
「單車族神器」前Google工程師發明的穿戴裝置 - LED方向燈手套 | ZACKEES TURN-SIGNAL GLOVE

「單車族神器」前Google工程師發明的穿戴裝置 - LED方向燈手套


當然在政府制定相關交通規定之前,你應該也有注意到很多自行車族,也開始習慣使用『手勢』,去和汽機車溝通他們的行徑方向,尤其是單車族出事率最高的轉彎時…因此,以整合Google Earth至Audi A8車內導航系統聞名的前Google工程師Zach Vorhies,他發明了這雙『Zackees Turn Signal Gloves』配備LED燈的轉彎手套。



Zackees Turn Signal Gloves 轉彎手套的宣傳短片

石墨烯(Graphene)的提出顛覆了穿戴式科技的遊戲規則 | Shaping The Future Of Wearables: New Technique Embeds Flexible Graphene Electrodes Into Clothes
穿戴式科技展,展出最新紡織品應用 | Wearable Technology Show 2015


Bicycle-safety gear inexorably makes you look like an idiot — take it from a guy whose grease-streaked fluorescent bike jacket sparks up elevator conversations that start with, “What happened to you?”

From chunky foam helmets to DayGlo vests festooned in reflective tape, anything that makes you safer on a bike makes you correspondingly more likely to be mocked by a passing bus full of middle-school kids.

Zackees turn-signal gloves don’t exactly totally change the relation between safety and style, but they do sway the balance. And besides, you’re trying to stay out of the grille of a Mack truck, not impress hipster chicks. Right?

As the name suggests, these are cycling gloves with turn signals built right in — a giant flashing amber arrow on the back of each hand. Two metal contacts between the thumb and forefinger fire up the arrows: Hold them together, lift your arm, and your hand becomes a blazing LED beacon to drivers everywhere. Watch out world, I’m turning here.

With nine ultra-bright LEDs comprising each arrow, there’s no way any driver will miss your righteous fist of share-the-damn-road fury. And with the way the arrows are positioned, you can even leave your hands on your handlebars to signal forward to drivers ahead of you that you’re turning — useful at those four-way stops where confusion reigns.

Holding out a right hand initially felt awkward to this cyclist, who was raised to signal everything with his left. But it’s legal and technically correct, I discovered with a little research. The hyperactive triggers can be a little harder to adjust to. It’s easy to click them together accidentally if you’re using your hands for anything but holding handlebars, so I set off the lights all the time as I packed my saddlebag and locked up my bike. It’s not the end of the world, but prepare for plenty of unwanted bike-rack conversations with Spandex-sporting passersby.

Original Article: Digital Trends






運動內衣的挑選方式,首要是依不同強度的運動類型做分別,北美頂尖運動品牌UNDER ARMOUR建議,當進行中度衝擊的運動如單車、拳擊、重量訓練,可選擇Eclipse與Alpha系列運動內衣,雙層HeatGear®布面材質柔軟可減少運動時肌膚與布面摩擦的不適感,舒服度猶如第二層肌膚、柔軟透氣胸墊供更好的包覆性、濕氣傳導系統增加透氣性,能快速地排出體表濕氣,避免因濕悶造成的皮膚起疹狀況,讓女生運動的更自在。

而喜愛跑步的女性運動者,或是從事田徑、羽網球等震動性較高的高衝擊運動,則可選擇支撐保護性較高的ARMOUR Bra,四向彈性伸縮布料的高壓縮結構能固定胸部,避免運動時過度的晃動,絕佳的延展性讓女性運動員更加靈活自在,且量身訂製的運動內衣可根據胸圍和罩杯做選擇,包括32A到38DD設計,後扣式及可調式肩帶也能依照尺寸做調整,選對適合的運動內衣延續舞動夏日女力。




3M與宏遠攜手發表撥水紗 力挺台紡織業站穩世界霸主

3M與宏遠攜手發表撥水紗 3M台灣全球首創應用 力挺台紡織業站穩世界霸主

美商3M台灣今日於2015年宏遠興業自辦展及紡織價值鏈研討會上發表3M專利技術Scotchgard PMA環保抽紗撥水添加劑的獨家創新應用,與宏遠興業及遠東新世紀共同合作全球首創的機能性紡織材料-「撥水紗」,將布料撥水製程由染色後段加工移至前端抽紗時加入,生產過程節能環保,且能符合業界水洗標準,遠優於一般機能性紡織品。3M安全暨圖識產品事業群總經理葉劉志光表示:「3M秉持以創新科技改善生活的概念,和宏遠及遠東新世紀攜手研發撥水紗,共同讓台灣製造的名號,席捲全球運動服飾市場」。

撥水紗乾爽舒適 運動出汗衣物不再黏膩惱人 多次洗滌仍保撥水功能



有別於傳統在布料製程後端才添加撥水劑,3M Scotchgard PMA環保抽紗撥水添加劑是革命性的產品,撥水紗從紗線製造的前端就使用3M撥水劑,可以降低生產過程的廢水排放,為地球永續盡一份心力。

3M Scotchgard PMA環保抽紗撥水添加劑技術六大特色:

