
Nike首次狀告中國大陸鞋廠有關專利權侵犯 | Nike Is Suing a Chinese Brand for Copying a Ton of Its Sneakers



大陸媒體經查證後獲悉,Nike起訴的福建 Bestwinn 公司全名為廈門誠大進出口有限公司 (簡稱「廈門誠大」)。Nike向美國內華達聯邦地區法院提交的侵權訴訟顯示出,Nike公司曾數次警告廈門誠大涉嫌專利侵權,但廈門誠大無視仍繼續生產及出售侵權鞋,其中包括Nike很受歡迎的 Flyknit 系列鞋款。


公開資料顯示,廈門誠大成立於 2006 年,目前擁有員工 60 人。主要從事各種鞋類的進出口及設計、研發、生產與銷售,其中包括休閒鞋、運動鞋、女士鞋以及孩童鞋等等,主要市場為東南亞、南美、西歐、北歐以及美國中部。廈門誠大官網顯示,公司年營業額在5,000萬-1億元人民幣左右,91%-100%的產品用於出口,客戶之一是美國大型零售商沃爾瑪。Nike公司認為,儘管中國大陸的山寨企業甚多,但這家公司已不是無名小卒,Nike將動用法律手段維護權益到底。

事實上,Nike在今(2016)年初剛對另一國際運動品牌發起了專利訴訟,狀告美國鞋業集團Skechers部分產品侵犯了Nike近兩年發行的 8 項專利設計。而在中國大陸市場,「山寨Nike」氾濫已非新鮮事。今年1月,廈門海關查獲了1.48萬雙「山寨」休閒鞋,涉及涵蓋Nike、adidas、Puma等諸多大牌,總價值約15萬美元。




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Nike Is Suing a Chinese Brand for Copying a Ton of Its Sneakers

It was just a few months ago that Nike took Skechers to court over sneakers that looked strikingly similar to its own Flyknit and Free models, and now the Swoosh is coming for another brand that it says has infringed on many of its patents.

This time around, the company in Nike's crosshairs is China-based Fujian Bestwinn, a brand whose site lives on the notoriously sketchy online marketplace Alibaba. According to the suit, which was picked up by sites like The Fashion Law and Protecting Designs, Nike alleges that Fujian Bestwinn has "made, used, sold, offered to sell, and/or imported into the United States" sneakers that have the "same or substantially similar overall visual impression" of as many as 20 patent-protected Nike designs.

To put it in layman's terms, this brand has completely ripped off a ton of Nike sneakers, including many silhouettes from the Flyknit and Free collections, along with what can only be described as a blatant Roshe knock-off. From the looks of things, Fujian Bestwinn didn't make much of an effort to mask its "inspiration" here—the brand's logo is basically just an upside down Swoosh.

Now, Nike's looking for monetary compensation and calling for Fujian Bestwinn to stop manufacturing and selling the sneakers in question. Although we weren't able to find an update on the outcome of the case, a cursory look through Bestwinn's site shows that all of the infringing sneakers have now been removed.

Original Article: COMPLEX