
「維多利亞的秘密」推出女性專屬智能運動內衣 | Victoria’s Secret Incredible smart sports bra will track your heart rate

繼運動品牌Under Amour推出一系列科技運動服飾後,維多利亞的秘密也將科技推伸至女性






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Victoria’s Secret Incredible smart sports bra will track your heart rate

Smart sports gadgets specifically for women are far too rare so Victoria's Secret has come up with its Incredible sports bra to track heart rate.

The Incredible bra features a chest placed heart rate monitor built-in. These chest placed monitors have been around for years, usually packaged with sports watches, and are now highly accurate. As a result the bra can be used to monitor during running, boxing and other high-impact workouts.

At its most basic level the sports bra is still high tech as it's made from a Body-Wick fabric which keeps the wearer cool and dry during workouts. Clothing+ is the Finnish fabric maker behind both the materials and the sensor technology built-into the bra.

The Incredible by Victoria’s Secret Heart-Rate Monitor Compatible Sport Bra, as it's called, will cost $75 which is about £48.

The future of wearable technology is likely to come built into clothing rather than just in the wrist worn bands that are currently popular. According to a Gartner report: "Smartshirts and other smartgarments can hold more sensors closer to the skin, they can collect more information and produce better data, like the full wave of the heart beat rather than just the pulse." So expect to start buying smarter clothes in the very near future.

Source: Pocket-lint


A&F的輝煌日子已煙消雲散 | Nothing Seems To Be Working For Abercrombie & Fitch

曾紅極一時的美國年輕服裝品牌Abercrombie & Fitch也面臨業績大幅下降的問題

Abercrombie & Fitch的輝煌日子已煙消雲散

美國青少年品牌Abercrombie & Fitch(A&F)日前宣布2014年第四季銷售量大降1千萬美元。該公司發揮了所有行銷手法,希望能重新吸引青少年的青睞。除了大幅消除衣服上的明顯標誌,也更改了店面的設計,然而,似乎沒有任何效果。

該商店於2014年12月3日公布該季度的銷售額,明顯的與2013年同一時間下降了12%。執行長Mike Jeffries將這樣的成績歸咎於客流量不足,及青少年服裝的整體動盪及鬥爭。




Nothing Seems To Be Working For Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch is trying everything to get teens and college kids to come back to its stores. It’s eliminating clothes with logos, rolling out new store designs and culling underperforming locations while attempting to cut $200 million in costs.

Yet it seems that nothing’s working.

The teen apparel retailer reported dismal results on Wednesday, with sales falling 12 percent for the quarter from a year ago, despite the multitude of changes meant to spur a turnaround. Chief executive Mike Jeffries blamed the struggles on weak store traffic and overall turbulence in the teen fashion industry.

“It is very clear that the young apparel sector in which we operate is going through a period of disruption, and turmoil,” Jeffries said on a conference call with analysts on Wednesday. When reached for additional comment, Abercrombie referred to Jeffries' statements on the call.

The lack of progress has some industry observers concerned that Abercrombie won’t be able to pull itself out of the bog. The moves may be “too little, too late,” Eric Beder, an analyst at Wunderlich Securities, wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday. With its logo apparel still in stores, bleak sales results, low traffic and stiff competition, he’s worried that the retailer won’t be able to recover.

“The glory days of Abercrombie are long gone, and the once teen giant has fallen,” wrote Beder. “We are unsure when it will be able to rise again.”

Abercrombie and its sister brand Hollister have fallen on hard times. Shares are down 36 percent over the past two years. The company cut its 2014 earnings outlook on Wednesday. Plus, both brands are losing traction among teens, according to the latest teen shopping survey from research firm Piper Jaffray.

Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, teen shoppers flocked to Abercrombie, lured by the perceived coolness of the A&F name and trademark moose logo. But the retailer was slow to adapt when fashion trends shifted and customers began shunning logos.

Now, Abercrombie and Hollister are under siege from fast fashion retailers like H&M and Forever 21, which constantly adapt the newest styles from the catwalk, bring them to store shelves within weeks and sell them at low prices. A pair of jeans at Abercrombie costs between $68 and $88 when full price, while customers can snatch up a plethora of denim styles from Forever 21 for under $25.

“The Abercrombie and Hollister brands face enormous global competition and pricing pressure from fast fashion retailers that operate with price points significantly lower and inventory turns that are significantly faster,” John Kernan, an analyst at Cowen and Company, wrote in a note to clients in November.

Still, Jeffries remains optimistic as the changes roll out. Hollister stores are experiencing a full revamp, with new storefronts, softer music and less musk spritzed throughout. Logos on clothes should be gone by spring. Meanwhile, Abercrombie’s adjusted its marketing to appeal to a wider range of body sizes, and now sells some plus-size clothes online.

“In light of a very difficult quarter, we must ask ourselves, and I know many of you ask the same question, are we make the right changes, are we moving fast enough, will these changes be enough to overcome a very challenging environment?” Jeffries said on the call. “Despite the difficult results for the quarter, we believe the answer to these questions is ‘yes.’”


時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產

時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產

時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產


此次被宣告破產的Mexx相關公司有4個,分別為:Mexx Europe International、Mexx Holding Netherlands、Mexx Europe及Mexx Europroduction,幾乎整個Mexx有關的企業均告破產,其中包括Mexx在加拿大和香港的零售業務及設計部門。Mexx分店遍及全球50個國家,僅在歐洲就有315家分店,但大部分都是加盟店(Franchising)。

法院已指定Fort律師事務所(Fort Advocaten)的Frits Kemp律師為破產管理人,據了解,K律師將讓該公司的零售業務繼續營業,以便出清店中的存貨。另外,他也認為:「我們正在物色適當的承繼人,所以最好讓各零售店繼續營業」。

多年來Mexx業務一直走下坡,該公司鼎盛時期的年營收超過10億歐元,但自從創辦人Ratten Chadha於2006年離開後,生意就開始衰落。

2011年美國私募投資公司The Gores Group曾以8,500萬歐元買下82%的Mexx股權,其餘股權則握在Liz Claiborne手中,所以目前該公司屬於Gores及Claiborne共有。



聖誕快樂&新年快樂 | 2014 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

ACOTEX Fabric & Garment 全體同仁,祝您聖誕快樂&新年快樂!

On behalf of ACOTEX Fabric & Garment team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


「新智能布料」直接傳送人體訊息,打破醫學界線 | A New Smart Fabric Could Save Lives of Injured Soliders and First Responders




在Messaddeq教授的指導下,研究團隊成功地將銅、高分子導電聚合物、玻璃和銀多等元素,層層堆疊而成智能布料。 Messaddeq教授解釋:「此種先進纖維可同時充當傳感器和天線,它是耐用且具有延展性與拉伸能力,並且可以與羊毛或棉花等自然纖維交錯編織再一起,其信號質量甚至比得上商業天線」。該纖維的表面上,也可以進行更多調整,以監控各種信息,如葡萄糖水平、心臟節律、大腦活動、運動和空間坐標。

雖然專利已經提出申請,但在到準備大量進行生產的步驟以前還需要一番調整與籌劃。 Messaddeq教授表示:「當然,這種技術將必須連接到無線網絡,而且電源也是一大難題」。

A New Smart Fabric Could Save Lives of Injured Soliders and First Responders

Researchers at Université Laval's Faculty of Science and Engineering and Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers have developed smart textiles able to monitor and transmit wearers' biomedical information via wireless or cellular networks. This technological breakthrough, described in a recent article in the scientific journal Sensors, clears a path for a host of new developments for people suffering from chronic diseases, elderly people living alone, and even firemen and police officers.

A team under the supervision of Professor Younès Messaddeq created the smart fabric by successfully superimposing multiple layers of copper, polymers, glass, and silver. "The fiber acts as both sensor and antenna. It is durable but malleable, and can be woven with wool or cotton. And signal quality is comparable to commercial antennas," explained Professor Messaddeq, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Photonic Innovations. The surface of the fiber can also be adjusted to monitor a range of information such as glucose levels, heart rhythm, brain activity, movements, and spatial coordinates.

A patent application has already been filed, though certain elements still need to be fine-tuned before the innovation is ready for commercialization. "Of course, the technology will have to be connected to a wireless network, and there is the issue of power supply to be solved," notes Professor Messaddeq. We have tested a number of solutions, and the results are promising. We will also have to make sure the fabric is robust, and can stand up to chemicals found in laundry detergent."

Source: Université Laval


澳洲研發「智慧胸罩」,將為女性打造自我調節且適應各種環境的胸罩 | 'Smart bra': Australian engineers develop bionic bra with intelligent fabric


「Bionic Bra」(譯: 仿生胸罩) 外型與一般傳統胸罩並無差別,但內含高科技的運動傳感偵測系統。當乳房晃動或位移變得劇烈時,布料中的人工纖維將緊縮排列,給予胸罩更多的支撐力道以應付運動時的位移。當穿戴者站立或靜止不動時,胸罩將恢復到其正常的狀態,更舒舒適的結構。






Big and small-busted women the world over can rejoice. Australian engineers are developing a bra that tightens automatically when the wearer moves and relaxes when she is sitting or standing still.

