
運動緊身衣褲和塑身衣褲市場2022年將成長至55.76億美元 | Compression Wear and Shapewear Market is Expected to Touch a Value of $5,576 Million by 2022


位於美國的市場調查公司Allied Market Research公布新一期的「運動緊身衣褲和塑身衣褲市場預測」,到2022年時全球市場預計將高達到55.76億美元。且由於政府對於運動的政策和生活方式的改變,亞太地區的成長將更為明顯。




在北美市場中,美國占據了87%的最大市場比例。運動緊身衣褲的風格趨勢在美國不斷變化,女性更傾向於流行和時尚的造型。 運動緊身衣褲在美國的運動員和健身愛好者中非常受歡迎。在美國人中,穿著運動緊身衣和緊身褲以適應休閒和健身的人口已經很穩定。

美國市場中,由於男性對運動緊身衣的採用率較高,運動緊身衣市場由男性用戶主導。此外,大多數男性也喜歡在鍛煉和運動期間穿著緊身衣服,這進一步刺激了男性消費者群體的需求。預計女性消費族群將以更快的速度增長。此外,Nike,Under Armor等公司也開始通過推出新產品線和開設女性特定商店來瞄準女性緊身衣市場。


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VIRTUS Rocky Long Sleeve Shirt 男子長袖戰術緊身衣
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Compression Wear and Shapewear Market is Expected to Touch a Value of $5,576 Million by 2022

Compression Wear and Shapewear Market Report, published by Allied Market Research, forecasts that the global market is expected to garner $5,576 million by 2022. Asia-Pacific would witness the highest growth, owing to rise in government investments for promotion of sports and changing lifestyle of consumers.

Growth of the market is driven by rise in disposable income of consumers, advancements in the fabric technology & garment designs, rise in popularity of compression wear among the geriatric population, change in lifestyles of people, and increase in demand for compression wear arising from fitness industry. However, health issues such as blood clots, breathing problem, and acid reflux caused from tightly worn compression and shapewear, restrains the market growth. Product development and innovative marketing & promotion strategies are anticipated to provide lucrative business opportunities for the players in the future.

The compression wear segment dominated the overall market in 2015, accounting for over 70% of the market revenue, due to the widespread usage of various types of compression wear by professional athletes, and lifestyle users practicing recreational exercises. Growth of this segment is also due to the vast health benefits offered by these garments, such as improved performance, body temperature maintenance, reduced muscle fatigue, and injury prevention. A significant rise in number of lifestyle users in developing regions and rising trend of using compression wear as an athleisure wear, would contribute to the demand of compression wear in upcoming years.

Among various distribution channels, specialty retail stores segment held the highest revenue share of 62% in 2015, and is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the analysis period. Specialty retail stores constitute company owned outlets, which have extensive penetration in various geographies and sell wide product lines of compression wear and shapewear. However, online sales channels are expected to witness a high CAGR of 9%, owing to wide product availability on ecommerce websites and rising internet penetration in regions of Asia-Pacific and LAMEA.

Application wise, performance & recovery segment accounted for the maximum revenue share in 2015. This segment is also expected to register a higher CAGR of 6% during the forecast period, owing to extensive usage of compression wear to prevent injuries, improve blood circulation, and speed up recovery.

The report includes country wise analysis of all four regions. Countries analyzed under North America include United States, Canada and Mexico. Under Europe, market size and forecast has been provided for UK, Germany, France Italy, and Rest of Europe. Countries covered in the Asia-Pacific region include Japan, Australia, China, India, and Rest of Asia-Pacific. LAMEA includes Brazil, South Africa, and Rest of Latin America.

US accounted for the largest market share of around 87% in North American market. The style trends of shapewear are continuously changing in the US, with women being more inclined towards fashionable and stylish shapewears. Companies such as Ann Chery, have launched metallic corsets in order to address the changing demand of customers. Various other popular shapewear include waist cinchers, briefs, girdles, and corsets, manufactured by companies such as Spanx, Leonisa, Ann Chery and others. Compression wear have gained extreme popularity among athletes and gym goers in US. The country is witnessing popularity of compression wear such as bottoms and shirts. Athleisure trend of wearing compression shirts and tights for casual & body shaping purpose has risen among Americans.

The world compression wear and shapewear market is dominated by male users owing to higher adoption of compression wear among men. Moreover, majority of the men also prefer to wear compression garments during workout, further fueling the demand from the male consumer segment. The female consumer segment is expected to grow at a faster growth rate over the forecast period. Growing female interest in fitness and comfortable clothing, and rise in participation of women in sports activities are expected to supplement the growth of the female segment. Furthermore, companies such as Nike, UnderArmor and others have also started to target women segment by launching new product lines and by opening women specific stores.

Major Players: Nike Inc., Spanx Inc., Adidas AG, Triumph International Corporation, Leonisa SA, Wacoal America Inc., Ann Chery, 2XU Pty Ltd., Under Armour Inc., and Skins International Trading AG.

