




兼具機能和潮流的Under Armour擊敗Adidas,成為全美第二大運動品牌,進軍台灣2年多,攻佔百貨商場黃金戰區。


漸漸的,運動服品牌和設計師品牌一樣,衍伸出高檔系列。加拿大運動服品牌露露檸檬1件瑜珈褲要價可能高達80至200美元(新台幣2400至6100元)。除了體育用品巨擘Nike、Under Armour和Adidas外,新興品牌Outdoor Voices、 Michi和Vie Active 也爭食這塊大餅。


《彭博商業周刊》(Bloomberg Business)紐約零售店服飾採購顧問公司Doneger Group時尚總監莫里森(Roseanne Morrison)說:「部份新興的品牌將賦予運動服前所未有的地位。」「設計師休閒服飾」近來非常突出,時裝界過去不屑一顧的運動服,也開始銷售改良式的健身服飾,利用過去累積的名氣,讓定價400美元的緊身運動褲顯得合理。莫里森說,接下來專業級運動用品品牌也將推出主打運動機能的高檔運動褲。

Charli Cohen於2013年推出同名運動服品牌。這位英國年輕設計師2012年從金斯頓大學畢業後投身健身時尚,因為她認為科技運動服是下一個大賣點。Charli Cohen將會花大錢購買晚禮服的女性當作目標客戶,認為她們會希望在健身房中也穿上同樣時髦有品味的服飾,因此不介意花300美元買貼身運動褲和上衣與夾克。

Charli Cohen目前努力塑造品牌時尚感,而不將它定位成運動品牌。她說,證明自己是時尚品牌不容易,因為我們受限於衣服款式,也不可能讓名人穿著這些服裝走紅毯。她說:「我們還是要展現,這是健身和外出兩相宜的服飾。」

曾在Alexander McQueen 和 Marc Jacobs擔任設計師的Anjhe Mules於2010年開創了個人精品運動服品牌Lucas Hugh。為了將時尚融合實用性,她用2年時間研發。Anjhe Mules 所有的服裝都用上奧林匹克運動選手泳衣上的熱壓縫合技術,吸汗、乾得快、抗UV。目前 Lucas Hugh進駐高檔商場,部分要價400美元以上。

但紐約帕森藝術學院教授克勞馥(Caletha Crawford)說,高檔奢華運動中心文化的崛起,也催生精品運動服,裡頭的客人會在意自己踩飛輪、瑜珈或皮拉提斯時看起來怎麼樣,他們尋找能提升自己地位的服飾。


不可否認的是,長期被時尚產業認為搬不上檯面的運動服還是背負許多刻板印象,許多人認為,它只是功能性的服裝,留給Puma 和 Reebok等品牌去發揮就好。但這並非不可克服,看看原本專屬於礦工的牛仔褲怎麼變成時尚單品就知道。Dolce & Gabbana 和Roberto Cavalli還曾經販售過一件1200美元的牛仔褲。


女力崛起,女性運動服飾商機帶動創業潮 | Why sales of women's sportswear are gathering pace
ACODRY® Pro Mens Training Tights 男款訓練緊身長褲


1年砸10億美元,Nike榮登全球最凱運動贊助商 | How Nike became king of endorsements


運動大廠總是積極的贊助明星球員、球隊、聯賽,透過運動賽事的曝光度來打響自己的品牌,而其中最凱的贊助商是哪家呢,答案是美國運動大廠 Nike,自 2002 年以來贊助金額高達 80 億美元,約相當於新台幣 2,475 億元,而 2014 年 5 月到 2015 年 5 月 1 年內,就砸下了 10 億美元贊助金,贊助總額年成長速度 10%,還比營收成長速度略高,Nike 真可說是最「凱」的贊助商。

Nike 贊助策略的成功可說以麥可‧喬丹為代表,其他知名球星還包括雷霸龍‧詹姆士(LeBron James)、網球界兩位前球王──瑞士的費德勒(Roger Federer)與西班牙的納達爾(Rafael Nadal)、現任球后小威廉斯(Serena Williams)與前球后莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova);高爾夫球界有老虎伍茲、足球界有剛奪下三冠驚人戰績的巴塞隆納隊,大手筆贊助一流運動員、球隊與運動賽事,可說深植於 Nike 的品牌基因之中,但也因此給 Nike 帶來意想不到的麻煩。

