
變形金剛超進化 – 衣服也可以是機器人?

變形金剛超進化 – 衣服也可以是機器人?


這項機器人紡織材料是由普渡大學(Purdue University)的研究團隊所開發,該材料除了具備「偵測」功能,更可以通過電流控制進行主動運動,另外由於它在硬體結構上與傳統的剛體機械不同(紡織品是「軟」的),更進一步為未來開創了新的「軟機器人」學科。機器人紡織物的出現,使得讓機器人擁有「可感覺的皮膚」變得不再天方夜譚,同時也可被使用在太空科技上,作為G力衣(幫助太空人抵抗加速度)或是探索未知區域的多功能輕質機器人,甚至作為人體輔具,提高穿戴者的施力強度!

機器人紡織品主要由棉質材質與彈性聚合物(作為偵測用途)編織而成,另外還內嵌記憶合金線(受熱時會由線形變成蜷曲狀);若將紡織品包裹在泡綿或是氣球上,一旦通過電流加熱控制,紡織物機器人便可以進行動作,依據不同的編織方向,能讓機器人選擇不同的行動模式:當線路方向與中間的支撐物(泡綿)平行,機器人會像蟲一樣彎曲、蠕動;當線路與支撐物垂直,機器人則可以進行收縮運動。「我們將運動和偵測兩項功能同時結合在這套紡織機器人中,比起現有許多只有單一功能的類似產品,增加了更廣泛的應用性」研究者之一的Rebecca Kramer說道。




反恐裝備 - Dyneema提供防刺背心 | Dyneema To Offer Anti-Stab Technology In Protective Vests
台灣紡織撐起全球運動時尚半邊天 | Stretchable Textiles in Vibrant Colors


反恐裝備 - Dyneema提供防刺背心 | Dyneema To Offer Anti-Stab Technology In Protective Vests

反恐裝備 - Dyneema提供防刺背心


該公司正密切的與Aegis Engineering LTD進行合作,Aegis Engineering LTD專精於個人防護裝備,並與全球開發商合作,開發出多重反恐原型裝備,以確保新材質符合國際標準的規格。這其中包括專為英國警察制定的HOSDB標準防彈衣。

DSM Dyneema公司生命防護部全球業務總監Marcio Manique表示,防刺纖維技術已經落後了十多年,而防彈衣行業更是停滯在不斷重新檢修。

Marcio Manique並表示,該公司發展出了防刺纖維技術,以防止因刀刺而受傷,即使在最危險的環境,仍能確保執法和軍事人員的保護,並且不會犧牲掉穿著時的活動性與負重量。

Aegis Engineering LTD.公司的董事總經理Steve Jenkins說,公司看了Dyneema防刺纖維技術的性能,第一時間直覺這就是我們一直在找的,所有執法人員所需要的。DSM Dyneema已開發出一系列革命性的防護背心產品,不論是耐磨性、重量和保暖產品全都有涉略。



DSM Dyneema公司最新的纖維布料技術使設計人員能夠將防刺背心的重量和厚度縮減近25%。Dyneema防刺纖維技術將給予執法人員和軍事人員良好的輕便性、靈活性和舒適性進行他們的工作。


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Dyneema To Offer Anti-Stab Technology In Protective Vests

And, it’s finally offering its latest protection gear: Dyneema Anti-Stab Technology. This technology is an anti-stab material for soft armor panels. Vests that include the Anti-Stab Technolgy can offer wearers also protection against sharp weapons like knives, shives and more with unsurpassed comfort, flexibility and lightweight.

This latest Dyneema technology can be added with the company’s soft ballistic material, bringing the market a whole new level of multiple-threat protective gear. The company has been talking and working with Aegis Engineering LTD, the global developer in personal protective clothing, to develop the multi-threat prototype vest to ensure the new material meets the compliance of international standards. This includes the HOSDB Body Armor Standards designed for UK police.

According to Marcio Manique, DSM Dyneema’s Life Protection global business director, improvement in anti-stab technology has been lagging for over a decade and the body armor industry was in serious need of an overhaul.

He said the company came up with the anti-stab technology to ensure the most protection against knife stabs, ensuring that law enforcement and military personnel are protected in even the most hostile environments. Manique said wearers will still get the freedom of movement, lightweight and all-day comfort that Dyneema has been highly recognized for.

Steve Jenkins, Aegis Engineering LTD.’s managing director, said the company looked at the Dyneema Anti-Stab Technology’s performance and feel it’s what law enforcement has been wanting for quite some time. DSM Dyneema has developed a revolutionized the protection vest industry, surpassing the traditional offerings of wearability, weight and thermal.

How Is The Material Different From Traditional Materials

The latest technology from Dyneema allows designers to develop protective vests that are nearly 25 percent thinner and lighter. Aegis Engineering Ltd.’s protective vest prototype has an areal density of about 5.6 kg/m2. Vests comprised of traditional materials with the same multi-threat protection level have an areal density that ranges from 6.7 to 7.7 kg/m2.

Dyneema Anti-Stab Technology will ensure law enforcement and military personnel have the best flexibility and comfort do their jobs in an effective manner. And, personal protective gear manufacturers will benefit from getting the new material in rolls instead of sheets, boosting the efficiency in manufacturing and decreasing the amount of waste. It’ll be available commercially in 2016.

Original Article: Body Armor News


加拿大名牌羽絨衣Canada Goose新廠啟動,將再擴編 | Canada Goose opens 2nd factory in Winnipeg, hires more staff

加拿大名牌羽絨衣Canada Goose新廠啟動,將再擴編

加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)為明年擴展國際市場計畫,已在溫尼辟設立新工廠,公司總裁Dani Reiss證實工廠已在上月啟動,由於Canada Goose公司業務成長十分迅速,因應市場需求擴編人力,該公司已和緬尼托巴政府合作增聘計畫,政府將協助訓練新進員工。

據了解,去年1月加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)便在多倫多設立4萬5千平方英尺的新工廠,而坐落在溫尼辟Mountain Ave1455號的新廠也達10萬3千平方英尺。除兩大廠外,加拿大鵝在全加國還有20多個工廠。

加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)創立於1957年,經數十年發展,從小企業變成家喻戶曉的品牌。不僅常見於運動畫報(Sports Illustrated),也在好萊塢電影中亮相。2013年12月公司決定將大部分股權出售給美國私人投資公司Bain Capital。當時加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)表示,由於公司在全球市場的成長速度迅速,為融資才有此決策。

【資料來源: 駐加拿大經濟組】

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Canada Goose opens 2nd factory in Winnipeg, hires more staff

Canada Goose plans to double staff at a new factory in Winnipeg by early next year as it lays the groundwork for a bigger international expansion.

President and CEO Dani Reiss says a new facility opened last month and already employs 80 people.

He hopes to see that level spike — first to about 160 employees by March with a further goal of 364 people working there by the end of March 2017.

"We want to be able to support growth in the markets ... where we're growing very quickly," Reiss said in an interview.

The company says hiring is being done in partnership with the Manitoba government, which has helped support the training of employees.

Canada Goose has been quickly building its capacity over the past two years after securing a deal with U.S. private investment firm Bain Capital, which took a majority stake in the brand.

The company was founded in 1957 by Reiss' grandfather, but over the past decade, the brand has become a household name, featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition and in various Hollywood movies.

Last January, Canada Goose purchased a 45,000 square-foot facility in Toronto from a company that was making its garments under contract.

Its new Winnipeg factory is significantly larger — measuring 103,000 square feet. It's located at 1455 Mountain Ave., just north of the company's existing operations in the city.

In total, Canada Goose now has two factories in Winnipeg and two in Toronto. The company also contracts out manufacturing work to about 20 other factories across the country.

All of its products are made in Canada, with the exception of its gloves, which are manufactured in China. The company has said it can't find a Canadian facility with the technology to make down-filled gloves.

Reiss said the made-in-Canada brand is focused on making sure it can meet the growing demands for its jackets and outerwear in the United States, which is now its fastest growing market.