台機能性紡織傲視全球 3M創新應用撥水紗技術 台紡織業世界領導地位推手

運動休閒風潮開啟機能性紡織品的需求,依據中華民國紡織業拓展會統計,台灣機能性布料供應商已拿下國外知名運動品牌七成的供貨來源,可謂全球紡織業重鎮,機能性紡織品是台灣紡織業航向藍海的關鍵,3M率全球之先,研發出Scotchgard™ PMA環保抽紗撥水添加劑,除了看準運動服飾商機,更要與台灣紡織產業共創機能性紡織材料的霸主地位。

葉劉志光表示,3M長期耕耘在機能性運動服飾解決方案(Functional Activewear Solutions)領域,繼反光材料(Scotchlite)及保暖材料(Thinsulate)應用後,這次在防護材料(Scotchgaurd)上運用3M全球技術台灣獨家研發撥水紗,隨著運動時尚市場的需求逐漸成長,3M機能性運動服飾解決方案(Functional Activewear Solution)相關產值將在五年內增加二成以上。



延伸閱讀:布料的撥水效果 | What is Water Repellent?


女力崛起,女性運動服飾商機帶動創業潮 | Why sales of women's sportswear are gathering pace


曾經,運動服裝給人的印象是鬆垮垮,與時尚或性感無緣,然而,隨著健康生活風潮越來越興盛,在消費者的需求下,近年來運動服裝往具備功能性,設計更時尚、呈現曲線等方向演進,而這又讓消費者把原本只在慢跑時或是瑜伽與健身房中穿著的運動服飾穿到一般場合,重現 1980 年代運動衣外穿的趨勢,進一步擴大需求,而這一次,不僅是流行因素,還有底層的功能性加持,商機更加穩固且廣大。

根據市調公司 NPD 歸納,以每年 7 月至隔年 6 月的時間區間統計,2011 年美國所有服飾總銷售額成長 4%,其中運動服飾成長 8%,運動服飾以外僅成長 3%;2012 年所有服飾銷售額成長 4%,其中運動服飾成長 10%,運動服飾以外僅成長 3%;2013 年所有服飾總銷售額成長 1%,其中運動服飾成長 7%,運動服飾以外負成長 1%。2013 年 7 月至 2014 年 6 月,美國運動服飾銷售額達 337 億美元,佔服飾總銷售額的 16%。

由以上數據可知,運動服飾已成為近年來服飾市場成長的主力,市場更預期 2019 年運動服飾市場將成長至 1,780 億美元規模。在市場需求壓力下,不只運動品牌,連同非運動品牌也不得不加入這場運動服飾風潮,美國青少年平價品牌 Forever 21 在 2010 年開啟運動服飾系列;2011 年,Gap 將原本只在線上銷售的運動子品牌 Athleta 放上實體店面,並推出自己的健身服飾系列 Gap Fit;H&M 也於 2014 年開啟了 H&M Sport 系列。

其中,女性運動服飾的成長速度更快,2013 年美國女性運動服飾銷售額達 115 億美元,較 2012 年成長 9%,成長速度高於整體運動服飾的 7%。


各運動大廠自然已經看準這個商機,愛迪達(Adidas)在 2004 年就與英國時裝設計師史黛拉‧麥卡特尼(Stella McCartney)合作推出女性運動設計子品牌「Adidas by Stella McCartney 」;耐吉(Nike)自然也對女性運動服飾相當重視,在 2014 年 10 月時 Nike 女性運動服飾 2013 年全球營收達 11 億美元,年成長 6%,成長超過男性運動服飾;運動品牌新秀 Under Armour 也大膽預言其女性產品在 2016 年將達到 10 億美元規模,並且很有可能超越男性產品。英國女性運動品牌 Sweaty Betty 則於 2015 年 2 月獲得美國私人資本投資公司 Catterton 投資,資金將用以擴展全球據點。


現年 31 歲的凱蒂‧比道夫(Katy Biddulph)在 2011 年時於倫敦創立了新創運動服裝品牌 Striders Edge,創業之初她得親自從卡車上把葡萄牙製造的產品搬上二樓的簡陋辦公室,才不過經過幾年,她的事業就已經成長到辦公室已經搬到可眺望倫敦眼的高級辦公大樓,有了 9 名員工,原本主要於英國銷售,2015 年 2 月登陸美國,於全球其他國家則以線上銷售,預期 2015 年營收將達 200 萬英鎊。

凱蒂的商業模式是學習自 Sweaty Betty,她表示,成功的因素是要讓消費者感覺很棒,且覺得運動服飾與身體有如合而為一,而她自己身為女性,對產品該達到何種標準特別敏銳。

2009 年於加拿大多倫多創業的 Titika 也是女性創業的成功典範,創辦人為香港裔的張艾玲(Eileen Zhan,音譯),如今 Titika 在安大略省已經有 7 家分店,2015 年在美國推出線上商店,並計劃年內要推廣至全球,其運動服飾售價約 60 英鎊,當問起如何向女性消費者推銷如此價格的產品時,Titika 表示,這比想像中容易,因為女性總是追求與眾不同的產品,消費者會主動詢問使用的布料,一旦了解布料的結構與功能,就願意付出更高的價格。

