
Nike 創新推出 Flyknit 運動內衣 | Your New Favorite Sports Bra is Made From Nike's Fancy Flyknit

Nike 創新推出 Flyknit 運動內衣

自Nike在2012年發表 Flyknit(飛線編織)這項創新的鞋面製作科技後,不僅成為這五年來自家品牌的設計招牌,也引領著整個運動跑鞋界的趨勢,帶來全面性的影響。

如赤腳般服貼、透氣、輕盈,隨著精密的紗線織法為球鞋編織出無限可能,如今,這項高科技的 Flynit 技術不只會在雙腳上輕盈飛奔,更將改變女性機能運動服飾的版圖。

Nike 近期在官方 Instgram 上以 “The Bra That Changes Everything”(一件能改變一切的運動內衣)開頭介紹這款全新的 Fe/Nom Flyknit Bra,有別於以往多片剪裁的製作方式,這款 Flyknit Bra 能大幅降低裁片的使用量,減少浪費也更加環保。

Nike 的工程設計團隊更花了超過600小時研究,透過人體掃描統計出女性運動員的身體動態,以及體溫高低和易出汗部位等相關數據,使 Flyknit 科技能在運動內衣的支撐度和透氣性上發揮最大效用。

目前,最新的 Nike Fe/Nom Flyknit Bra 運動內衣可率先於 Nike 北美地區的官網上購得,而最新一季的 Nike Indy Logo Bra 已在台灣地區各大 Nike 門市上架。

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Your New Favorite Sports Bra is Made From Nike's Fancy Flyknit

TO DESIGN A sports bra is to design for a constantly moving target. Breasts rise and fall with every jump. Run forward and they arc like a figure eight. “Breast tissue movement goes in many ways,” says Nicole Rendone, a Nike designer who spends most of her time engineering bras to mitigate those movements. “The number of components that go into a high-support bra is immense.”
Nike’s high-support bras can include upwards of 40 parts—things like supportive straps, elastic underbands, and stabilizers hidden in the exterior fabric panels—all designed to create stability without squishing what's inside. Which is why Nike’s newest sports bra, the Fe/Nom, seems like an architectural anomaly. The whole thing consists of two pieces of fabric stitched together. The secret? It's made from Flyknit, the material best known for Nike’s kicks.

First introduced in 2012, Flyknit combines weaves of various tightness to create fabric that's simultaneously flexible and sturdy. On Nike's shoes, the weave is looser where the foot needs less support (near the toes) and tighter where it needs more (on the sides). The result is a fitted, unibody upper without extra stitching, and a shoe that feels more like a sock.
The Fe/Nom uses the same technique. It’s not unibody—the front and back are stitched together—but the bra functions like a single piece of fabric with six different weaving zones. The tightest stitch is reserved for the underband, which carries most of the load. The back of the bra uses a more open stitch to create more flexibility and ventilation. Each of the black lines on the bra represent a “lockdown” zone, where the knit is much tighter and more supportive, sort of like a fabric underwire.

In recent years, designers have explored how a sports bra should ideally look and feel. Some companies, like Lululemon, believe that sports bras should allow for some range of breast motion. Nike (and much of the research) takes the opposite tack, focusing on compression and encapsulation of each individual breast. “We definitely do not want breast tissue moving because when it's moving, it's stretching out,” Rendone says. “That means those ligaments are going through damage.” A knit fabric might seem like an unlikely material to keep that damage at bay, but Flyknit offers a surprising amount of support—and not in the I’ve-strapped-duct-tape-to-my-chest kind of way.

While the $80 Fe/Nom is Nike's first piece of apparel to use Flyknit technology, it likely won't be the last. Flyknit is a brand in its own right, and it’s safe to assume Nike will explore how the material could create new products in the future. For now, though, a super soft bra that hugs your chest without squeezing it? Not a bad place to start.

Original Article: WIRED

