ACOTEX® Cut Mens Winter Sports Jacket 蜂巢格運動冬季外套
MbX 機能性運動服飾品牌以棒壘球服飾的概念,設計出此款 ACOTEX® Cut Mens Winter Sports Jacket 蜂巢格運動冬季外套。此款蜂巢格運動冬季外套外層材質採用大蜂巢格系列的 ACOTEX® Cut 防風防水布料,確保最全面性的防護效果,搭配內層絨質內裡,讓愛好運動的朋友們也能在冬天盡情舒適的運動。
This ACOTEX® Cut Mens Winter Sports Jacket is developed based on the concepts of baseball and softball apparel. With large honeycomb pattern, the outerlayer ACOTEX® Cut fabric is built to prevent wind and wetness getting inside of the jacket with the sense of the fashion look.
This ACOTEX® Cut Mens Winter Sports Jacket is developed based on the concepts of baseball and softball apparel. With large honeycomb pattern, the outerlayer ACOTEX® Cut fabric is built to prevent wind and wetness getting inside of the jacket with the sense of the fashion look.
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