2013 年,紐約時尚界名人蘿賓‧伯克利(Robyn Berkley)創辦女性健身養生網站 Live The Process,網站上提供許多女性生活建言,兼營銷售運動服飾,創立第一年營收就立即突破 100 萬英鎊,蘿賓‧伯克利認為成功的因素在於 Live The Process 不只是賣衣服,而是提供真心誠意,並擁抱健康生活的理想,才因此獲得廣大女性消費者認同。



Nike 推出以回收聚酯纖維製造的女性系列服飾
「維多利亞的秘密」推出女性專屬智能運動內衣 | Victoria’s Secret Incredible smart sports bra will track your heart rate
澳洲研發「智慧胸罩」,將為女性打造自我調節且適應各種環境的胸罩 | 'Smart bra': Australian engineers develop bionic bra with intelligent fabric


Why sales of women's sportswear are gathering pace

The days when women would simply throw on an old T-shirt to do some exercise are long gone.

Instead, in today's ever more fitness and fashion conscious world, a growing number are willing to pay as much for a new gym outfit as they do for a new formal party dress.

This has led to a big increase over recent years in the value of the women's sportswear market.
In the US alone, combined sales of such products - from yoga leggings, sports bras and vests, to tracksuits - totalled $15.1bn (£10.3bn) in the 12 months to August 2011, according to research firm NPD Group. It said this was 10% higher than the prior year.

Meanwhile, sportswear giant Nike said last October that the rate of sales growth in its female clothing ranges was outpacing that of its products for men.

Analysts say that the rise in sales of women's sportswear has been helped by an increased emphasis on the style of the clothing - making them look and feel as good as possible - which in turn has led to an increase in the number of women wearing such items as fashionable leisurewear.
And with the market being so valuable, it is not surprising that a growing number of small companies - predominantly led by women - are launching their own ranges of upmarket female sportswear.

'Feel great'

Katy Biddulph didn't need gym membership when she launched her women's sportswear brand Striders Edge in London back in 2011.
Initially running the business from a second floor one-bedroom flat, she would get her exercise by carrying all her deliveries up and down the stairs.

The 31-year-old says: "It looked like a fairly big business to the outside world when I was just starting out, but I was receiving all my goods from the manufacturer in Portugal from a truck outside my flat.

"I had hundreds of garments landing in the street, and I had to get all the boxes up the stairs by myself. I never slept that first year, but I just knew there was a gap in the market that I could fill.

"Now I've got an office that overlooks the London Eye."

Ms Biddulph set up the business after previously working for fellow British women's sportswear company Sweaty Betty, where she designed and managed a number of product ranges.

Her industry experience and knowledge persuaded a number of private investors to back her venture.

Striders Edge's clothes are now stocked by UK retailers Harrods, John Lewis and House of Fraser, and the brand launched in the US in February. It also sells globally via its website.

Now with nine members of staff, Ms Biddulph says she wants to hit £2m in sales within the next 12 months.

She adds: "You want your customer to feel great and part of something. As a female, you know the standard concerns."

'Something different'

But just how do you convince women to spend more than £60 on a t-shirt or a pair of leggings?

"It's not as hard as you would think," says Brittany Morris-Asquith, spokesperson and designer for Titika Active Couture, a Canadian brand based in Toronto. "Women are always looking for something different.

"They're asking more questions about fabrics, and if they understand the construction that goes into it, they're willing to pay for a better product."

Since Titika's founder Eileen Zhang, 32, opened her first shop in Toronto in 2009, Titika has expanded to seven stores across the province of Ontario.

And in March of this year it expended its online sales to the US, with plans to ship globally later this year.
Ms Morris-Asquith adds: "We provide clothing to women that make them feel good, we encourage them to try on things that they would never think about."

Titika also offers free in-store exercise classes to promote a healthy lifestyle - from yoga and kickboxing, to zumba dance workouts. And inspirational slogans affixed above fitting room mirrors urge against body shaming.

'Double bottom line'

Catherine Elliott, a professor at the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, says that businesses such as Striders Edge and Titika share an ethos which is typical for female-led companies.

"They tend to have a double bottom line - to create wealth, but also to make positive change for girls and women," says Prof Elliott, who is co-author of a recently published book on the subject called Feminine Capital.

"When women are defining the objectives of [a clothing] business, they're going to see it as something that empowers women as opposed to just making them look sexy.

"The sports clothing industry is about feeling good about yourself, and wearing clothing that fits and makes you feel comfortable."

She adds: "A lot of women have talked about how being in sports and fitness has given them the leadership skills and confidence to be successful in corporate settings and entrepreneurship."

At New York-based women's sportswear business Live The Process, founder Robyn Berkley says the aim is for the brand to not just be about clothing, and instead "offer authenticity, honesty, and embrace the idealism of wellness".

Its website features editorial content from 32 contributors, offering tips ranging from changing careers to taking care of your skin.

Established in 2013, the company's clothing range was an immediate hit, with sales topping £1m in its first year.

