
Happy New Year 新年快樂

新年快樂,Acotex 祝大家度過個美好的2013。

Happy New Year! Acotex Wishes You a Wonderful Coming Year.

ACOTEX® 布料驗證技術 | ACOTEX® Taiwanese Fabric Technology

ACOTEX® Taiwan 布料驗證技術 - 值得您信賴的布料品牌

ACOTEX® Taiwanese Fabric Technology - A Fabric Brand You Can Trust.


布料的潑水效果 | What is Water Repellent?





※ 疏水性指的是分子與水會互相排斥的物理性質。

相關產品新聞: 澳洲防水T恤,再也不怕飲料打翻


在經過「潑水效果加工」處理之後,布料的潑水效果卻並非永久,其效果會因所使用的「潑水劑」品質而有所不一。使用一般的潑水劑的衣物,在經過幾次洗滌之後(約2~3次),其潑水效果即可能會降到微乎其微,或完全消失。但若使用的是「耐久性」的潑水劑加工處理即所謂的 DWR(Durable Water Repellent),衣物的潑水效果便可禁得住更多的洗滌次數(可達20次,甚至40次)。世界知名的美國杜邦 TEFLON® 防污保護即是耐久型的氟素化學品處理,不但具有潑水效果,還兼具潑油的效果。以下為TEFLON®紡織潑水劑的產品列表:

加工種類 產品名稱 適合布種 功用 / 備註
潑水潑油處理; TEFLON® Repel 吊牌
潑水潑油處理; TEFLON® Repel 吊牌
低溫潑水潑油加工; TEFLON®吊牌
易去污處理; TEFLON® Release 吊牌
易去污處理; TEFLON® Release吊牌
TEFLON® Ultra Release 吊牌
TEFLON® Advanced Dual Action吊牌






目前台灣業界技術,初始潑水度可達100分,水洗100次後80分以上(測試方法為AATCC第22號測試法)。如以光學接觸角(Optical Contact Angle)測蓮葉(Lotus leaf)之接觸角為135°,一般潑水效果加工為130°,一般奈米超潑水效果加工,接觸角可達140°,如以特殊奈米技術作特殊機能性面料改質國外的技術,其接觸角甚至可達150°。

※ 潑水度等級為美國紡織化學師與印染師協會(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists,AATCC)訂定之標準。
※ 本標準規定潑水紡織品之評定及試驗法,適用於經潑水加工處理之紡織品;但不適用於測定其抗水滲透性。

防潑水判定分級 Performance specification:

等級 Grade
判定 Classification
100(ISO 5)
優 Excellent
90(ISO 4)
好 Very Good
80(ISO 3)
可 Good
70(ISO 2)
50(ISO 1)

Water Repellent Fabrics:

Water repellent(or DWR - durable water repellent) is a coating added to fabrics at the factory to make them water-resistant (or hydrophobic). Most factory-applied treatments are fluoropolymer based.[1] Durable water repellents are commonly used in conjunction with waterproof breathable fabrics such as Gore-Tex to prevent the outer layer of fabric from becoming saturated with water. This saturation, called 'wetting out,' can reduce the garment's breathability (moisture transport through the breathable membrane) and let water through. As the DWR wears off over time, re-treatment is recommended when necessary. Many spray-on and wash-in products for treatment of non-waterproof garments and re-treatment of proofed garments losing their water-repellency are available from sources of sporting apparel. Sprays are made by Grangers, Nikwax, McNett, Trek7, and others.

Older methods for factory application of DWR treatments involve applying a solution of a chemical onto the surface of the fabric by spraying or dipping. More recently the chemistry is applied in the vapor phase using Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) machinery. The advantages of CVD include: (1) It eliminates the use of hazardous and environmentally harmful solvents in the application process; (2) The process requires less chemical; (3) the waterproof layer is extremely thin and has less effect on the natural look and feel of the fabric. Later advances have eliminated perfluorinated acids, considered to be potentially hazardous to human health by the US Environmental Protection Agency,[2] from the application process.[citation needed]

Re-treating garments

Durable water-repellent finishes tend to wear off over time, and fabrics need to be re-treated to maintain water-repellency. Washing the garment first helps any DWR that remains to work better; a subsequent treatment with a 'spray-on' or 'soak-in' treatment will improve water-repellency.

The difference between waterproof and water repellent

Misunderstanding of the term water repellent can lead to disappointment when testing out a product, as you can find your feet or other parts become wet. For example, if a fabric or product is classified as 'repellent' this means it will repel water but is not impervious to it, or put in another way, there is a level of water pressure it can withstand before leaks start to appear. This is not seen as a disadvantage as the materials used will readily allow air to pass through removing the hot microclimate next to the foot, providing comfort and restricting sweating and discomfort.

