
能夠用手勢操作手機功能的智慧背包 Samsonite x Google | Google teams up with Samsonite to launch a Jacquard smart fabric-enabled backpack

能夠用手勢操作手機功能的智慧背包 Samsonite x Google

Google過去與Levi’s、YSL (Yves Saint Laurent)品牌合作,將特殊可水洗導電編織素材與布料結合,藉此對應觸控手勢的Jacquard項目,目前也應用在Samsonite新推出的Konnect-i智慧背包。



就先前消息指出,Google已經著手規劃下一代Jacquard技術,並且將加入更多功能,但暫時還不會加入語音互動功能,主要還是因為Jacquard技術原本就是以觸控手勢互動為設計,若是要對應Google Assistant功能的話,勢必要以功能串接方式使用,例如透過手勢啟用手機Google Assistant服務,再讓使用者透過聲控方式互動。


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Google teams up with Samsonite to launch a Jacquard smart fabric-enabled backpack

It has been over four years since Project Jacquard,  Google’s  smart fabric technology, made its debut at the I/O developer conference. Launched out of what was then Google’s ATAP unit, Jacquard is currently best known for being available on Levi’s jeans jackets, but Saint Laurent also launched its $1,000 Cit-e Backpack with built-in Jacquard technology. Today, Google is adding a fourth product to the Jacquard  lineup with the launch of the Samsonite Konnect-i backpacker, which, at $200 for the Slim version and $220 for the Standard edition, is a bit more friendly on the wallet than the Saint Laurent backpack.

Jacquard, in case you need a refresher, is Google’s  technology for adding touch sensitivity to fabrics. That means you can touch the sleeve of your jacket or, in this case, the strap of your backpack, to trigger a handful of functions on your phone. The whole system is powered by a small tag (which you charge via a mini-USB port). That tag can also relay notifications through its built-in LED and a small vibration motor.

The number of gestures — and what they can trigger — is relatively limited, especially since you can only really assign three gestures: brush up, brush down and double-tap. You can assign standard media controls to these (think brush up for “next song”), drop a pin to save a place, hear the current time, ping your phone, hear directions to your next waypoint or arrival time or trigger the Google Assistant. Gestures can also trigger your phone’s shutter to take a selfie and there’s a “light” function that lights up the Jacquard tag’s LED. Why this last function exists isn’t quite clear to me because that LED is weak. Google says it can help you get noticed in a crowd or stay visible at night, but unless you’re trying to be found in the darkest of caves, nobody will be able to see it.

As you can see, the main idea here is to let you access some of your phone’s functions while walking through the city with your headphones on.

It’s been about a year since Google and Levi’s launched the Jacquard-enabled trucker jacket. At the time, that was the launch of Jacquard 2.0, with a couple of additional features and a new dongle that now works across products. At the time, our review and those from our peers were pretty tepid. I’m not sure it’ll be all that different this time around.

I’ve tried out the backpack for the last few days. Like before, Jacquard does what it promises to do. The gesture recognition worked as expected. Alerts from my phone made the tag vibrate and the backpack itself is comfortable, if not the flashiest entry into the market. It’s a Samsonite,  though, and the target market here isn’t necessarily college students but business travelers (though that market is pretty dead for the time being).

The backpack itself comes in two versions: slim and standard. The only real difference here is that the slim version has a vertical zipper and the standard version a horizontal one. It features plenty of pockets, a padded laptop compartment and everything else you’d want from a modern backpack. I could easily see myself going on a business trip with it.

Like before, the question remains whether Jacquard is a gimmick or actually a useful technology. Thanks to the pandemic, most of us aren’t heading out as much as we used to — and we’re definitely not going on a lot of trips. Maybe it’s not the right product for this time, but I can see myself using it more than the jacket once all of this is over. Chances are I’ll use a backpack wherever I go, after all, whereas I don’t wear a jacket half the year.  The promise of Jacquard is to allow you to focus on the world around you, without the distractions of your phone. For that to work, it needs to be ubiquitous or you’ll just forget you ever had it. That works better on a backpack than a jacket — at least for me.

Whether that’s worth $200 to you is a decision you must make for yourself.

Original Article: TechCrunch

1 則留言:

  1. 哈佛精神病患林月2021年6月5日 晚上7:17

    22歲的艾姆郎‧納西姆成為了英國有史以來最年輕的天體物理學博士。圖為薩里大學的主校區Stag Hill。(Rwendland/維基百科)
    更新: 2021年05月27日 11:48 PM 人氣 2614
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    這位天之驕子叫艾姆郎‧納西姆(Imran Nasim),來自英國西薩塞克斯(West Sussex)郡的伯吉斯山(Burgess Hill)。在獲得數學和物理學一等榮譽雙學位後,他僅花了4年,又拿到了吉爾福德(Guidford)的薩里大學(University of Surrey)博士學位。



    納西姆真可謂天才少年。他在12歲時就開始學習大學預科課程,14歲時入讀開放大學(Open University)。他本打算一開始就從事醫學方面的研究,但是沒有哪所大學允許他在未滿18歲前使用實驗室,因此他轉而先攻讀天體物理學。

    納西姆對超大質量黑洞的博士研究論文,和美國航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA)科學家的研究成果一起,發表在了《紐約時報》(New York Times)上。





    「我在哈佛大學做3年博士後研究,主攻方向為易位性腎細胞癌(Translocation Renal Cell Carcinoma),這是一種侵略性腎癌。」














    責任編輯:韓玉 #
    標籤: 天體物理學 博士 家庭教育