Original Article: BBC News





全球勞工及人權協會的Charles Kernaghan所指控的報告把Nike比作為“煤礦中的金絲雀”,「這表明了不受約束的“自由貿易”的實際狀況,以及在跨太平洋夥伴協定(TPP)下,世界將會變成什麼樣子」。


但該報告指出,今(2015)年3月,Nike法律顧問Hilary Krane發送電子郵件給全體員工,要求員工遊說施加壓力以使TPP通過,她表示:「將降低TPP成員國之間鞋類及成衣的關稅,包括Nike在越南製造、銷往美國的產品」。她補充說:「對Nike而言,這些關稅的降低能讓我們去拓展新的市場,再次投資於創新,並且抵銷做生意的成本」。











德國研發出驗證不傷皮膚織物之新測試方法 - ACOTEX® 服裝布料知識網


根據報導,德國Hohenstein Institute的衛生和生物技術研究所(Institute for Hygiene and Biotechnology,IHB)已經研發出用來驗證不會導致過敏紡織製品的紡織品新測試方法。



該部門主管Dirk Höfer博士表示:「敏感性皮膚之過敏問題很快地受到更多消費大眾的關注。對一個有能力指稱其紡織展產品通過低過敏測試並獲得認證的製造商,將具有相當大的優勢。」


根據美國哮喘和過敏症基金會(Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America)發布的資料顯示,約5千萬美國人為過敏所苦。

全國衛生統計中心(National Center for Health Statistics) 2008年的報告中顯示,約3百萬兒童苦於食物過敏,於近十年中成長了18%,而其中約3分之1同時有皮膚敏感的問題。目前科學家已發現超過3,700種皮膚過敏原。

Hohenstein美國分部主任Sam Moore表示:「現今的消費者比過去接觸到更多潛在的皮膚過敏原。紡織產品市場有許多由世界各地製造的紡織新加工化學品和染料所製成的新型纖維和織物。這一創新成長也助長潛在皮膚刺激因素的增加。這將令敏感型消費者更為沮喪。」




Nike 推出以回收聚酯纖維製造的女性系列服飾

Nike 推出以回收聚酯纖維製造的女性系列服飾 - ACOTEX® 服裝布料知識網

Nike 推出以回收聚酯纖維製造的女性系列服飾




Nike 公司表示,透過3-D體態測繪計算,2015年美國女足國家隊主場隊服採用了全新的、完全勾勒女性具體身型,強調自然的運動、舒適性和性能。雙針織棉和再生聚酯面料提供了更柔軟的手感。



認識聚酯纖維 | What is Polyester?
彈性纖維 | What is Spandex?
認識寶特瓶環保纖維 | What is recycled plastc bottle fiber?



義大利足球聯盟和PUMA簽署新的全球策略合作協議 | FIGC & Puma sign new global strategic partnership

義大利足球聯盟和PUMA簽署新的全球策略合作協議 | FIGC & Puma sign new global strategic partnership - ACOTEX® 服裝布料知識網




PUMA重申其作為在專業運動領域具有優良傳承的運動品牌,與FIGC的合作是重要的策略之一。2003年PUMA首次成為義大利國家隊“Squadre Nazionali”的合作夥伴。而此合作關係在未來將持續深化,為雙方帶來更大的收益。

PUMA執行長Björn Gulden說:「與FIGC長久合作關係的延續對PUMA來說有極其重要的意義,而且是我們致力於成為全球最快的運動品牌的關鍵一步。FIGC擁有悠久的體育傳承和出色定位,是PUMA足球產品不可忽略的市場,我們與新任管理階層達成共同的願景,將不遺餘力地支持FIGC。未來,PUMA將進一步對FIGC承諾,彼此合作關係中有著極大商機,且仍具有很大的發展潛力」。

FIGC主席Carlo Tavecchio評論說:「與PUMA延續合作關係對FIGC來說是非常重要的成果。我們雙方都將從中受益良多,不但提升國際品牌知名度,還有助於兩家公司發展特殊計畫。FIGC制定了一個360度整合發展計畫,從國家隊到青少年隊、從女子足球到社會責任項目,全都囊括在內。在這些雄心壯志的計畫實施過程中,PUMA將成為極具價值的合作夥伴,我們一直對此深感自豪」。

FIGC & Puma sign new global strategic partnership

The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) has signed a new comprehensive partnership with Puma that will see the sports brand operate as FIGC's lead partner into the next decade.

Through this agreement, Puma has extended and increased its marketing rights as well as retaining the exclusive master license to actively manage the entire global licensing portfolio of FIGC.

“Puma will also continue as the official technical supplier supporting all associated FIGC teams,” Puma said in a press release.

Through this agreement, FIGC and Puma will actively work together on a number of projects to grow the image, profile and commerciality of FIGC on a global level.

This will entail shared marketing investment allocated to core areas of focus within the FIGC program including youth development, women's football, countering racism and globally promoting the FIGC brand.

“As Puma continues to reassert itself as a global sports brand with strong heritage in performance, the FIGC partnership is one of great strategic importance,” the sports footwear and apparel marketer added.

Going back by more than ten years, Puma first became the partner of the 'Squadre Nazionali' in 2003, with the next era seeing the partnership continue to expand and deliver higher returns to both organisations.

