
「維多利亞的秘密」推出女性專屬智能運動內衣 | Victoria’s Secret Incredible smart sports bra will track your heart rate

繼運動品牌Under Amour推出一系列科技運動服飾後,維多利亞的秘密也將科技推伸至女性






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Victoria’s Secret Incredible smart sports bra will track your heart rate

Smart sports gadgets specifically for women are far too rare so Victoria's Secret has come up with its Incredible sports bra to track heart rate.

The Incredible bra features a chest placed heart rate monitor built-in. These chest placed monitors have been around for years, usually packaged with sports watches, and are now highly accurate. As a result the bra can be used to monitor during running, boxing and other high-impact workouts.

At its most basic level the sports bra is still high tech as it's made from a Body-Wick fabric which keeps the wearer cool and dry during workouts. Clothing+ is the Finnish fabric maker behind both the materials and the sensor technology built-into the bra.

The Incredible by Victoria’s Secret Heart-Rate Monitor Compatible Sport Bra, as it's called, will cost $75 which is about £48.

The future of wearable technology is likely to come built into clothing rather than just in the wrist worn bands that are currently popular. According to a Gartner report: "Smartshirts and other smartgarments can hold more sensors closer to the skin, they can collect more information and produce better data, like the full wave of the heart beat rather than just the pulse." So expect to start buying smarter clothes in the very near future.

Source: Pocket-lint


A&F的輝煌日子已煙消雲散 | Nothing Seems To Be Working For Abercrombie & Fitch

曾紅極一時的美國年輕服裝品牌Abercrombie & Fitch也面臨業績大幅下降的問題

Abercrombie & Fitch的輝煌日子已煙消雲散

美國青少年品牌Abercrombie & Fitch(A&F)日前宣布2014年第四季銷售量大降1千萬美元。該公司發揮了所有行銷手法,希望能重新吸引青少年的青睞。除了大幅消除衣服上的明顯標誌,也更改了店面的設計,然而,似乎沒有任何效果。

該商店於2014年12月3日公布該季度的銷售額,明顯的與2013年同一時間下降了12%。執行長Mike Jeffries將這樣的成績歸咎於客流量不足,及青少年服裝的整體動盪及鬥爭。




Nothing Seems To Be Working For Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch is trying everything to get teens and college kids to come back to its stores. It’s eliminating clothes with logos, rolling out new store designs and culling underperforming locations while attempting to cut $200 million in costs.

Yet it seems that nothing’s working.

The teen apparel retailer reported dismal results on Wednesday, with sales falling 12 percent for the quarter from a year ago, despite the multitude of changes meant to spur a turnaround. Chief executive Mike Jeffries blamed the struggles on weak store traffic and overall turbulence in the teen fashion industry.

“It is very clear that the young apparel sector in which we operate is going through a period of disruption, and turmoil,” Jeffries said on a conference call with analysts on Wednesday. When reached for additional comment, Abercrombie referred to Jeffries' statements on the call.

The lack of progress has some industry observers concerned that Abercrombie won’t be able to pull itself out of the bog. The moves may be “too little, too late,” Eric Beder, an analyst at Wunderlich Securities, wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday. With its logo apparel still in stores, bleak sales results, low traffic and stiff competition, he’s worried that the retailer won’t be able to recover.

“The glory days of Abercrombie are long gone, and the once teen giant has fallen,” wrote Beder. “We are unsure when it will be able to rise again.”

Abercrombie and its sister brand Hollister have fallen on hard times. Shares are down 36 percent over the past two years. The company cut its 2014 earnings outlook on Wednesday. Plus, both brands are losing traction among teens, according to the latest teen shopping survey from research firm Piper Jaffray.

Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, teen shoppers flocked to Abercrombie, lured by the perceived coolness of the A&F name and trademark moose logo. But the retailer was slow to adapt when fashion trends shifted and customers began shunning logos.

Now, Abercrombie and Hollister are under siege from fast fashion retailers like H&M and Forever 21, which constantly adapt the newest styles from the catwalk, bring them to store shelves within weeks and sell them at low prices. A pair of jeans at Abercrombie costs between $68 and $88 when full price, while customers can snatch up a plethora of denim styles from Forever 21 for under $25.

“The Abercrombie and Hollister brands face enormous global competition and pricing pressure from fast fashion retailers that operate with price points significantly lower and inventory turns that are significantly faster,” John Kernan, an analyst at Cowen and Company, wrote in a note to clients in November.

Still, Jeffries remains optimistic as the changes roll out. Hollister stores are experiencing a full revamp, with new storefronts, softer music and less musk spritzed throughout. Logos on clothes should be gone by spring. Meanwhile, Abercrombie’s adjusted its marketing to appeal to a wider range of body sizes, and now sells some plus-size clothes online.

