
變形金剛超進化 – 衣服也可以是機器人?

變形金剛超進化 – 衣服也可以是機器人?


這項機器人紡織材料是由普渡大學(Purdue University)的研究團隊所開發,該材料除了具備「偵測」功能,更可以通過電流控制進行主動運動,另外由於它在硬體結構上與傳統的剛體機械不同(紡織品是「軟」的),更進一步為未來開創了新的「軟機器人」學科。機器人紡織物的出現,使得讓機器人擁有「可感覺的皮膚」變得不再天方夜譚,同時也可被使用在太空科技上,作為G力衣(幫助太空人抵抗加速度)或是探索未知區域的多功能輕質機器人,甚至作為人體輔具,提高穿戴者的施力強度!

機器人紡織品主要由棉質材質與彈性聚合物(作為偵測用途)編織而成,另外還內嵌記憶合金線(受熱時會由線形變成蜷曲狀);若將紡織品包裹在泡綿或是氣球上,一旦通過電流加熱控制,紡織物機器人便可以進行動作,依據不同的編織方向,能讓機器人選擇不同的行動模式:當線路方向與中間的支撐物(泡綿)平行,機器人會像蟲一樣彎曲、蠕動;當線路與支撐物垂直,機器人則可以進行收縮運動。「我們將運動和偵測兩項功能同時結合在這套紡織機器人中,比起現有許多只有單一功能的類似產品,增加了更廣泛的應用性」研究者之一的Rebecca Kramer說道。




反恐裝備 - Dyneema提供防刺背心 | Dyneema To Offer Anti-Stab Technology In Protective Vests
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反恐裝備 - Dyneema提供防刺背心 | Dyneema To Offer Anti-Stab Technology In Protective Vests

反恐裝備 - Dyneema提供防刺背心


該公司正密切的與Aegis Engineering LTD進行合作,Aegis Engineering LTD專精於個人防護裝備,並與全球開發商合作,開發出多重反恐原型裝備,以確保新材質符合國際標準的規格。這其中包括專為英國警察制定的HOSDB標準防彈衣。

DSM Dyneema公司生命防護部全球業務總監Marcio Manique表示,防刺纖維技術已經落後了十多年,而防彈衣行業更是停滯在不斷重新檢修。

Marcio Manique並表示,該公司發展出了防刺纖維技術,以防止因刀刺而受傷,即使在最危險的環境,仍能確保執法和軍事人員的保護,並且不會犧牲掉穿著時的活動性與負重量。

Aegis Engineering LTD.公司的董事總經理Steve Jenkins說,公司看了Dyneema防刺纖維技術的性能,第一時間直覺這就是我們一直在找的,所有執法人員所需要的。DSM Dyneema已開發出一系列革命性的防護背心產品,不論是耐磨性、重量和保暖產品全都有涉略。



DSM Dyneema公司最新的纖維布料技術使設計人員能夠將防刺背心的重量和厚度縮減近25%。Dyneema防刺纖維技術將給予執法人員和軍事人員良好的輕便性、靈活性和舒適性進行他們的工作。


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Dyneema To Offer Anti-Stab Technology In Protective Vests

And, it’s finally offering its latest protection gear: Dyneema Anti-Stab Technology. This technology is an anti-stab material for soft armor panels. Vests that include the Anti-Stab Technolgy can offer wearers also protection against sharp weapons like knives, shives and more with unsurpassed comfort, flexibility and lightweight.

This latest Dyneema technology can be added with the company’s soft ballistic material, bringing the market a whole new level of multiple-threat protective gear. The company has been talking and working with Aegis Engineering LTD, the global developer in personal protective clothing, to develop the multi-threat prototype vest to ensure the new material meets the compliance of international standards. This includes the HOSDB Body Armor Standards designed for UK police.

According to Marcio Manique, DSM Dyneema’s Life Protection global business director, improvement in anti-stab technology has been lagging for over a decade and the body armor industry was in serious need of an overhaul.