Björn Gulden, CEO of Puma said, "Extending this long standing partnership with the FIGC is extremely important to Puma and is another key step towards our goal to become the fastest sports brand.”

“FIGC with all its heritage and class is a major ingredient in our football portfolio and there is a clear vision amongst their new senior management that we share and are enthusiastic to support,” he too added.

“The coming years will see a deeper commitment from Puma to FIGC and we see great commercial opportunity through a partnership that has continued to grow yet retains great potential," Gulden observed.

"The partnership will benefit us greatly, both in affirming our brand at a global level and because it will also see both organisations committed to developing special projects,” Carlo Tavecchio, president at FIGC said.

“FIGC has defined a 360 degree development plan that is effective across the National A Team to the youth teams, from women's football to social responsibility projects,” he noted.

In addressing these ambitious plans, Puma will be a highly valued partner that we are proud to have with us for a long time,” he too observed.

Original Article: fibre2fashion


Mizuno(美津濃) 推出“每英里改變您”跑步活動

Mizuno(美津濃) 推出“每英里改變您”跑步活動 - ACOTEX® 服裝布料知識網



今(2015)年4月,Mizuno持續支持“重新站起來”(Back on My Feet)非營利組織,在長達一個月的活動中,該組織利用跑步活動為無家可歸者鼓勵及賦予動能。新舉辦的“Mizuno月”活動,在城市向特定跑步專業零售商每購買一雙跑鞋,Mizuno將捐出10美元到“重新站起來”本地分會。



美國Mizuno跑步部門品牌行銷總監Kim Hoey表示:「Mizuno是堅信每英里跑步皆具改變力量的忠實信徒」。「“重新站起來”及“牧羊人”兩項活動正以跑步作為催化劑改善生活的旅程,我們很榮幸能進一步授權給他們」。


台灣紡織撐起全球運動時尚半邊天 | Stretchable Textiles in Vibrant Colors





這不是運動科學研究所,而是位於土城的紡織產業綜合研究所(TTR I)的實驗室,正在協助台灣紡織業研發與測試布料、衣著的設計。


過去一年來,全球服裝市場出現巨大轉變,成立才十八年的運動品牌UA(Under Armour)在北美市場超越了有六十五年歷史的愛迪達,直追第一大的耐吉,撼動運動雙雄稱霸多年的市場。



很多人不知道的是,台灣在這場UA與運動休閒時尚風潮中扮演重要角色。根據TTRI統計,包含UA在內的運動品牌布料,有一半來自台灣;戶外運動品牌Columbia、The North Face、Arc'teryx、Salomon等戶外品牌布料,高達八成也來自台灣。









東隆興業 給你好色好彈性





原來,買了東隆興業的紗線,還要改變織法配合東隆興業的紗線特性,才能做出好布料。東隆興業,一般人可能沒聽過,它最強的產品叫「色紗」。用這種有顏色、有彈性的紗線織布、織衣,是讓露露檸檬、The North Face或UA的服裝有很好的彈性、伸縮感很好、顏色又好看的原因,連內衣品牌「維多利亞的祕密」(Victoria's Secret)都是用它的紗線。

拒去中國 放棄追逐低成本























南緯集團 織出穿上身的電腦





不僅黎克邁,去年五月,英特爾全球副總裁兼新設備事業負責人貝爾(Mike Bell)就是穿著跟AiQ合作的智慧衣亮相。






第二是從技術與提高標準做起。南緯不急著賺錢,而是參與國際大廠與先進國家的規格制定。黃宏旭說,就像是從少林寺掃地做基本功,十八銅人巷一關關打過才推出產品。什麼叫打好基本功?例如,AiQ正在做ISO 13485(醫療器材品質管理系統)的認證,通過之後,產品做出來就是醫療等級,這就是難度與標準。

除此之外,南緯AiQ積極參加相關標準協會與組織,已經加入了歐盟的Horizon 2020互動式服裝之電子紡織品整合應用合作計劃。

紡織產業綜合研究所產品部主任黃博雄說,「參加歐盟Horizon 2020能參與歐洲大國的規格制定,卻需要花錢與花時間。」好處是,從導電纖維到智慧衣,可以不單扮演純供應鏈代工者,而是國際大品牌的早期合作開發伙伴。




Stretchable Textiles in Vibrant Colors

Traditional yarn manufacturer Toung Loong Textile Mfg. Co. Ltd. stayed in Taiwan as industry peers flocked to China. Instead of competing on price, the company repositioned itself as a manufacturer of high-end premium yarns.

Sitting in his office in a high-rise in New Taipei City's Banqiao District, Toung Loong Textile President Yu Chih-cheng pulls at the ends of a piece of fabric to demonstrate its stretchability. The fabric is actually a pair of Lululemon yoga pants, which made headlines back in 2013 for becoming almost see-through when stretched.

"That's what happens when you do too well on stretchability," Yu explains, "Women who originally wore a size 6 will squeeze themselves into a size 4. Their body shape will be terrific, but the fabric will be stretched too thin and sheerness will of course increase as a result."

Founded in 1960, making it even older than Formosa Plastics Group's textile arm, the Formosa Chemical and Fiber Corporation, Toung Loong has successfully established itself as a manufacturer of high-end yarns.

