亨斯邁紡織染化公司(Huntsman Textile Effects)與色彩專家Pantone合作,為紡織品開發210種新的染料配方。
新配方基於亨斯邁Avitera SE活性染料的範圍,延伸Pantone時尚、家居及室內裝飾紡織品色彩系統。
亨斯邁市場策略及規劃副總裁Jay Naidu表示:「對環境及經濟的永續發展需要劇烈改變全球紡織業,並呼籲積極的新解決方案,例如Avitera SE染料」。「隨著與Pantone合作,我們正在協助工廠滿足全球頂級成衣及家用時尚品牌對品質及性能的要求,同時達到具有成本效益的生產及更為潔淨的供應鏈」。
Pantone時尚、家居及室內裝飾行銷部門全球總監Mitchell Cole表示:「在紡織業中,能夠準確一致地重現世界各地生產所需要的顏色是必需的」。「品牌商及工廠需要先進的、環境友善型的色彩解決方案,以輕鬆、經濟高效地在今日的生產環境中重製。結合Pantone及亨斯邁的專業知識,我們正在協助紡織業面對多重挑戰」。
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Huntsman Textile Effects Launches 210 New Color Formulations With Pantone
SINGAPORE — August 18, 2015 — Huntsman Textile Effects today introduced 210 new dye formulations for textiles with color development from Pantone. The collaboration between the global leader in textile dyes and the worldwide authority on color aims to help the textile industry efficiently produce eco-friendly fashion, home furnishings and interior design products.
The new dye formulations extend the PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS Textile Color System® and deliver exceptional color accuracy, production efficiency and product performance. Based on Huntsman Textile Effects’ award-winning groundbreaking range of AVITERA® SE reactive dyes, the new formulations enable designers and brands to select on-trend colors that meet their performance specifications and environmental responsibilities.
Using this color system, designers, brands and mills can speed the time from inspiration to production while consistently delivering high-quality products to achieve the highest level of light-, wet- and chlorine-fastness. Textiles dyed with these new formulations also conform to the most stringent international industry standards and are free of para-chloro-aniline (PCA) and other regulated chemicals.
The 210 dye formulations launched by Huntsman Textile Effects today addresses evolving consumers’ tastes and significant market needs. These include shades with pale, medium, dark, intense dark and brilliant shades, and even deep black.
The poly-reactive AVITERA SE dyes ensure accurate dyeing and rapid and very high exhaustion rate for cotton and other cellulosic fibers and their blends. They help mills enhance Right-First-Time performance and improve productivity by 25 percent or more. At the same time, they provide a significantly better environmental footprint than any conventional dyeing and washing-off process or current best available technology. With AVITERA SE dyes, water and energy consumption along with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can be reduced by half.
Source: Huntsman Textile Effects