

「科技布料」讓未來機器人也能具有類似人類皮膚的觸覺。 圖為電影「地球過後」中的未來智慧戰鬥服裝。

















觀察目前智慧紡織品市場,以健康照護及運動為主要兩大項應用,其中由於健康照護涉及法規、商業獲利模式等層面,因此又以運動領域有較多廠商投入。Gartner資深研究分析師Michele Reitz指出,智慧衣物的市場規模將會很大。由於智慧紡織品將紡織技術與電子元件結合,當中加入感測器等元件,使的衣服能夠偵測穿衣者的生理訊號,如心跳、呼吸,賦予衣服有了一些新的功能以及創新應用,也讓這個被稱為是夕陽產業的紡織工業擺脫傳產的既定印象,開始蛻變轉型,有了不一樣的創新之路。

而智慧紡織這股趨勢近來也吹進時尚圈內,在今年九月的紐約時裝周掀起一股科技風,除了能夠看到模特兒配戴如智慧手環等穿戴裝置走向伸展台之外,也有不少衣服搭配了偵測人體心跳或動作的功能,專門結合時尚業與科技業的英國品牌CuteCircuit過去就一直努力地將科技融合到設計當中,並且也推出不少科技衣服,例如會隨著穿著者動作變換色彩的衣服Kinetic Dress。

CuteCircuit市場行銷副總裁David Lauren表示,我們的目標是要創造並體現極致的生活方式,而一個健康且積極的生活型態將會是重要的一部份。為此,CuteCircuit在衣服裡面加入一家加拿大生物辨識公司OMsignal的技術,透過感測器與紗線的結合,讓衣服能夠偵測穿衣者的生理訊號,如心跳、呼吸,而這些收集來的數據會傳送到靠近左胸的一個Tech Box,然後透過藍牙與iPhone的一個App同步。沈乾龍表示,由於紡織技術的進步,目前已有許多電子元件都能整合進紡織品當中,包含現有的許多類型感測器也都能夠被紡織化。

除此之外,另一家知名服飾品牌Ralph Lauren也使用了OMsignal的技術,發布一款智慧運動衣「Polo Tech」,可用來偵測心跳、呼吸、運動強度、消耗熱量、走路的步數等,而這些數據也會藉由穿戴者身上攜帶的一個黑盒子傳送到行動裝置上。特別的是,在今年的美國網球公開賽中球員都穿了此款衣服。此外,包含一些健康及美容產業也希望結合智慧紡織品來達到抗老、緊緻肌膚的目的。而隨著越來越多廠商的投入以及設計師的創意,將會帶來更驚人的智慧紡織品開發技術與設計,並且改變現有的生活方式。

新聞來源:CTIMES 丁于珊 報導


ACODRY® Pro 機能快乾POLO衫 [天泰能源 輕量適應款]

ACODRY® Pro 機能快乾POLO衫 [天泰能源 輕量適應款]


天泰能源 輕量適應款

於101年成立的天泰能源,是一家致力於再生能源產業發展為導向的新創公司。跟隨著政府近年來推動綠色能源產業發展的腳步,配合政府政策推動,不斷為台灣創造再生能源,也為地球的環境保護盡力。天泰能源 找上ACOTEX合作開發此款機能快乾Polo衫,利用 ACOTEX 對舒適布料的專業,導入新一代 ACODRY® Pro 高階吸濕快乾布料。獨特的紡織纖維處理工藝,與一般布料相比,能更快將皮膚的排汗吸走,進而提升人體的舒適度,並額外加強抗UV保護層,讓人體在艷陽高照下也能有效阻擋UV傷害皮膚。讓您在運動時能保持乾爽清新的舒適體驗。

  • 可置於洗衣機,不須乾洗 (使用溫水或冷水洗滌即可)
  • 避免使用漂白劑或衣物柔軟精等強效洗潔劑,以免破壞布料功能
  • 避免長時間浸泡水中
  • 自然風乾或放入烘乾機,選用中低溫烘乾
  • 風乾後20~30分鐘,即可恢復吸濕排汗效果

Care Instruction:
  • Machine washable
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners or stain removers
  • Avoid soaking in water or stay wet for a long period of time
  • Line dry, or tumble with low heat if necessary
  • The durable water-repellent(DWR) will be reactivated after 20~30 minutes