Daniel Y. J. Ho, CEO of petrochemical industry consultancy Danny Material Intelligence, notes that most people know Eclat Textile Co. Ltd. because it is the highest priced stock in the textile sector. However, few are aware that Eclat Textile depends on Toung Loong for its high-end products.

The average consumer has probably not even heard of Toung Loong's cutting edge product – dyed yarns. These stretchable, colorful yarns are woven or knitted into fabrics and garments. Leading sportswear brands such as Lululemon, the North Face or Under Armour rely on such fibers for fashionable clothing that is highly flexible, super elastic, brightly colored and comfortable. U.S. lingerie brand Victoria's Secret also uses the company's yarns.

Avoiding the Bottom in China

How did Toung Loong manage to get orders from these famous brands?
Well aware that Rome was not built in a day, the company started out with making basics such as zippers and sewing thread for apparel. Sewing thread is yarn for sewing clothing and shoes.

Experience with these rather unexciting products proved very helpful for Toung Loong later on when it began to develop dyed yarns. For garments and shoes of different colors, a matching sewing thread must always be developed. If the color of the thread is not right, the seams become visible. Therefore, the most fundamental skill in sewing thread manufacturing is meeting high requirements for color management and product development.

However, being able to produce sewing threads does not mean that a company is able to manufacture yarns that meet the demands of international top brands. Crucial to Toung Loong's success was its decision almost three decades ago to stop competing on the basis of low cost.

Just after China launched its economic opening policy, Yu made several trips to Shanghai in 1986 to evaluate the business environment there. Back then, three of his industry peers had already invested in China. They gushed about China's cheap labor costs and told Yu, "In Shanghai not only are the wages cheap. If you announce today that you want 100 workers, there will be 1,000 standing in line tomorrow."

With China lacking everything but labor, Yu thought his options over and decided against investing there. "Our competitors had already rushed to China; if we had taken the same things to make them in China, we would have ended up embroiled in cutthroat competition," Yu says.

Instead of relocating production to China, Toung Loong built a new factory in Changhua County in central Taiwan, hoping to chart a new course for the company by looking for opportunities to develop special textile products.

In 1992, Yu happened upon the information that U.S. sportswear brand Nike was planning to develop Dri-FIT products. The fabric used for these products needed to be woven from super fine microfiber. It was supposed to wick moisture away from the body, be stretchable and colorful, and have a nice handfeel and appearance.

This is where Nike ran into problems. Ultra fine synthetic fibers can only be dyed at temperatures above 130 degrees Celsius. Such high temperatures, however, destroy elastic fibers that are made from polyurethane. Designers faced a dilemma: Fabrics were either elastic and quick-drying but could not be dyed, or they were colorful but not elastic.

Yu reckoned that if Toung Loong was able to solve this problem, the company would be able to join Nike's supply chain for the new product line. So the company boldly decided to try a new manufacturing method: Dying first, weaving later.

After the microfiber yarn was dyed, it was blended with elastic fibers and then woven into the fabric with the desired qualities. By dyeing the microfiber filaments before combining them with the heat-sensitive elastic fibers, the resulting brightly colored fabric retained its elasticity. That is how Toung Loong became the first synthetic textile maker worldwide to develop colorful Dri-FIT fabrics.

Becoming the world's No. 1 is not just a matter of being smart and clever. Getting there is actually very difficult, because the rejection rate can be very high if things do not go well. No one else in the industry had been willing to give it a try.

Sunny Huang, CEO of fabric and garment manufacturer New Wide Group, explains that while microfibers can be dyed easily, it is difficult to render the dyes stable. Different batches of microfiber dyed with the same color will not necessarily come out exactly alike. Achieving a stable dyeing outcome is extremely difficult.

Faced with failure after failure, forced to frequently start all over again, even the workers on the production line can become exasperated and frustrated. Yet Yu put up with the setbacks, honing production techniques over the period of a decade. Gradually they made progress, and in 2001, Toung Loong began to see light at the end of the tunnel when monthly sales of the novel fabric ballooned from a few tons to 200 or 300 tons.

During the worst period, Toung Loong shares, which currently trade above NT$100, fell below their face value to NT$3.6 per share. At one point, the situation was so bad that employees were forced to take three months of unpaid leave.

For many years, Yu has refrained from traveling to China for fear that Taiwanese investors there would sway his decision to focus on special textile products instead of cheap, large-volume products. His friends had told Yu how much progress Shanghai had made, inviting him to come for a visit to see for himself. Yet Yu remained steadfast.

"I didn't want to go because I was afraid I would get confused. I feared I would rush to invest there because their infrastructure had made so much progress. I didn't want to see it because then I wouldn't get excited and wouldn't be drawn into low-cost competition. Only if I didn't travel to China would I be able to keep my eyes focused on the markets in the industrialized nations," Yu says, recalling his reasoning at the time.

Why did Yu opt for this approach? It was a matter of placing demands on oneself. Toung Loong wanted to win American and European customers. Therefore, it needed to maintain a high measure of flexibility to be able to produce a large variety of products in small batch sizes instead of manufacturing a handful of products in large quantities.

