is Made From Nike's Fancy Flyknit

Nike 創新推出 Flyknit 運動內衣

自Nike在2012年發表 Flyknit(飛線編織)這項創新的鞋面製作科技後,不僅成為這五年來自家品牌的設計招牌,也引領著整個運動跑鞋界的趨勢,帶來全面性的影響。

如赤腳般服貼、透氣、輕盈,隨著精密的紗線織法為球鞋編織出無限可能,如今,這項高科技的 Flynit 技術不只會在雙腳上輕盈飛奔,更將改變女性機能運動服飾的版圖。

Nike 近期在官方 Instgram 上以 “The Bra That Changes Everything”(一件能改變一切的運動內衣)開頭介紹這款全新的 Fe/Nom Flyknit Bra,有別於以往多片剪裁的製作方式,這款 Flyknit Bra 能大幅降低裁片的使用量,減少浪費也更加環保。

Nike 的工程設計團隊更花了超過600小時研究,透過人體掃描統計出女性運動員的身體動態,以及體溫高低和易出汗部位等相關數據,使 Flyknit 科技能在運動內衣的支撐度和透氣性上發揮最大效用。

目前,最新的 Nike Fe/Nom Flyknit Bra 運動內衣可率先於 Nike 北美地區的官網上購得,而最新一季的 Nike Indy Logo Bra 已在台灣地區各大 Nike 門市上架。

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打造屬於您的運動服飾 | ACOTEX運動成衣廠

Your New Favorite Sports Bra is Made From Nike's Fancy Flyknit

TO DESIGN A sports bra is to design for a constantly moving target. Breasts rise and fall with every jump. Run forward and they arc like a figure eight. “Breast tissue movement goes in many ways,” says Nicole Rendone, a Nike designer who spends most of her time engineering bras to mitigate those movements. “The number of components that go into a high-support bra is immense.”
Nike’s high-support bras can include upwards of 40 parts—things like supportive straps, elastic underbands, and stabilizers hidden in the exterior fabric panels—all designed to create stability without squishing what's inside. Which is why Nike’s newest sports bra, the Fe/Nom, seems like an architectural anomaly. The whole thing consists of two pieces of fabric stitched together. The secret? It's made from Flyknit, the material best known for Nike’s kicks.

First introduced in 2012, Flyknit combines weaves of various tightness to create fabric that's simultaneously flexible and sturdy. On Nike's shoes, the weave is looser where the foot needs less support (near the toes) and tighter where it needs more (on the sides). The result is a fitted, unibody upper without extra stitching, and a shoe that feels more like a sock.
The Fe/Nom uses the same technique. It’s not unibody—the front and back are stitched together—but the bra functions like a single piece of fabric with six different weaving zones. The tightest stitch is reserved for the underband, which carries most of the load. The back of the bra uses a more open stitch to create more flexibility and ventilation. Each of the black lines on the bra represent a “lockdown” zone, where the knit is much tighter and more supportive, sort of like a fabric underwire.

In recent years, designers have explored how a sports bra should ideally look and feel. Some companies, like Lululemon, believe that sports bras should allow for some range of breast motion. Nike (and much of the research) takes the opposite tack, focusing on compression and encapsulation of each individual breast. “We definitely do not want breast tissue moving because when it's moving, it's stretching out,” Rendone says. “That means those ligaments are going through damage.” A knit fabric might seem like an unlikely material to keep that damage at bay, but Flyknit offers a surprising amount of support—and not in the I’ve-strapped-duct-tape-to-my-chest kind of way.

While the $80 Fe/Nom is Nike's first piece of apparel to use Flyknit technology, it likely won't be the last. Flyknit is a brand in its own right, and it’s safe to assume Nike will explore how the material could create new products in the future. For now, though, a super soft bra that hugs your chest without squeezing it? Not a bad place to start.

Original Article: WIRED


和服也有Outdoor版!Snow Peak把浴衣外套「機能化」了

和服也有Outdoor版!Snow Peak把浴衣外套「機能化」了

不像以往,機能跟時尚已經不再是八竿子打不著關係,不管是論外表、功能性都不是只有Outdoor玩家才會觸碰的領域,其中有幾個品牌更是在這幾年紅到時尚圈來,像是上回才跟Nike聯名的ACRONYM,還有被Eugene Tong穿紅的Snow Peak,頂級露營品牌,機能性沒話說,設計剪裁上簡單、耐看又有型,一下子就受到矚目。

稍早在義大利佛羅倫斯盛會Pitti Uomo上,Snow Peak公開了「Outdoor Yukata(浴衣)」系列,將日本傳統服飾中的浴衣改為戶外活動也適合穿著的版本,從外觀看上去最明顯的部分先是腰間的綁帶,把傳統布帶改為尼龍壓扣,一下子就多了些機能氣息。

只改了腰帶當然稱不上是Outdoor版浴衣,布料上面採用了無論是透氣性、重量、速乾性都表現優異的新布料「Dot Air」,先不談是否要穿著這款浴衣進行戶外活動,不過在都市陰晴不定的天氣裡,或是在夏日祭典的大熱天時穿上,應該也會比傳統的棉質浴衣舒適些,價格從日幣換算大約落在台幣10,500-12,600元,預計會在明年2月販售,屆時買了還可以配之前Snow Peak出過的木屐系列阿。

原文出處:GQ Fashion

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