
科學家開發出變色“智慧紡線” | Google’s Jacquard enters PPE market with CINTAS


在Google旗下Project Jacquard的合作夥伴關係下,在加利福尼亞州的研究人員已經開發出一種新的顏色變化“智慧紡線”,在電腦顯示器上輪流變換布料顏色。

Project Jacquard是Google的先進技術和計畫(Advanced Technology and Projects ,ATAP)群的一項倡議,將導電纖維織成紡織品,將成衣以無線連接到設備、軟體平台和雲服務,以進行互動。





6月中旬工作服製造商Cintas Corp加盟Project Jacquard,建立起夥伴關係,旨在生產具有智慧成衣技術強化的制服。

今(2016)年5月,Levi Strauss和Google之間長達一年的合作夥伴關係,他們聲稱是世界上第一個使用Project Jacquard智慧技術為特色的公司。Levi與Google合作的 Commuter x Jacquard是針對城市自行車族,允許只需觸摸袖子,穿戴者即可接聽電話、控制地圖和聽音樂。

儘管Berkeley團隊表示,該計畫已經讓人們“對智慧衣服激發出想法,並啟發人們如何思考和感受智能衣服”,Project Jacquard正在探索各種可穿戴的方法,Ebb尚不適合大規模使用 。


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Google’s Jacquard enters PPE market with CINTAS

CINCINATTI – Corporate apparel and PPE manufacturer CINTAS has announced a new partnership with Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group – the research team behind the Project Jacquard wearable technology endeavour. The initiative is set to explore the application possibilities of wearable tech and smart fabrics in new healthcare and safety applications.

The news comes less than a month after Google unveiled its first ‘smart jacket’ at the annual software development conference Google I/O. The denim garment, developed in partnership with Levi Strauss, has conductive threads woven into its sleeves to allow for an interactive touchpad.

According to CINTAS, the company is following the footsteps of Levi’s and partnering with the project in order to help “advance use cases in work environments, with the goal of developing Jacquard-enhanced uniforms.”

Google first announced Project Jacquard last year, and confirmed its commitment to developing an early prototype smart garment, rather than something which would immediately hit high street shelves. The core of the technology, which was initially targeting cyclists and commuters through the Levi’s partnership, is a fabric that’s specially woven with conductive thread, which allows it to act as an interactive touchpad.

Discussing the opportunities in working with such technologies, Paul Jantsch, CINTAS’ senior vice president of corporate strategy and development, said: “CINTAS is excited to collaborate with Google ATAP in developing use cases in work environments for Jacquard’s textile technology.”

“We see many applications for the technology to impact productivity, compliance, health and safety, not only in healthcare, but in virtually all industries.”

“The Jacquard platform provides new possibilities to interact with services, devices and environments directly from the garment, literally from the cuff of your sleeve. This could greatly impact and benefit the healthcare industry in meaningful ways, for patients and practitioners, as well as provide solutions in numerous other fields,” added Ivan Poupyrev, Google ATAP’s technical project lead for Project Jacquard.

In the next printed issue of T.EVO, we look in further detail about Google’s partnerships with both Levi’s and CINTAS and what lies ahead for Project Jacquard.

Original Article: T.EVO