Low variety, high volume production is at the opposite end of the spectrum from high variety, low volume production. Had Toung Loong relocated to China, it would most likely have moved toward making large quantities of cheap products, thus even cultivating new competitors.

Maintaining flexibility in production is not easy. While other companies take orders for volumes of 300-500 tons, Toung Loong products are typically ordered in small quantities of just one or two tons.

Bai Chi-chung, president of the Taiwan Textile Research Institute, observes that this is the reason why international brands riding the current "sports and leisure wear" trend have chosen Taiwan. The island's manufacturers provide good and reliable quality as well as short lead times, take small orders and offer flexible production that can react quickly to market changes. Furthermore, when a product becomes a hit, the Taiwanese supply chain is expected to develop second-generation and third-generation products to support the brand in question.

Toung Loong was able to capitalize on the needs of international sports wear brands such as Lululemon and Victoria's Secret for fabrics with a soft, natural feel as well as rich, vibrant colors and a snug elastic fit. Yu proudly points out that microfiber fabric woven from dyed yarns with such a great handfeel can only be found in Taiwan.

Original Article: CommonWealth


ASICS成為2020年東京奧運的第10個金牌合作夥伴 | Asics signs up as Tokyo 2020’s tenth gold partner

ASICS成為2020年東京奧運的第10個金牌合作夥伴 | Asics signs up as Tokyo 2020’s tenth gold partner - ACOTEX® 服裝布料知識網


東京2020年東京奧組委會歡迎 ASICS 正式成為其運動產品項目(運動成衣與配備)中的第10個金牌合作夥伴。

“ASICS株式會社為日本頂尖的體育用品生產商之一,我很高興該公司成為2020年東京奧運的金牌合作夥伴(Tokyo 2020 Gold Partner),支持我們努力舉辦一個成功的2020年奧運會和殘障奧運會。ASICS將不只提供制服給日本奧運會和殘障奧運會國家代表隊,同時也將提供制服給奧運會的志工。我們”All-Japan”的每位成員將努力工作以確保大會成功。”, 2020東京奧運總裁 Yoshiro Mori 表示。

ASICS董事長、執行長暨代表取締役 Motoi Oyama 表示, “ASICS被選定為東京2020年的金牌合作夥伴確實是一個至高的榮譽。本公司所推廣的「促進青少年藉由體育運動發展健康身心」的經營理念與奧運和殘障奧運推廣的價值觀完美契合。ASICS將以過去一向支持運動員和體育協會參加奧運會和殘障奧運會的經驗,努力使2020年東京奧運會取得圓滿成功,並繼續促進社會的良性和永續發展”。

Asics signs up as Tokyo 2020’s tenth gold partner

The local organising committee of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games has unveiled sportswear manufacturer Asics as its tenth gold partner.

Asics has acquired rights in the ‘sporting goods’ category, comprising sports apparel and sports equipment.

No financial details were revealed, but previous reports have indicated Tokyo 2020 gold partnerships – the highest level of domestic sponsorship – are worth around JP¥15 billion (US$125.5 million) each.

Agency giant Dentsu has guaranteed at least US$1.5 billion in domestic sponsorship revenues for the Games in its own deal with Tokyo 2020’s local organising committee.

Nomura Holdings is ninth Tokyo 2020 gold partner

“It is indeed a great honour for Asics to be selected as a Tokyo 2020 gold partner,” said Motoi Oyama, the president and chief executive of Asics, which was founded in 1949 is headquartered in the Japanese city of Kobe.

Yoshiro Mori, Tokyo 2020’s president, added: “I am delighted that Asics Corporation, one of Japan’s leading producers of sporting goods, will be supporting our efforts to deliver a successful 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games as a Tokyo 2020 gold partner.

“Asics will not only be supplying the uniforms for the Japanese national Olympic and Paralympic teams, but will also be providing uniforms for the Games’ volunteers.”

Asics joins Canon, Nippon Life Insurance Company, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company, JX Nippon Oil & Energy, NTT, Fujitsu, NEC, Asahi Breweries and Nomura Holdings in Tokyo 2020’s gold partner sponsorship tier.

Original Article: SportsPro


SPEEDO推出新一代Fastskin | SPEEDO Launches the Fastskin LZR Racer X, the Newest Elite Racing Suit


泳裝品牌Speedo公司推出了名為LZR Racer X的新一代Fastskin泳衣,號稱是“最具競爭力的競賽泳衣”也不為過。

該公司分析了自26個國家,超過330位專業泳者的生理和心理狀態,其中包括多項世界紀錄保持者Ryan Lochte及專家群。


“最重要的觀點是收集運動員在水中的感覺,以及如何使他們能夠游得更快速。超過10,000小時研發的LZR Racer X,成為Speedo的最具爆發力且競爭力的泳衣”。

LZR Racer X使用了LZR Racer Compre X及LZR Racer PulseLite兩種布料製成。Compre X具有智慧伸展彈性技術,提供單向水平及垂直的伸展。而PulseLite是輕質耐用的布料,提供更大的活動自由度。

SPEEDO Launches the Fastskin LZR Racer X, the Newest Elite Racing Suit

With increased compression, greater support and improved comfort and sensitivity, the ‘Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer X’ enables swimmers to feel the water, feel the speed, and feel fast

LOS ANGELES, Apr 15, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- SPEEDO USA, a division of PVH Corp. PVH, +0.52% today announced the release of the Fastskin LZR Racer X, the newest elite racing suit developed by the experts at the world’s leading swim brand and its world-renowned Aqualab research and development unit. Data from extensive 3D scanning and simulations, and testing by elite swimmers around the globe, played a key role in the development of the new LZR Racer X, which offers increased compression, greater support, maximum comfort, improved sensitivity and precise sizing.

