運動大廠總是積極的贊助明星球員、球隊、聯賽,透過運動賽事的曝光度來打響自己的品牌,而其中最凱的贊助商是哪家呢,答案是美國運動大廠 Nike,自 2002 年以來贊助金額高達 80 億美元,約相當於新台幣 2,475 億元,而 2014 年 5 月到 2015 年 5 月 1 年內,就砸下了 10 億美元贊助金,贊助總額年成長速度 10%,還比營收成長速度略高,Nike 真可說是最「凱」的贊助商。Nike 贊助策略的成功可說以麥可‧喬丹為代表,其他知名球星還包括雷霸龍‧詹姆士(LeBron James)、網球界兩位前球王──瑞士的費德勒(Roger Federer)與西班牙的納達爾(Rafael Nadal)、現任球后小威廉斯(Serena Williams)與前球后莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova);高爾夫球界有老虎伍茲、足球界有剛奪下三冠驚人戰績的巴塞隆納隊,大手筆贊助一流運動員、球隊與運動賽事,可說深植於 Nike 的品牌基因之中,但也因此給 Nike 帶來意想不到的麻煩。
國際足球總會 FIFA 遭美國大舉調查,陷入貪污舞弊風暴,Nike 也捲入其中,遭懷疑為了取得巴西世界盃的巴西隊隊服贊助商資格,而涉嫌賄賂巴西足協高層,Nike 對此只能表示配合調查,這對 Nike 可說是雪上加霜,當初在巴西世界盃中巴西隊遭德國隊淘汰,最後冠亞軍兩隊竟然都是愛迪達(Adidas)贊助隊伍,讓 Nike 顏面無光,更讓巴西隊球衣提前打折銷售,現在又面臨調查,真是啞巴吃黃連。
除了老對手愛迪達,新興運動品牌 Under Armour 也積極爭搶贊助合約,NBA 總決賽中,雷霸龍與史蒂芬‧柯里(Stephen Curry)的對決,也成為 Nike 與 Under Armour 的對決,柯里原本是 Nike 贊助球星,2013 年遭到 Under Armour 橫刀奪愛。
Under Armour 緊追在後
雙方對決不只在球場,也在金融市場上比拚,然而以總營業額來說,Nike 仍遠勝過 Under Armour,Nike 最近一季營收 75 億美元,市值 880 億美元,Under Armour 季營收 8.05 億美元,市值 170 億美元,可說小巫見大巫,但 Under Armour 的成長力道不容小覷,Nike 季營收成長 13%,Under Armour 則為 25%,Nike 股價於 2015 年至 6 月初漲了 7%,Under Armour 漲了16%,市場預期 Under Armour 2015 年獲利將成長 23%,超過 Nike 一倍,市場給予 Under Armour 的本益比也較高,相對於 2016 年的預估獲利達 54 倍,相對之下 Nike 只有 26 倍。
在 2015 年法國網球公開賽中,Nike 也不甚順利,費德勒與納達爾雙雙提前遭到淘汰,幸好女子部分 Nike 壟斷決賽,小威廉斯與對手莎法洛娃(Lucie Šafářová)均為 Nike 贊助,為 Nike 扳回顏面。Nike 可慶幸的是兩大對手表現更糟,原本為愛迪達贊助球員,現在轉投 Under Amour 的蘇格蘭選手安迪·莫瑞(Andy Murray),在四強賽遭球王喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)擊敗而無緣決賽,愛迪達贊助球員中戰績最佳的法國選手宗加(Jo-Wilfried Tsonga)也同樣止步四強。
雖然 Nike 在 NBA 仍維持一貫的「投資精準度」,押中參與決賽的雷霸龍,但 NBA 決賽中雷霸龍大戰柯里,對 Nike 來說其實是吃悶虧,因為 Under Armour 是小品牌,柯里能大為提升其曝光度,反而雷霸龍對已經家大業大的 Nike 加分有限,只能維持舊有品牌知名度而已。為了避免這種狀況再度發生,Nike 勢必要投入更多贊助經費,阻止 Under Armour 搶下球星贊助權,未來「凱」的程度恐怕只會有增無減了。
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How Nike became king of endorsements
No company in the world spends as much money on sports sponsorships as Nike, which has spent a staggering total of $8 billion since 2002 alone, according to a CNNMoney analysis.Now its status as such a big spender has helped draw Nike into the unprecedented bribery scandal engulfing FIFA, the body that oversees soccer's World Cup.
Nike isn't named in any of the indictments. But court filings do say that at least one individual who pleaded guilty to the scandal used money from an unnamed sportswear company to bribe FIFA officials. That sportswear company got the sponsorship deal with the Brazilian national soccer team in 1996. That's the year Nike signed its first contract with Brazil.
The indictments don't accuse the unnamed sportswear company with making any bribes itself, a fact that Nike points out when asked about the deal and FIFA indictments. And Nike has made no disclosure to the SEC that it or any employee is under investigation, which it would be required to do if that were the case.
Perhaps something like this is bound to happen to a company that sponsors such a wide variety of entities all over the world.
Nike spent nearly $1 billion on endorsements in the 12 months that ended in May, according to filings. And spending for the next year will probably surpass $1 billion. Nike's endorsement spending generally increases by more than 10% a year, slightly faster than the company's sales have grown.
"For as long as Nike been around, the face of the organization has been these high profile athletes. It's part of their DNA," said David Carter, executive director of USC's Sports Business Group.
Lots of money went to superstar athletes such as LeBron James, Tiger Woods and of course Michael Jordan. But Nike also spends a lot on teams, leagues and college athletic programs.
Nike (NKE) does not break down how much of its endorsement dollars go to individuals, teams or leagues.
Carter said the spending will probably rise as Nike is increasingly forced to compete for the best sponsorship deals with companies like Adidas (ADDDF) and Under Armour (UA).
Carter expects that Nike's spending juggernaut won't miss a beat even amid the FIFA probe, adding that it would surprise him if Nike was knowingly making bribes, "It's not a company that needs to take that kind of risk," he said. "Why would they risk the integrity of the entire company over something so relatively minor in terms of their overall endorsement and marketing spending."
Original Article: CNN Money