
Hugo Boss檢視分店銷售狀況,關閉中國大陸20間店 | Hugo Boss to close 20 stores in China amid weak demand

Hugo Boss檢視分店銷售狀況,關閉中國大陸20間店

由於2015年全年收益下跌及利潤減少,Hugo Boss將關閉中國大陸約20間店,並著手處理美國的大量折扣促銷活動,以維護長期銷售及獲利成長。

這個處境四面楚歌的德國時尚品牌在發布獲利下滑後,其執行長於今(2016)年2月辭職,Hugo Boss表示,公司正在優化中國大陸的零售業務,2月份時調低中國大陸的商品售價,以貼近美洲及歐洲的售價。除了進行大規模的業務重整,總數145家門市將關閉20家左右。

與其他時尚品牌一樣,受到中國大陸經濟放緩及銷售不佳影響,Hugo Boss因而調整售價試圖提振銷售。

Hugo Boss計劃限制在美國的經銷批發,以及僅在店中店提供Boss的核心品牌商品,以盡可能不以大折扣的方式促銷。Hugo Boss已與Macy’s百貨公司達成協議,讓Hugo Boss管理百貨內所有的8間店中店。

為了提供更無縫的消費者體驗,Hugo Boss也計劃拓展其網路業務,並於今年第二季落實其歐洲內的線上業務。

Hugo Boss表示,在檢視過成本結構及預定投資計畫後,今年的總投資額將低於2億歐元(約2,220萬美元),特別是在擴大拓展其自家零售業務上。

Hugo Boss公布2015年全年業績時宣布裁減計畫,全年收益從2014年的3.33億歐元下滑至3.19億歐元,下跌4.2%。毛利率減少了10個基點至66%,2014年則為66.1%,而銷售則上升9%至28.1億歐元。


Hugo Boss財務長Mark Langer堅稱Hugo Boss仍是個“健全及成長型的企業”,不過公司也注意到“日益嚴峻市場環境”。


Hugo Boss預期2016年會計年度在匯率影響的調整之後,銷售將有低個位數百分率的成長,預測毛利率差不多維持穩定。



Hugo Boss to close 20 stores in China amid weak demand

Well at least it hasn’t taken the scissors to its dividend but Hugo Boss, the troubled German retailer which recently parted ways with its chief executive, is likely to disappoint shareholders by failing to lift its full year payout. It has, however, promised to take action to revive flagging sales in the US and China, including closing around 20 of its Chinese stores.

The group has proposed a dividend of €3.62 a share, stable with the previous year, despite sales rising 9 per cent last year – or by 3 per cent excluding currency movements – to €2.8bn. According to a Bloomberg poll, analysts had been expecting an improvement in the dividend to €3.65 a share in an effort to appease shareholders, who have seen the company snip away at its forecasts several times in the last six months as demand for luxury fashion in key markets such as China has ebbed away.

Hugo Boss said last month that its chief executive of eight years, Claus-Dietrich Lahrs, would leave “as part of a mutual agreement”, just days after it warned that continued weak demand in China and the US would depress its profits in 2016. The company said it expects adjusted operating profit to decline at a “low double-digit percentage rate” this year. Hugo Boss had also cut its sales and profit forecasts in October last year.

In 2015, Hugo Boss’s sales rose to record levels but earnings fell short of expectations due to the challenging trading conditions in China and the US. Its gross profit margin for 2015 fell 10 basis points to 66 per cent and net income fell 4 per cent year-on-year to €319m, also due to higher finance expenses.

The group insisted on Thursday that it is taking action to revive sales in the US and China, including closing around 20 stores in China, plus making improvements to distribution and “brand perception”.

Mark Langer, Hugo Boss’s finance director said on Thursday:

To safeguard our profitable long-term growth, we have to align our strategy even more rigorously with customer needs. Management has therefore initiated measures to successfully address the external and company-specific challenges. Our brand’s attractiveness, the quality of our operating platform, our financial strength and our highly motivated workforce give us strong foundations for the future.