"The (U.S.) for the first time this year is going to be bigger than Canada in terms of overall market size," he said.

Beyond North America and Europe, Reiss is weighing expansion at a tempered pace.

"In a few years, we feel like we'd be in a pretty good position to enter the Chinese market," he said.

"When we do it, we want to do it properly."

Original Article: CBCNews


Under Armour高層離職,集團進行組織重組 | Former Dallas Mavs CEO Exits Under Armour

Under Armour高層離職,集團進行組織重組

機能性服裝品牌Under Armour全球體育用品部門總裁Terdema Ussery待不到兩個月就要離職,因此,Under Armour著手進行組織改組。

Under Armour於今(2015)年11月10日表示,公司重組旨在簡化了公司的策略與經營計畫。在集團最新的投資人大會上,Under Armour概述調整首席營運長(COO)在目前公司領導團隊中的特定營運權責計劃。Under Armour表示,供應鏈重組是過渡期的一部分。

因此,原Under Armour全球行銷部門執行副總裁Adam Peake被任命為產品類別管理部門執行副總裁,並將取代Ussery職位,而Ussery再也不是集團的一員。

Ussery今年7月任命為Under Armour全球體育用品部門總裁,於9月14日正式上任,推動品牌發展,是拓展集團內所有核心產品類別品牌的要樑。

其他職務安排包括原鞋類業務及創新部門總裁Kip Fulks,可能成為過渡期間新創角色─首席行銷長的人選。在Under Armour任職多年,他將繼續領導集團的策略計畫。

原首席商務長Henry Stafford除原有工作外,還將負責集團的鞋類業務及創新部門。此外,他也將在Peake的領導下,管理Under Armour新產品類別研發工作。

此外,原國際市場部門總裁Karl-Heinz Maurath則被任命為首席營收長,負責所有銷售管道的銷售工作,包括批發、零售店及電子商務。而他也有可能負責特定供應鏈的職務,特別是全球物流業務。

管理階層的職務調動,在首席財務長暨首席營運長Brad Dickeson宣布離職追求其他工作機會的一個月後開始,而Dickerson是具有11年機能性服飾工作經驗的專家。

Under Armour計劃於2018年前達成年營收雙倍成長至75億美元,最近並新增更精細的計畫內容,認為這樣有助於達成所擘畫的雄心壯志,包含Under Armour製作產品方式的改變。


Under Armour預計,到2018年營收將翻一倍 | Under Armour aims to double revenue to $7.5 billion by 2018
Under Armour持續成長,成為Nike最可怕的競爭對手 | Under Armour is swiftly becoming a viable competitor to Nike.
Under Armour 進入電子運動時代 | Under Armour Turns Ambitions to Electronic Apparel, Monitoring Apps

Former Dallas Mavs CEO Exits Under Armour

There is an executive shakeup under way at Under Armour Inc.

Just a few weeks after announcing that CFO and COO Brad Dickerson will exit in February, Under Armour has filed federal documents stating that former CEO and president of the NBA championship-winning franchise Dallas Mavericks, Terdema Ussery II, has tendered his resignation.

Ussery was president of global sports categories at Under Armour for just three months — the firm announced his hiring in July, with a start date of Sept. 14. CEO Kevin Plank had set high expectations for the incoming executive. During his tenure, Ussery was responsible for organizing category management of all brand and business units internationally.

As part of its executive-transition process, Under Armour plans to assign key operational duties of the COO role to the company’s current executive leadership team.

Adam Peake, former EVP of global marketing, has been appointed EVP of category management and will also replace Ussery.

Kip Fulks, previously  president of footwear and innovation, has assumed a new role — acting chief marketing officer — in which he will oversee all marketing efforts across the company. He will also lead Under Armour’s search for a new CMO and will continue to “lead significant strategic initiatives” after that, the company said.

Henry Stafford will continue to serve as chief merchandising officer and has taken on an expanded role, overseeing the company’s footwear and innovation groups. Stafford will also oversee Under Armour’s new category-management group, which will be led by Peake.

Karl-Heinz Maurath, previously the company’s president of international, has assumed the role of chief revenue officer. Maurath will lead all global sales channels, including global wholesale, retail stores and e-commerce, for all of the company’s regions, which include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East & Africa.

Under Armour’s share price was up 1.44 percent at press time.

Original Article: Footwear News















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Nike執行長:彈性緊身褲將取代牛仔褲 | Power leggings are the new jeans: They claim to slim legs, flatten tums and make the wearer look motivated to achieve



















壓縮衣、緊身衣與塑身衣 | Compression Garments
復仇者盔甲下的祕密,Under Armour 特製高科技機能緊身衣

Power leggings are the new jeans: They claim to slim legs, flatten tums and make the wearer look motivated to achieve

CEO of Nike has said that leggings are the new denim
They reflect healthy lifestyle choices and makes the wearing appear fit
Celebrities love wearing ‘athleisure' and recent leggings sales have soared

You might have spotted those lithe, Lycra-clad women on your way to work. Or gawped at the fit, seemingly bare-faced mums decked out in their finest sportswear at the school gates.

But the chances are they haven’t been up since 6am doing bicep curls. Nor have they been for a six-mile run.
Rather, they are proof of a huge sea-change in the way we dress. Or, as Mark Parker, CEO of Nike, puts it: ‘Leggings are the new denim.’

For here is the sartorial truth. Women are no longer wearing Lycra just for the gym.
With the vogue for wellness and healthy eating, leggings have become the surprising new status symbol to replace It-bags and designer heels. As for the power suit? Forget it.

Nowadays, it’s all about power leggings and a look that says you’re just on your way back from barrecore, the trendy ballet ‘barre’ exercise favoured by Victoria’s Secret lingerie models - even when you are, in fact, only heading to a coffee shop.
And leggings aren’t just fashionable - they also reflect a lifestyle choice.

So, naturally, one of the high priestesses of the trend is nutrition zealot Ella Woodward - aka Deliciously Ella - who wears hers with crop tops and cosy knits emblazoned with slogans such as ‘Peace, Love and Kale’.

While there is no doubting the fact that Ella has transformed her lifestyle and diet, forgoing chocolate and sweets for leafy veg and nuts, according to market researchers Mintel, only half of those buying leggings have any intention of exercising in them.

However, that doesn’t mean we don’t aspire to live healthier lifestyles and to reflect this aspiration in our clothes - so much so that the fashion industry has dubbed this clothing category ‘athleisure’, as sales continue to soar.

According to fashion data company Edited, there are 25 per cent more leggings in the shops than there were at this time last year, and the total sales of ‘athleisure’ wear over the past 12 months exceeded £4.5 billion, an increase of 6 per cent on 2013.

No wonder fashion analysts are predicting that clothes made of Lycra and ‘performance’ fabrics may soon outsell denim.
Indeed, in the U.S., sales of denim dipped by 8 per cent last year, according to market research group NPD, while data group Euromonitor says global sales showed the weakest performance in a decade last year, as leggings increasingly replace jeans as our favourite for everyday wear.

But where to shop for clothes that are technical enough to wear to the gym, yet stylish enough for town?
Such is the demand among fashionistas that Net-a-Porter launched a sister site, Net-a-Sporter, to showcase uber-stylish activewear ‘as chic as everything else in your closet’, while Matches is another high-end retailer keen to tap in to the trend.

On the High Street, boutique sportswear shops such as Lululemon Athletica, which has ten stores in the UK, and Sweaty Betty, which has around 50 in the UK and U.S., have been given a style boost by celebrity power legging converts including actress Cameron Diaz and models Abbey Clancy and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

Mainstream chains have also got in on the act.

Having always been known for smart work clothes and pretty frocks, Whistles made a foray into stylish sportswear this year, collaborating with boutique fitness studio Frame to produce a collection of activewear, including high-waisted leggings (£55), slouchy jumpers (£50) and crop tops (£35) in greys, blues and blacks. The collection was such a success that a second is already in the pipeline.