國際足球總會 FIFA 遭美國大舉調查,陷入貪污舞弊風暴,Nike 也捲入其中,遭懷疑為了取得巴西世界盃的巴西隊隊服贊助商資格,而涉嫌賄賂巴西足協高層,Nike 對此只能表示配合調查,這對 Nike 可說是雪上加霜,當初在巴西世界盃中巴西隊遭德國隊淘汰,最後冠亞軍兩隊竟然都是愛迪達(Adidas)贊助隊伍,讓 Nike 顏面無光,更讓巴西隊球衣提前打折銷售,現在又面臨調查,真是啞巴吃黃連。

除了老對手愛迪達,新興運動品牌 Under Armour 也積極爭搶贊助合約,NBA 總決賽中,雷霸龍與史蒂芬‧柯里(Stephen Curry)的對決,也成為 Nike 與 Under Armour 的對決,柯里原本是 Nike 贊助球星,2013 年遭到 Under Armour 橫刀奪愛。

Under Armour 緊追在後

雙方對決不只在球場,也在金融市場上比拚,然而以總營業額來說,Nike 仍遠勝過 Under Armour,Nike 最近一季營收 75 億美元,市值 880 億美元,Under Armour 季營收 8.05 億美元,市值 170 億美元,可說小巫見大巫,但 Under Armour 的成長力道不容小覷,Nike 季營收成長 13%,Under Armour 則為 25%,Nike 股價於 2015 年至 6 月初漲了 7%,Under Armour 漲了16%,市場預期 Under Armour 2015 年獲利將成長 23%,超過 Nike 一倍,市場給予 Under Armour 的本益比也較高,相對於 2016 年的預估獲利達 54 倍,相對之下 Nike 只有 26 倍。

在 2015 年法國網球公開賽中,Nike 也不甚順利,費德勒與納達爾雙雙提前遭到淘汰,幸好女子部分 Nike 壟斷決賽,小威廉斯與對手莎法洛娃(Lucie Šafářová)均為 Nike 贊助,為 Nike 扳回顏面。Nike 可慶幸的是兩大對手表現更糟,原本為愛迪達贊助球員,現在轉投 Under Amour 的蘇格蘭選手安迪·莫瑞(Andy Murray),在四強賽遭球王喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)擊敗而無緣決賽,愛迪達贊助球員中戰績最佳的法國選手宗加(Jo-Wilfried Tsonga)也同樣止步四強。

雖然 Nike 在 NBA 仍維持一貫的「投資精準度」,押中參與決賽的雷霸龍,但 NBA 決賽中雷霸龍大戰柯里,對 Nike 來說其實是吃悶虧,因為 Under Armour 是小品牌,柯里能大為提升其曝光度,反而雷霸龍對已經家大業大的 Nike 加分有限,只能維持舊有品牌知名度而已。為了避免這種狀況再度發生,Nike 勢必要投入更多贊助經費,阻止 Under Armour 搶下球星贊助權,未來「凱」的程度恐怕只會有增無減了。


NIKE取代adidas成為NBA獨家服裝供應商 | Nike Will Replace Adidas as N.B.A.’s Official On-Court Apparel Provider
Nike推出第二款CO2無水染成衣 | Nike unveils second ColorDry dyed garment

How Nike became king of endorsements

No company in the world spends as much money on sports sponsorships as Nike, which has spent a staggering total of $8 billion since 2002 alone, according to a CNNMoney analysis.

Now its status as such a big spender has helped draw Nike into the unprecedented bribery scandal engulfing FIFA, the body that oversees soccer's World Cup.

Nike isn't named in any of the indictments. But court filings do say that at least one individual who pleaded guilty to the scandal used money from an unnamed sportswear company to bribe FIFA officials. That sportswear company got the sponsorship deal with the Brazilian national soccer team in 1996. That's the year Nike signed its first contract with Brazil.
The indictments don't accuse the unnamed sportswear company with making any bribes itself, a fact that Nike points out when asked about the deal and FIFA indictments. And Nike has made no disclosure to the SEC that it or any employee is under investigation, which it would be required to do if that were the case.

Perhaps something like this is bound to happen to a company that sponsors such a wide variety of entities all over the world.
Nike spent nearly $1 billion on endorsements in the 12 months that ended in May, according to filings. And spending for the next year will probably surpass $1 billion. Nike's endorsement spending generally increases by more than 10% a year, slightly faster than the company's sales have grown.