The new Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer X features:

LZR Racer PulseLite, a light, powerful and durable fabric on the body of the suit that provides compression and support along with flexibility to allow upper torso movement during breathing and freedom of movement for the arms.
LZR Racer CompreX, a dual fabric construction used on the legs and glutes of the suit with smart-stretch technology, which only stretches vertically, for high compression and freedom of movement. This allows swimmers to bend and move their legs during their stroke while still creating compression for a hydrodynamic profile. With the increased vertical stretch, there is also greater flexibility in starts and turns and a spring off the blocks and wall.
Maximized support seam construction with a unique tape design and an identifiable ‘X’ shape on both the front and back of the suit. The support seams follow and enhance the link between the muscles of the upper and lower body and promote correct body position in the water. On the front of the suit, the tape is aligned to provide a light tension supporting the quads and to help promote the alignment of the kick. On the rear of the suit, the stability seam crosses at the back to connect the lower body muscles with the shoulder muscles to help maintain optimal body positioning.
Laser cut, flat straps on women’s suits give precise tension while allowing freedom of movement and the optimum balance between a secure but comfortable fit. Ab Activators, which are laser cut panels in the core liner of the women’s suit that increase sensory awareness and encourage activation of lower abdominals while promoting optimal body position – and a flat back – in the water.
“The new LZR Racer X swimsuits are a part of the customizable Speedo Fastskin Racing System and an exciting new offering for elite swimmers,” said Kate Wilton, senior director of merchandising and design at SPEEDO USA. “We spent a lot of time understanding a swimmer’s individual needs and worked closely with our athletes throughout the suit development process to ensure that the LZR Racer X would provide swimmers everything they need to feel their fastest.”

More than 330 elite swimmers and 20 swimming experts from 26 countries contributed to the creation of the new Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer X by wear testing the suit at various stages throughout the development process and sharing their feedback.

“I have been part of the Speedo family since I started swimming professionally and am proud to have taken part in the development of the Fastskin LZR Racer X suit,” said 12-time Olympic medalist Natalie Coughlin. “The LZR Racer X is really special. Speedo listened to our input to create the design and function, and I can say that this suit was truly designed by swimmers, for swimmers.”

The new Fastskin LZR Racer X is available in four silhouettes – an Open Back Kneeskin and Closed Back Kneeskin for Women, and a Jammer and a High Waisted Jammer for Men. LZR Racer X is the newest addition to the Speedo Fastskin Racing System, furthering its mission to provide the widest and best choice of swimwear and equipment designed for maximum speed and performance in the water.

“The Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer X looks fast and it feels fast,” said 11-time Olympic medalist Ryan Lochte. “It’s all about confidence before a race. When I’m wearing the LZR Racer X, I feel good and I know I will swim fast.”

The Speedo Fastskin LZR Racer X is 100% FINA approved, giving swimmers ultimate confidence in their swimwear choice. The suits retail at $479 for the Open Back Kneeskin and $489 for the Closed Back Kneeskin for women and $349 for the Jammer and $359 for the High Waisted Jammer for men at www.SpeedoUSA.com and are also available through authorized Speedo dealers.

About Speedo

Speedo is the world’s leading swimwear brand. The teams at Speedo are passionate about life in and around the water, creating revolutionary new technologies, designs and innovations, and supporting swimming from the grassroots to the elite level. In the 1920’s Speedo made history with the Racerback, the world’s first non-wool suit. In 2008, Speedo redefined swimwear again with Fastskin LZR RACER, one of the fastest and most technologically advanced swimsuits ever created; 2011 saw Speedo unveil another world first with the Fastskin Racing System - a cap, goggle and suit designed to work together as one. Speedo is owned by Speedo Holdings B.V. and distributed in over 170 countries around the world; in North America and the Caribbean, Speedo is licensed exclusively to Warnaco Swimwear Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of PVH Corp. To find out more, visit www.speedousa.com.

About PVH

PVH Corp., one of the world’s largest apparel companies, owns and markets the iconic Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger brands worldwide. It is the world’s largest shirt and neckwear company and markets a variety of goods under its own brands, Van Heusen, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, IZOD, ARROW, Warner’s and Olga, and its licensed brands, including Speedo, Geoffrey Beene, Kenneth Cole New York, Kenneth Cole Reaction, MICHAEL Kors, Sean John, Chaps, Donald J. Trump Signature Collection and Ike Behar.


United Entertainment Group
Christine Thomas, 212-704-4505

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Original article page: MarketWatch