H&M also has a growing ‘athleisure’ offering, as does Gap. Even good old Marks & Spencer has entered the fray, with a reasonably priced collection of leggings and sports tops. And early next year it will launch a really pretty capsule collection of activewear as part of the popular Rosie For Autograph lingerie collection.

At both ends of the scale it’s all about innovation. To be power leggings, rather than limp sausage skins, the fabric needs to work hard to hold everything in.

Lululemon recently launched its ‘Naked’ legging (£88), engineered to feel comfortable, supportive and stylish both before and after a workout.

The other must-haves to be seen in right now are Sweaty Betty’s Zero Gravity Tights (£90, sweatybetty.com), Nike’s Legend (£39, nike.com) and Lucas Hugh’s Nordica (£280, net-a-porter.com).

Such styles speak not only of an inner confidence when worn with flats and a slouchy sweater, but also signal that the wearer has things to do and get on with, without being impeded by a hoiked-in, restrictive dress and heels. It’s something that can be worn off-duty, but which doesn’t look slobby or frumpy.

They are practical, too -some complete with iPhone pockets - and, with sweat-wicking fabric and carefully placed seams and panels to make your bum and legs look smaller, these leggings have more attention to detail than your average high-end luxury outfit.

So, even if it doesn’t actually motivate you to rid yourself of your mum-tum in the gym, the new-age Lycra will flatten your muffin top when you are out and about.

Luxe sportswear offers elevated comfort dressing whatever your aesthetic. And it certainly beats the shell suit, the shiny tracksuit from the late-Eighties, which was as garish as it was sweaty and unflattering.

Laain (net-a-porter.com) is another brand that has capitalised on the popularity of leggings on the High Street. It’s the brainchild of Tamara Rothstein and Sheila McKain-Waid, also creative director at Jaeger.

‘We all try to do everything - we want to be mothers, have careers, be healthy and also find the time to exercise,’ says Rothstein. ‘But often there aren’t enough hours in the day, and so we need clothes that work for exercise, but make you look smart-sporty, rather than a slob.

‘Attitudes have really changed - leggings are becoming a more attractive alternative to skinny jeans. Swap your trainers for a small heel, and you also have a smart outfit that will see you through many roles in your day.’

But the best bit about fashion’s new marriage to fitness? Aside from the liberating influence of wearing clothes that feel comfortable, look chic and allow you to move around with ease, surely one of the markers of fabulous style is how democratic it is.

You aren’t required to be a particular body shape or age: one size really can fit all if you are clever about how you wear them.

Rothstein suggests that a longer-length tunic or gilet is a great addition for anyone who feels self-conscious about revealing their thighs or bottom, while a longer T-shirt works well for balancing out your legs.

Adopt some power leggings into your winter wardrobe. Who knows, they might even convince you to do some exercise.

Original Article: Mail Online


Under Armour持續成長,成為Nike最可怕的競爭對手 | Under Armour is swiftly becoming a viable competitor to Nike.

Under Armour持續成長,成為Nike最可怕的競爭對手

最新的財務報告顯示,Under Armour營收將首度超過十億元美金大關,且預計明年將成長25%。

Under Armour營運策略開始著重於冬季保暖發熱運動服飾,讓寒冷的冬天中增添保暖運動機能的元素。

根據一些華爾街分析師的說法,Under Armour在機能運動服飾的技術上,顯然已經超越Nike。

“Under Armour能超越Nike的最大原因在於,他們能將機能性紡織及布料技術巧妙地融入產品市場定位當中。” 諮詢公司Conlumino首席執行長尼爾·桑德斯在給Business Insider的email當中這麼說到。

在春夏2016年的展示會中,Under Armour向Business Insider展示了新的涼感技術,它將出現在新的產品系列當中。

這個最新的技術,名為「Cool Switch」,看起來像一個簡單的印刷圖案,但它實際上是利用汗水激活涼感的冷卻技術。一旦你開始鍛煉時出汗,布料將開始啟動涼感機制。

九月份,耐克公司向商業內幕約AeroReact - 汗激活冷卻技術,該公司表示,已在醞釀三年。該產品發生反應,水蒸汽,然後冷卻亞軍下來。


儘管Nike的女性運動服飾市場銷售得非常好,Under Armour也找來了Misty Copeland作為其代言人,預計將為Under Armour的女裝銷售注入新的力量。

在女性運動產品中,Under Armour致力於讓女性在運動當中可以減少汗水的影響。Under Armour首席女裝設計Kate Williams就展示了可以消除汗液和微生物的紡織布料。

Under Armour的成功原因在於該品牌的商品多樣性。


認識 ACODRY® Cool 涼感布料 | What is ACODRY® Cool?
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ACODRY® Thermal 發熱保暖布料

Under Armour is swiftly becoming a viable competitor to Nike.

The company recently reported quarterly revenues of more than $1 billion for the first time. Sales of its activewear are expected to grow 25% next year.

Under Armour, which started out selling shirts that keep you warm on cold days or cool on hot ones, arguably invented the concept of performance wear.

And its technology appears to be ahead of Nike in some ways, according to several Wall Street analysts.

"Under Armour is ahead of Nike in terms of how they are integrating technology into their proposition," Neil Saunders, CEO of consulting firm Conlumino, wrote in an email to Business Insider.

At its spring/summer 2016 showcase, Under Armour showed Business Insider a new kind of "cooling" technology it was featuring in its latest apparel lineup.

This latest venture, called Cool Switch, looks like a simple printed pattern — but it actually features a sweat-activated cooling technology. As soon as you start sweating during a workout, the apparel will start cooling you down.

In September, Nike told Business Insider about AeroReact — a sweat-activated cooling technology that the company said had been three years in the making. That product reacts to moisture vapor and then cools the runner down.

Nike remains the number one apparel company in the United States.

Though Nike's women's business is thriving, Under Armour — complete with Misty Copeland as its spokesmodel — has a powerful women's business, too.

The brand is going far to keep women on the go with as little sweat as possible. Under Armour's head of women's design, Kate Williams, showed Business Insider a microthread fabric that eliminates sweat and microbes as an example.

The also brand showed Business Insider apparel with wrist holes, so you can check out your Apple Watch while you're out for a run.

Ultimately, Under Armour's success comes down to the fact that the brand has a great product selection.

"Looking at the product mix, it is clear that Under Armour now has a 'head to toe' approach to sporting and fitness which is both attracting new customers to the brand, as well as increasing cross-selling opportunities and average ticket values from existing consumers," Saunders wrote in a note.

Original Article: Business Insider


Gore投資1,500萬美元研發耐久性潑水技術 | Gore-Tex company seeks alternative water repellent materials


GORE-TEX製造商WL Gore & Associates投資超過1,500萬美元,在未來五年內,研發可替代的耐久性潑水處理(Durable water repellent,簡稱DWR)。





全球消費成衣業務的負責人John Cusick表示:“我們作為一個技術領先的公司,承諾尋找超越目前的可替代塗層技術的解決方案”。



何謂防潑水布料?| What are Water Repellent Fabrics?
Columbia研發OutDry防潑水技術 | Columbia develops OutDry waterproof technology
3M與宏遠攜手發表撥水紗 力挺台紡織業站穩世界霸主

Gore-Tex company seeks alternative water repellent materials

Outdoor clothing brand, WL Gore & Associates, is investing $15m in research to find alternative durable water repellent (DWR) materials.

The company aims to find alternatives to the short-chain perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), currently used in its fabrics.
According to Bernhard Kiehl, leader of Gore Fabric's sustainability programme, both fluorinated and non-fluorinated materials will be considered in its new DWR initiative.

Gore, the manufacturer of Gore-Tex(R) fabric, has been exploring alternative DWR treatments since 2013, amid concerns about PFCs.

Long-chain PFCs are the subject of an EPA action plan and have been voluntarily phased out by many companies. However, debate continues over the environmental and human health effects of short-chain PFC alternatives.