興采以S Cafe咖啡紗在國際打出知名度



興采成立於1989年3月,資本額約2.35億元。主要營業項目為機能性紡織產品的開發、設計、製造及銷售,目前已成功開發S.Cafe環保咖啡紗織物、S.CafeR環保咖啡保溫棉及各式高透氣、防風、防水、抗菌、防霉等功能性布料,並積極推動自有品牌S.CafeR國際行銷,廣受歐、美、中國大陸及亞洲地區市場高度接受。目前客戶包含全球前10大戶外運動及戶外機能品牌,其中NORTH FACE、NIKE及Timberland等都是其客戶。

陳國欽表示,公司擁有上游原料紗線、薄膜到下游織物成品甚至機能性測試方法的完整專利佈局,因此掌握上游原料製作技術使原料成本減少一半以上,並開發出全球首創的咖啡紗布料S.Cafe,其特性與Core Tex相當,因此深受戶外知名品牌高度認同,目前布料比重達9成,成衣僅1成,成衣生產選擇在越南,新設不到一年,明年目標營收比重成長到2成。



「成衣+穿戴科技」智能紡織品亮相 | Smart garments and wearable technology set for growth







新聞來源: 中時電子報

Smart garments and wearable technology set for growth

Long touted as "the next big thing", wearable technology has until now been held back by concerns ranging from cost to style, comfort and privacy issues - and of course the limitations of the devices themselves. But the sector may finally be reaching the tipping point that moves it into the mainstream.

Apple's decision last year to hire two top executives from the luxury goods sector - Burberry's CEO Angela Ahrendts and Yves Saint Laurent's CEO Paul Deneve - was one of the clearest signs yet of the blurring lines between fashion and technology.

And analysts at Cowen Research say they believe the introduction of the much-hyped Apple Watch will be the catalyst for "dramatic growth," with the wearable technology sector potentially worth US$170bn globally by 2020.

Within this, they calculate that the fitness wearables market will be worth $17bn globally and $3.38bn in the US - with smart garments and shoes rising to reach $1bn in the US by 2020.
Global market research specialist The NPD Group has also honed in on the rapidly growing market, with the launch this week of a Wearables Advisory Service to give retailers, manufacturers, and developers a better understanding of the market and the core consumers.

On-body digital devices 
Holding the potential to change the way people work, communicate, respond to emergencies, manage their health and entertain themselves, the wearables market consists of on-body digital devices that can communicate wirelessly with other devices.

In its wide-ranging review of 'Wearable Technology: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis,' Cowen identifies five different market segments, covering consumer fitness, lifestyle/entertainment, health care, enterprise, and components.

The consumer fitness side, which currently consists mainly of smart garments and wristbands/chest straps, is expected to grow globally from $1.5bn in 2014 to nearly $17bn in 2020.

The lifestyle/entertainment category - already the largest segment of the market - is seen accounting for over $67bn in revenues in 2020, giving it a 40% share of the total market. This includes smartwatches and entertainment wristbands, smart glasses, and smart jewellery.

Significant developments are also anticipated in healthcare wearables that can monitor and treat cardiac conditions and diabetes, a market worth less than $1bn today but anticipated to grow to nearly $12bn globally by 2020.

But the fastest-growing segment is the enterprise market, which allows medical professionals, manufacturers, engineers, law enforcement and military professionals, and retail workers to remotely view and receive real-time data. Currently generating global revenues of less than $100m, this is expected to surge to nearly $15bn by 2020.

Smart garments
When it comes to the way in which wearables are worn, the market for consumer fitness is likely to see smart garments taking the lead from fitness tracking wristbands as they are already an integral part of the daily dressing routine.

"We foresee higher CAGRs for smart garments, high-end athletic clothing with embedded biosensors," the Cowen analysts say.

They calculate that growth in smart garments will be gradual as the technology develops, and will surge by 220% to reach $1bn in the US by 2020 - with an estimated penetration rate of 1% and cost of $90, and an average of four garments per user.

Smart garments include shirts with bio-sensing circuitry woven into the fibres, which can potentially monitor vital signs more accurately than wristbands due to the larger body surface area they cover, as well as athletic shoes with embedded motion-sensing chips.

Several research labs around the US have already made strides in this direction, including researchers at the University of Central Florida, who have created a method for storing energy in copper wires by wrapping the wires inside a "supercapacitator," an invention that could serve as a miniature power source for a smart shirt; a lab at Rice University that made a battery based on nickel, rather than lithium, that's flexible and as thin as two sheets of paper; Imprint Energy, which created a super thin flexible battery based on zinc; a North Carolina State University team that designed an ultra-thin, flexible sensor out of silver nanowires; and Perpetua Power in Oregon, whose TEGWear chip can convert body heat into electrical power - perhaps the ultimate goal for a wearable powering method.
Other developments in smart garments include compression shirts from OMsignal and Carre Technologies with biosensors woven directly into the fabric that monitor the wearer's heart rate, breathing and exertion levels, and sync the data in real time to a smartphone app. The shirts can also withstand over 50 washing cycles. Canadian-based OMsignal was also behind the Polo Tech a compression shirt recently debuted by Ralph Lauren Corp.