"For as long as Nike been around, the face of the organization has been these high profile athletes. It's part of their DNA," said David Carter, executive director of USC's Sports Business Group.

Lots of money went to superstar athletes such as LeBron James, Tiger Woods and of course Michael Jordan. But Nike also spends a lot on teams, leagues and college athletic programs.

Nike (NKE) does not break down how much of its endorsement dollars go to individuals, teams or leagues.

Carter said the spending will probably rise as Nike is increasingly forced to compete for the best sponsorship deals with companies like Adidas (ADDDF) and Under Armour (UA).

Carter expects that Nike's spending juggernaut won't miss a beat even amid the FIFA probe, adding that it would surprise him if Nike was knowingly making bribes, "It's not a company that needs to take that kind of risk," he said. "Why would they risk the integrity of the entire company over something so relatively minor in terms of their overall endorsement and marketing spending."

Original Article: CNN Money


Google著手開發高科技「觸碰型布料」| Google developing smart fabrics




Google的這項技術預計最快在今年底可開放給全世界的工程師進行相關開發,這將推動本來就已經正在蓬勃發展的智慧型穿戴科技產業,注入一股新潮流,包括最近才推出Apple Watch的蘋果。

Google的「提花任務(Project Jacquard)」在舊金山舉行的I/O開發者大會中,展示了利用智慧夾克撥打電話。最令觀眾驚奇的不僅是可以利用手指在布料上滑動開關指令,並且連手指的力道大小都能精準地偵測出來。

Google ATAP技術部門主管Ivan Poupyrev指出:「紡織品的構造基本上已經如同觸碰螢幕般」。工程師利用導電紗線的傳導功能,將其透過紡織技術交織在布料中。Ivan Poupyrev繼續表示,穿戴式的電子元件已經不斷縮小到一個按鈕的尺寸,最後也將縮小到無法察覺電子元件的存在。

Google其實並不是第一家推出高科技布料相關產品的公司。 OmSignal和Heapsylon這兩家新創公司早已開發運動員使用的穿戴科技布料產品,透過高科技布料,在訓練過程中監控與接收身體資訊。然而不同的是,Google似乎是走向一個日常生活的市場,將高科技布料應用在一般人的生活當中,讓消費者甚至不用伸手進口袋裡面拿到手機就可以開始聽電話。


Google 讓你運動流汗也是香的!| Google wants you to SMELL nicer
谷歌攜手Levi's 打造智慧服飾 智慧生活近在眼前 | Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants
「單車族神器」前Google工程師發明的穿戴裝置 - LED方向燈手套 | ZACKEES TURN-SIGNAL GLOVE


Google developing smart fabrics

Careful if you spill mustard on that shirt — wiping it off could accidentally turn up the music, turn off the lights or call your mother.

Google said it’s developing a new “smart fabric” technology that will make shirts, pants and other articles of clothing responsive to swipes and taps the same way touchscreens are.

That, in turn, could allow high-tech togs to communicate with laptops, smartphones and smart appliances — or even replace them altogether, industry watchers said.

The technology, slated for release to developers later this year, pushes the envelope in the fast-growing wearables category, whose recent entrants have included the Apple Watch.

Google’s “Project Jacquard,” unveiled this week at its I/O developers conference in San Francisco, demonstrated a jacket that commanded a phone to make a call. Fabric swatches not only responded to finger swipes but also sensed how hard they were being pressed.

Engineers pulled this off by creating a yarn that’s capable of conducting electricity, as well as being interwoven with a variety of fabrics.
“The structure of textiles is the same as the structure of touchscreens,” explained Google exec Ivan Poupyrev.

Electronic components that support the fabric have already been shrunk down to the size of a button and will eventually be undetectable, execs said.

Google isn’t the first company to push smart fabrics. OmSignal and Heapsylon are two startups that have been marketing athletic wear that can monitor a user’s vital signs during a workout.

Google’s approach, however, appears to be targeting everyday uses that could be especially attractive to the lazy — those who’d rather not have to fish the phones out of their pockets to answer them, for example.

Some experts said the generous surface area of smart fabrics would be a welcome contrast to the tiny screen of the Apple Watch, which has vexed some reviewers.