US-based NGO, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), said that “EPA records contain disturbing indications that some of the new [short-chain] PFCs are as hazardous as their predecessors.”

However, Mr Kiehl said: “We disagree with claims that short-chain PFCs are harmful", provided they are used "responsibly".
He noted that Gore's materials are not significant sources of PFCs in the environment and that the company goes “to great lengths” to avoid their emissions, through the use of environmental control methods.

The company claims to have been among the first, in the outdoor industry, to completely eliminate perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) - a long-chain PFC - from raw materials used in the manufacturing process.

However, non-fluorinated polymer solutions, including hydrocarbon and wax-based technologies, have not yet met the company's durability standards, it says.

“During our tests, the non-fluorinated DWR treatment completely failed after only a short time of field use,” said John P Cusick, Gore's global business leader of consumer garments.

Several major fashion brands – including Adidas, Puma and H&M – have pledged to phase out PFCs.

However, outdoor brands have been “noticeably absent” in committing to initiatives like the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC), according to the EWG.

The Greenpeace Detox campaign has called on textile companies to “urgently phase out any use and discharge” of PFCs, due to their persistence, bio-accumulation and toxicity.

According to the EWG, textiles account for half of US consumption of PFCs. The compounds are also used in non-stick cookware, food packaging, and in a variety of industries for their friction-reducing properties.

Original Article: Chemical Watch


樂器穿上身 樹德科大電子服飾炫

樂器穿上身 樹德科大電子服飾炫








Microsoft科技衣 用衣服收簡訊 | Microsoft May Send Shock Alerts Through Clothes
Google著手開發高科技「觸碰型布料」| Google developing smart fabrics


Pray For Paris

Pray For Paris



英國航空公司EasyJet發表具有LED和感應裝置的新制服 | Wearable tech takes flight as UK airline EasyJet debuts LED and sensor-studded uniforms




廉價航空易捷航空公司(EasyJet),成立於1995年,由企業家Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou)所創辦,是目前英國載客量最大的航空公司。為了慶祝20週年,該航空公司嘗試了新的客艙機組人員和工程師制服,導入具有LED和感應裝置的新制服。




新制服的技術是由穿戴式科技公司CuteCircuit所開發,CuteCircuit曾為Katy Perry和Nicole Scherzinger所設計LED系列的穿戴式服裝。



Under Armour 深入可穿戴裝置市場
「單車族神器」前Google工程師發明的穿戴裝置 - LED方向燈手套 | ZACKEES TURN-SIGNAL GLOVE

Wearable tech takes flight as UK airline EasyJet debuts LED and sensor-studded uniforms

Crew at the short-haul airline could soon be sporting wearable tech to help light up your flight.

Wearable technology is about to take off. UK airline EasyJet is sending new uniforms down the runway that are covered with LED lights and built-in sensors.

Budget flyer EasyJet, founded in 1995 by the colourful entrepreneur Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, is the UK's biggest airline by number of passengers carried. The airline is celebrating its 20th anniversary by trying out new cabin crew and engineer uniforms that incorporate a variety of wearable tech features.

Both sets of uniforms have built-in microphones so engineers, crew and pilots can talk to each other. The cabin crew uniforms are dotted with LEDs on the shoulders that show your flight number and destination, in case you forget where you're going. The LEDs and illuminated hems also provide extra lighting in case of an emergency.

The engineer's uniform bristles with reflective panels and LEDs in the hood, intended to light up work areas so workers don't have to juggle a torch and have both hands free to stick panels back on, tighten propellers or whatever they have to do to keep your plane in the sky. Built-in video cameras allow them to beam pictures to other engineers to help diagnose problems.

Meanwhile air quality sensors and a barometer help engineers monitor their work environment and create a map of air quality in different cities.

The technology comes from wearable tech fashion mavens CuteCircuit, previously best known for LED-studded flights of fancy worn by celebs such as Katy Perry and Nicole Scherzinger.

Wearable technology has so far meant devices you wear about your person, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. But advanced e-textile fabrics and innovations in flexible circuit boards and displays means tech can be added to the actual clothes you wear, whether it's next-generation military uniforms or high-tech sporting kit.

EasyJet will start a trial of the uniforms early next year. Whether they're adopted across the fleet remains to be seen.

Original Article: cnet


UNIQLO推出UMOOD新科技根據心情選衣服 | Uniqlo's UMood Suggests Products by Reading Brain Waves





墨爾本大學的神經學博士哈里斯(Phil Harris)與優衣庫合作推出了這項技術。他說,品牌轉向神經科學,以讓這些品牌商品在消費者中取得優勢,已成為了一個不斷增長的趨勢。



不過,也並非所有的人都認同這種新科技。嚐試了UMood的CNET科技網站的資深編輯希利(Nic Healey)說,他認為這種科技很有趣,但他不會靠心情選購衣服。「你是根據你的心情買衣服嗎?會跟你剛才的感覺一模一樣嗎?」他問道。


Nike推出具自我調節透氣功能的新型輕質布料 | Nike announces high tech breathable apparel for runners
Microsoft科技衣 用衣服收簡訊 | Microsoft May Send Shock Alerts Through Clothes

Uniqlo's UMood Suggests Products by Reading Brain Waves

Retailers spend lots of time and money analyzing Big Data trying to pinpoint exactly what a customer would like to purchase before the customer even knows such a product exists.

Uniqlo is now going one better with a new sales tool that helps match a consumer with a product based on what's going on in a customer's brain. Are customers ready for a personalized shopper that can read their minds?

The new UMood has rolled out in Sydney, Australia, and asks consumers to sit in a chair, put on a headset with a forehead sensor and watch a few seconds-long films of such things “a woman reading in a forest, a stormy day in the city, a man standing on top of a mountain, a kitten, a man swimming, a needle ticking, cherry blossoms and a man dancing,” reports Mashable. Based on five data points—interest, like, concentration, stress and drowsiness—that are measured while watching the films, the retailer then presents four potential T-shirts and measures the customer's response. Soon enough, the winner is selected.

When Gizmodo observed UMood in action, most consumers were labeled as feeling “adventurous” but were not all offered the same four shirts of the 600 in the series. Australian comedian Ben Law was on hand to show UMood off, calling it a “Tinder for T-shirts.”

Tracy Lang, Uniqlo Australia's marketing director, told Gizmodo that this wasn't an attempt to collecting more customer data. “It's not really about consumer research, by any means,” she said. UMood will travel to other stores in Australia and could travel internationally if it is received well.

“We know that consumers want lots of choice, but when we give them lots of choice people actually have trouble making decisions,” Phil Harris, a consumer neuroscientist at brand insight company Nuro and the University of Melbourne, told Mashable. “I see a tool that helps narrow the range of options … being really beneficial.”

Original Article: brandchannel
















壓縮衣、緊身衣與塑身衣 | Compression Garments
復仇者盔甲下的祕密,Under Armour 特製高科技機能緊身衣
女力崛起,女性運動服飾商機帶動創業潮 | Why sales of women's sportswear are gathering pace








現在,這樣的想法已經快實現了。Intel(英特爾)研發出了實感技術RealSense,並在去年年底與京東達成合作,結合京東APP給顧客帶來虛擬試衣體驗。RealSense 實感技術由英特爾在CES2014展上首次推出,其配備的RealSense 3D 攝像頭可對物體實現三維掃描,並能精確識別手勢動作、面部特徵、前景和背景,進而讓設備理解人的動作和情感。利用RealSense技術可以分別給顧客和服裝建立3D模型,進而為顧客匹配各式各樣的服飾。站在顯示屏前,顧客能以一種旁觀者的身份,觀看上裝後的效果,不必再進試衣間試穿衣服。