Sensoria, a Washington-based startup launched by several Microsoft veterans, has designed the Sensoria line of shirts, sports bras, and socks that track biometric data.

Wearables growth 
Looking to the future, Cowen analysts suggest wearables growth is likely to be spurred by developments such as extended battery life and flexibility, stronger data capture ability during body motion in sports like swimming and cycling, and the provision of more relevant data.

Improvements in flexible circuitry and thin, flexible batteries would be a huge catalyst for the spread of smart clothing, they say, noting that: "No-one has yet been able to create a battery flexible or stretchable enough to sew into clothing.

"Once smart garment producers solve these problems, their clothing could take the place of today's fitness tracker form factors in many applications. Smart shirts are more natural to wear than a wristband or chest strap, are able to track more biometrics due to the larger area of skin they cover, sport styles more familiar to consumers than wristbands, and are better equipped to earn the "cool" credentials of brands like Under Armour or Nike."

On top of technology, separate research backs the view that uptake is also likely to be driven by design. Surveying Canadian consumers for its 'Wearable Technology Trends Study' earlier this year, The NPD Group found cost, style, and comfort were among their top concerns ahead of function.

Source: Just-Style


台灣紡織工藝創新 - 印尼媒體盛讚 台灣為創新之島

ACOTEX台灣紡織工藝創新 - 印尼媒體盛讚 台灣為創新之島

台灣紡織工藝創新 - 印尼媒體盛讚 台灣為創新之島


「印尼媒體」(Media Indonesia)以「台灣打贏全球市場的策略」為題指出,台灣被稱為「創新之島」,近3年在德國紐倫堡國際發明展、瑞士日內瓦國際發明展及美國匹茲堡世界發明展的平均得獎數,每年高達220件。








【新聞來源: 中央社】


ACODRY® Combat Training Shorts 彈力適應訓練短褲

ACODRY® Combat Training Shorts 彈力適應訓練短褲

ACODRY® Combat Training Shorts 彈力適應訓練短褲

Taipei American School Tigers Edition 台北美國學校 老虎專屬限定款

位於台北市士林區天母的台北美國學校(Taipei American School,TAS),自1949年成立以來,秉持著多元文化的方式,孕育出無數的優秀學生。這次台北美國學校(Taipei American School,TAS)再度與 MbX Sportswear 合作,透過 MbX Sportswear 對專業運動服飾的耐念,打造出台北美國學校老虎精神的專屬運動訓練短褲。此款訓練短褲專們為爲高強度訓練運動設計,挑戰運動員的極限。材質採更輕盈、更牢固且具有彈性的 ACODRY® AK Pro 創新吸濕快乾平織布料,搭配無與倫比的透氣性,以及流線型的設計,共同造就了真正卓越的性能。ACODRY® 創新吸濕快乾平織布料。獨特的紡織纖維處理工藝,與一般平織布料相比,不但具有適應性的彈力,且具備能快速將皮膚的排汗吸走的吸濕排汗功能,進而提升人體的舒適度。讓人體皮膚在運動時仍然能保持乾爽清新的舒適體驗。

Taipei American School (TAS) has partnered with MbX Sportswear again to create their very own TAS Tigers Edition Combat Training Shorts. Featuring the revolutionary material - ACODRY®, which is developed by ACOTEX Fabrics to keep athletes comfortable and dry next-to-skin, the revolution light-weight woven technology brings significantly flexible and stretch ability with moisture wicking action and quicker drying than cotton or other materials. The anti-odor function prevents the growth of odor causing microbes, together giving you the whole new sport experience.

  • 可置於洗衣機,不須乾洗 (使用溫水或冷水洗滌即可)
  • 避免使用漂白劑或衣物柔軟精等強效洗潔劑,以免破壞表面布料功能
  • 避免長時間浸泡水中
  • 自然風乾或放入烘乾機,選用中低溫烘乾
  • 風乾後20~30分鐘,即可恢復吸濕排汗效果

Care Instruction:
  • Machine washable
  • Avoid using chlorine bleach, fabric softeners or stain removers
  • Avoid soaking in water or stay wet for a long period of time
  • Line dry, or tumble with low heat if necessary
  • The durable water-repellent(DWR) will be reactivated after 20~30 minutes

(相關美國學校老虎系列 Other TAS tiger series products)