The "bionic bra" will be shaped like a traditional over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder, but will contain sensors that detect breast movement. When breast bouncing becomes too extreme, artificial muscles integrated into the bra will kick in and restrict movement.

When the wearer is standing still or not moving much, the bra will revert to its normal, more comfortable, structure.

The bra's  artificial muscles are made of tightly coiled nylon fibres, known as "smart yarns".

When coiled in a certain way, the nylon acts like a muscle and contracts.

"They shrink and provide constriction in response to too much movement," Professor Wallace Professor Wallace said.

Another team member, biomechanist Julie Steele, said incorrect breast support could cause long-term injuries, including back and neck pain.

Breast Research Australia, a centre also based at UOW and which Professor Steele directs, found that 85 per cent of women wore bras that did not fit or support their breasts correctly.

The team are working with industrial designers and fashion experts to finalise their prototype.

"Although we have made substantial progress, we still have a way to go before the bionic bra can be taken from the bench top to the washing machine. However, when finished, the bionic bra will transform bra design," Professor Steele said.

Professor Wallace presented their bionic bra developments at the ninth  Australasian Biomechanics Conference at the University of Wollongong this week.

Source: brisbanetimes


「散發酒氣的西裝」蘇格蘭酒品製造商研發氣味布料保存新技術 | These clothes smell like Johnnie Walker whisky, on purpose!


在正常情况下,如果你的衣服上有酒精味,意味著你已經喝茫了或是正在宿醉中。蘇格蘭人則是嘗試將蘇格蘭格子布和威士忌融合出一個全新的形象。蘇格蘭威士忌製造商約翰走路(Johnnie Walker)和知名布料商哈里斯(Harris Tweed Hebrides)合作,打造一個第一件能保留且自體散發威士忌酒香的布料。

所有的技術開發都事由位於愛丁堡的赫瑞瓦特大學紡織設計學院進行研發完成,並進行測試。這項被稱作「水上阿爾巴(Aqua Alba)」的香味,是採用高科技超微膠囊化的香味保存技術,使香味能在多次洗滌或乾洗之後還能保持其香味,就像才剛剛把一瓶1000塊錢的威士忌淋到衣服上一樣。

意大利的時裝設計師安吉洛將會開發出一條適合此款布料的衣服生產線。預計約翰走路(Johnnie Walker)和知名布料商哈里斯(Harris Tweed Hebrides)也將合作開發出符合高端客戶的系列商品。或許不久的將來,你將可以在路上聞到有人穿著6000元一瓶的藍標約翰走路香氣西裝。

These clothes smell like Johnnie Walker whisky, on purpose

Usually, having the odor of alcoholic beverages clinging to your clothes means you've been over-imbibing or just plain clumsy with your cocktails. A new variation on the classic Scottish tweed fabric is going for a whiskey smell on purpose. Scotch maker Johnnie Walker and textiles maker Harris Tweed Hebrides have gotten together to create to a whisky-scented fabric.

The heavy lifting on the development process was done by Heriot-Watt University's School of Textiles and Design in Edinburgh and Galashiels, Scotland. The aroma is applied to the fabric using a micro-encapsulation technology that allows the scent to survive the dry-cleaning process so you can always smell like you just accidentally spilled a $30 bottle of blended Scotch on yourself. The scent has been named "Aqua Alba."

Italy-based fashion designer Angelos Bratis will be creating a line of clothing using the fabric. Perhaps Johnnie Walker and Harris Tweed Hebrides will one day offer even higher-end variations of the cloth. For example, you could conceivably wear a suit that smells like a $200 bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue.

No prices have been announced for clothes made from this fancy fabric, but a real Harris Tweed suit doesn't come cheap. If the Johnnie Walker jacket ends up being out of your budget, you could always get away with picking up a thrift-store coat and a bottle of Old Smuggler and doing it yourself, reapplying as needed since you probably don't want to actually drink Old Smuggler.

Source: CNET


Under Armour 進軍歐洲市場


Under Armour 進軍歐洲市場

根據德國當地媒體報導,Under Armour 正決心進軍歐洲市場,特別是德國。

該公司正在慕尼黑建立一個子公司,由adidas的前總裁 Alex Blank 擔任總經理。

顯然,德國子公司打算在2015年2月,首先針對跑步和健身愛好者開拓德國市場。這項市場開拓計畫還深入到了足球領域,並針對廣泛熟悉美國品牌的消費群體。到2016年,Under Armour 打算贊助德國第二聯盟的足球隊。Blank 表示在未來三年中,他企圖使Under Armour 成為前三大運動品牌之一。

該計畫聽起來雄心萬丈,但Under Armour 這品牌在北美洲以外的地區仍然沒沒無名。在2013年,銷售額僅23.3億美金,美國以外的地區占整個銷售額的8%,就美國當地市場而言,無論如何,Under Armour 還是有著高度成長,遠超過adidas。


Nike推出「Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣」| Nike Launches “Hyperwarm Flex” Base Layer Technology

Nike推出新研發的「Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣」

Nike推出「Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣」

美國運動服飾公司Nike為了在寒冷環境訓練的運動員,研發出“Nike Hyperwarm Flex”緊身衣。

Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣是由緊身褲及長袖衫兩部分構成,是為了在寒冷環境訓練的運動員所設計,讓運動員維持溫暖舒適。



肘部、膝蓋及肩膀的飾片採具彈性的針織結構,使穿著者能自由活動;而需要隔熱的身體部分則使用密集的針織結構來維持身體溫暖度。緊身衣的內層採用Nike的Dri-FIT Max布料來達到吸濕排汗功能,進而提供溫度調節的特性,以防過熱。

Nike Hyperwarm Flex緊身衣於Nike網路商店通路,緊身褲的零售價為130美元(約台幣3900稅前),緊身長袖衫則為150美元(約台幣4500稅前)。

Nike Launches “Hyperwarm Flex” Base Layer Technology

While the Nike brand we know and love is one of Air Force 1s, Flyknits and other such hysteria-inducing sneakers, it’s easy to forget that the sportswear leviathan is a manufacturer and innovator in the athletic apparel market first and foremost. Their latest concoction, dubbed “Hyperwarm Flex” (only a matter of time before someone starts rapping under that alias) responds to the need for athletes to have protection, flexibility and comfort in cold climates.

A top and pant have been crafted using cutting edge knitted technology, and boast a mixed, paneled construction that utilizes different technologies for each area’s requirements – namely flexible articulation, thermal insulation and Dri-FIT moisture wicking, for what the brand believe to be “the finest base layer Nike has ever made.” Aesthetically speaking, the base layers look like they have been lifted straight out of a sci-fi/superhero movie and it’d be a brave soul to don them in a lifestyle context, so this one’s strictly for the sportier Snobs out there.

Source: Highsnobiety


常用服裝布料中英對照 | English-Chinese Textile/Garment Vocabulary





Fibers & Yarn | 原料代號

C=Cotton | 棉
L=Linen | 亞麻
W=Wool | 羊毛
WS=Cashmere | 羊絨
LA=Lambswool | 羊羔毛
S=Silk | 蠶絲
M=Mohair 馬海毛
RH=Rabbit hair | 兔毛
AL=Alpaca | 羊駝毛
CH=Camel haira | 駝毛
S=Silk | 真絲
J=Jute | 黃麻
TS=Tussah silk | 柞蠶絲
YH=Yark hair | 犛牛毛
N=Nylon, Polya mid | 尼龍,錦綸
T=Polyester | 聚酯纖維,滌綸
R=Rayon | 人造棉,人造絲
A=Acrylic | 人造毛,亞克力紗
AC=Acetate | 醋酸纖維,酸酯纖維
AL=Albumen | 蛹蛋白纖維
BM=Bamboo | 竹纖維
CU=Cuprammonium rayon | 銅纖維
EL=Elastane fiber | 彈力纖維
HM=Hemp | 大麻
JU=Jute | 黃麻
LC=Lyocell | 萊賽爾纖維
MC=Modal | 莫代爾
MD=polynosic | 粘膠
ME=metallic | 金屬纖維
Mulberry Silk | 桑蠶絲
P/C=Polyester/Cotton | 聚酯纖維/棉 混紡
PA=Polyamide | 錦綸,聚醯胺纖維
PC=Acrylic | 腈綸
Viscose | 人造絲,粘膠纖維
OP=Spandex | 彈性纖維,氨綸(日本較常使用OP)
LY=Lycra | 萊卡(杜邦彈性紗)
Tactel | 特達(杜邦彈性紗)
Spun | 短纖(捻成絲狀)
Filament | 長纖,絲
Micro fiber | 超細纖維
Tencel | 天絲棉
Recycled fibers | 環保纖維
Metallic yarn | 金屬紗
Sea lands cotton | 海島棉
Carbon Fibers | 碳纖維

