
ACOTEX 獲評選為2014服裝類年度產品 | ACOTEX Has Been Selected as 2014 Product of the Year

ACOTEX receives 2014 Product of the Year Award from Nanjing Asia Outdoor

ACOTEX 憑藉著對產品開發的用心與生產線品質的堅持,提供給客戶品質與創意相呼應的產品。我們用心了解每個市場的獨特性,協助各品牌客戶達成其所設定的目標與理想。

In the official handbook magazine of Nanjing Asia Outdoor announced that 3 functional products from ACOTEX have been selected as 2014 Product of the Year. ACOTEX was recognized as an example of outstanding innovation in Fabric and Garment industry.

以下為入選產品 Below are the product details:

男款ACO-DRY® Cool涼感吸濕排汗短袖(淺灰)
ACO-DRY® AK Pro Men’s Polo (ACO751)

ACO-DRY® Cool 涼感布料是歷經四年不斷研究的開發成果,屬於極快速吸濕排汗涼感布料類的革命新產品。利用人體因溫度升高時會開始產生水蒸氣的原理,啟動 ACO-DRY® Cool 涼感布料中的涼感因子。ACO-DRY® Cool 纖維經過高科技化學改質作用,於表層嵌入佈滿了涼感因子,透過吸收濕氣時的物理變化,啟動超涼感效果。

ACO-DRY® Cool is the culmination of a four-year development effort in ACO-DRY® Skin Series Advanced Technology Fabric project. The basis of the technology is to use the sweat (moisture) our bodies produce during exercise or in a extreme heat environment to cool the fabric. The super-absorbent technology is embedded on the surface of ACO-DRY® Cool fabric fiber that can absorb moisture 300% quicker than normal fabric.

- 涼感舒適效果
- 快速吸濕排汗 (吸水速度<2秒)
- 抗紫外線功能
- 長效型功能

男款ACO-DRY® AK Pro吸濕排汗Polo衫(鐵灰)
ACO-DRY® AK Pro Men’s Polo (ACO751)

採用ACO-DRY® AK Pro新一代菱形格革命性吸濕排汗科技布料,獨特的聚酯布料處理工藝技術,將纖維的表面經過化學改質而增加溝槽,表面積也較一般圓形纖維多。因為纖維表面積較大,與溼氣接觸的面積也較大,纖維在吸附濕氣的機會增加,使肌膚長保乾爽。吸濕排汗和快乾效果更是比一般纖維增加三倍到四倍的效果。

With revolutionary advanced polyester, ACO-DRY® AK Pro uses a process called electrochemical transport, which chemically modifies the fibers with which it is made. This change in the fibers can not be obstructed when the fabric is washed. So ACO-DRY® AK Pro is a patented process applied to fiber, yarn, or fabrics of 100% polyester. It creates a high performance fabric for the everyday athlete to help manage the temperature of the body by handling the sweat.

- 涼爽舒適效果
- 快速吸濕排汗 (吸水速度<2秒)
- 快乾效果
- 彈性舒適
- 抗紫外線功能
- 長效型功能

ACOTEX® Women’s Outdoor Jacket(ACO719)


ACOTEX® Women's Outdoor Jacket is one of the best designed shells for big mountain enthusiasts. Designed for a wide range of outdoor activities, this 3-Layer waterproof and breathable ACOTEX® Max class jacket is guaranteed to keep you dry and comfortable even in extremely wet weather.

- 高防水透濕3層布料
- 防水度 15,000mm
- 透濕度 15,000g/m2/24hrs
- 撥水效果
- 內層Tri-Cot Brush處理