虛擬現實技術現在大受熱捧,前文提到了3D虛擬模型,現在來說一說虛擬現實設備。上周,美國時尚休閑品牌Tommy Hilfiger宣布用虛擬現實技術做了一個 VR頭戴式設備。顧客在零售店裡帶上這款設備後,便可以在最前排「現場觀看」該品牌今年2月份在曼哈頓舉行的新品發布秀場,你還可以「走到」show場的後台看熱鬧。通過這項技術,Tommy Hilfiger將品牌發布秀場移植到了零售端,提供了超出消費者預期的場景,受到感染和鼓舞的顧客可以在店內購買秀場上展示的服裝。


10月初,Adidas公布了其3D打印跑鞋列「Futurecraft 3D」的概念圖和視頻。未來用戶只需在Adidas店裡的跑步機上跑幾步,Adidas就能快速獲取跑步者的足部特徵及各項數據,接着再利用3D打印技術製造出這款跑鞋。




球鞋上可以做的文章還真多。據科技資訊媒體Engadget報道,Nike創意副總裁Tinker Hatfield表示,2016年將正式推出與《回到未來》電影中類似的「自動繫鞋帶」運動鞋,並寫信給Michael J.Fox(《回到未來》的男主角)表示,「雖然它是從科幻小說而來,但我們卻驕傲地讓它成真。」

但是有一點是讓人擔憂的,Nike是單純為了完成科幻電影裡的預想去做這款鞋,還是考慮到了部分顧客的切實需求。Nike公司似乎也給出了一些答案:這款球鞋將會以拍賣的形式進行銷售,所得善款將全部用於Michael J. Fox(FOX本人是帕金森患者)在帕金森氏病方面的研究。

Thin Ice,讓你坐着不動也能減肥

難道高科技都是懶人福利嗎?一套正在國外眾籌的背心和鞋墊——Thin Ice,可以讓人坐着不動也能減肥。設計者宣稱,你只要穿上它,每天就可以燃燒掉500到1000卡路里的熱量,這樣算下來,一周的時間內,大約可以減掉1斤。

這款高科技服飾,可以通過製造低溫區域,讓人的身體處於一種虛擬的寒冷狀態下,為了維持體溫,機體加快新陳代謝,達到燃燒更多脂肪的目的。另外,用戶還可以通過關聯的智能設備APP調節適合自己的溫度,目前Thin Ice已經支持iOS和Android系統。然而,能減肥的Thin Ice或許帶不來一種健康的生活方式。





Microsoft科技衣 用衣服收簡訊 | Microsoft May Send Shock Alerts Through Clothes
Google著手開發高科技「觸碰型布料」| Google developing smart fabrics
研究人員開發出新的太陽能紡織技術 | University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers team up to develop solar textiles
衣物髒汙清洗技巧 | How to deal with Clothing Stains?
Ralph Lauren推出智慧衫結合生物識別技術 | Ralph Lauren's Futuristic Fashion: The PoloTech Smart Shirt


American Apparel申請破產保護 | American Apparel files for bankruptcy

American Apparel申請破產保護

美國時尚零售商American Apparel已申請第11章破產保護,原因包括3.11億美元債務、銷售額下滑,以及一些企業之間的訴訟官司。

American Apparel洛杉磯公司於今(2015)年10月5日表示,該公司已經與95%的擔保貸款人達成重組協議以減少其債務。據稱,這將使該公司實施“策略轉型”,以“振興”企業及品牌,同時保持該公司在美國的生產經營。


作為協議的一部分,American Apparel已申請第11章破產保護。該公司表示,預估將在6個月內完成重組。

在該公司創始人及前執行長Dov Charney下台約9個月後,今年2月上任的該公司執行長Paula Schneider表示:「透過改善我們的財務基礎,我們可望重新調整我們的業務,努力執行我們的轉型策略,我們期望創造新的相關產品,推出新的設計及行銷計畫,投資新店面,發展我們的電子商務業務,創造新的行銷活動,這將有助於推動我們的業務向前發展」。

自從去(2014)年公司指控他不當行為而解僱他,Charney已對該公司提出多起法律訴訟。American Apparel反控告他違反了他與該公司的停職協議。


該公司在Schneider帶領下,也不斷加強其管理團隊,最近任命Thoryn Stephens作為第一個首席數位長,並任命Cynthia Erland為高級行銷副總裁。

Conlumino零售分析師執行長Neil Saunders認為:「三頭馬車使銷售迅速下降,資產負債表充滿了債務和一些日常管理危機」,終於證明了青少年的零售商過多。

「在我們看來,破產保護是American Apparel唯一可行的選擇。保護將暫時阻止任何未決的訴訟,這將使管理階層把重點放在其轉型計畫,而不是法庭的奮戰」。

「可以推論,最大的輸家將是創始人Dov Charney,我們不會僅看到他訴訟程序的拖延,也會發現,破產將讓股東權益全部歸零,其中包括創始人Charney,其在公司的持股(目前價值約820萬美元)」。


時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產
Quiksilver在美申請第11章破產保護 | Bummer...Quicksilver files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in US
Gap關閉175家分店,力拼轉型 | Gap closing 175 stores to be more 'vibrant'

American Apparel files for bankruptcy

American Apparel has filed for bankruptcy protection after persistent plunging sales at the the scandal-ridden teenage fashion company.

The Los Angeles-based company, which makes all its clothes in the US, said it had reached a restructuring deal with 95% of its secured lenders to reduce its debts.

Lenders will write off about $200m (£131m) of bonds in exchange for equity in the company, reducing its debt to no more than $135m and cutting annual interest payments by $20m.

As part of the deal, American Apparel will file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the company said in a statement.

American Apparel started out as an idea that its founder, Dov Charney, had in his Tufts University dorm room in 1989. It expanded to sell US-manufactured clothing from 260 shops in 19 countries, attracting notoriety for explicit advertising. Then followed a string of increasingly lurid allegations against Charney, undermining any lingering glamour from the company’s image. He was alleged to have made an 18-year-old sales clerk his “sex slave”, masturbated repeatedly in the presence of a female journalist sent to profile him and sent explicit texts to employees.

The 46-year-old Canadian, who once held a meeting wearing only a sock – not on his foot – has been cited in several sexual harassment lawsuits brought by former employees.

However, it was mainly financial rather than sexual matters that led to the company’s downfall as American Apparel failed to keep up with its young consumers’ tastes. Charney’s behaviour arguably sapped the company’s morale and took its sexualised image too far for young shoppers.

Charney had built American Apparel into one of the world’s most admired fashion brands, trading on an image that combined hipster chic and the sexual mores of the 1970s.

He won plaudits for his “Made in America” policy, which shunned the sweatshops of Asia to support US manufacturing. He paid double the minimum wage to his mainly immigrant workforce and provided health insurance and free international telephone calls.

But changing fashion trends and the financial crisis made young shoppers less keen to pay £30 for one of Charney’s plain T-shirts. Sales slumped and debts mounted.

American Apparel’s board fired Charney as chairman in June 2014 and sacked him as chief executive in December for sexual misconduct. The board highlighted the rising cost of defending the company against lawsuits against Charney and said potential backers would not deal with a firm with the self-confessed “dirty guy” at the helm.

American Apparel’s bankruptcy had looked likely for some time after it suffered mounting losses. The company reported a $19.4m loss in the second quarter of this year – its 10th consecutive quarterly loss – as sales dropped 17%.

American Apparel CEO Dov Charney fired: the fall of a merchant of sleaze
 Read more
“This restructuring will enable American Apparel to become a stronger, more vibrant company,” chief executive Paula Schneider said in a statement early on Monday.

The company listed assets and liabilities of between $100m and $500m in its bankruptcy filing.