Signaling its mainstream intentions, Google said Friday it has created a partnership with Levi Strauss.

“In our hyper-digital world, people constantly struggle to be physically present in their environment while maintaining a digital connection,” said Paul Dillinger, head of global product innovation at Levi.

When it comes to fashion, Google might need all the help it can get it. The 2012 launch of Google Glass, a pair of smart eyeglasses, flopped with fashionistas.

On Friday, Google exec Astro Teller admitted the Google Glass rollout had been botched and said a new version “is making really good progress.”

Original Article: NEW YORK POST


2015 ISPO上海 運動用品與時尚展 | 2015 ISPO Shanghai

2015 ISPO上海 運動用品與時尚展

攤位編號: N2館 2.364-3

2015 ISPO Shanghai

Please join us for the ISPO Shanghai show from July 2nd to July 4th
Location: Shanghai New International Expo Center
Booth: Hall N2 2.364-3




Xeros Technology Group是一家高分子微珠洗衣機公司,其工業用洗衣機能降低紡織物洗滌用水量,其製造合作夥伴在中國大陸江蘇省新開了一家設備工廠,用以宣示其支援且擴展了Xeros的專利技術。

江蘇海寧機器集團是中國大陸最大的白牌家電製造商之一,也是Xeros Technology的製造合作夥伴,甫於中國張家港市建立了一座30萬平方英呎的工廠。




Xeros Technology最近還收到來自歐盟的創業和創新計劃的資金挹注,作為其生態創新計劃的一部分。該公司在2013年加入了永續服裝聯盟(SAC)。

穿戴式科技展,展出最新紡織品應用 | Wearable Technology Show 2015


NIKE取代adidas成為NBA獨家服裝供應商 | Nike Will Replace Adidas as N.B.A.’s Official On-Court Apparel Provider



NIKE早在1992年就成為NBA官方合作夥伴,旗下擁有Kobe Bryant、LeBron James、Kevin Durant、Russell Westbrook以及Kyrie Irving等眾多人氣超高的NBA巨星。NIKE公司於當地時間本(2015)年6月10日宣佈其與NBA的新合約將從2017-2018賽季開始。這項交易的財務條款並未公佈。




Nike 推出以回收聚酯纖維製造的女性系列服飾
ASICS成為2020年東京奧運的第10個金牌合作夥伴 | Asics signs up as Tokyo 2020’s tenth gold partner

Nike Will Replace Adidas as N.B.A.’s Official On-Court Apparel Provider


Nike will replace Adidas, the N.B.A.’s official provider of on-court apparel, in the 2017-18 season with an eight-year deal that will allow it to manufacture authentic and replica jerseys for retail markets.

The agreement, which was announced Wednesday, is worth about $1 billion, more than double the value of Adidas’s deal, according to an executive briefed on the details of the contact who was not authorized to speak publicly. Adidas’ deal was originally for $400 million over 11 years, but was amended over the years to be worth more.

The league said the deal will let Nike put its logo on uniforms — a first for its official apparel maker — but that it will not count as uniform advertising. The league has plans, but no timetable, for putting ads on uniforms. Commissioner Adam Silver has said that uniform advertising is inevitable.

In a statement, Silver said that Nike “will be instrumental in our collective efforts to grow the game globally while applying the latest in technology to the design of our uniforms and on-court products.”

Mark Parker, the president of Nike, said its offerings — under the Nike, Jordan and Converse names — are among the “most connected in the world.”

Under its contract, Nike will be able to sell T-shirts, shorts, headwear, sweatshirts and socks, and authentic and Swingman replica jerseys.

Ira Mayer — a consultant  to various businesses in the licensing industry and the former owner of The Licensing Letter, a trade journal — estimated that the deal probably would bring Nike about $1.5 billion annually in retail sales.

“Nike’s a global company and the N.B.A. has probably been the most aggressive of all the leagues in terms of going international,” he said. “So it’s a great fit.”

Nike’s relationship with the league dates to 1992, when it became a global marketing partner; five years later, it became a marketing partner to the W.N.B.A.

Adidas announced in March that it would not renew its deal with the league. “We are reimagining and reshaping our business and have evolved our strategy to look at new, cutting-edge ways to drive our brand and support our business over the long-term,” the company said.