Dyeing & Finishing | 染整加工

Grey inspecting | 胚檢
Singeing | 燒毛
Desizing | 退漿
Scouring | 精鍊
Bleaching | 漂白
Mercerizing | 絲光
Setting | 定型
Exhaustion | 浸染
Padding | 軋染
Cold batch | 冷捲固色
Drying | 烘乾
Steaming | 汽蒸(固色)
Chem pad | 化學浸軋(固色)
Thermofixation | 烘乾固色
Baking | 熱焙固色
Oxidizing | 氧化顯色
Reduction | 還原洗
Soaping & Rinsing | 皂洗
Resin finishing | 樹脂加工
Curing | 烘焙
Calendering | 軋光
Sanforizing | 預縮
Finished inspection | 成檢
Packing | 包裝
Printing | 印花
Flocking | 植絨
Striking out | 起毛
Embossed/Logotype | 軋花
Coating(PVC/PU/PA) | 涂佈/上膠
Gold print | 燙金
Brushed | 磨毛
Wrinkled | 起皺
Stiffening | 硬挺
Anti-pilling | 抗起球
Stone washed | 砂洗
W/P (Water proof) | 防水
W/R (Water repellent) | 潑水
W/S (Water shrinkage) | 縮水
Cutting | 裁切
Lamination | 貼合
Sueding | 仿麂皮起絨
Peach skin finish | 桃皮起毛加工
Fleece finish | 起絨,刷毛加工
Anti-pilling finish | 抗起球加工
Resin finish | 樹脂整理

Fabric Type | 布種

Knitted Fabric | 針織布
Jersey | 單面平紋緯編布
Rib | 羅(菱)紋布
Single Jersey | 單面針織布
Double Jersey | 雙面針織布
Interlock | 雙羅紋組織,棉毛布
Jacquard Knit | 提花針織布
Pique | 凹凸組織織物
Warp knitted fabrics | 經編針織布
Weft knitted fabrics | 緯編針織布
Flat Knit | 橫編針織
Terry | 毛巾布,毛圈織物
Fleece | 抓毛布,起絨布
Terry fleece | 單面刷毛布
Polar fleece | 雙面刷毛布
Anti-pilling polar fleece | 搖粒絨布
Looped Pile, Pile Knit | 毛圈織物
Cut pile | 剪毛織物
Plush, Long pile | 長毛絨
Fur | 仿毛布
Plain knitting | 平紋針織布
Mesh fabric | 網眼織物
Lace | 蕾絲
Tricot | 特利可得經編布
Tricot jersey | 經編平紋布
Velour/Velvet | 絲絨/天鵝絨
Waffle pique | 蜂巢紋凹凸織物
Woven Fabric | 平織布
Plain | 平紋
Twill | 斜紋
Satin | 經向緞紋布
Sateen | 緯向緞紋布
Pongee | 繭綢,府綢
Poplin | 細薄平紋梭織布,府綢
Rayon flocking | 人棉植絨布
Metallic woven fabric | 金蔥布
Bengaline | 羅緞,水兵布
Canvas | 帆布
Chambray | 有條紋格子的布
Check | 格子布
Corduroy | 燈芯絨
Crinkle | 皺皺布
Denim, Jean | 牛仔布
Flannel | 法蘭絨布
Gauze | 紗布
Gingham | 條紋(或格子)布
Interlining, Lining | 內裡布
Micro fiber fabric | 超細纖維布
Muslin | 平紋薄布(床單用)
Oxford | 牛津布
Quilted textile | 刺縫織物
Ribstop | 格子提花裡布
Suiting | 西裝布
Taffeta | 塔夫塔綢
Taslon | 塔史龍
Yarn dyed fabric | 色紗織物
Jacquard,Dobby | 提花布

Printing | 印花

Screen printing | 網版印花
Block printing | 模版印花
Blotch printing | 底色印花/單面印花
Burn-out printint | 燒花印花
Coat printing | 塗料印花
Direct printing | 直接印花
Discharge printing | 拔染印花
Electrostatic flocking | 靜電植絨
Flock printing | 植絨印花
Mechanical flocking | 機械植絨
Gold foil stamping | 燙金
Silver foil stamping | 燙銀
Transfer printing | 轉移印花
Heat transfer printing | 熱轉移印花
Ink-jet printing | 噴墨印花
Jet printing | 噴射印花
Over printing | 套印/疊印
Paper stencil printing | 紙版印花
Plate printing | 平版印花
Registered printing | 雙面印花
Registration | 對花印花
Resist printing | 防染印花
Roller printing | 滾筒印花
Rotary screen printing | 圓網印花
Srike-off | 印花打樣

Inspection | 檢驗測量

Washing shrinkage | 水洗縮率
Steaming shrinkage | 燙縮
Color fastness | 色牢度
Washing color fastness | 水洗色牢度
Rubbing color fastness | 耐摩擦色牢度
Light color fastness | 耐光色牢度
Perspiration color fastness | 耐汗色牢度
Water color fastness | 耐水色牢度
Phenolic Yellowing | 耐酚黃化
Tensile strength | 拉伸/抗張強度
Tearing strength | 撕裂強度
Bonding strength | 剝離強度
Seam slippage | 接縫滑裂
Pilling resistance | 抗起毛起球性
Abrasion resistance | 耐磨性
Water repellency | 拒水性
Water resistance | 抗水性
Water vapour permeability | 透溼度
Rain test | 雨淋
Spray test | 一般撥水
Oil perpellency | 一般撥油
Soli release | 防污
Water absorbency | 吸濕
Wicking | 蕊吸
Pilling | 起毛毬
Abrasion | 耐磨
Electrical surface resistivity | 抗靜電
Flame retardant | 阻燃
Thread per inth/stich density | 織物密度
PH value | PH值
Yarn count | T紗支
Weight | 克重
Width | 幅寬
Ends per inch/Warp rate | 經密
Picks per inch | 緯密
AZO free/ No AZO | 不含偶氮

Fabric Functions | 布料功能性加工

Anti-Bacterial | 抗菌
Anti-Static | 抗靜電
Anti-fungus | 防霉
Waterproof | 防水
Breathable | 透濕
Windproof | 防風
Electromagnetic shielding | 防電磁波
Far infrared | 遠紅外線
Flame resistant | 防(火)焰
Flam retardant | 阻燃
Moisture wicking | 吸濕
Quick dry | 快乾
Oil repellency | 潑油
Soil release | 防油污
UV protective | 抗紫外線
Water repellency | 潑水效果
DWR | 長效潑水效果
Wrinkle free | 防皺
Wash and wear | 免燙
Thermal | 保暖

Sampling | 打樣

Initial/Proto sample | 原樣/初樣
Sales sample | 銷售樣
Showroom sample | 展示樣
Photo sample | 照相樣
Pre-production/PP sample | 產前樣
Test sample | 測試樣
Shipping/Shipment sample | 船頭樣
Counter sample | 確認樣,回樣
Bulk sample | 大貨樣
Swatch album | 樣簿/樣冊

Sewing Workmanship | 服裝車縫製工

Sewing sequence | 車縫工序
1-Needle lockstitch | 單針平車
Zig-Zag stitches | 人字平車
Overlock | 拷克
2 Needle coverstitch | 雙針三本
Chainstitch | 鏈目
3-Needle flatlock stitch | 3針爬線,爬網併縫
4-Needle 6-Thread flatlock stitch | 四針六線,四針併縫
Needle distance | 3mm針距
Binder | 包邊蝴蝶,滾邊蝴蝶
Binding | 包邊
Binding with SLV opening | R折
Binding with top vent | 面叉包邊
Binding tape 包邊
Binding/Bound 滾條
raglan seams | 插肩縫
triangle stitch | 三角車線
princess seam | 公主線