Hugo Boss is one of several luxury clothing retailers that has been caught out as the tide has turned in China, where shoppers who were once happy to splash their spare cash on status brands have turned more cautious following last year’s devaluation of the renminbi and amid concerns an expected slowdown in economic growth may be steeper than originally expected.

In the US, the company has reported weaker sales to tourists and constrained levels of consumer spending, which has forced it to offer more promotions.

Original Article: fastFT



Under Armour發表新的3D列印運動鞋技術

Under Armour公司正積極轉向3D列印運動鞋革命技術。“很多競爭對手都有在談論3D列印的技術,但比起談論我們更想實際實現它。我們希望看到消費者穿上後的反應“ Under Armour鞋類部門副總裁Chris Lindgren這麼說到。

Under Armour公司預計在20週年的今年三月將發布the Architect 3D-printed trainer 以3D列印技術的運動鞋款。為符合品牌周年慶的概念,Under Armour計劃推出96雙,以表彰品牌於1996年創立的精神。

不像其他運動鞋品牌著重在跑步鞋上,UA決定先針對運動訓練時穿的訓練專用鞋,因為Under Armour最初的核心就是在運動訓練上。 UA也認為訓練鞋的靈活性,將吸引更廣泛更多元的健身房消費者族群。

Under Armour加入了3D列印運動鞋技術,科技已經改變了運動鞋製造商製造鞋子的方式。不再使用昂貴的模具,3D列印技術讓製造商可以更快速的且低成地進行設計打樣。

當UA在設計the Architect 3D-printed trainer訓練鞋時,收集了超過80的運動員並且超過120小時的試穿資訊作為設計基礎。


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Under Armour is turning to 3D printing to power the next revolution in sneaker technology. The company has been working on 3D-printed sneakers and recently announced that it is releasing a limited number of trainers for the consumer market. “A lot of competitors talk about it, but we like to get it done. We want to see what the consumer has to say,” said Under Armour vice president of outdoor and training footwear Chris Lindgren to Sports Illustrated.

Under Armour will release the Architect 3D-printed trainer this month to commemorate UA’s 20-year anniversary. In keeping with the anniversary theme, the company plans to release 96 pairs in recognition of the brand’s 1996 founding. Unlike competitors that are working on running shoes, UA decided to release a training shoe first because the company’s original focus was on trainers. UA also believes the flexibility of a training shoe will appeal to a wider variety of consumers who are looking for a shoe that can take them from the weight bench to the treadmill and back.

Under Armour embraced 3D printing because the technology is changing the way sneaker makers create their shoes. Instead of using expensive steel molds and costly thermoplastic injection molding, with 3D printing, sneaker companies can prototype shoes quickly and affordably. When designing the Architect 3D, UA worked with over 80 athletes who tested and provided feedback on the shoes. UA produced an “innumerable” number of shoes that were used in over 120 hours of testing. This scale of prototyping and design would not be possible using the traditional molding process.

The Architect 3D is one of several 3D-printed models Under Armour plans to release in 2016. UA hopes to refine the 3D-printing process as it gathers feedback from consumers and will use this information to tweak future models. It also plans to expand the process to allow for on-the-fly customization by users who will be able to pick and choose designs as they create their perfect shoe.

Beyond the consumer market, UA hopes to combine scanning technology with 3D printing to build a shoe crafted precisely for an athlete’s foot size and forefoot shape and arch. The future is all about customization, and 3D printing allows the company to produce personalized shoes rapidly and with minimal expense.