Original Article: Hitech New Daily





迷思1 衣服浸泡一個晚上再洗比較乾淨?
╳ 泡衣服的觀念沒錯,但並不表示泡越久,就能洗得越乾淨。如果浸泡方式錯誤,不但洗不乾淨,甚至會造成衣服染色。

○ 正確觀念:浸泡前先用顏色深淺分類,避免泡太久造成染色。另外要考慮洗劑的時效性,有些洗劑作用時間長,如果時間不足,反而會出現逆汙染。一般浸泡時間最多以4小時為佳。

迷思2 待洗衣服全部丟洗衣機,省時又簡單?
╳ 很多人喜歡把髒衣服堆在洗衣籃裡,等滿了再一起放洗衣機洗。但是這樣不僅會縮短衣服的使用期限,還會造成衣物之間細菌孳生、顏色相互汙染,脫落纖維摩擦打結。

○ 正確觀念:洗衣前區分顏色深淺,避免染色;衣服若有特別髒的部位,機洗前要先做預處理才能洗淨。另外,貼身衣物當天就要清洗完畢。

迷思3 貼身衣物和襪子也可以丟洗衣機?
╳ 現代人生活忙碌,有時貪圖方便就將貼身衣物和襪子一起丟進洗衣機。這樣做並不好,因為襪子很髒,尤其是小朋友的,因此不建議放洗衣機一起洗。

○ 正確觀念:可以把貼身衣物和襪子分兩次洗,但耗費時間和資源,較難做到。另一個方法。先用洗碗精水泡襪子2到3小時再一起洗,機洗時加雙氧水殺菌,就不用擔心細菌汙染。

迷思4 一次洗沒幾件衣服浪費水,等量夠多了再一起洗?
╳ 洗衣機是密閉空間,如果不斷放髒衣服進去,會讓汗漬、臭味越來越嚴重,除了增加清洗難度,也容易孳生細菌、發霉。

○ 正確觀念:細菌、黴菌在我們脫下衣物後就會開始產生,所以最好當日清洗完畢,不要累積。不過對多數人來說太難了,因此建議先把髒衣服放在鏤空、通風的洗衣籃或一般洗衣盆中。

迷思5 用熱水洗衣服,最能殺菌、去汙?
╳ 很多人以為水溫越高,就越能殺菌、去汙,不論手洗、機洗都用熱水洗滌,結果被燙到、得不償失。如果衣物沾有血跡等蛋白質類汙漬,用熱水反而會讓汙漬牢牢附著;棉質、羊絨品、壓克力纖維等材質遇到熱水則會縮水變形,甚至褪色。

○ 正確觀念:一般洗滌時,水溫最好控制在攝氏30~40度。除非衣物上沾有單寧類茶漬,才需要先用熱水做局部沖洗。

迷思6 洗衣劑要多倒一點,才能把衣服洗得更乾淨?
╳ 倒太多洗劑不但無法增強去汙力,還會殘留於衣物上。洗劑中的烷基苯類化合物容易刺激皮膚,過量時會造成過敏、婦科感染;而洗劑不夠則會讓髒汙再次汙染整筒衣物,產生「逆汙染」。

○ 正確觀念:一般洗劑和濃縮洗劑用量不同,請參考包裝說明,根據衣物多寡、質料決定使用量。若洗劑過量,衣服觸感會滑滑的,這表示洗劑中的「鹼」仍有殘留;此時可加少量白醋再洗一遍,中和一下酸鹼度。

迷思7 睡衣沒有穿出門,不用太常洗?
╳ 有人覺得睡衣只是穿著睡覺,洗完澡很乾淨又沒有流汗,應該不用太常洗。不過其實人體隨時都會不自覺排汗,所以睡衣並沒有想像中乾淨。太久沒洗也會有味道,只是因為自己習慣了才會沒有察覺。

○ 正確觀念:睡覺時的汗量比醒著時少,不需要天天清洗。但如果2個禮拜才洗一次,容易藏汙納垢,所以建議至少3~4 天就要洗一次比較好。

迷思8 衣服洗完後,一定要烘乾、曬太陽更殺菌?
╳ 為了讓衣服快點乾、有殺菌效果,通常會拿去烘乾、日曬。但如果想要保護衣服色料,就不建議這麼做。烘衣機會有讓衣服纖維受損的疑慮;而曬太陽則容易使衣物褪色。

迷思9 洗完衣服沒有立刻晾應該沒關係吧?
╳ 現在的人啟動洗衣機後,就會去做別的事,一忙就忘記了。等再打開洗衣機時,已經隔了好幾個小時,這樣衣服一定會發臭。最好是洗完後馬上晾起來。

○ 正確觀念:洗衣機內的濕度很適合細菌生存,如果洗完沒有馬上取出,細菌就會不斷孳長,讓衣物產生異味。建議洗完2小時內,一定要將衣服晾在通風處。萬一忘記,就再按照一般程序重洗一遍,否則無法清除臭味。


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