Original Article: TheGuardian


Nike推出具自我調節透氣功能的新型輕質布料 | Nike announces high tech breathable apparel for runners




Nike 研發團隊成衣創新小組副總裁Brian Stewart稱,「成衣業一直以來總是運用層次的概念。但是我們怎樣才能創造一種能夠隨人體變化而自動做出調整的成衣呢?這樣在你跑步體溫上升時,或者當天氣突然改變時,你就不必自己做調整,衣服會為你代勞」。

Brian Stewart表示,「AeroReact能對人體變化與環境的變化做出調整,在穿著它的時候而始終感覺舒適」。Nike稱花費多年時間開發的AeroReact,透過大量研究、測試與實驗,使得這一布料趨於完善。隨後,布料的原型由來自全球的跑者進行該織物技術的測試。該系列包括女裝AeroReact套頭衫與男裝 AeroReact半開襟拉鍊上衣。


NIKE運動手環FuelBand因不實宣傳必須賠償消費者240萬美元 | Nike Settles Class Action Lawsuit over FuelBand
1年砸10億美元,Nike榮登全球最凱運動贊助商 | How Nike became king of endorsements
Nike推出第二款CO2無水染成衣 | Nike unveils second ColorDry dyed garment
Nike推出「Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣」| Nike Launches “Hyperwarm Flex” Base Layer Technology

Nike announces high tech breathable apparel for runners

The world's leading athletic footwear and apparel maker Nike claims it has developed what it calls AeroReact technology that helps runners maintain optimal body temperature for better performance, the company said in a statement.

Nike AeroReact technology is a new responsive, lightweight fabric developed with insights from the Nike Explore Team (NXT) Sport Research Lab and runners the world over.

“The apparel industry has always been based on the concept of layering,” says Brian Stewart, Vice President of NXT's Apparel Innovation team. “But how can we create apparel that adapts, so that as you change – as you heat up during your run – or as the weather changes around you, you don't have to make those adjustments?”

AeroReact is uniquely engineered to adapt to changes in a runner's temperature. Supporting the body's existing thermoregulation capabilities, the textile's bi-component yarn senses moisture vapor and opens its structure to maximize breathability. Thermoregulation is a process by which the body releases sweat that evaporates to help the body maintain an optimal temperature.

“Everything we do is focused on how we can help athletes perform better, be more comfortable and stay focused. AeroReact has this ability to adapt as you change and as your environment changes — to help keep you comfortable the whole time you're wearing it,” Stewart explains.

To develop AeroReact, Nike spent several years honing the fabric through research, testing and trials. Then, prototypes were distributed to runners worldwide, who wear tested the technology.

Runner feedback helped validate the team's work, says Peter Harrison, Nike's Innovation Project Director for AeroReact. “Many runners were amazed, as they felt that they would either be too hot or too cold at some point during the run, but instead they got to the end and forgot that they were wearing AeroReact. That's brilliant news for us, because we want the athlete to be able to focus on what they love doing and what they do best – not to be distracted by their clothing.”

Original Article: fibre2fashion


Kryptek Arm Sleeves 蟒紋迷彩手袖(袖套)

Kryptek Arm Sleeves


此次Kryptek Outdoor Group將產品延伸至功能性的科技布料,與ACOTEX合作開發,導入ACODRY® Pro先進布料技術,開發出屬於軍事產品的DRY-TEK®系列功能產品。獨特的紡織纖維處理工藝,與一般布料相比,能更快將皮膚的排汗吸走,進而提升人體的舒適度,並額外加強抗UV保護層,讓人體在艷陽高照下也能有效阻擋UV傷害皮膚。此高階棉感吸濕快乾布料,讓您在運動時能保持乾爽清新的舒適體驗。

From the mountains of Afghanistan through the desert plains of Iraq and on to places known only by a distinguished few, the employment of Combat Forces has never spanned environments so vast, varied, or punishing. Created from battlefield necessity, innovative technologies, equipment and apparel have emerged. Kryptek Outdoor Group's concept designers draw their knowledge of what works through actual combat experience. The idea of incorporating proven tactical gear concepts and evolving this technology into the hunting and outdoor adventure markets is the driving force behind what Kryptek does.

Kryptek Outdoor Group partnered with ACOTEX to develop a whole new advanced fabric technology for hunting camouflage products and named DRY-TEK®. Based on ACODRY® Pro technology, DRY-TEK® is designed to keep you comfortable and dry next-to-skin, the revolution technology that provides significantly faster moisture wicking action and quicker drying than cotton or other materials. The anti-odor function prevents the growth of odor causing microbes, plus its UV protection, giving you the whole new experience while doing activities in the forest.

  • 可置於洗衣機,不須乾洗 (使用溫水或冷水洗滌即可)
  • 避免使用漂白劑或衣物柔軟精等強效洗潔劑,以免破壞布料功能
  • 避免長時間浸泡水中
  • 自然風乾或放入烘乾機,選用中低溫烘乾
  • 風乾後20~30分鐘,即可恢復吸濕排汗效果

Care Instruction:
  • Machine washable
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners or stain removers
  • Avoid soaking in water or stay wet for a long period of time
  • Line dry, or tumble with low heat if necessary
  • The durable water-repellent(DWR) will be reactivated after 20~30 minutes

(了解更多ACODRY® Pro機能布料)

Manz亞智科技與adidas簽訂合作協議 | Manz And Adidas Sign Cooperation Deal



Manz集團執行長暨創辦人Dieter Manz表示:「我們『新興業務』創新實驗室的工程師為這項技術完成了前端的開發工作。而列為我們最優先的開發順序是協助我們的客戶能在地生產及生產彈性化。我很高興Manz能與adidas合作,提供他們生產製程中所需要的支援。這種自動化生產線,可以依據終端消費者的需求做到客製化的設計及生產,為我們的客戶開啟全面革新且創新的經營模式。從設計到最終產品的生產,持續的製程數位化便是說明Manz能將工業4.0實作到生產解決方案之中的最佳範例。此外,與 adidas的合作更是我們在附加生產技術領域所踏出的第一步。終端產品的客製化製程日益增多,這項未來導向的技術就顯得越來越重要。我認為Manz在這個領域有很好的發展潛力。」

未來透過「Speedfactory」在地生產運動鞋,adidas將能直接在消費者所在地區生產運動鞋,實現客製化,並將資源有效地運用以具備成本效益的方式生產運動鞋。adidas集團全球品牌董事Eric Liedtke表示:「速度對每項運動來說都是致勝關鍵,速度在我們這一行也等同於競爭優勢。因此,我們很期望與 Manz集團針對『Speedfactory』計劃緊密合作,讓我們的生產能更貼近消費者。」

直至 2020 年,Manz將依個別客戶對區域目標市場的要求,循序漸進將自動化生產發展到全球。這次的合作案將為Manz集團接下來的收益帶來相對應的助力,且其成效將隨專案的進展而提升。此外,合作案可幫助Manz持續多元發展本身的經營模式,包括在客戶、產業及地區等方面,使公司跨出重要的一步,同時也展現公司在各市場區隔與目標產業發展上的獨立性。


Manz And Adidas Sign Cooperation Deal

Manz AG (MANZF.PK) said that it has signed a cooperation agreement with adidas AG in connection with the adidas "Speedfactory" initiative.

In connection with the partnership, the technology will be implemented in so-called "Speedfactories," first in Germany and the USA, and ultimately worldwide. In these "Speedfactories", shoes will be produced locally in the target markets in the future. This collaboration with a leading company in the sporting goods industry and the transition of a newly developed technology from pilot production to series production underscores Manz AG's capability to develop innovative solutions for demanding customers from a wide variety of industries.

In the future local shoe production in "Speedfactories" will enable adidas to manufacture shoes at the consumer's location, in a customized, resource-friendly and cost-effective way.

The global development of automated production according to individual customer requests in the regional target markets is to be implemented in several steps by 2020. The collaboration will have the relevant effects on the revenue and earnings position of Manz AG starting in the coming fiscal year - effects that will increase as the project progresses.

Original Article: RTT News




台灣紡織界的年度盛事—台北紡織展(2015 TITAS)將於10月19日(一)~10月21日(三)於南港展覽館開幕,今年邁入第19屆的台北紡織展,計有370家廠商參展,展出達790個展位,再創下歷史新高!