Measuring | 服裝測量尺寸

Chest width | 胸圍
Body width | 胸圍
Waist point meas.to CB neckline | 腰測點到後中領圈
Chest meas.point to waist meas.point | 胸量點至腰量點
Chest meas.point to hip meas.point | 胸量點至臀量點
Waist width | 腰圍
Waistband width | 腰帶寬
Waistband height | 腰帶高
Hem opening | 下擺
hem width | 下擺寬
Sweep(on whole) | 下擺(整圈)
Hem height | 下擺高
Back extension | 後片延伸長
Shoulder length | 肩長
Shoulder and sleeve length | 肩袖長
Sleeve length | 袖長
Armhole length | 袖窿長
Armhole depth | 袖籠深
Armhole rib length | 袖籠羅紋長
Armhole rib height | 袖籠羅紋高
Armhole facing width | 袖籠貼寬
Armhole stitching height | 袖籠壓線高
Armhole piping width | 袖籠出芽寬
Sleeve width | 袖寬
Forearm width | 前臂寬
Biceps | 前臂寬
forearm meas.point above cuff seam | 肘寬袖口縫份上
Sleeve opening | 袖口
Sleeve cuff width | 袖克夫寬
Sleeve cuff height | 袖克夫高
sleeve elastic height| 袖鬆緊高
Back length(with waistband) | 後身長(含腰)
CB body length | 後中長
Back upper body length | 後上身長
Front length | 前身長
CF body length | 前中長
Front upper body length | 前上身長
Neck drop | 領深
Back neck drop | 後領深
Back neck width | 後領寬
collar breadth | 領寬
Neckhole length back | 後領圈長
Neckhole length front | 前領圈長
Back neck facing width | 後領貼寬
Back neck facing height | 後領貼高
Finished neck opening | 完成後領口
Neck rib height | 羅紋領高
Minimum neck opening stretched | 最小領口拉伸直
Minimum neck opening | 最小領開口
collar height | 領高
Collar height front | 前領高
Collar height back | 後領高
Collar stand front | 領座高
Collar length outer edge | 領外長
collar length(outer edge) incl.zip | 領長(含拉鏈)
Front zip length | 前中拉鏈長
full length zipper | 拉鏈全長
inner pocket welt height | 內口袋唇高
lower pocket width | 下口袋寬
(inner)Pocket zip length | (內)口袋拉鏈長
chest pocket width | 胸袋寬
Pocket width | 口袋寬
Pocket height | 口袋高
Pocket opening | 口袋開口
Pocket flap height | 袋蓋高
Welt pocket height | 袋唇高
inner pocket height | 內袋高
inner pocket width | 內袋寬
front pocket height | 前口袋高
front pocket length at bottom | 前口袋底邊長
front pocket length at top | 前口袋頂邊長
front pocket opening length at edge | 前口袋開口邊長
front pocket side seam length | 前口袋側邊長
hand pocket height | 手袋高
hand pocket opening | 手袋開口
pocket placement down from hps | 袋口距肩高點
upper pocket width | 上口袋寬
1/2 Hood neck line | 1/2帽沿領線量
1/2 Hood width | 1/2帽寬
1/2 Hood length | 1/2帽長
Hood length CF to CB neck | 帽長從前中到後中領
Hood side part height from shoulder | 帽側高從肩部量
Hood mid part width | 帽中間接片寬
Hood opening | 帽開口
Hood height c.f | 帽前中高
Storm flap width | 擋風片寬
Slit length | 開叉長
Bottom tiecord length | 下擺穿繩長
Hood tiecord length | 帽穿繩長
front placket width | 前門禁寬
side to front | 側邊距前片
drop tail height | 後延長片高
front panel width at bottom edge | 前片底邊寬
print position | 印花位置
badge position | 標誌位置
Waistband width(relaxed) | 腰圍(平量)
Waistband width(stretched) | 腰圍(拉量)
Waistband height | 腰高
Waistband rib height | 羅紋腰高
Belt length | 腰帶長
Hip width | 臀圍
Top of waistband to hip point | 腰頂至臀點
Hip measurement point | 臀圍測量點
Thigh width | 腿圍
leg opening | 腳口
Leg elastic height | 腳口松緊高
Turn-up height | 卷邊高
Hem band height | 腳口邊高
Leg cuff width | 腳口克夫寬
Leg cuff height | 腳口克夫高
Side/Out seam | 外長
inseam | 內長
Front rise | 前浪
Back rise | 後浪
Front opening length | 前門襟開口長
Fly zip length | 門襟拉鏈長
Fly stitch width | 門襟壓線寬
Side zip length | 側拉鏈長
leg zip | 腳口拉鏈長
Knee width | 膝圍
Calf width | 小腿圍
Inner brief width | 內短褲寬
Inner brief length | 內短褲長
Inner brief side seam length | 內短褲側縫
Inner brief opening | 內短褲腳口
Crotch width | 襠寬
Crotch insert width | 襠接片寬
Hand pocket opening | 手插袋開口
Side pocket opening | 側縫口袋開口
Side leg pocket height | 側腿袋高
Side leg pocket width | 側腿袋寬
Pocket bag length | 口袋布長
Belt loop height | 褲耳長
Skirt back length | 裙後長
Side panel width | 側接片寬
Back yoke height at CB | 後育克高在後中量

編排整理 Edited by: ACOTEX Fabric Talks 布料知識庫


認識雨傘布料 | Umbrella Fabrics

認識雨傘布料 | Umbrella Fabrics




第一:在布的背面上防水膠 (coating)

第二:在布的背面貼防水膜 (laminate)

(前往了解 何謂防水透濕)


雨傘布的密度可以以號碼來表示,例如170T或190T,數字越大密度越高,190T表示1" x 1 "的正方格中,有橫190條及直190條線綜橫交錯而成。


  1. 春亞紡 (Pongee)
  2. 聚酯纖維 (Polyester)
其中以春亞紡(Pongee)最為常用,質地較柔,布面呈啞色不易反光,像衣物的布料,而且抵禦冷縮熱漲性能良好,所以被廣泛使用。 聚酯纖維布 (Polyester)質地較硬,底層可加上銀色底油加強遮光度,價錢比春亞紡較便宜些。其他常用的有尼龍布、牛津布、緞面布、PVC、珠光布、EVA及T/C棉布等。

是一種人造纖維,質地較柔,布面呈啞色不易反光,像衣物的布料,手感極佳,像天然的物料(例如:棉布) 所造成的布一樣,而且抵禦冷縮熱漲性能良好,所以被廣泛使用,直身或摺身雨傘皆可使用。


(前往閱讀 認識聚酯纖維)


(前往閱讀 認識尼龍)

牛津布(Oxford Fabric):

緞面布(Satin Umbrella Fabric):

全名是Polyvinyl chloride (PVC),一種透明的塑膠物料,是唯一一種可造到透明效果的材料,由於傘面與傘面之間容易黏住,所以會加上粉末,減低互相黏住情況,質地較硬,較適合用在直傘上,價錢相宜。

混合了棉布(Cotton Fabric)及滌倫布(Polyester Fabric)製成的布料,手感比滌倫布柔軟,布質較重及較厚,只適合用在宜傘上,價錢較高。
EVA umbrella Fabric EVA:一種不透明的塑膠物料,質地較PVC柔軟,傘面互相不會黏住,較適合用在直傘上,價錢比PVC高一點。

珠光布(Pearl Fabric):

Umbrella Fabrics

Umbrellas Head Historically speaking, a variety of fabrics had been used for making umbrellas that included linen, cotton, leather, taffeta variety of silk, lace and the special fabric that was first made for umbrellas only- the Gloria. Gloria which means ' bright', is a plain weave of silk and wool, and silk and cotton. After that, rayon and acetate were widely used for making umbrellas. Nowadays, the fabric generally used is nylon taffeta with an acrylic coating on the underside and a scotch-guard type finish on the top. Most recently, microfiber fabrics with new water repellent finishes are also being used by the umbrella manufacturers

When using nylon taffeta, the fabric's coating and finish are generally done by the fabric suppliers. It's the prerogative of the umbrella manufacturers to select the fabric patterns and designs. These umbrella manufacturers can even add their own patterns and designs with the help of rotary or silk screening processes which is cost effective only for a special order of a limited number of umbrellas.

編排整理 Edited by: ACOTEX Fabric Talks 布料知識庫



知名美國歌手Nicole Scherzinger曾於2012年穿著智慧衣概念出席亮相





此外,一體成型無縫織造,具高彈性、透氣、肌肉支撐等功能。結合Bluetooth Smart/ANT+心率傳輸模組,可與智慧型手環與手機連線,提供自主健康管理之最佳穿戴載體。當然此套智慧衣已經不斷地從各方面的需求來加強功能及用途,包含了各種功能性、可用性、舒適性、操作簡單化、以及服飾的美觀設計上等各方面。

新聞來源: 中時電子報


手機不再怕沒電,美國研發「用衣服發電」| Few-layer ​molybdenum disulfide transistors and circuits for high-speed flexible electronics



美國哥倫比亞大學與喬治亞理工學院首度證明二維材料二硫化鉬(molybdenum disulfide)能產生壓電效應。這表示,我們將可從褲子幫手機充電,從衣服為智慧型手錶供電。

英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,研究人員發現一種全新方法,可用薄如原子的發電機產生電力。


哥倫比亞大學工學院(Columbia Engineering)與喬治亞理工學院(Georgia Institute of Technology)團隊表示,二硫化鉬可用在穿戴科技。

哥大機械工程系教授兼研究共同領導人洪恩(James Hone)說:「這種材料只有一層原子那麼薄,可用來當作穿戴裝置,也許可嵌入服飾,將人體運動能量轉變成電力,為穿戴感應器或醫療裝置提供動能,也許還能供應足夠電力幫口袋的手機充電。」




Few-layer ​molybdenum disulfide transistors and circuits for high-speed flexible electronics

Two-dimensional layered materials, such as ​molybdenum disulfide, are emerging as an exciting material system for future electronics due to their unique electronic properties and atomically thin geometry. Here we report a systematic investigation of ​MoS2 transistors with optimized contact and device geometry, to achieve self-aligned devices with performance including an intrinsic gain over 30, an intrinsic cut-off frequency fT up to 42 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency fMAX up to 50 GHz, exceeding the reported values for ​MoS2 transistors to date (fT~0.9 GHz, fMAX~1 GHz). Our results show that logic inverters or radio frequency amplifiers can be formed by integrating multiple ​MoS2 transistors on quartz or flexible substrates with voltage gain in the gigahertz regime. This study demonstrates the potential of two-dimensional layered semiconductors for high-speed flexible electronics.

