
源自台灣的精湛工藝 ACOTEX打造屬於您的運動服飾 | 專業運動成衣廠


源自台灣的精湛工藝  ACOTEX成衣為您打造屬於您的運動服飾



ACOTEX董事長Kenny Chiu,將新一代的運動成衣製造視之為打開設計視野的一扇窗。「與眾不同,絕對是成衣產業的核心!」從他過去接觸布料、成衣製造的經驗,他推崇台灣成衣製造之所以能繼續毅力不搖,絕對需要新一代的成衣製造文化來支撐。



ACOTEX運動成衣廠 小檔案



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MY'ELSE activewear collection 女性運動時尚系列
Kryptek Arm Sleeves 蟒紋迷彩手袖(袖套)
ACO-DRY® AK Pro Sleeveless Training Shirt 伸縮無袖運動緊身衣 [Garmin Limited Edition限量款]
MbX Compression Training Shirt 機能運動緊身衣 [Garmin限量款]


人造蜘蛛絲首個商業化產品誕生,這條領帶售價314美元 | This $314 Tie is Made With Spider’s Silk



日前,一家名為Bolt Threads的公司,在德克薩斯州奧斯汀的西南偏南(South by Southwest,SXSW)上發布了這款蜘蛛絲領帶,是首個商業化的蛛絲產品。 Bolt的首席科學家David Breslauer聲稱,蛛絲製品的推出,表明蜘蛛絲纖維和紡織品已具備了大規模生產的條件。

想買的朋友不要心急,目前蛛絲領帶還沒有進入商場銷售。該公司僅在其網站上限量放出50條。 Breslauer說,領帶只是一個展示品,Bolt將很快發布更多新產品,但他拒絕透露任何細節。


Bolt Threads公司人工合成蜘蛛絲過程


不過,也有失敗的例子。去年五月,日本的Spiber公司曾宣布,要開始在日本的NorthFace店銷售標價1,000美元的蜘蛛絲大衣,這在當時曾引起不小轟動。但到9月底,Spiber推遲了產品發布,理由是“需要改進生產工藝,以提高產品質量的穩定性”。 Spiber的一位代表通過電子郵件告訴外界,公司還在繼續學習製造過程,產品的具體發佈時間不能確定。
美國塔夫茨大學的研究員菲奧倫佐·奧梅內托(Fiorenzo Omenetto)評價說,Bolt的領帶作為“實驗室合成天然材料的有形示範”具有非常重要的意義,這標誌著生物製造紡織品及其他材料的時代已經到來。

Breslauer說他已越來越意識到合成蜘蛛絲的重要性。 “蜘蛛絲的魅力促使我想去製作一些材料,例如防彈背心用的纖維。”他說,“Bolt製作領帶用的絲還不算是超級纖維,顯然,超級纖維目前來說更難製造。”


但也不能說類似人造蛛絲的東西沒有用處。 Breslauer聲稱,一旦Bolt實現更大規模生產,他們將對絲蛋白進行改造,使其更容易吸附染料,這將大大降低處理過程的耗水量。並且還可能生產像醫療植入物一樣可生物降解的蛛絲服裝。


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This $314 Tie is Made With Spider’s Silk

Although it sounds like a sci-fi dream wrapped in an Onion article, Bolt Threads—a San Francisco-based startup that wants to disrupt the retail industry by mass-producing spider silk—is very much a real thing.

Real enough, in fact, that it not only convinced high-profile funds including Formation 8 and Founders Fund to invest more than $90 million, it also just unveiled its first product: a spider silk tie made from genetically modified yeast fermented in tanks.

Priced at $314, as TechCrunch reports, it doesn't come cheap. That said, the price tag includes the tie itself plus some built-in conversation starters. In addition to the aforementioned tanks of yeast, the tie is a good vehicle for casually referencing scientists’ previous failed attempts at mass producing spider silk (a valuable material that is tougher than regular silk and can be machine washed.)

For example, it allows you to say things like:

“Did you know that a spider silk farm in Madagascar was able to produce 80 feet of silk despite the fact that the spiders started eating each other?”

Or, “It’s too bad those Canadian scientists who genetically mutated goats to produce spider silk proteins in their udders didn’t realize the production process would be so costly.”

For those thinking, ‘Great, sounds like a fair trade-off, I’m going to SXSW and need some help with the small talk, where can I order one?’ — if only life worked like that. While the tie is being unveiled at Austin festival, the company has only produced 50 of them so you need to enter a lottery to “win” the opportunity to buy one.

Silly marketing stunts aside, Bolt Threads' ambitions are more serious. Ultimately, it wants to use the DNA of spiders and other organisms to synthesize high-performance materials. To this end, it secured a deal with Patagonia to help develop new fabrics for the outdoor gear retailers. Spider silks’ properties, which include incredible strength, durability, flexibility, and the ability to conduct heat, make more sense for athletic gear or winter jackets than they do for ties.

Original Article: FORTUNE


Google X Levi's聯名智慧牛仔衣確定秋天上市 | Google and Levi’s $350 smart jacket lets you control your phone with your sleeve

Google X Levi's聯名智慧牛仔衣

Google X Levi's聯名智慧牛仔衣確定秋天上市


事實上,Google早在2016年的I/O Conference中,就宣佈將與Levi's合作,以Project Jacquard為名,開發一件能控制到智慧手機的「智慧牛仔衣」,並在2017年面世。果然Google與Levi's沒有食言,稍早宣佈這件智慧牛仔衣將在今年秋天上市,並且有完整的男、女裝剪裁,每件定價350美元(約台幣10842元),和其設計原型Levi's Commuter Truck Jacket的定價148美元(約台幣4584元)相比,貴了一倍不止。



Google著手開發高科技「觸碰型布料」| Google developing smart fabrics
Google 讓你運動流汗也是香的!| Google wants you to SMELL nicer
谷歌攜手Levi's 打造智慧服飾 智慧生活近在眼前 | Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants
「單車族神器」前Google工程師發明的穿戴裝置 - LED方向燈手套 | ZACKEES TURN-SIGNAL GLOVE

Google and Levi’s $350 smart jacket lets you control your phone with your sleeve

Wearable technology is set for its most literal incarnation with a new partnership between Google and clothing line Levi's.

From this fall, technology lovers will quite literally be able to wear their hearts on their sleeves, donning a new smart jacket which allows them to control their mobile device at the swipe of a cuff.

Users will be able to skip songs, use Google maps and make phone calls by brushing their sleeve.

The denim jacket, which will retail at $350, is the first of its kind and makes use of 'Project Jacquard' technology, which has been under development by Google since 2015.

The technology combines thin, metallic alloys with natural and synthetic yarns to create touch-sensitive interactive fabrics.

These conductive yarns can then be connected to a tiny circuit, no larger than a button, creating data which can be wirelessly transmitted to mobile phones and other electronic devices.

The smart fibres are washable and the button circuit has a two-day battery life.

According to the Project Jacquard website, the technology can be incorporated into a variety of fabrics, suggesting further wearable technologies could be on the horizon should the smart jacket be well-received by consumers.

"Jacquard is a blank canvas for the fashion industry. Designers can use it as they would any fabric, adding new layers of functionality to their designs, without having to learn about electronics.

"Developers will be able to connect existing apps and services to Jacquard-enabled clothes and create new features specifically for the platform."

Original Article: CNBC


乾洗衣物自己來 專家說其實很簡單

乾洗衣物自己來 專家說其實很簡單








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