Original Article: The New York Times







去(2014)年6月,財務長Don Blair表示,NIKE希望確保各種供應鏈和製造計畫在本會計年度可到位。他說,這將包括提高勞動生產率、減少資源的浪費、生產更優質的產品,以及讓生產能更貼近市場。

NIKE執行長Mark Parker解釋,公司已投入不少資金在供應鍊的經營上,且更緊密地結合生產、出貨到終端消費者之時機。


NIKE最近更新其對國家橄欖球大聯盟(National Football League, NFL)之球衣授權合約,將2012年起開始生效的五年協議再延長了三年。針對此贊助合約,Parker表示,該公司不得不進行“一些非常與眾不同的作法”,以確保它們能夠快速地因應需求的變化,無論是否為了特定之團隊或特定之運動員。












NIKE總裁Trevor Edwards表示,「我們很高興能有一個具備突破性創新鞋類可持續性的強大管道,在未來18個月我們將推出市面。我們也將充分藉助Lunar Flyknit及Air Max 1之平台的聲勢,持續推動公司業務之成長。整體而言,跑步商品將持續成為NIKE創新與靈感的巨大根源,也是我們長期成長的主要動力之一」。

Nike 推出以回收聚酯纖維製造的女性系列服飾
Nike推出第二款CO2無水染成衣 | Nike unveils second ColorDry dyed garment
Nike推出「Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣」| Nike Launches “Hyperwarm Flex” Base Layer Technology



石墨烯(Graphene)的提出顛覆了穿戴式科技的遊戲規則 | Shaping The Future Of Wearables: New Technique Embeds Flexible Graphene Electrodes Into Clothes

圖為電影「關鍵報告Minority Report」中出現的未來穿戴式裝置




“這是可穿戴電子設備未來的關鍵點。”,Exeter 大學教授也是共同研究者 Monica Craciun 補充說。



“可穿戴技術的概念正在成形,但至今仍不存在充分的透明和彈性的紡織嵌入技術。石墨烯在紡織領域一體化進程和工程的發展,將成為商業應用的新契機。“, 來自INESC-MN 及 Aveiro 大學的研發團隊領導人 Helena Alves 博士表示。

“在布料中加入電子設備無疑將是一個改變遊戲規則的現代技術。”,來自Exeter的工程學系Craciun教授的團隊副研究員,也是INESC的前博士後研究員Dr Ana Neves補充。



讀取你的身體資料!世界名牌Ralph Lauren Polo推智慧穿戴科技服飾
「單車族神器」前Google工程師發明的穿戴裝置 - LED方向燈手套


Shaping The Future Of Wearables: New Technique Embeds Flexible Graphene Electrodes Into Clothes

Soon, we may be able to wear clothing that embeds mp3 players and phones and is lightweight and durable at the same time.

How? It's thanks to a new technology that has been pioneered by a team of researchers who have managed to embed flexible graphene electrodes into clothes.

Monica Craciun, a professor at the University of Exeter, along with a team of international scientists, has forged a new technique in which transparent graphene electrodes can be embedded into fibers that are commonly manufactured by the textile industry.

The discovery could potentially propel and shape future wearable electronic devices.

"This a pivotal point in the future of wearable electronic devices. The potential has been there for a number of years, and transparent and flexible electrodes are already widely used in plastics and glass, for example. But this is the first example of a textile electrode being truly embedded in a yarn," says Professor Craciun, co-author of the research.

For the purpose of the current study, the researchers found a technique in which they could relocate graphene from the copper foils onto a polypropylene fiber.

The researchers discovered that "monolayer graphene," which is not only transparent, but also has fantastic mechanical, electrical and optical properties, is a good bet for use in wearable electronic devices. The scientists grew the graphene used using the CVD or chemical vapor deposition method on copper foil. They deployed a top-end nanoCVD system for the purpose.

The possibilities of this technique are limitless, and as Professor Craciun notes, they could be deployed in textile GPS systems, personal security and even biomedical monitoring.

Graphene is one of the strongest known substances to mankind. It is also the thinnest — at one atom thick — and is a good conductor of electricity.

In recent years, both engineers and researchers have invested their efforts in finding ways for using graphene in wearable electronic devices.

"The development of processes and engineering for the integration of graphene in textiles would give rise to a new universe of commercial applications," opined lead researcher Helena Alves of the University of Aveiro.