“In light of a very difficult quarter, we must ask ourselves, and I know many of you ask the same question, are we make the right changes, are we moving fast enough, will these changes be enough to overcome a very challenging environment?” Jeffries said on the call. “Despite the difficult results for the quarter, we believe the answer to these questions is ‘yes.’”


時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產

時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產

時裝品牌 Mexx 宣告破產


此次被宣告破產的Mexx相關公司有4個,分別為:Mexx Europe International、Mexx Holding Netherlands、Mexx Europe及Mexx Europroduction,幾乎整個Mexx有關的企業均告破產,其中包括Mexx在加拿大和香港的零售業務及設計部門。Mexx分店遍及全球50個國家,僅在歐洲就有315家分店,但大部分都是加盟店(Franchising)。

法院已指定Fort律師事務所(Fort Advocaten)的Frits Kemp律師為破產管理人,據了解,K律師將讓該公司的零售業務繼續營業,以便出清店中的存貨。另外,他也認為:「我們正在物色適當的承繼人,所以最好讓各零售店繼續營業」。

多年來Mexx業務一直走下坡,該公司鼎盛時期的年營收超過10億歐元,但自從創辦人Ratten Chadha於2006年離開後,生意就開始衰落。

2011年美國私募投資公司The Gores Group曾以8,500萬歐元買下82%的Mexx股權,其餘股權則握在Liz Claiborne手中,所以目前該公司屬於Gores及Claiborne共有。



聖誕快樂&新年快樂 | 2014 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

ACOTEX Fabric & Garment 全體同仁,祝您聖誕快樂&新年快樂!

On behalf of ACOTEX Fabric & Garment team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


「新智能布料」直接傳送人體訊息,打破醫學界線 | A New Smart Fabric Could Save Lives of Injured Soliders and First Responders




在Messaddeq教授的指導下,研究團隊成功地將銅、高分子導電聚合物、玻璃和銀多等元素,層層堆疊而成智能布料。 Messaddeq教授解釋:「此種先進纖維可同時充當傳感器和天線,它是耐用且具有延展性與拉伸能力,並且可以與羊毛或棉花等自然纖維交錯編織再一起,其信號質量甚至比得上商業天線」。該纖維的表面上,也可以進行更多調整,以監控各種信息,如葡萄糖水平、心臟節律、大腦活動、運動和空間坐標。

雖然專利已經提出申請,但在到準備大量進行生產的步驟以前還需要一番調整與籌劃。 Messaddeq教授表示:「當然,這種技術將必須連接到無線網絡,而且電源也是一大難題」。

A New Smart Fabric Could Save Lives of Injured Soliders and First Responders

Researchers at Université Laval's Faculty of Science and Engineering and Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers have developed smart textiles able to monitor and transmit wearers' biomedical information via wireless or cellular networks. This technological breakthrough, described in a recent article in the scientific journal Sensors, clears a path for a host of new developments for people suffering from chronic diseases, elderly people living alone, and even firemen and police officers.

A team under the supervision of Professor Younès Messaddeq created the smart fabric by successfully superimposing multiple layers of copper, polymers, glass, and silver. "The fiber acts as both sensor and antenna. It is durable but malleable, and can be woven with wool or cotton. And signal quality is comparable to commercial antennas," explained Professor Messaddeq, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Photonic Innovations. The surface of the fiber can also be adjusted to monitor a range of information such as glucose levels, heart rhythm, brain activity, movements, and spatial coordinates.

A patent application has already been filed, though certain elements still need to be fine-tuned before the innovation is ready for commercialization. "Of course, the technology will have to be connected to a wireless network, and there is the issue of power supply to be solved," notes Professor Messaddeq. We have tested a number of solutions, and the results are promising. We will also have to make sure the fabric is robust, and can stand up to chemicals found in laundry detergent."

Source: Université Laval


澳洲研發「智慧胸罩」,將為女性打造自我調節且適應各種環境的胸罩 | 'Smart bra': Australian engineers develop bionic bra with intelligent fabric


「Bionic Bra」(譯: 仿生胸罩) 外型與一般傳統胸罩並無差別,但內含高科技的運動傳感偵測系統。當乳房晃動或位移變得劇烈時,布料中的人工纖維將緊縮排列,給予胸罩更多的支撐力道以應付運動時的位移。當穿戴者站立或靜止不動時,胸罩將恢復到其正常的狀態,更舒舒適的結構。






Big and small-busted women the world over can rejoice. Australian engineers are developing a bra that tightens automatically when the wearer moves and relaxes when she is sitting or standing still.

The "bionic bra" will be shaped like a traditional over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder, but will contain sensors that detect breast movement. When breast bouncing becomes too extreme, artificial muscles integrated into the bra will kick in and restrict movement.

