銀盾 Vital Silver
ACOTEX® PTFE Men's Primaloft Jacket 男款個性直板外套
同時具有輕量、柔軟、保暖性高、壓縮性能強、快乾、拒水性高、透氣效能佳等多重功能。經過銀盾Vital Silver設計團隊獨特設計,外層採用 ACOTEX® PTFE 高度防水透濕布料,並可以與三層防水透濕風衣或二層防水透濕風衣做結合,裡應外合,防水度與保暖度雙重加倍的效能,搭配上實用的袖口、內袋和防水拉鍊設計,讓您寒冬中也能溫暖自在。
Combining lightweight, soft, rapid dry, waterproof, durable breathable and compressible. This ACOTEX® PTFE Men's Primaloft Jacket by Vital Silver are constructed with ACOTEX® PTFE for outer shell protection, it can easily insulate extra layers for more warmth. Enhanced waterproof and Primaloft insulation help wearers stay comfortable and warm any time of cool day.
Combining lightweight, soft, rapid dry, waterproof, durable breathable and compressible. This ACOTEX® PTFE Men's Primaloft Jacket by Vital Silver are constructed with ACOTEX® PTFE for outer shell protection, it can easily insulate extra layers for more warmth. Enhanced waterproof and Primaloft insulation help wearers stay comfortable and warm any time of cool day.
ACOTEX® PTFE Men's Primaloft Jacket 男款個性直板外套 定價:NT$15800
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