今年開幕儀式,將有多位重量嘉賓現身站台,吳敦義副總統特別撥冗出席開幕典禮致詞,表達對台灣紡織業的大力支持,紡拓會董事長詹正田也代表主辦單位,歡迎從遠地而來的國際媒體與買主還有一起努力推動台灣紡織業的各家廠商與幕後推手共同參與此次的盛會,另外台塑集團總裁王文淵及遠東新世紀董事長徐旭東董事長也將蒞臨開幕典禮,一同替2015 TITAS揭開序幕。



UltraTech開發新型防護布料符合軍服自動清潔需求 | New fabric protection with battlefield beginnings



據開發此布料的UltraTech international公司表示,這種新的EverShield織物能夠免於水、食物、油、酸和鹼、泥漿的污染,並防止冰雹等污物結聚在布面上,且應用容易、易於脫色,並不影響透氣性。

行銷經理Mario Cruz said稱,運用小型企業創新研發計畫(SBIR)的團隊花費6年時間所開發的該款布料,能符合軍隊的需求。

當SBIR 計畫完成,UltraTech取得該項產品的全球專利權。渠表示,「UltraTech將持續開發這項技術並準備商品化生產,2015年3月我們進行EverShield 織物的首次生產」。

該項技術係在布料表面加上Durable Omni Repellent (DOR)塗層,該聚合物塗層包住材料的每個纖維,使織物產生防護效果,並顯著提升織物的耐久性。該塗層具有長鏈氟碳化合物,並使用更多可接受的C6氟聚合物,且因其不含揮發性有機化合物,對環境造成的影響較小。

不像有些持久防水層(Durable Water Repellent, DWR),EverShield織物可在標準工作溫度下洗滌。

研究人員開發出新的太陽能紡織技術 | University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers team up to develop solar textiles


New fabric protection with battlefield beginnings

A fabric protection treatment developed to meet a challenge set by the US Army for a “self-cleaning” uniform” has now gone into production.

The new EverShield fabric protection is said to deflect water, food, oil, acids and alkalines, mud, concrete and the formation of ice, is easy to apply, colourfast, and does not affect breathability, according to developer UltraTech International.

Marketing manager Mario Cruz said a team spent over six years developing the fabric treatment product that would meet the demands of the Army, using the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programme.

When the SBIR was complete UltraTech obtained the worldwide licensing rights to the product. "UltraTech continued developing the technology and preparing it for commercialisation, and in March 2015 we had our first production run of EverShield," he told just-style.

A Durable Omni Repellent (DOR), the fabric protection establishes a polymer coating that encases each fibre of the material, significantly increasing durability through a complex, protective matrix. The coating maintains performance levels of long chain fluorocarbons while utilising more acceptable C6 fluoropolymers, and because it is created with no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), it has a smaller environmental impact over time.

Unlike some Durable Water Repellents (DWR), EverShield treated fabrics can be washed at standard temperatures.

Original Article: Just-Style


Under Armour預計,到2018年營收將翻一倍 | Under Armour aims to double revenue to $7.5 billion by 2018

Under Armour預計,到2018年營收將翻一倍

機能性服飾的專業品牌Under Armour公司表示,他們預估2018年的營業收入為75億美元,幾乎是他們對當前會計年度預測的兩倍。


「公司目前所做的投資將持續進行,投資讓我們的長期業務淨收入增長率從22%增加至25%,已經證明我們所看到的未來,不斷在成長,並給予我們高度的信心。」,董事長兼執行長Kevin Plank說。


Under Armour也強調,在其主要的營運地區維持強而有力的策略,包括擴展北美地區成衣部分的核心業務,及環球批發業務,以及強化其重點在不斷發展以消費者為中心的運動品項結構。


Under Armour公司還表示,在2015年初,公司收購健身事業之後,預計長期的營收將達到8億美元,相當於從2014年3.54億美元呈現23%的複合年均增長率的速度。



「該公司結合鞋類產品的策略,以該類別新的高端產品,提升整個品牌,如Gemini 和Bandit,讓我們留下了深刻印象。」,知名的Cowen 和 Cowen分析師John Kernan指出。

雖然FBR&Co分析師Susan Anderson說:「我們相信,在北美地區,最有機會成長的是鞋類,尤其是運動鞋類。自2016年開始,最好的機會是來自通路的區隔化,因為有著通路/區域市場的特定成長機會(更好的價格結構,通路/品類的優秀人才的到位)。

HTC延後Under Armour「穿戴手環Grip」上市計畫 | HTC delays Under Armour-branded wearable after testing and user feedback
Under Armour 進入電子運動時代 | Under Armour Turns Ambitions to Electronic Apparel, Monitoring Apps
復仇者盔甲下的祕密,Under Armour 特製高科技機能緊身衣


Under Armour aims to double revenue to $7.5 billion by 2018

Under Armour Inc., providing a long-range outlook to shareholders at its investor day meeting, expects to reach $7.5 billion in revenue by 2018, lifted by an expansion into new markets.

While that figure is in line with analysts' estimates, the company said on Wednesday that it's outpacing its internal forecasts. Under Armour now expects to reach $4 billion in revenue a year earlier than previously targeted.

Shares of the Baltimore-based company rose 4.7 percent to a record close of $103.36 after the presentation. The stock is up 52 percent this year.

Under Armour, which got its start producing polyester workout shirts aimed at football players in the 1990s, has fueled growth by continually pushing into new categories. It also has signed endorsement deals with overachieving athletes, including basketball star Stephen Curry and golfer Jordan Spieth. Curry led the Golden State Warriors to a National Basketball Association championship this year, further raising Under Armour's profile.

Sales in the most recent quarter rose 29 percent to $783.6 million, topping the average analyst estimate of $761.8 million. The company exceeded $3 billion in sales last year.

Operating income for 2015 will be at the high end of the $405 million to $408 million range the company provided in July, Chief Financial Officer Brad Dickerson said on Wednesday.

Original Article: The Oregonian


Ralph Lauren推出智慧衫結合生物識別技術 | Ralph Lauren's Futuristic Fashion: The PoloTech Smart Shirt

Ralph Lauren推出智慧衫結合生物識別技術

美國成衣巨擘Ralph Lauren推出突破性的新型智慧衫,該款結合先進的成衣和數位健身技術為一體所開發的成衣,具有即時的生物識別技術,能夠幫助人們更瞭解自己的身體和健康狀況。



全球廣告行銷及企業溝通執行副總裁David Lauren稱,「Ralph Lauren智慧衫(PoloTech Shirt) 將改變人們看待時尚服飾的方式。可使人們獲得知識,並可用它來過更好的生活,是綜合科技、健身和風格,促進健康和福祉的橋樑」。

與Ralph Lauren合作開發該款智慧衫的Omsignal執行長Stéphane Marceau表示,「PoloTech Shirt指出下一代運動服的發展,超越今日健身平臺只提供數位體驗,是第一個將先進成衣技術和數位化健身技術結合為智慧型的產品」。

該款智慧衫已於本(2015)年8月27日在Polo Ralph Lauren公司紐約市全球旗艦、網站以及美國門市發售。定價約295美元。

讀取你的身體資料!世界名牌Ralph Lauren Polo推智慧穿戴科技服飾 | Ralph Lauren Polo Tech shirt reads wearer's biological and physiological info
谷歌攜手Levi's 打造智慧服飾 智慧生活近在眼前 | Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants


Ralph Lauren's Futuristic Fashion: The PoloTech Smart Shirt

After testing out the technology on ball boys at the 2014 United States Open, Ralph Lauren is selling a PoloTech™ smart shirt for men that is embedded with sensors to track vital signs like breathing and heart rates, stress levels and calories burned. The shirt streams that information to an app that will generate customized workout programs.

Conductive threads woven into the black nylon compression shirt and a lightweight module that snaps into the shirt around the left rib cage relay information to a Bluetooth-connected smartphone. The readings track a range of stats, including heart rate and variability, breathing depth and recovery, intensity of movement, energy output and stress levels, steps taken and calories burned. The free app, available through iTunes, offers live fitness monitoring, reporting and a “push rate,” which measures exertion, power and effort.