Original Article: Digital Trends


日本帝人開發運動服用Octa Neo多層纖維 | Teijin Frontier develops Octa Neo multilayer fibre

日本帝人開發運動服用Octa Neo多層纖維


Teijin Frontier Co是帝人集團纖維產品的轉換製作公司,該公司表示,將為2017年春夏運動服與內衣發表名為Octa Neo的纖維,並計劃在2020年3月前,達到年銷售50萬公尺的目標。

Octa Neo是一種皮芯纖維(內芯+外皮包覆),使用帝人的中空紗,以八片聚酯纖維為核心材料。該公司解釋,Octa具有8個突起的鱗片,獨特的橫切面看起來像是圍繞一管狀纖維呈放射狀的排列。Octa Neo可與各種化學和天然的短纖維相結合。

Octa Neo多層纖維的結構與柔軟度結合了輕量、高膨鬆度、吸水和擴散性,可應用於各層面,同時,還具備了硬度、延展性和透氣性。

Octa Neo可以透過與其他帝人纖維結合,以擴大其應用層面,如:T恤、polo衫、內衣或牛仔布。


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Teijin Frontier develops Octa Neo multilayer fibre

Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., plans to release Octa Neo in time for 2017 spring/summer sportswear and underwear applications. Octa Neo is also said to be an ideal fibre for uniforms, bedding and various industrial materials. Annual sales of 500,000 metres are targeted by the fiscal year ending in March 2020.

Octa Neo is a sheath-core fiber that uses Octa filament as its core material. Octa has a unique cross section comprising eight projections, or fins, aligned in a radial pattern around a tube-like fibre. It combines the low weight, high bulkiness, water absorption and water diffusion of Octa with the texture and softness of staple fibers selected for each application. Octa Neo also offers stiffness, stretchiness and breathability.

According to Teijin, Octa Neo, in addition to its own excellent properties, can be integrated through combined weaving with other highly functional fibres from Teijin Frontier for expanded applications, such as T-shirts, polo shirts, underwear or denim.

Although chemical fibres are already used widely for highly functional sportswear, there are the company says, strong demands for materials that offer better textures that are not achievable with conventional fibres. Staple fibres offer the desired texture, but they lack sufficient strength and stretchiness, the company adds. To combine the attractive features of both fibres, Teijin Frontier leveraged its original technology to develop Octa Neo, which combines Octa fibre and other chemical or natural fibres.

Original Article: Knitting Industry


德司達(DyStar) 發表藍色無鉻染料 | Dystar showing latest solutions at Interdye & Printing

德司達(DyStar) 發表藍色無鉻染料


該公司是紡織業與皮革業的染料與助劑供應商,在Interdye & Printing Eurasia展會上發表其Realan Navy MF-RRN 產品。這項新染料是藍色媒染劑的替代品,具有清晰且豐富的層次,而且不含鉻及其他重金屬。完全符合Oeko-Tex Standard 100標準以及得到Bluesign認證。這個新產品是德司達繼去年所發表的無重金屬Realan Black MF-PV染劑後又推出一新的產品。

其他德司達所展現的創新應用將成為廢氣排放和纖維素的連續染色的新Levafix Eco範圍,完全不含重金屬鉻和其它經常列管的胺族。

對於時尚數位印刷,該公司最近開發的Jettex 墨水也展出,帶有多重功能性Evo Fin PSR處理加工技術,為該公司所聲稱的 “ 為PES布料的保濕管理設立新標準”。

Interdye & Printing Eurasia展會於本3月12-14日在土耳其伊斯坦堡的Expo Center舉行,德司達的丹寧布小組也將展出丹寧布整體解決方案及Indigo Vat 40%解決,包括以牛仔布為主的新藍色塗料,以製造牛仔布料色彩豐富的時尚刷洗效果的Lava產品,及為前處理和後整理所開發的Sera 和Evo助劑等等。



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Dystar showing latest solutions at Interdye & Printing

Dystar will be showcasing its latest solutions at the Interdye & Printing Eurasia 2016 to be held in Istanbul's Expo Center this month in hall 9, stand 311.

As per a Dystar press release, it will present a variety of innovations designed to meet the needs of the wool, fashion, digital printing, denim, outdoor, carpet, automotive, and active and work wear sectors.

One highlight of the trade show is the launch of their new Realan Navy MF-RRN, a dye, which is a replacement for mordant navy types.

According to Dystar, Realan Navy MF-RRN has a very clear, bloom shade and is free of chrome and other heavy metals and is fully compliant with Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and is also Bluesign approved.

“The launch of Realan Navy MF-RRN follows the launch of a completely metal free Realan Black MF-PV last year,” Dystar said.

