
PRADA環保尼龍材質與adidas首度聯名 | Prada joins hands with Adidas to weave together a sustainable future.


adidas 與 Prada 再度攜手,為雙方的合作展開全新篇章。迄今為止,兩大品牌在重新詮釋對方的品牌美學及致敬設計精髓下,成功創造一系列突破過往品牌合作模式的作品。此次,在兩個品牌追求永續時尚的理念與堅持創作的承諾下,Prada 將其無與倫比的工藝和 adidas 引領運動潮流的創新技術結合,以兩個品牌的標誌性經典:adidas Originals 的 Forum 鞋款和 Prada 的 Re-Nylon 再生尼龍為主角,推出第三波 adidas for Prada Re-Nylon Collection 聯名系列。

Prada Re-Nylon 再生尼龍有多環保?


Prada Re-Nylon 再生尼龍是 Prada 對環境保護的社會責任和永續時尚承諾的具體呈現。此次adidas for Prada Re-Nylon 的聯名新作代表了一個新的里程碑,也呼應 Prada 宣布於 2021 年底前將旗下所有的尼龍產品全數改以全新的再生尼龍取代,致力向時尚產業永續環保的目標前進。而adidas for Prada Re-Nylon Collection此系列每件單品都在義大利由 Prada 的職人製作而成,以細膩專業與前衛創新設計重新詮釋經典奢華的巔峰之作。

adidas for Prada Re-Nylon系列The Footwear 鞋款系列-FORUM

以Prada 的工藝美學重新設計adidas Originals 的傳奇經典 Forum 鞋款,融入 Prada 招牌的 Re-Nylon 再生尼龍材質,並透過對 adidas 深入的研究與探討,在精緻的工藝技術和運動風格中取得完美平衡。

鞋面以 Prada 的 Re-Nylon 再生尼龍面料在結構上重新升級,外觀上保留 Forum 鞋款的功能性和美學特徵,加上極具辨識度的可拆卸Prada 迷你小包配件,上面綴有標誌性琺瑯金屬三角 Logo。鞋側面的三線與鞋頭以奢華的皮革拼接覆蓋,突顯 Prada 舉世聞名的皮革製作工藝,展現優雅時尚與前衛顛覆並具風格。

adidas for Prada Re-Nylon系列服裝及配飾

adidas for Prada Re-Nylon系列的服裝及配飾回溯 Prada 的經典設計,以 Re-Nylon 面料及著名的 adidas 品牌標誌革新經典款式,推出 adidas for Prada Re-Nylon 運動大衣、運動套裝、上衣、連帽外套及漁夫帽。每款均展現時尚、創新及精巧本質,備有黑底白間或白底黑間的雙色設計,並飾有 Prada 經典搪瓷三角形標誌細節。

adidas for Prada Re-Nylon系列包款

adidas for Prada 系列推出六款精心製作的包款,既忠於 Prada 的設計理念,亦融會兩個品牌的基因。adidas for Prada Re-Nylon 系列的三款包,包括旅行袋、背包及購物袋,把 adidas 及 Prada 的品牌精髓凝鑄於雋永設計當中。小袋款式則設有側揹袋、連帽背包及腰包,把極致奢華與卓越功能兼容並蓄。每個款式皆飾有 adidas 經典 「Three Stripes」 三間細節及 Prada 金屬三角形標誌,為聯乘系列的注入活力。



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Prada joins hands with Adidas to weave together a sustainable future.

On January 13th, the two fashion powerhouses are set to launch a conscious collection that re-imagines adidas’s signature Original Forum High and Low silhouettes, as well as ready-to-wear and accessories, with Prada’s ECONYL that debuted as a part of the brand’s Re-Nylon initiative. 

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. To Prada, the treasure lies in the plastic waste, filling oceans up faster than these words are being typed up. In 2019, the heritage fashion house introduced its first innovative Re-Nylon collection that employed an infinitely-recyclable textile made out of fishing nets, discarded nylon, carpet and industrial waste. The fabric bears the name of ECONYl. According to its developers, every 100,000 tons of ECONYL produced help save 70,000 barrels of petroleum and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 61,500 tons. The fabric has been proven to possess the capacity for countless recycling – reflecting, directly, the brand’s commitment to highly-utilitarian elegance and, of course, a more sustainable planet. 

The Collection

Now, Prada employs the explosive nature of fashion collaborations to push the frontiers of sustainability even further, this time, by partnering with the original sportswear giant – adidas. The joint collection boasts the ambition to look at luxury through the eco-conscious prism. An array of ready-to-wear, accessories, bags and, naturally, adidas Forum High and Low shoes – all made from ECONYL – plumbs the new depths in the common perception of circular fashion. 

Into the Metaverse

The innovative spirits of the collection do not stop at sustainable fabrics. The two brands make their stance on radical inclusivity clear with a unique digital activation that will take place in – you guessed it – the metaverse. This initiative will invite the fans of the collection to explore the novel virtual space and collaborate through open-source creation. A milestone in its own right, Prada and adidas delving into the still-young metaverse marks increased interest in the phenomenon expressed by the luxury brands. Last year, the likes of Gucci, Balenciaga and Burberry have already started making use of the technology in the launches of their accessories and capsule collections.

Original Article: Prestige

