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Victoria’s Secret Incredible smart sports bra will track your heart rate

Smart sports gadgets specifically for women are far too rare so Victoria's Secret has come up with its Incredible sports bra to track heart rate.

The Incredible bra features a chest placed heart rate monitor built-in. These chest placed monitors have been around for years, usually packaged with sports watches, and are now highly accurate. As a result the bra can be used to monitor during running, boxing and other high-impact workouts.

At its most basic level the sports bra is still high tech as it's made from a Body-Wick fabric which keeps the wearer cool and dry during workouts. Clothing+ is the Finnish fabric maker behind both the materials and the sensor technology built-into the bra.

The Incredible by Victoria’s Secret Heart-Rate Monitor Compatible Sport Bra, as it's called, will cost $75 which is about £48.

The future of wearable technology is likely to come built into clothing rather than just in the wrist worn bands that are currently popular. According to a Gartner report: "Smartshirts and other smartgarments can hold more sensors closer to the skin, they can collect more information and produce better data, like the full wave of the heart beat rather than just the pulse." So expect to start buying smarter clothes in the very near future.

Source: Pocket-lint