Other product innovations that will be shown at the booth include the new Levafix Eco range for exhaust and continuous dyeing of cellulosic, which is completely free of p-CA and other regularly controlled amines.

The company will also showcase innovative Jettex intense inks based on novel chemistry for digital printing, providing particular process advantages, especially for fashion printers.

In the finishing segment, Dytsar will display the new multifunctional Evo Fin PSR, which it stated sets a benchmark for moisture management on PES fabrics.

In the segment of cotton dyeing, Dystar is displaying Sera Fast C-RD New and which helps to optimise process time, water and energy consumption.

Dystar's denim team will present their complete denim solution package with DyStar Indigo Vat 40 per cent solution, the cleanest indigo on the market, for the classic denim-blue.

With an eye on sustainability requirements, Dystar´s denim team will present processes and technologies for saving, recovery and reuse of dyes, chemicals, water, and energy.

Visitors to the stall will also learn more about Dystar solutions like Fashion Solutions, which are high-quality dyes with a wide range of colours on all common fashion materials.

“It offers new opportunities of colour brilliance with value-adding effects, such as the soft handle, crease resistance and moisture management,” Dystar informed.

In work wear solutions, the company will show the right substrate, high-quality dyes, and suitable auxiliaries for functional finishing effects.

For automotive solutions, optimum textile and leather solutions for all automotive requirements will be shown, while for active wear solutions, it will display an unrivalled range of problem-solving dyes and auxiliaries.

With improved resources, environmentally compliant dyestuffs, and a solid foundation of textile industry expertise, Dystar added that it is focused on continually developing improved resource efficiency.

Original Article: Fashion2Fashion


Hexoskin智慧衣,帶上自己的私人教練 | Hexoskin smart shirt reviewed: Measuring your vitals so you don’t have to



加拿大一家穿戴式裝置公司Hexoskin,就推出一款研發智慧上衣,可以測量各種生理數值,包括心跳、計步、卡路里及睡眠活動,也能測量更細緻的項目,像是心跳變異分析(HRV)、心率恢復(Heart Rate Recovery)、心電圖,以及跑步距離、疲勞指數等等。幾乎將市面上所有智慧型穿戴功能,直接一網打盡。




Hexoskin智慧衣現在已經推出第二代Hexoskin Smart,電力效能也大幅提升,從17小時延長至34小時。

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Hexoskin smart shirt reviewed: Measuring your vitals so you don’t have to

A world where you can slip on a tank top and gym shorts that track all of your workouts is a reality now—but it comes at a steep price. Hexoskin was one of the first companies to put out a range of smart exercise clothing, complete with shirts and tanks for men and women that monitor not just steps and calories but also heart rate, breathing, and more.

But being one of the first means jumping over many hurdles—not just in getting a product right, but also in getting users to buy it. A Hexoskin bundle includes a sensor-laced shirt, "brain pack" with the battery and Bluetooth sensors, and a charging cable costs for $399. That's a lot of money to pay for a garment that's going to get sweat on more often than not, but Hexoskin is hoping the technology underneath the surface will persuade serious gym-goers and athletes to take the plunge.

Design: An extra pocket for good luck

Hexoskin is one of the few smart clothing companies that has specific garments for men and women already. It offers a men's tank, a women's tank, and a men's long sleeve shirt, all of which are made of the same lightweight, breathable, stretchy material. It's that slick kind of fabric many workout shirts are made of, designed to prevent moisture from making you uncomfortable and to keep odors at bay. The entire garment is washable as well, just make sure you remove the brain pack first.

I received the women's tank and I went a size up since these shirts are made to fit tight against the body. On the right side of the tank is a small, rectangular zippered pocket where the pack sits at your natural waist. Inside is a connector stick that slides into the top of the pack, activating it and automatically turning the shirt on. There are no lights or anything ostentatious on the shirt itself, which is great because I didn't get any weird looks from people at my gym when I wore it. The only way for a passersby to tell that the Hexoskin tank is anything but a workout top is by the side pocket.