He said the company came up with the anti-stab technology to ensure the most protection against knife stabs, ensuring that law enforcement and military personnel are protected in even the most hostile environments. Manique said wearers will still get the freedom of movement, lightweight and all-day comfort that Dyneema has been highly recognized for.

Steve Jenkins, Aegis Engineering LTD.’s managing director, said the company looked at the Dyneema Anti-Stab Technology’s performance and feel it’s what law enforcement has been wanting for quite some time. DSM Dyneema has developed a revolutionized the protection vest industry, surpassing the traditional offerings of wearability, weight and thermal.

How Is The Material Different From Traditional Materials

The latest technology from Dyneema allows designers to develop protective vests that are nearly 25 percent thinner and lighter. Aegis Engineering Ltd.’s protective vest prototype has an areal density of about 5.6 kg/m2. Vests comprised of traditional materials with the same multi-threat protection level have an areal density that ranges from 6.7 to 7.7 kg/m2.

Dyneema Anti-Stab Technology will ensure law enforcement and military personnel have the best flexibility and comfort do their jobs in an effective manner. And, personal protective gear manufacturers will benefit from getting the new material in rolls instead of sheets, boosting the efficiency in manufacturing and decreasing the amount of waste. It’ll be available commercially in 2016.

Original Article: Body Armor News


加拿大名牌羽絨衣Canada Goose新廠啟動,將再擴編 | Canada Goose opens 2nd factory in Winnipeg, hires more staff

加拿大名牌羽絨衣Canada Goose新廠啟動,將再擴編

加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)為明年擴展國際市場計畫,已在溫尼辟設立新工廠,公司總裁Dani Reiss證實工廠已在上月啟動,由於Canada Goose公司業務成長十分迅速,因應市場需求擴編人力,該公司已和緬尼托巴政府合作增聘計畫,政府將協助訓練新進員工。

據了解,去年1月加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)便在多倫多設立4萬5千平方英尺的新工廠,而坐落在溫尼辟Mountain Ave1455號的新廠也達10萬3千平方英尺。除兩大廠外,加拿大鵝在全加國還有20多個工廠。

加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)創立於1957年,經數十年發展,從小企業變成家喻戶曉的品牌。不僅常見於運動畫報(Sports Illustrated),也在好萊塢電影中亮相。2013年12月公司決定將大部分股權出售給美國私人投資公司Bain Capital。當時加拿大鵝(Canada Goose)表示,由於公司在全球市場的成長速度迅速,為融資才有此決策。

【資料來源: 駐加拿大經濟組】

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Canada Goose opens 2nd factory in Winnipeg, hires more staff

Canada Goose plans to double staff at a new factory in Winnipeg by early next year as it lays the groundwork for a bigger international expansion.

President and CEO Dani Reiss says a new facility opened last month and already employs 80 people.

He hopes to see that level spike — first to about 160 employees by March with a further goal of 364 people working there by the end of March 2017.

"We want to be able to support growth in the markets ... where we're growing very quickly," Reiss said in an interview.

The company says hiring is being done in partnership with the Manitoba government, which has helped support the training of employees.

Canada Goose has been quickly building its capacity over the past two years after securing a deal with U.S. private investment firm Bain Capital, which took a majority stake in the brand.

The company was founded in 1957 by Reiss' grandfather, but over the past decade, the brand has become a household name, featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition and in various Hollywood movies.

Last January, Canada Goose purchased a 45,000 square-foot facility in Toronto from a company that was making its garments under contract.

Its new Winnipeg factory is significantly larger — measuring 103,000 square feet. It's located at 1455 Mountain Ave., just north of the company's existing operations in the city.

In total, Canada Goose now has two factories in Winnipeg and two in Toronto. The company also contracts out manufacturing work to about 20 other factories across the country.

All of its products are made in Canada, with the exception of its gloves, which are manufactured in China. The company has said it can't find a Canadian facility with the technology to make down-filled gloves.

Reiss said the made-in-Canada brand is focused on making sure it can meet the growing demands for its jackets and outerwear in the United States, which is now its fastest growing market.