資訊來源 Source: Nature.com


日本Omikenshi開發用陽光、人體遠紅外線發熱的纖維“Solar Touch”


日本Omikenshi開發用陽光、人體遠紅外線發熱的纖維“Solar Touch”

日本2010年秋冬的內衣賣場中,發熱、保溫功能的商品戰日趨白熱化。由於大型服裝品牌零售模式SPA(Speciality store retailer of Private label Apparel)的發熱、保溫內衣在去年引發熱潮,競爭的內衣廠家相 繼投入商品生產,此外成衣連鎖店以及大型綜合商場(GMS)的自有品牌商品(PB商品)也會大量投入,外衣成衣廠商等其他行業的企業也會加入這一個市場。

說起發熱、保溫功能纖維,吸收出汗時的水分並循環進行發熱、放濕的吸濕發熱型占絕大多數。日本機能性紡織品代表性大廠Omikenshi公司著手開發無須水分也能發揮發熱、保溫效果的功能纖維,於是誕生了“Solar Touch”。

“Solar Touch”是摻入了微粒子金屬氧化物的人造短纖維。微粒子金屬氧化物吸收太陽以及人體放出的紅外線,變成熱能自行發熱。從太陽有各種各樣的光線照到地球,這一光線還稱為“電磁波”,意思是波動的能源,但不是熱能。物質吸收波動能源,產生共鳴,分子運動變得活潑,在物質內分子相互產生撞擊,產生熱能使物質的溫度上升。“Solar Touch”就是利用了這一原理的機能性纖維。

“Solar Touch”透過在人造纖維中摻入能廣範圍吸收紅外線的微粒子金屬氧化物,使得纖維變得暖和。和吸濕發熱纖維不同,即使在乾燥的狀態下也能發熱,所以無須出汗。

在該公司的測試中,“Solar Touch”的發熱量比棉還要高。“Solar Touch”使用棉30%混紡的針織布料,發熱量很高,所以保溫性持續較長。另外,還有能利用人體放出的微量遠紅外線進行發熱、蓄熱的“Solar Touch”特殊機能。

“Solar Touch”還作為防止地球環境暖化的環保產品開發。應用在家庭以及辦公室的節能,即使暖氣調低攝氏1至2度也不會感到寒冷,對減少二氧化碳排放有所貢獻。

認識發熱衣 | What Are Heat Tech Clothing?



「科技布料」讓未來機器人也能具有類似人類皮膚的觸覺。 圖為電影「地球過後」中的未來智慧戰鬥服裝。

















觀察目前智慧紡織品市場,以健康照護及運動為主要兩大項應用,其中由於健康照護涉及法規、商業獲利模式等層面,因此又以運動領域有較多廠商投入。Gartner資深研究分析師Michele Reitz指出,智慧衣物的市場規模將會很大。由於智慧紡織品將紡織技術與電子元件結合,當中加入感測器等元件,使的衣服能夠偵測穿衣者的生理訊號,如心跳、呼吸,賦予衣服有了一些新的功能以及創新應用,也讓這個被稱為是夕陽產業的紡織工業擺脫傳產的既定印象,開始蛻變轉型,有了不一樣的創新之路。

而智慧紡織這股趨勢近來也吹進時尚圈內,在今年九月的紐約時裝周掀起一股科技風,除了能夠看到模特兒配戴如智慧手環等穿戴裝置走向伸展台之外,也有不少衣服搭配了偵測人體心跳或動作的功能,專門結合時尚業與科技業的英國品牌CuteCircuit過去就一直努力地將科技融合到設計當中,並且也推出不少科技衣服,例如會隨著穿著者動作變換色彩的衣服Kinetic Dress。

CuteCircuit市場行銷副總裁David Lauren表示,我們的目標是要創造並體現極致的生活方式,而一個健康且積極的生活型態將會是重要的一部份。為此,CuteCircuit在衣服裡面加入一家加拿大生物辨識公司OMsignal的技術,透過感測器與紗線的結合,讓衣服能夠偵測穿衣者的生理訊號,如心跳、呼吸,而這些收集來的數據會傳送到靠近左胸的一個Tech Box,然後透過藍牙與iPhone的一個App同步。沈乾龍表示,由於紡織技術的進步,目前已有許多電子元件都能整合進紡織品當中,包含現有的許多類型感測器也都能夠被紡織化。

除此之外,另一家知名服飾品牌Ralph Lauren也使用了OMsignal的技術,發布一款智慧運動衣「Polo Tech」,可用來偵測心跳、呼吸、運動強度、消耗熱量、走路的步數等,而這些數據也會藉由穿戴者身上攜帶的一個黑盒子傳送到行動裝置上。特別的是,在今年的美國網球公開賽中球員都穿了此款衣服。此外,包含一些健康及美容產業也希望結合智慧紡織品來達到抗老、緊緻肌膚的目的。而隨著越來越多廠商的投入以及設計師的創意,將會帶來更驚人的智慧紡織品開發技術與設計,並且改變現有的生活方式。

新聞來源:CTIMES 丁于珊 報導


ACODRY® Pro 機能快乾POLO衫 [天泰能源 輕量適應款]

ACODRY® Pro 機能快乾POLO衫 [天泰能源 輕量適應款]


天泰能源 輕量適應款

於101年成立的天泰能源,是一家致力於再生能源產業發展為導向的新創公司。跟隨著政府近年來推動綠色能源產業發展的腳步,配合政府政策推動,不斷為台灣創造再生能源,也為地球的環境保護盡力。天泰能源 找上ACOTEX合作開發此款機能快乾Polo衫,利用 ACOTEX 對舒適布料的專業,導入新一代 ACODRY® Pro 高階吸濕快乾布料。獨特的紡織纖維處理工藝,與一般布料相比,能更快將皮膚的排汗吸走,進而提升人體的舒適度,並額外加強抗UV保護層,讓人體在艷陽高照下也能有效阻擋UV傷害皮膚。讓您在運動時能保持乾爽清新的舒適體驗。

  • 可置於洗衣機,不須乾洗 (使用溫水或冷水洗滌即可)
  • 避免使用漂白劑或衣物柔軟精等強效洗潔劑,以免破壞布料功能
  • 避免長時間浸泡水中
  • 自然風乾或放入烘乾機,選用中低溫烘乾
  • 風乾後20~30分鐘,即可恢復吸濕排汗效果

Care Instruction:
  • Machine washable
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners or stain removers
  • Avoid soaking in water or stay wet for a long period of time
  • Line dry, or tumble with low heat if necessary
  • The durable water-repellent(DWR) will be reactivated after 20~30 minutes



興采以S Cafe咖啡紗在國際打出知名度



興采成立於1989年3月,資本額約2.35億元。主要營業項目為機能性紡織產品的開發、設計、製造及銷售,目前已成功開發S.Cafe環保咖啡紗織物、S.CafeR環保咖啡保溫棉及各式高透氣、防風、防水、抗菌、防霉等功能性布料,並積極推動自有品牌S.CafeR國際行銷,廣受歐、美、中國大陸及亞洲地區市場高度接受。目前客戶包含全球前10大戶外運動及戶外機能品牌,其中NORTH FACE、NIKE及Timberland等都是其客戶。

陳國欽表示,公司擁有上游原料紗線、薄膜到下游織物成品甚至機能性測試方法的完整專利佈局,因此掌握上游原料製作技術使原料成本減少一半以上,並開發出全球首創的咖啡紗布料S.Cafe,其特性與Core Tex相當,因此深受戶外知名品牌高度認同,目前布料比重達9成,成衣僅1成,成衣生產選擇在越南,新設不到一年,明年目標營收比重成長到2成。



「成衣+穿戴科技」智能紡織品亮相 | Smart garments and wearable technology set for growth







新聞來源: 中時電子報

Smart garments and wearable technology set for growth

Long touted as "the next big thing", wearable technology has until now been held back by concerns ranging from cost to style, comfort and privacy issues - and of course the limitations of the devices themselves. But the sector may finally be reaching the tipping point that moves it into the mainstream.

Apple's decision last year to hire two top executives from the luxury goods sector - Burberry's CEO Angela Ahrendts and Yves Saint Laurent's CEO Paul Deneve - was one of the clearest signs yet of the blurring lines between fashion and technology.

And analysts at Cowen Research say they believe the introduction of the much-hyped Apple Watch will be the catalyst for "dramatic growth," with the wearable technology sector potentially worth US$170bn globally by 2020.