The women's tank has a built-in bra, and the band that hugs your ribs also holds many of the shirts sensors including the heart rate monitor. There's one other internal ring of sensors that surrounds your middle, right near the belly-button. As the wearer, I could feel these distinct parts of the shirt, but they weren't too tight or uncomfortable. I didn't feel weighed down when wearing the pack in the pocket during all of my workouts either—it definitely takes some getting used to, though. You will feel the pack bulging from your side at first, but ultimately it's not nearly as obtrusive as I thought it would be.

This is partially due to the fact that the brain pack itself is actually quite small and light. It's a simple rectangle with one button at the corner, which you use during initial pairing with your smartphone, and three small lights at the opposite corner to indicate pairing mode and battery levels. One of the shorter edges has been carved into a tube, and that's where you slip the connector stick and the charging stick in order to connect the pack to the shirt or to charge it. It's a funky design, but it's much more secure than if Hexoskin had made the pack with a micro USB port to support it. In terms of battery life, you'll get at least 14 hours of activity monitoring on a single charge of the pack, but it can get up to 150 hours of standby time. Depending on how often you work out, you may not have to recharge for a week or two.

Features: Every move you make, every breath you take, it's tracking you

Hexoskin's shirts are built to monitor everything that's happening beneath the surface when you exercise. It tracks heart rate, heart rate variability, VO2 max, breathing rate and volume, and the usual steps, calories, cadence, and sleep. Before you start tracking, you'll have to make sure the sensor pack is connected to the Hexoskin mobile app, which may seem obvious but I had some issues with this. Sometimes the pack would be on, not yet attached to the shirt, and the app wouldn't recognize it.

Turning your smartphone's Bluetooth settings off then on again usually fixes this—but then make sure to keep your smartphone within Bluetooth range of the pack. Before a workout, I went into my kitchen to grab some water with the pack attached to the Hexoskin tank I was wearing. My smartphone, left in the other room, lost connection immediately and it took at least five minutes for it to be restored. To avoid unnecessary wait time before you start a workout, just keep your phone on you at all times.

After the shirt is properly connected and running, you can go about your training, tracking specific workouts and activities using the app. There are fitness tests you can complete to assess your starting point as well, including ones for resting heart rate and VO2 max. When the shirt first turns on, it will automatically start monitoring real-time heart rate, breathing rate, and breathing volume. You can watch the change in all three of these stats from within the app, and it's cool to see things like how much air you're taking in on each breath.

The garment itself is quite a passive device—you just put it on and it does all the heavy lifting from there. Although, I do wish you could set fitness goals and keep track of them using the shirt and its app. While Hexoskin made a great piece of smart clothing that takes most of the energy out of monitoring exercise, it doesn't give any insight on how to perform better. It also doesn't let you set step, calorie, or heart rate goals.

Hexoskin app: A first-gen experience

Compared to the advanced nature of Hexoskin's shirts, the companion app's design feels outdated. While it's fairly easy to navigate, its interface is blocky and reminiscent of 2008-style apps. In a way, that works to Hexoskin's advantage because there's little to no learning curve for the app. At the bottom of homepage, your real-time heart rate, breathing rate, and breathing volume numbers are shown (they'll change every few seconds or so when your shirt is on and paired, otherwise they will be blank). Just above that is a big "GO" button, which leads you to choosing a workout or activity to track. There's also the last two workouts you saved above that, as well as your most recent fitness test scores if you've completed any the four available exercise tests.

When you begin a session, you can choose from pre-made workout routines or individual activities. While the list of workouts is fairly limited compared to devices like the Microsoft Band, it's a start and provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels for many of the routines. You can even create your own "freestyle" workout, where you choose individual activities, put them in a sequence, and complete them on your own. The one issue with that is that you need to choose from the activities in Hexoskin's list, you can't just create your own with really defined moves such as "crunch" or "overhead lift." However, the activities list is pretty thorough and it even includes sports like badminton, baseball, rollerskating, and soccer.