When the wearer is standing still or not moving much, the bra will revert to its normal, more comfortable, structure.

The bra's  artificial muscles are made of tightly coiled nylon fibres, known as "smart yarns".

When coiled in a certain way, the nylon acts like a muscle and contracts.

"They shrink and provide constriction in response to too much movement," Professor Wallace Professor Wallace said.

Another team member, biomechanist Julie Steele, said incorrect breast support could cause long-term injuries, including back and neck pain.

Breast Research Australia, a centre also based at UOW and which Professor Steele directs, found that 85 per cent of women wore bras that did not fit or support their breasts correctly.

The team are working with industrial designers and fashion experts to finalise their prototype.

"Although we have made substantial progress, we still have a way to go before the bionic bra can be taken from the bench top to the washing machine. However, when finished, the bionic bra will transform bra design," Professor Steele said.

Professor Wallace presented their bionic bra developments at the ninth  Australasian Biomechanics Conference at the University of Wollongong this week.

Source: brisbanetimes


「散發酒氣的西裝」蘇格蘭酒品製造商研發氣味布料保存新技術 | These clothes smell like Johnnie Walker whisky, on purpose!


在正常情况下,如果你的衣服上有酒精味,意味著你已經喝茫了或是正在宿醉中。蘇格蘭人則是嘗試將蘇格蘭格子布和威士忌融合出一個全新的形象。蘇格蘭威士忌製造商約翰走路(Johnnie Walker)和知名布料商哈里斯(Harris Tweed Hebrides)合作,打造一個第一件能保留且自體散發威士忌酒香的布料。

所有的技術開發都事由位於愛丁堡的赫瑞瓦特大學紡織設計學院進行研發完成,並進行測試。這項被稱作「水上阿爾巴(Aqua Alba)」的香味,是採用高科技超微膠囊化的香味保存技術,使香味能在多次洗滌或乾洗之後還能保持其香味,就像才剛剛把一瓶1000塊錢的威士忌淋到衣服上一樣。

意大利的時裝設計師安吉洛將會開發出一條適合此款布料的衣服生產線。預計約翰走路(Johnnie Walker)和知名布料商哈里斯(Harris Tweed Hebrides)也將合作開發出符合高端客戶的系列商品。或許不久的將來,你將可以在路上聞到有人穿著6000元一瓶的藍標約翰走路香氣西裝。

These clothes smell like Johnnie Walker whisky, on purpose

Usually, having the odor of alcoholic beverages clinging to your clothes means you've been over-imbibing or just plain clumsy with your cocktails. A new variation on the classic Scottish tweed fabric is going for a whiskey smell on purpose. Scotch maker Johnnie Walker and textiles maker Harris Tweed Hebrides have gotten together to create to a whisky-scented fabric.

The heavy lifting on the development process was done by Heriot-Watt University's School of Textiles and Design in Edinburgh and Galashiels, Scotland. The aroma is applied to the fabric using a micro-encapsulation technology that allows the scent to survive the dry-cleaning process so you can always smell like you just accidentally spilled a $30 bottle of blended Scotch on yourself. The scent has been named "Aqua Alba."

Italy-based fashion designer Angelos Bratis will be creating a line of clothing using the fabric. Perhaps Johnnie Walker and Harris Tweed Hebrides will one day offer even higher-end variations of the cloth. For example, you could conceivably wear a suit that smells like a $200 bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue.

No prices have been announced for clothes made from this fancy fabric, but a real Harris Tweed suit doesn't come cheap. If the Johnnie Walker jacket ends up being out of your budget, you could always get away with picking up a thrift-store coat and a bottle of Old Smuggler and doing it yourself, reapplying as needed since you probably don't want to actually drink Old Smuggler.

Source: CNET


Under Armour 進軍歐洲市場


Under Armour 進軍歐洲市場

根據德國當地媒體報導,Under Armour 正決心進軍歐洲市場,特別是德國。

該公司正在慕尼黑建立一個子公司,由adidas的前總裁 Alex Blank 擔任總經理。

顯然,德國子公司打算在2015年2月,首先針對跑步和健身愛好者開拓德國市場。這項市場開拓計畫還深入到了足球領域,並針對廣泛熟悉美國品牌的消費群體。到2016年,Under Armour 打算贊助德國第二聯盟的足球隊。Blank 表示在未來三年中,他企圖使Under Armour 成為前三大運動品牌之一。

該計畫聽起來雄心萬丈,但Under Armour 這品牌在北美洲以外的地區仍然沒沒無名。在2013年,銷售額僅23.3億美金,美國以外的地區占整個銷售額的8%,就美國當地市場而言,無論如何,Under Armour 還是有著高度成長,遠超過adidas。