Within this, they calculate that the fitness wearables market will be worth $17bn globally and $3.38bn in the US - with smart garments and shoes rising to reach $1bn in the US by 2020.
Global market research specialist The NPD Group has also honed in on the rapidly growing market, with the launch this week of a Wearables Advisory Service to give retailers, manufacturers, and developers a better understanding of the market and the core consumers.

On-body digital devices 
Holding the potential to change the way people work, communicate, respond to emergencies, manage their health and entertain themselves, the wearables market consists of on-body digital devices that can communicate wirelessly with other devices.

In its wide-ranging review of 'Wearable Technology: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis,' Cowen identifies five different market segments, covering consumer fitness, lifestyle/entertainment, health care, enterprise, and components.

The consumer fitness side, which currently consists mainly of smart garments and wristbands/chest straps, is expected to grow globally from $1.5bn in 2014 to nearly $17bn in 2020.

The lifestyle/entertainment category - already the largest segment of the market - is seen accounting for over $67bn in revenues in 2020, giving it a 40% share of the total market. This includes smartwatches and entertainment wristbands, smart glasses, and smart jewellery.

Significant developments are also anticipated in healthcare wearables that can monitor and treat cardiac conditions and diabetes, a market worth less than $1bn today but anticipated to grow to nearly $12bn globally by 2020.

But the fastest-growing segment is the enterprise market, which allows medical professionals, manufacturers, engineers, law enforcement and military professionals, and retail workers to remotely view and receive real-time data. Currently generating global revenues of less than $100m, this is expected to surge to nearly $15bn by 2020.

Smart garments
When it comes to the way in which wearables are worn, the market for consumer fitness is likely to see smart garments taking the lead from fitness tracking wristbands as they are already an integral part of the daily dressing routine.

"We foresee higher CAGRs for smart garments, high-end athletic clothing with embedded biosensors," the Cowen analysts say.

They calculate that growth in smart garments will be gradual as the technology develops, and will surge by 220% to reach $1bn in the US by 2020 - with an estimated penetration rate of 1% and cost of $90, and an average of four garments per user.

Smart garments include shirts with bio-sensing circuitry woven into the fibres, which can potentially monitor vital signs more accurately than wristbands due to the larger body surface area they cover, as well as athletic shoes with embedded motion-sensing chips.

Several research labs around the US have already made strides in this direction, including researchers at the University of Central Florida, who have created a method for storing energy in copper wires by wrapping the wires inside a "supercapacitator," an invention that could serve as a miniature power source for a smart shirt; a lab at Rice University that made a battery based on nickel, rather than lithium, that's flexible and as thin as two sheets of paper; Imprint Energy, which created a super thin flexible battery based on zinc; a North Carolina State University team that designed an ultra-thin, flexible sensor out of silver nanowires; and Perpetua Power in Oregon, whose TEGWear chip can convert body heat into electrical power - perhaps the ultimate goal for a wearable powering method.
Other developments in smart garments include compression shirts from OMsignal and Carre Technologies with biosensors woven directly into the fabric that monitor the wearer's heart rate, breathing and exertion levels, and sync the data in real time to a smartphone app. The shirts can also withstand over 50 washing cycles. Canadian-based OMsignal was also behind the Polo Tech a compression shirt recently debuted by Ralph Lauren Corp.

Sensoria, a Washington-based startup launched by several Microsoft veterans, has designed the Sensoria line of shirts, sports bras, and socks that track biometric data.

Wearables growth 
Looking to the future, Cowen analysts suggest wearables growth is likely to be spurred by developments such as extended battery life and flexibility, stronger data capture ability during body motion in sports like swimming and cycling, and the provision of more relevant data.

Improvements in flexible circuitry and thin, flexible batteries would be a huge catalyst for the spread of smart clothing, they say, noting that: "No-one has yet been able to create a battery flexible or stretchable enough to sew into clothing.

"Once smart garment producers solve these problems, their clothing could take the place of today's fitness tracker form factors in many applications. Smart shirts are more natural to wear than a wristband or chest strap, are able to track more biometrics due to the larger area of skin they cover, sport styles more familiar to consumers than wristbands, and are better equipped to earn the "cool" credentials of brands like Under Armour or Nike."

On top of technology, separate research backs the view that uptake is also likely to be driven by design. Surveying Canadian consumers for its 'Wearable Technology Trends Study' earlier this year, The NPD Group found cost, style, and comfort were among their top concerns ahead of function.

Source: Just-Style


台灣紡織工藝創新 - 印尼媒體盛讚 台灣為創新之島

ACOTEX台灣紡織工藝創新 - 印尼媒體盛讚 台灣為創新之島

台灣紡織工藝創新 - 印尼媒體盛讚 台灣為創新之島


「印尼媒體」(Media Indonesia)以「台灣打贏全球市場的策略」為題指出,台灣被稱為「創新之島」,近3年在德國紐倫堡國際發明展、瑞士日內瓦國際發明展及美國匹茲堡世界發明展的平均得獎數,每年高達220件。








【新聞來源: 中央社】


ACODRY® Combat Training Shorts 彈力適應訓練短褲

ACODRY® Combat Training Shorts 彈力適應訓練短褲

ACODRY® Combat Training Shorts 彈力適應訓練短褲

Taipei American School Tigers Edition 台北美國學校 老虎專屬限定款

位於台北市士林區天母的台北美國學校(Taipei American School,TAS),自1949年成立以來,秉持著多元文化的方式,孕育出無數的優秀學生。這次台北美國學校(Taipei American School,TAS)再度與 MbX Sportswear 合作,透過 MbX Sportswear 對專業運動服飾的耐念,打造出台北美國學校老虎精神的專屬運動訓練短褲。此款訓練短褲專們為爲高強度訓練運動設計,挑戰運動員的極限。材質採更輕盈、更牢固且具有彈性的 ACODRY® AK Pro 創新吸濕快乾平織布料,搭配無與倫比的透氣性,以及流線型的設計,共同造就了真正卓越的性能。ACODRY® 創新吸濕快乾平織布料。獨特的紡織纖維處理工藝,與一般平織布料相比,不但具有適應性的彈力,且具備能快速將皮膚的排汗吸走的吸濕排汗功能,進而提升人體的舒適度。讓人體皮膚在運動時仍然能保持乾爽清新的舒適體驗。

Taipei American School (TAS) has partnered with MbX Sportswear again to create their very own TAS Tigers Edition Combat Training Shorts. Featuring the revolutionary material - ACODRY®, which is developed by ACOTEX Fabrics to keep athletes comfortable and dry next-to-skin, the revolution light-weight woven technology brings significantly flexible and stretch ability with moisture wicking action and quicker drying than cotton or other materials. The anti-odor function prevents the growth of odor causing microbes, together giving you the whole new sport experience.

  • 可置於洗衣機,不須乾洗 (使用溫水或冷水洗滌即可)
  • 避免使用漂白劑或衣物柔軟精等強效洗潔劑,以免破壞表面布料功能
  • 避免長時間浸泡水中
  • 自然風乾或放入烘乾機,選用中低溫烘乾
  • 風乾後20~30分鐘,即可恢復吸濕排汗效果

Care Instruction:
  • Machine washable
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners or stain removers
  • Avoid soaking in water or stay wet for a long period of time
  • Line dry, or tumble with low heat if necessary
  • The durable water-repellent(DWR) will be reactivated after 20~30 minutes

(相關美國學校老虎系列 Other TAS tiger series products)


Under Armour超越Adidas成為第二大運動品牌 | Under Armour surpasses Adidas to become No. 2 sports brand

Under Armour超越Adidas成為第二大運動品牌

在美國,這個全球規模最大的運動服裝市場,僅有18年曆史的新銳品牌 Under Armour剛剛超越了老牌Adidas成為僅次於Nike的全美第二大運動品牌。

  根據Sterne Agee和SportScanInfo提供的數據,今年1~8月,在美國市場,Adidas AG集團的銷售同比下滑 23%至11億美金,而同期,Under Armour Inc.公司的銷售上揚20% 達12億美金,躍居全美第二。同期運動服飾老大Nike的美國銷售額有89億美金,依然傲視群雄。



  風頭正勁的Under Armour雖然不及Adidas的規模,但在跑步服飾上表現突出,也是其全線產品中銷售最好的品類,雖然現有批發網絡到達終端的能力有限,但不妨礙品牌迅速擴張鞋類用品,特別是籃球鞋。

  Under Armour始創于1996年總部設于美國馬裏蘭州Baltimore,成立當年銷售額僅為1萬7千美金,但2014年的標普500股票中,截至至8月表現最佳的40股票中,Under Armour(UA)漲幅位列第三,也是消費品行業表現最亮眼的股票,漲幅高達57.85%
Under Armour品牌簡史:

  Under Armour(簡稱UA)這個品牌是1996年在美國創立的,品牌的創辦人Kevin Plank已多次入選美國福布斯排名40歲以下的TOP 10的CEO。因為本身是運動員出身,曾是美國馬裏蘭大學橄欖球隊的隊長,運動流汗時,他很不滿意棉質衣服在訓練過程時對吸汗的表現,認為市面上的運動服飾都沒有符合他的需求,尋找一種能快速吸汗、排汗的服裝材料和創立一家能增強運動員表現的體育用品品牌的想法在那時被激發了。所以決定自己開始研發運動用的內著衣,就在他祖母家的地下室,他研發出了微纖維T恤 (micro fiber T-shirt),並提供給不少人試用就漸漸的建立起口碑,慢慢達到今天的規模

  Under Armour的總裁兼CEO Kevin Plank曾講過:Under Armour凈利潤連續10多個季度以 20%+的速度增長,其成功秘訣是我們一直致力於滿足用戶需求並帶來新品和創新技術。自從其首家店舖在公司家鄉Baltimore于2013年2月開業後,隨即就不斷推出了其各種創新產品,如早期的Armour 39數字化運動監控系統,可以植入女性慢跑胸衣,用於跟蹤心跳、卡路裏消耗和運動強度,之後推出了反響熱烈的紅外保溫科技ColdGear Infrared,導熱材質面料和Speedform跑鞋技術等;在美國國內取得快速發展後,第一家店舖開業後Under Armour的全球化戰略啟動,並開始了線上線下包括移動端的快速發展,其中包括Under Armour迅速擴張的線下零售店,電商網站以及收購著名移動端應用MapMyFitness,全方位滿足消費者體驗。

Under Armour surpasses Adidas to become No. 2 sports brand

Baltimore-based company has been taking market share from German rival

Under Armour has overtaken Adidas this year in combined apparel and footwear sales to become the second biggest sports brand in the United States.

Baltimore-based Under Armour had U.S. apparel and footwear sales of $1.2 billion through the end of August, edging ahead of Adidas with $1.1 billion total U.S. sales, according to a Sterne Agee report citing sales figures from SportScanInfo. Under Armour sales have jumped 20 percent this year, while Adidas combined sales have plummeted 23 percent.

Market leader Nike, with 46 percent of the athletic footwear market and a third of the sports apparel sales, far outpaces its competitors with a combined $8.9 billion sales so far this year.

Under Armour has been stealing market share in apparel sales for months from its older German rival and from Nike, according to Sterne Agee.

Under Armour's sports apparel sales, which account for 14 percent of the U.S. market, expanded to more than twice those of Adidas. Adidas, with a six percent share of the apparel market, continues to rank third as a footwear brand behind Nike and Jordan, with more than double Under Armour's fledgling, but growing, footwear sales.

"Under Armour and Nike are constantly dissatisfied, and Adidas hasn't had the same sense of urgency," said Sam Poser, a managing director and research analyst with Sterne Agee. "Adidas sometimes sits back on their laurels too much and the other folks pass them by. What we're seeing now is an example of that."

The year-to-date report reflects a trend of Under Armour's apparel sales growing while Adidas' decline, eating away at Adidas market share. In February for instance, Under Armour's apparel sales were nearly triple those of Adidas. The German company said in a quarterly earnings report last month that its sales grew in all regions in the first half of the year except in North America, where it had double-digit declines in the United States.

Under Armour CEO and founder Kevin Plank has repeatedly stated the relatively young company's goal of becoming the world's biggest sports brand by targeting the women's sports apparel and footwear markets, expanding its base of Under Armour retail outlets and spreading its brand around the globe, where sales now account for less than 10 percent of revenue. The company anticipates nearly $3 billion in sales this year.

Last week, just days after losing out on a bid to sign NBA star Kevin Durant to a basketball-shoe deal, Under Armour announced the signing of Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen to its lineup of representatives including ballerina Misty Copeland and skier Lindsey Vonn for its biggest-ever, $15 million, ad campaign aimed at women.

Since late last year, the company has become the exclusive supplier to teams at Notre Dame and the U.S. Naval Academy, expanded into Brazil and opened branded stores in China and New York City.

For much of the year, Under Armour has been battling it out with Nike.

Poser said in a May research report that the two brands' apparel sales were continuing to dominate, with Nike capturing sales in mid-tier department stores and Under Armour seeing healthy gains in share through athletic specialty and sporting goods retailers and taking share from the larger Nike from those stores. That month alone, sales jumped 18 percent for Nike and 22 percent for Under Armour while sales declined sharply for Adidas, Russell and Champion.

September 08, 2014|By Lorraine Mirabella, The Baltimore Sun


優衣庫為何能捲土重來? - 品牌研究


國際服裝品牌優衣庫(UNIQLO)的母公司—日本迅銷(Fast Retailing)集團將“經營要順應顧客的需求,創造顧客的需求”作為集團23條經營理念的第一條來貫徹實施。資料顯示,2012年9月至2013年8月,迅銷集團的銷售額達1.1430兆日元,同比增長23.1%,並創下該公司歷史上首次超過1萬億日元的紀錄。




































美國頂尖運動品牌UNDER ARMOUR持續以創新思維與滿足運動者需求的品牌核心,打造出品牌研發科技中心的頂尖代表作「FUTURE SHOW」全新頂級訓練裝備,以「完美貼合、強力支撐、極致延展、迅速修復」四大功能,滿足所有運動員追求卓越的需求。

"完美貼合" UA ClutchFit強力伸縮型運動服,提供如第二層肌膚的包覆感受;"極致延展" Armour® Stretch極致彈力面料,頂級絕佳延展度,讓肌肉伸展毫無束縛感;"強力支撐" UA Coreshorts強力伸縮型訓練短褲,全方向性保護身體肌肉,提供最強而有力的肌肉支撐感;除了上述三種運動中的類型需求之外,「FUTURE SHOW」特別推出運動後修復的裝備:"迅速修復" UA Recharge® 強力伸縮型套裝,它是運動後修復肌肉的最佳服飾選擇,能在短時間內,恢復到最佳的備戰狀態。

跨越世代的嶄新運動品牌 UNDER ARMOUR將引領未來運動服飾浪潮

根據 Sterne Agee 和 SportScan Info 最新的報告顯示,UNDER ARMOUR 在美國的銷售額已超越adidas晉升為美國第二大運動品牌,在銷售數字上,UNDER ARMOUR相較去年成長了 20% 達到 $12 億美元。UNDER ARMOUR以功能內著衣起家,短短18年的努力經營,市場銷售的好表現印證了品牌堅持的核心價值,持續提供最新科技裝備來滿足運動者的需求,以領先業界的科技技術,引領未來運動服飾的創新品牌。「FUTURE SHOW」頂級訓練裝備的推出,要讓台灣消費市場體驗UNDER ARMOUR最具未來感的科技服飾,重新改觀對於運動服飾的傳統思維,進而成為最具影響力的運動品牌。

UA ClutchFitTM打造第二層肌膚的緊密貼合  給予前所未有的身體延展性

UA ClutchFit強力伸縮型運動服,將UNDER ARMOUR具盛名的強力伸縮科技,與最新UA ClutchFit技術完美結合,無論運動或是休息時,都能完美貼合肌體線條。而絕佳的衣料伸展性會使運動表現更為出色,有助於運動者在場上的表現。

UA ClutchFit強力伸縮型運動服,運用最新UA ClutchFit科技,以獨家沙漏形狀設計,貼合身體肌體線條,並提供強大延展性,即便在具有強度的運動中,肌體依然舒展自如,就像第二層肌膚般,緊密貼合。

Armour® Stretch激發運動者的終極鬥志

Armour® Stretch極致彈力面料,能有效釋放肌體爆發力。這款前所未有的彈力面料,能肆意拉伸,迅速復原!穿上它,能感受因緊身而增強的肌力,服飾面料被強力拉伸同時,更能感受它的舒適貼合;打破以往普通面料受到拉扯時,衣物纖維很容易被拉長,甚至斷裂的缺點。Armour® Stretch極致彈力面料利用彈力曲線的原理,確保運動中面料纖維強韌完整,能往任意方向拉伸,均能強勢復原,緊貼肌體,讓運動中所爆發的能量可以完全發揮不受侷限,全面激發運動者的終極鬥志。

UA Coreshorts強力伸縮型訓練短褲   有效包覆肌體肌肉見證“X”的力量!

UA Coreshorts強力伸縮型訓練短褲,服貼體型的剪裁設計,為肌體帶來足夠保護與支持,在高強度、高對抗性的運動訓練中,提供強而有力的運動裝備作為後援。UA Coreshorts強力伸縮型訓練短褲,運用獨特UA X彈力設計,特殊的肌體肌肉包覆,讓他們能有高水準發揮,X彈力設計通過身體的核心運動部位:臀部,髖部,骨盆,股四頭肌和腹股溝,有效包覆肌體肌肉,釋放更快速度、更強力量,讓每一次衝刺、跳躍都能完美呈現。

比賽、訓練時肌力的快速修復能量  UA Recharge®此刻重獲新生!

