銀盾 Vital Silver
ACOTEX® PTFE Waterproof Wind Coat 冬季防水風衣
Vital Silver銀盾設計團隊特別針對台灣海島型氣候設計的風衣,解決因東北季風,陰雨綿綿、寒風刺骨,穿十件厚重衣服都穿不暖的痛苦感受!強打專業級 ACOTEX® PTFE 專業防水透氣布料,採用兩層貼膜、三層及兩層防水微孔透氣設計。ACOTEX® PTFE 冬季防水風衣,可拆式帽子設計、腰線修飾設計,加上持久防水、透氣、防風,給您最全面的貼心防護。
If you are looking for a wind coat that can handle the extreme windy weather. This ACOTEX® PTFE wind coat designed by Vital Silver is especially made for a windy day, with durably waterproof, windproof, and highly breathable, enabling you to experience more outdoors even in a windy cold weather. A removable snap-closure hood design increases versatility.
If you are looking for a wind coat that can handle the extreme windy weather. This ACOTEX® PTFE wind coat designed by Vital Silver is especially made for a windy day, with durably waterproof, windproof, and highly breathable, enabling you to experience more outdoors even in a windy cold weather. A removable snap-closure hood design increases versatility.
ACOTEX® PTFE Waterproof Wind Coat 冬季防水風衣 定價:NT$12800
ACOTEX® PTFE Waterproof Wind Coat 冬季防水風衣 定價:NT$12800
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