"The (U.S.) for the first time this year is going to be bigger than Canada in terms of overall market size," he said.

Beyond North America and Europe, Reiss is weighing expansion at a tempered pace.

"In a few years, we feel like we'd be in a pretty good position to enter the Chinese market," he said.

"When we do it, we want to do it properly."

Original Article: CBCNews


Under Armour高層離職,集團進行組織重組 | Former Dallas Mavs CEO Exits Under Armour

Under Armour高層離職,集團進行組織重組

機能性服裝品牌Under Armour全球體育用品部門總裁Terdema Ussery待不到兩個月就要離職,因此,Under Armour著手進行組織改組。

Under Armour於今(2015)年11月10日表示,公司重組旨在簡化了公司的策略與經營計畫。在集團最新的投資人大會上,Under Armour概述調整首席營運長(COO)在目前公司領導團隊中的特定營運權責計劃。Under Armour表示,供應鏈重組是過渡期的一部分。

因此,原Under Armour全球行銷部門執行副總裁Adam Peake被任命為產品類別管理部門執行副總裁,並將取代Ussery職位,而Ussery再也不是集團的一員。

Ussery今年7月任命為Under Armour全球體育用品部門總裁,於9月14日正式上任,推動品牌發展,是拓展集團內所有核心產品類別品牌的要樑。

其他職務安排包括原鞋類業務及創新部門總裁Kip Fulks,可能成為過渡期間新創角色─首席行銷長的人選。在Under Armour任職多年,他將繼續領導集團的策略計畫。

原首席商務長Henry Stafford除原有工作外,還將負責集團的鞋類業務及創新部門。此外,他也將在Peake的領導下,管理Under Armour新產品類別研發工作。

此外,原國際市場部門總裁Karl-Heinz Maurath則被任命為首席營收長,負責所有銷售管道的銷售工作,包括批發、零售店及電子商務。而他也有可能負責特定供應鏈的職務,特別是全球物流業務。

管理階層的職務調動,在首席財務長暨首席營運長Brad Dickeson宣布離職追求其他工作機會的一個月後開始,而Dickerson是具有11年機能性服飾工作經驗的專家。

Under Armour計劃於2018年前達成年營收雙倍成長至75億美元,最近並新增更精細的計畫內容,認為這樣有助於達成所擘畫的雄心壯志,包含Under Armour製作產品方式的改變。


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Former Dallas Mavs CEO Exits Under Armour

There is an executive shakeup under way at Under Armour Inc.

Just a few weeks after announcing that CFO and COO Brad Dickerson will exit in February, Under Armour has filed federal documents stating that former CEO and president of the NBA championship-winning franchise Dallas Mavericks, Terdema Ussery II, has tendered his resignation.

Ussery was president of global sports categories at Under Armour for just three months — the firm announced his hiring in July, with a start date of Sept. 14. CEO Kevin Plank had set high expectations for the incoming executive. During his tenure, Ussery was responsible for organizing category management of all brand and business units internationally.

As part of its executive-transition process, Under Armour plans to assign key operational duties of the COO role to the company’s current executive leadership team.

Adam Peake, former EVP of global marketing, has been appointed EVP of category management and will also replace Ussery.

Kip Fulks, previously  president of footwear and innovation, has assumed a new role — acting chief marketing officer — in which he will oversee all marketing efforts across the company. He will also lead Under Armour’s search for a new CMO and will continue to “lead significant strategic initiatives” after that, the company said.

Henry Stafford will continue to serve as chief merchandising officer and has taken on an expanded role, overseeing the company’s footwear and innovation groups. Stafford will also oversee Under Armour’s new category-management group, which will be led by Peake.

Karl-Heinz Maurath, previously the company’s president of international, has assumed the role of chief revenue officer. Maurath will lead all global sales channels, including global wholesale, retail stores and e-commerce, for all of the company’s regions, which include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East & Africa.

Under Armour’s share price was up 1.44 percent at press time.

Original Article: Footwear News