銀盾 Vital Silver
ACOTEX® PTFE Women's Military Style Jacket 女款軍裝保暖外套
Vital Silver設計團隊從裡到外,給您全面性功能的照顧,外層材質採用 ACOTEX® PTFE 機能性布料,保暖技術也採用美國陸軍特別研發的 PRIMALOFT 類羽絨中空保暖棉,它是羽絨纖維最佳的替代品,具有輕量、柔軟、保暖性高、壓縮性能強、快乾、拒水性高、透氣性好等多重功能。獨特設計可以與三層防水透濕風衣或二層防水透濕風衣做結合,裡應外合,防水度與保暖度雙重加倍的效能,讓您寒冬中也能暖呼呼。
選擇顏色:石榴紅 / 卡其
This Vital Silver spring/fall jacket is inspired by the urban military style and crafted with ACOTEX® PTFE fabric technology. It provides durable waterproof and windproof ability, combined with optimized long-lasting breathability to the jacket. Giving wearer the maximum protection and comfort.
Vital Silver設計團隊從裡到外,給您全面性功能的照顧,外層材質採用 ACOTEX® PTFE 機能性布料,保暖技術也採用美國陸軍特別研發的 PRIMALOFT 類羽絨中空保暖棉,它是羽絨纖維最佳的替代品,具有輕量、柔軟、保暖性高、壓縮性能強、快乾、拒水性高、透氣性好等多重功能。獨特設計可以與三層防水透濕風衣或二層防水透濕風衣做結合,裡應外合,防水度與保暖度雙重加倍的效能,讓您寒冬中也能暖呼呼。
選擇顏色:石榴紅 / 卡其
This Vital Silver spring/fall jacket is inspired by the urban military style and crafted with ACOTEX® PTFE fabric technology. It provides durable waterproof and windproof ability, combined with optimized long-lasting breathability to the jacket. Giving wearer the maximum protection and comfort.
ACOTEX® PTFE Women's Military Style Jacket 女款軍裝保暖外套 定價NT$13800
PRIMALOFT Technology |
ACOTEX® PTFE Women's Military Style Jacket 女款軍裝保暖外套 定價:$13800 |
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