Original Article: TECH TIMES


谷歌攜手Levi's 打造智慧服飾 智慧生活近在眼前 | Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants

谷歌攜手Levi's 打造智慧服飾 智慧生活近在眼前

《拉美郵報》報導,科技巨擘谷歌 (Google)(GOOG-US) 與牛仔褲業者 Levi's (Levi Strauss) 合作,共同打造智慧服飾。

網站 The Next Digit 報導,在 2015 年開發者大會上,谷歌先進科技與計劃部門 (ATAP) 宣布,將與 Levi's 合作打造「緹花計畫」布料。攜手發明這款布料目的在於,藉由觸控功能,使服飾能夠與人類生活互動。比方說,藉由「滑動」與「點擊」,智慧服飾就能與智慧型手機連結,進而操作各種功能。傳簡訊與電話撥接等功能都包含其中。

谷歌 ATAP 部門主管 Ivan Poupyrev 說,要執行「緹花計畫」,Levi's 是不二人選。


設計電子雜誌 GizMag 表示,此款搭載觸控感應的緹花紗,運用細小金屬合金搭配棉花或是蠶絲製成。在 2015 年谷歌的開發者大會上,谷歌人員介紹如何使用布料控制光線。「點擊」服飾,就能開燈或關燈。「滑動」服飾,就能調整燈光的明暗與顏色。谷歌預計結合穿戴服飾與任何可能連結的生活物件。

谷歌 ATAP 部門 Emre Karagozler 說,「我們正在創造互動式紡織品。」Karagozler 在谷歌人員示範如何藉由觸控服飾,控製燈光與電腦螢幕的同時說,「我們將導電紗線紡入布料中。此款布料具有伸縮性、還可以水洗。」

Levi's 全球產品創新部門長 Paul Dillinger 說,「生活在高度數位化的時代,人們想要反璞歸真,重回手動操作的感覺,但生活週遭依舊充滿著許多科技產品。谷歌與 Levi's 正在做的『緹花計畫』,就是要傳達科技的全新使用價值,讓使用者瞭解與感受服飾也是有情感的,且具有多重功能。」



Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants

There have been words — so, so many words! — written about all of the Amazing Mind-Blowing Futuristic Stuff being announced by Google at its annual I/O developer conference. And, frankly, lots of it feels fairly small-ball — the kind of technological catch-up and incremental innovation that gets tech bloggers excited, but doesn’t really mean much to normal people.

But today, we got some true futurism: computerized pants.

This morning, Google announced that it is teaming up with Levi’s to make jeans with conductive fabric — which could eventually allow wearers to use their legs as touchscreens — swiping their thigh, say, to accept a phone call.

The computerized pants project, which came out of Google’s secretive ATAP lab, headed by a former DARPA research scientist, is code-named “Project Jacquard,” after Joseph Marie Jacquard, the inventor of the power loom. Wired describes it as an attempt to “bring conductive yarns to every garment and fabric on earth, and then to integrate touch sensors, haptic feedback, and more right into your jeans, car seats, curtains, everything.” And here’s how it’ll work:

Working with one of Japan’s many boutique textile manufacturers, Poupyrev and the Jacquard team designed yarns based on a metallic alloy whose precise makeup he won’t share … They discovered that by tightly weaving the conductive thread into other fabrics, they were having a hard time connecting the electronics necessary to power and capture data from the yarn. So after a few revisions, they created a two-layer system that allows you to embed electronics in the middle, like the meat in a sandwich. That makes it easy to connect electronics to the connective threads themselves, without getting in the way of what the designers want to do.

As Apple is doing with its Watch, Google and Levi’s are marketing computerized pants as a way to stay connected to your digital life without having to pull out your phone. “If there’s a chance to enable the clothes that we already love to help us facilitiate access to the best and most necessary of this digital world while maintaining eye contact with the person we’re eating dinner with, this is a real value,” Paul Dillinger of Levi Strauss said at the I/O conference, according to the Verge. (How your fellow diners will react to you furiously swiping at your thighs under the table, we’re not sure.)

It’s not clear when you’ll be able to pick up a pair of touchscreen jeans. Project Jacquard is still very much in the prototype stage, and according to Wired, Google and Levi’s are “still trying to figure out the right application for the tech.” But make no mistake: the digital revolution is coming for your pants.

Original Article: Fusion.net


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新纖儒鴻 織出錢力

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