The same way you can see live stats on the homepage while wearing the shirt, you can see live stats when you're completing a workout. During your routine, the app shows heart and breathing rate in the center of the screen, hugged by a timer tracking the duration of your workout, a real-time timeline of your heart rate so you can see where you fall in terms of high and low heart rate zones (you can toggle between heart rate and breathing rate on the timeline as well), and a bottom bar containing calories burned, steps taken, and air inhaled or breathing volume.

I found it really convenient to leave the app open on my phone and periodically check where I was in terms of heart rate, so I could speed up and hit a higher bpm when I felt I needed to pick things up a little. It also made me more conscious of my breathing—whenever I noticed my breathing volume in the single digits, I tried to take deeper breaths and that actually helped me feel less fatigued during longer workouts.

I really liked having that timeline of heart and breathing rate to peek at as well. Unfortunately, though, that timeline disappears once you finish your workout and save it. You can look back at any saved workouts you want and see a bunch of stats: high, low, and average heart and breathing rates, total calories burned and steps taken, and highest and average cadence. However, the timeline of your heart rate and breathing rate changes throughout the duration of your workout is gone, and I was really disappointed by that. I would have liked to look back on my 30-minute elliptical session to see when my heart rate spiked or when my breathing was at its most shallow.

Those detailed charts aren't available in the app, but you can see versions of them by logging into your account on Hexoskin's Web dashboard. However, you'll have to sync your data again by plugging Hexoskin's pack into your computer via its USB charging cable. This saves all of your recorded workouts and data locally, but it takes forever to sync via PC. Since the program syncs each recorded workout individually, often it would seemingly freeze and only upload a workout or two, leaving the currently-importing one hanging at 10 percent completed. I discovered this after I thought my duration graphs were only available during my workout, so I was pleased to see those graphs weren't totally lost (even if I wasn't pleased at how long I had to wait to see them due to snail-paced syncing).

The way of the future for serious fitness buffs

Hexoskin definitely nailed it with two of the most important aspects of smart clothing: comfort and convenience. Its tank feels like a regular workout top and performs like one. It wicks away sweat, moves with your body, doesn't get too gross too quickly, and doesn't get in the way so you can focus on your next rep. The tank itself is convenient because you can wash it just like any other, and when it comes to the smarts of the garment, it's not nearly as intrusive or complicated as you may think smart clothing would be. Yes, you will have to get used to a small pocket near your waist with a battery pack inside of it, but thankfully Hexoskin developed its technology to be small and lightweight. You barely feel it.

While the product is one of the first solid pieces of smart clothing available, the overall experience of using Hexoskin's tank was slightly lacking. The Hexoskin app could use some improvements in interface, but more importantly, I'd like to see a more comprehensive list of workout routines to choose from and a few more individual exercises. I also wanted to be able to set goals to achieve, particularly heart rate zone goals. With such tweaks, the app could have pushed me harder to step up my game or at least inform me after my workout that I wasn't performing up to par to reach my goal.

Hexoskin is asking for a lot for a solid smart shirt and a partially unfinished app experience. Each adult Hexoskin pack is $399, which is no small investment for a first-generation product. If you're a newbie to exercise or someone who works out regularly but isn't necessarily worried about hardcore stats, you'd get more use and value from Under Armour's $399 HealthBox and its wristband tracker, smart scale, and chest strap heart rate monitor that all work together. But for those who live the fittest of fit life, the people who are regularly checking vitals during training sessions and constantly working towards new goals, Hexoskin's clothing—and smart clothing in general—could make your daily routine much easier.

The Good

Hexoskin's tank fits comfortably and doesn't feel like you're wearing a piece of technology. And it's fully washable.
Conveniently and consistently tracks heart rate, and breathing rate and volume, along with the standard steps and calories.
Long battery life—it will last you through many one-hour workouts before needing another charge.

The Bad

You can't set activity or workout goals.
Neither the shirt nor the app gives you insight on what to do with your exercise stats.
Some features of the app that you can see during a workout disappear after you save each session.
Syncing data to your PC takes forever.
The Ugly

That $400 price tag is too big to swallow.

Original Article: arstechnica