UA Recharge® 強力伸縮型套裝,根據人體構造設計,對身體的肌體線條作緊身施壓,充分幫助運動後機體恢復。研究顯示,比賽、訓練後穿著UA Recharge® 強力伸縮型套裝,肌肉酸痛和疲勞能緩和50%,肌力恢復速度也提升50%。原因為運動中,肌肉纖維時常因拉扯而損傷,而受損組織會吸收水分,形成腫脹,引發肌肉酸痛,UA Recharge®強力伸縮型套裝,能幫助鎖緊肌肉,對受損區域進行針對性施壓,將水分送回身體,能有效的減輕腫脹,讓運動選手可以在最短的時間內,恢復到最佳的備戰狀態。













該公司的軍用布料事業部開發的Battleshield和Battleshield X布料,使用了新型尼龍面層板,並採用該公司的阻燃拉伸工藝,以增加產品的透氣性,同時提高防水性和抗滲漏性。此外,戈爾開發的GORE PYRAD阻燃技術,具有自熄性層壓板,可用於防電弧閃光和弧閃事故。















相關新聞: 加拿大研發「隱形人布料」




科技與設計對話-衣服 未來接受度最高穿戴產品







整體看,林文俊認為,effective(有效)、contexture awareness(情境式提醒)、funs(好玩)、user friendly(容易操作),都是未來在設計穿戴式產品時需要突破的要素。

另外,神采光電首席顧問吳世彬表示,頭戴式顯示器是未來穿戴科技的主角,因為身體其他部位的穿戴式產品都無法有螢幕,使用者就無法立即看到顯示的資訊,頭戴式顯示器可讓使用者擁有隱私(只有使用者看得到),且能達到行動的功能。目前頭戴式顯示器可分單眼和雙眼兩種,形態上分為4種:headset(耳機)、glasses(眼鏡)、face mounted(臉架式)、helmet(頭盔)。



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路痴救星 - LeChal 導航運動鞋


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健身房外的運動服飾熱潮 | Yoga Poseurs: Athletic Apparel Moves Out of the Gym to Every Day

巨石強森在電影「玩命關頭6 (fast and furious 6)」中的運動裝扮,帶領全世界掀起了一股運動服飾穿著熱潮






舉例來說,瑜伽裝備的需求增長速度正在超過該項運動本身的增長速度。體育與健康行業協會(Sports & Fitness Industry Association)的數據顯示,2013年瑜伽的參與率上升了4.5%。

體育商品行業追蹤機構SportsOneSource的分析師鮑威爾(Matt Powell)稱,與此同時,瑜伽服飾的銷售額卻大幅增長了45%。

Yoga Mandali的老板斯科爾(Karen Score)表示,大家都穿著瑜伽褲,甚至那些不練瑜伽的人也在穿。Yoga Mandali是紐約薩拉托加斯普林斯一家獨立的瑜伽商店。



Sports & Fitness Industry Association對六大門類運動的參與率進行了追蹤。過去五年中,單項、球類和團體運動的參與率有所下降,戶外運動、水中運動和健身的參與率持平。


高端市場甚至也注意到了這些變化。在線奢侈服飾零售商Net-a-Porter 7月份推出了最新運動系列Net-a-Sporter。

奢侈品牌迪奧(Christian Dior)在秋季成品系列中推出了運動款式的單鞋。亮面橡膠尖頭鞋面配以帶有跑鞋元素的橡膠鞋底。高跟款可在迪奧門店預定,起價為1,450美元。

新聞來源: 華爾街日報

巨石強森在電影「玩命關頭6 (fast and furious 6)」中的運動裝扮,帶領全世界掀起了一股運動服飾穿著熱潮

Yoga Poseurs: Athletic Apparel Moves Out of the Gym to Every Day

Why work out when you can just buy the clothes and look like you did? 

The rate of growth in the U.S. retail athletic apparel market is surging, even as Americans' rate of participating in most sports is in decline. 

The result is a phenomenon the apparel industry calls 'athleisure'--a bright spot in a sluggish business thanks to Americans who are increasingly donning sneakers in the boardroom and yoga pants at brunch. Analysts at Barclays estimate the U.S. athletic apparel market will increase by nearly 50% to more than $100 billion at retail by 2020, driven in large part by consumers snapping up stretchy tees and leggings that will never see the fluorescent lights of a gym. 

Demand for yoga gear, for example, is outpacing growth of the sport itself. Yoga participation grew 4.5% in 2013, according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. Meanwhile, sales of yoga apparel were up 45%, according to Matt Powell, an analyst for SportsOneSource, a sporting-goods industry tracker. 

'Everyone is wearing yoga pants, even people who aren't doing it,' said Karen Score, the owner of Yoga Mandali, an independent yoga store in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 

Ms. Score, who also runs an adjoining yoga studio, is drawing up brochures for fall classes with the tag line: 'Do you wear yoga pants? Why not try yoga?' 

Lauren Wheeler-Woodburn estimates that she owns at least 25 pairs of yoga pants. As a graduate student at the University of Southern California and social-media strategist, she says she wears them mostly every day, for class or to work, or just sitting at home lounging. 

'I sound like the yoga pants version of a crazy cat lady,' said Ms. Wheeler-Woodburn, who prefers Lululemon but dons other brands too. 

The 25-year-old isn't a diligent yogi, though she practices at home sometimes. For her, the clothing isn't an athletic utility but a wardrobe staple. Yoga pants, she said, are easy to clean, don't need to be ironed and, at $90 a pop at Lululemon, are cheaper and more versatile than even her favorite jeans, for which she pays upward of $200 a pair at Nordstrom. 

The trend isn't limited to yoga. Organizers of a trade show for traditional outdoor and camping retailers earlier this month debuted a new exhibit devoted to so-called urban wear for 'millennials' who wear their boots and flannels with no intention of actually hiking. 

For men, retailers are rolling out new versions of jogger pants--sweatpant-like trousers with elastic cuffs at the ankles. Mr. Powell, of SportsOneSource, said they have been a main topic of discussion at apparel trade shows in Las Vegas this week. 

Tracksmith, an online apparel boutique, made its debut in July offering preppy, $90 men's running shorts. Not long afterward, a parody site called Running Team JVA mocked Tracksmith's marketing. 'Running is free. But it shouldn't be,' the site reads. 

Matt Taylor, a co-founder of Tracksmith, which sold out its first shipment of inventory, said he thought the site was 'pretty clever.' 

Betabrand, a San Francisco-based apparel startup that crowdsources ideas for items and crowdfunds the production, said the debut of its chino-styled dress pant yoga pants earlier this year was so successful the company has put ideas for other projects on hold to focus on the athletic apparel business, particularly for women. 

The Sports & Fitness Industry Association tracks participation rates across six categories. Over the past five years, participation in individual, racket and team sports fell, and was flat for outdoor, water and fitness sports. Meanwhile, the size of the U.S. market for workout clothes grew by 5% a year on average, from roughly $54 billion to $68 billion, according to analysts at Barclays. 

Athletic apparel manufacturers and retailers are reaping the benefits. Under Armour Inc., once known largely for its compression gear worn by football players, expects its annual revenue to surge 29% this year to $2.91 billion, fueled by its expansion into women's wear, youth apparel and footwear. 

Consumers 'have and will continue to want versatility, to look great everywhere, in the gym, on the street, in class,' said Henry Stafford, president of Under Armour North America. 

Dick's Sporting Goods Inc., reeling from downturns in both the golf and hunting categories, said this week it is looking to grow its other businesses, and has already begun allocating more store space to sports apparel, particularly for women and children in time for back-to-school shopping. Bon-Ton Stores Inc. in May said it would 'outsize the active athleisure category across all zones.' Kohl's Corp. will begin selling flashy sweatpants by Juicy Couture in the fall as a means 'to capture more of the athleisure market.' 

In March, Andy Mooney, chief executive of surf and snowboard apparel maker Quiksilver Inc., said the company was de-emphasizing the core adventure-sports community and 'going back to what we did when we first started, which is, we were both functional and fashionable at the same time.' 

The changes are even being noted in high-end markets. Online luxury apparel retailer Net-a-Porter in July unveiled a channel devoted exclusively to high-fashion athletic looks, named Net-a-Sporter. 

Luxury brand Christian Dior unveiled some sneaker-inspired pumps for its fall ready-to-wear line. A glazed rubber pointy-toed upper is paired with a rubber sole inspired by running shoes. The heels are available for preorder in Dior stores starting at $1,450. 

The athletic apparel market isn't without its challenges. Lululemon Athletica Inc., which has been wrestling for a year-and-a-half with supply chain and quality issues, cut its outlook for the year as it works to clear excess inventory. 

Alexandra Medina, of Costa Mesa, Calif., likes to wear yoga pants around town, which is standard fare in her community. She said she likes to work out, but can't always find the time in days that are consumed with running her flooring company and chasing her 19-month-old daughter. Wearing the pants can bring a twinge of guilt. 

'When you put on your workout apparel,' she said, 'you think, 'Huh, maybe I should think about working out today.' ' 
Source: The Wall Street Journal