Similarly to waterproof products there are criteria that fabrics and textiles have to undergo in order to test their repellency and protection levels and thus be given an overall rating. The Bundesmann test is one way of measuring this.

Test method for fabric repellency

Water repellent fabrics are processed with water repellent additives, so that water form droplet and stay on fabric surface but do not spread on fabric surface or penetrate the fabric – a phenomenon known as “the lotus effect.” The efficiency of water repellency is graded in 5 ratings. A standard test is usually performed after five home launderings with water at 40℃. To qualify as water repellent, the fabric must perform to at least rating 4 (ISO), in other words, 90 or better efficiency (AATCC). Further tests for the durability of water repellency may be performed after 20, 50 or 100 launderings at similar temperatures. Water Repellent Textiles are well-suited to the face fabrics of windbreakers or other outerwear as well as umbrella fabrics, furnishing fabrics…etc.

With current technology in Taiwan, the initial water repellency of Water Repellent Textiles reaches 100 ; having undergone 100 launderings, their water repellency still reaches 80 or above. The test method employed is AATCC 22. The Optical Contact Angle of lotus leaf is 135°; fabrics processed by regular water repellent treatments can have an Optical Contact Angle up to 130°; fabrics processed by regular “nano super water repellent” treatments can have an Optical Contact Angle up to 140°. However, if we utilize a unique nanotechnology for functional textiles to modify the surface texture of fabrics, we will be able to impart an Optical Contact Angle up to 150° to the fabrics and surpass the technical level of most foreign countries as far as water repellency is concerned.

編排整理 Edited: ACOTEX Fabric Talks 布料指南
部分資訊來源 Info Source: 台灣機能性紡織品、全球紡織資訊網、創馨貿易


ACOTEX® Extreme

ACOTEX® Extreme

ACOTEX® Extreme 擁有最高水準的持久性防水、防風、透氣表現,特別針對最嚴峻的戶外活動而設計,給您最周詳的保護。適合專業極地探險及熱愛戶外活動的人士,如身處零下、長途馬拉松賽跑,或需要數天的極地考察團。ACOTEX® Extreme 產品給予這些專業運動員最舒適、透氣、持久防水防風的保護,並在最艱難惡劣的環境仍能維持高水準的功能和表現,幫助他們邁向巔峰。一件高機能的外套可能是發揮完美表現的關鍵。

The most abrasion resistance, most breathable and most waterproof fabric, ACOTEX® Extreme are built for extreme and extended outdoor activities garments. Ideal for skiing, snowboarding, fishing, watersports, hunting, climbing, motorcycling, mountaineering, 3-Layer ACOTEX® Extreme products meet all the demands of professional outdoor activities and serious enthusiasts. With 2-Layer, 2.5-Layer and 3-Layer construction options, a special high performance membrane, bonded together to a tough outer material, resulting an extremely rugged and durable laminate that provides longer life under extreme, tough conditions.



ACOTEX® Pro 布料不但具有持久防水、透氣功能,同時增加了柔軟度和靈活度。不論是滑雪、登山、攀岩或探險,當需要進行敏捷迅速的活動時,ACOTEX® Pro 產品不會有厚重材質束縛的阻礙,大大提升了穿著者的靈活度,可以將表現發揮到最好。當您準備要激發出最佳的表現時,拋開那笨重的外套,帶上一件 ACOTEX® Pro 讓您超越巔峰,創造佳績。

ACOTEX® Pro is developed to be expandable and suitable for activities which stretch and flexibility are needed the most. ACOTEX® Pro products maximize protection against all the worst weather conditions and delivers abrasion resistance, comfort and stretch for wearers to enhance outdoor activities experiences.



ACOTEX® Lite 極輕巧及易於攜帶的布料,讓您無須再為了空間的不足而傷腦筋。ACOTEX® Lite 布料就如同羽毛般輕巧且容易壓縮,減輕了約15%的重量,並增加了30%的可壓縮性,讓您能更方便收納於小空間。ACOTEX® Lite 保護層表面採用了防油污薄膜保護層,所以可以不另加內裡布,2-layer的設計因而減輕重量,令衣服更加小巧輕盈,同時兼具其防水及防風的特性。相比其他 ACOTEX® 系列的產品更容易攜帶,在需要減輕背包重量及空間的活動時發揮最大的用途。

ACOTEX® Lite shells are especially lighter shells and smaller to pack away. ACOTEX® Lite products are designed for activities when weight and space are critical, but protection and comfort are still important. ACOTEX® Lite shells use an innovative membrane with a protective layer made of an oil-hating substance. So no separate lining is required. This makes ACOTEX® Lite products approximately 15% lighter and 30% more compressible. The lightest and most packable outerwear, still providing durably waterproof with breathable and windproof protection.