From all this data, the shirt will, essentially, tell you how to exercise.

The United States Army has used similar technology for years, followed by sports performance companies, like Zephyr, that equip professional athletes and athletic apparel lines that appeal to consumer fitness. Ralph Lauren marks a milestone in luxury fashion brands entering the market with devises that are wearable and clothes that do more than accessories.

PoloTech is at the heart of a planned relaunch of Ralph Lauren’s Polo Sport line, which started in 1992 and was closed in 2000. It was developed in partnership with proprietary technology from Canadian-based OMSignal, whose team includes experts in neuroscience, sports medicine and engineering. NCAA singles champion Marcos Giron wore prototypes during his practice sessions for the 2014 U.S. Open. Now, the shirt is flaunted in Ralph Lauren’s flagship store on 5th Avenue at a price of $295.

“People are just information addicts today,” says Salvatore Giardina, an adjuct professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology. “My gut feeling is it will do well because it’s not just something that looks nice, it gives you information.”

“What seems science fiction now may be the norm in 10 years,” Giardina points out.

If a shirt can instruct a workout, perhaps someday soon it will wash and fold itself too.

Original Article: ForbesLife


Quiksilver在美申請第11章破產保護 | Bummer...Quicksilver files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in US





Quiksliver的執行長Pierre Agnes表示:「經過慎重考慮後,我們已經採取了艱難但必要的步驟,以確保Quiksilver光明的未來」。





今年早些時候,Consac私募投資公司的總裁和身兼Quiksilver的股東Ryan Drexler,提議董事會考慮出售。

Quiksilver在2013年初推出了多年期計劃,試圖藉由專注於Quiksilver、Roxy 及DC三個核心品牌來恢復盈利,推動關鍵功能全球化,並降低成本。然而,該公司仍持續報告公司的虧損狀況和銷量下滑。

時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產
Gap關閉175家分店,力拼轉型 | Gap closing 175 stores to be more 'vibrant'


Bummer...Quicksilver files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in US

Quiksilver, a ubiquitous clothing brand at surfing hot spots from the U.S. to Australia, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for its U.S. division.

The brand, founded in 1969 in Australia, enlisted a stable of huge names to represent its image over the years, including surfers Kelly Slater and Tom Carroll.

Yet after what turned out to be its golden decade in the 1990s, Quiksilver has faced rising competition, particularly in the U.S.

The company said Wednesday that its European and Asia-Pacific businesses are going strong and are not part of the bankruptcy filing.

"After careful consideration, we have taken this difficult but necessary step to secure a bright future for Quiksilver," said CEO Pierre Agnes in a printed statement.

Quiksilver Inc. listed assets of more than $100 million and liabilities of more than $500 million in the filing.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a company to continue operating while it executes a reorganization plan. Quicksilver asked the court to allow Oaktree Management to provide more than $175 million in financing for the company as part of the "debtor-in-possession" plan.

The company, based in Huntington Beach, California, plans to continue with an ongoing store-closing plan in the Americas. It is scheduled to report third-quarter financial results later Wednesday.

Shares have plunged almost 80 percent this year as the company wrestled with both shipping and accounting issues. It was forced to delay its first-quarter earnings report in March due to a "revenue cut-off issue," and CEO Andy Mooney left the company that same month.

Trading in shares was suspended at the opening bell Wednesday.

Original Article: CNBC



衣褲拿來 宏遠幫你防蚊加工

位於台南的布料大廠宏遠 (1460) 推出為民眾「防蚊加工」的創舉,民眾可將不限品牌的長袖衣褲,送到宏遠幸福台灣各門市,然後再送回宏遠工廠浸泡防蚊劑,共同對抗登革熱。






休閒防蚊襯衫有分男、女款,從紗線、織布、染整到成衣,全程100% MIT台灣環保製造,並通過美國EPA、WHO及Oeko-Tex的合法認證使用。


日本Omikenshi開發用陽光、人體遠紅外線發熱的纖維“Solar Touch”
3M與宏遠攜手發表撥水紗 力挺台紡織業站穩世界霸主


萊卡塑美布料將於秋季推出 | Invista focuses on Lycra Beauty brand shaping denim in NY


美國纖維生產商英威達公司表示,今年秋天將推出第一個使用萊卡塑美(LYCRA® BEAUTY)品牌的牛仔布料,而最近也展示了男友風牛仔褲和新功能布料的選擇。

於2015年7月展出的紐約Kingpins牛仔布料展會,英威達展出了來自世界各地最新的萊卡塑美(LYCRA® BEAUTY)品牌塑形的布料,也展現了Coolmax與Thermolite最新功能的布料,包括利用Lycra lastingFIT技術,為男友風牛仔褲提供新的選擇。

根據英威達全球單寧布事業總裁Jean Hegedus指出,對萊卡塑美品牌牛仔布料一直是很強勁。"今天我們有超過200個萊卡塑美品牌的認證牛仔布料,和在今年秋天首批將在零售通路上市成衣。藉由採購符合萊卡塑美質量標準的布料,品牌和零售商有開發成衣的工具提供舒適的塑形,造成消費者高滿意程度。"

在英威達攤位內,最新的Coolmax和Thermolite布料成為功能性牛仔布日益成長的品項,使其全球布料系列展出更圓滿。Jean Hegedus總裁補充說明:"今天的消費者正在尋找成衣和可有部份功能的布料能提供某種形式的附加價值,無論是塑形牛仔像萊卡塑美布料、吸濕排汗布附加涼爽及乾燥的舒適性的Coolmax布,或有助於保持溫暖的Thermolite布料等功能。"



認識Coolmax | What is Coolmax?
谷歌攜手Levi's 打造智慧服飾 智慧生活近在眼前 | Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants
H&M的新單寧產品實現了回收再利用閉環循環 | H&M launches new collection of recycled cotton denim


Invista focuses on Lycra Beauty brand shaping denim in NY

American fibre producer Invista, co-sponsor of the Kingpins denim show in New York City, will be showcasing the latest Lycra Beauty branded shaping fabrics from around the world at Kingpins on July 21 and 22, it said in a press statement.

In addition, the company will feature the latest performance offerings with Coolmax and Thermolit fabrics, as well as new options for the boyfriend jean using lasting Fit technology by Lycra brand.
Invista is one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibers.

Response to the Lycra Beauty branded platform has been excellent according to Jean Hegedus, Invista’s global business director for denim. “Today we have over 200 certified Lycra Beauty branded denim fabrics and the first garments will appear at retail later this fall,” he said. “By sourcing fabrics that meet Lycra Beauty quality standards, brands and retailers have the tools to develop garments that provide comfortable shaping, resulting in a high degree of consumer satisfaction.”

In addition to Lycra Beauty branded fabrics, Invista will also showcase new fabric options for boyfriend jeans. Made with lasting Fit technology by Lycra brand, these fabrics incorporate Lycra T400 fibre for comfort stretch and long lasting shape retention, the statement said.

“By using fabrics with corespun Lycra T400 fibre, brands and retailers can achieve authentic denim aesthetics, along with the freedom of movement their consumers desire,” said Rita Ratskoff, Invista’s North America marketing manager. “Women – and increasingly men -- have become accustomed to the comfort and performance that fabrics with Lycra brand technologies provide. Now they don’t have to sacrifice that comfort and can still get the look of traditional denim.”

Rounding out the global fabric collection at the Invista stand are the latest Coolmax and Thermolite fabrics for the growing category of performance denim. “Today’s consumers are looking for garments and fabrics that “do” something -- offer some kind of added value, whether it be shaping denim like Lycra Beauty fabrics, or Coolmax fabric with cool, dry comfort, or Thermolite fabric that helps keep you warm,” Hegedus said. “As a leading provider of solutions to the textile and apparel industries, Invista can offer its customers the tools to provide this value.” (SH)

Original Article: Fibre2Fashion