ACOTEX® 防水透濕外套給您舒適保暖,陪您準備過年
最近天氣忽冷忽熱,隨身帶著一件 ACOTEX® 外套,讓您在寒風中抵禦流感,保持健康準備好過年。ACOTEX® 防水透濕布料外套能有效防止外在水分侵入同時將身體汗水蒸氣排出衣外。即使在潮濕的環境下活動,也能完全阻擋水分的滲透,又能讓衣著內的水氣排出,保持乾爽健康。
ACOTEX® Waterproof-Breathable Jackets Reverse to Keep You Warmer for Chinese New Year
ACOTEX® waterproof-breathable jackets prevent water from outside while moisture can pass through. Which makes the inside hotter and wetter than the outside and keep your body dry and warm. ACOTEX® waterproof-breathable jackets help you have a healthy Chinese New Year.